7/03/2024 - 7/16/2024
Prioritized DAC, improved dev tooling, and fixing bugs
- #1621 — As a TDP user, I'd like to see a descriptive error message page if authentication source is unavailable
- #2687 — As sys admin, I need the Access Request emails to admins to resume
- #2792 — [Error Audit] Category 3 error messages clean-up
- #3027 — [Bug] Investigate codecov failure in build-and-test workflow
- #3004 — Implement (small) data lifecycle (backup/archive ES)
Successful deployments across environments and pipeline stability investments
- #1620 — [SPIKE] As tech lead, I need to know the real-time branches deployed in Cloud.gov spaces
Support reviews, Django Admin Experience epic research, email template delivery
- #2910 — Django Admin Experience Improvements Research Session
- #3057 — [Design Deliverable] Spec for light-lift fiscal quarter / calendar quarter explainer in TDP
- #3058 (stretch) — [Design Deliverable] Release notes email template
- #2968 (stretch pending Cat 3 completion) — Update Error Audit for Cat 4 / QA
- #2693 [Error Audit] Category 2 error messages clean-up
- #3025 As an STT user, I need an accurate error report when I space-fill
- #2857 Upgrade Postgres DB from version 12 to version 15
- #2950 As tech lead, I need the STT filter for search_indexes to be updated
- #3002 [BUG] Django admin filter not working properly
- #3027 Bug - investigate codecov failure in build-and-test workflow
- #3017 Spike - As an STT user I need better guidance on selecting the appropriate fiscal period to submit my quarterly files
- #3022 Spike - Continue Zap Sleep Investigation
- #2473 As a data analyst I want to be notified of approaching data deadlines
- #2687 As sys admin, I need the Access Request emails to admins to resume
- #2801 Friendly name cleanup
- #1620 [SPIKE] As tech lead, I need to know the real-time branches deployed in Cloud.gov spaces
- #3058 [Design Deliverable] Release notes email template
- #2985 [Design Deliverable] Email spec for Admin Notification for stuck files
- #2883 Pre-Made Reporting Dashboards on Kibana
- #3004 Implement (small) data lifecycle (backup/archive ES)
- #3016 Spike - Cat2 Validator Improvement
- approved during sprint 103, but included in the sprint 102 release
In Progress
- #3059 Bug: file stuck in pending state when DOB or SSN field is space-filled
- #3055 Service timeout blocks parsing completion
- #2792 [Error Audit] Category 3 error messages clean-upI
- #2910 [Research Facilitation] Admin Experience Improvements
Raft Review