Baofeng Parrot Simplex Repeater by Rafał Rozestwiński,
- Listens for transmission,
- If audio level is high, it records audio for 10s,
- After 10s, triggers PTT on baofeng,
- plays beep (from sample.h),
- plays recorded audio,
- plays beep, releases PTT.
Based on
Refer to it on how to generate own sample.h header with a custom beep (you may want to put your callsign there).
Footprints are duplicated - either SMT or THT parts can be used. All part values are written on the PCB itself.
- 1x Raspberry Pi Pico
- 1x BJT transistor 2n3904
- 2x PCB Audio Jack Socket PJ-307
- 2x 100nF capacitor
- 1x bigger capacitor (10uF+)
- Resitors:
- 2x 1000R pot, tht, RM-065_Vertical
- 220
- 100
- 2x 1.8k
- 2x 68k (or 56k... or 92k etc.)
Optional power supply regulator pads are for AMS1117-5.0V.
- Detect end of transmission and play back sooner.
- Easy way to change beep: littlefs has been added, need to add USB Mass Storage support, so those can be replaced without recompiling the code.
- Remote control over USB?
- 3D printed case