steghide embed -cf ~/path/to/image.jpg
-ef ~/data/to/embed
Enter passphrase:
Re-Enter passphrase:
embedding "~/data/to/embed"
in "~/path/to/image.jpg"
... done
steghide extract -sf ~/path/to/image.jpg
Enter passphrase:
wrote extracted data to "embed".
- Extracted data will have the same file name but will output into the home directory
- There is no built in option to change output location
- Steghide does not support PNG
-z, --compress
--compress data before embedding (default)
-z <l>
--using level (1 best speed...9 best compression)
- The first argument must be one of the following:
- embed, --embed embed data
- extract, --extract extract data
- info, --info display information about a cover- or stego-file
- info
--display information about<filename>
- encinfo, --encinfo display a list of supported encryption algorithms
- version, --version display version information
- license, --license display steghide's license
- help, --help display this usage information