- Spam Block
- Domains Block
- Bad-Words Block
- Caps-Lock Block
- Same-Messages Block
- Wait-Time between messages
Usage |
Description |
Aliases |
Permission |
/chatfilterreload |
Reload the config |
cfr, cfreload |
chatfilter.reload |
Name |
Description |
chatfilter.bypass |
Bypass the blocks |
bad-words: true
domains: true
spam: true
caps-lock: true
allow-same-messages: false
allow-spam-commands: false # spamming commands
wait-time: 20 # wait time between messages in ticks (1 tick = 0,05 seconds | 20 ticks = 1 second)
# percentage is allowed
# Example with percentage: caps-limit: 50% (if 50% of the message is in caps the player will be warned)
# Example without percentage: caps-limit: 50 (if 50 symbols of the message are in caps the player will be warned)
caps-limit: 50%
# - ".de"
# - "discord.gg"
blocked-domains: []
# - "discord.gg/invite/code" for your discord server or something else
allowed-domains: []
- "loser"
prefix: "§8» §c§lChatFilter §r§8| §7"
message_no_perms: "{PREFIX}You don't have the permission to use this command!"
message_reloaded: "{PREFIX}Successful reloaded."
message_bad_word: "{PREFIX}Please don't use a bad word!"
message_domain: "{PREFIX}Please don't send domains in the chat!"
message_spam: "{PREFIX}Please wait before sending a message!"
message_caps_lock: "{PREFIX}Please deactivate your caps lock!"
message_same_message: "{PREFIX}Please don't send the same messages in a row!"