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ariya edited this page Sep 23, 2012 · 15 revisions

Open-source Projects

The following open-source projects are using PhantomJS as part of the testing workflow:

  • Modernizr
  • CodeMirror
  • Ember.js
  • YUI3


1minus1 Ltd uses PhantomJS to run Jasmine tests on TeamCity continuous integration server.

Apache Thrift uses PhantomJS combined with QUnit for the test suite.

Betfair uses PhantomJS for JSUnit Testing Tool.

CircuitLab uses PhantomJS to render electronic schematic into professional-quality images and PDF (source: blog post)

Internet Archive uses PhantomJS for automated QA (source: tweet from Leslie Johnston)

Jive Software uses PhantomJS to run QUnit tests as an Ant target in the continuous integration server.

LinkedIn (Mobile) uses PhantomJS as the basis for performance tool (source: presentation, slide 22)

Media Queries uses PhantomJS to capture screenshots of sites using media queries and responsive design (source, tweet from Media Queries).

NodeCloud uses PhantomJS to generate screenshot of selected web sites related to Node.js.

Novus uses PhantomJS to power reporting functionality in the real-time financial analytics product.

Pantera Commerce uses PhantomJS on Pantera Store to make large-scale e-commerce stores crawlable by search engines.

Superius uses PhantomJS for QUnit tests of their dynamically created mobile business web applications.

Thomson Reuters uses PhantomJS to run QUnit legacy JsUnit tests as an Ant target during CI builds (source: email from James Greene).

Time Warner Cable uses PhantomJS with CoffeeScript + Jasmine for JavaScript build and JUnit XML for Jenkins continuous integration.

Torbit uses PhantomJS to analyze web pages in order to determine potential optimizations and various other tests.

Twitter uses using PhantomJS to run QUnit-based tests running within Jenkins CI (source: tweet from Leo Lanese)

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