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fragphace edited this page Jan 8, 2013 · 23 revisions
## In the Family ## The following projects are based on PhantomJS. They provide extra functionalities.
  • Casper.js is useful to build scripted navigation and testing.

  • Ghostbuster simplifies the testing setup with more convenient wrappers.

  • GhostDriver implements Remote WebDriver Wire protocol for PhantomJS.

  • Lotte adds jQuery-like methods, chaining, and more assertion logic.

  • Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara so you can run your Capybara tests using PhantomJS.

  • pjscrape combines PhantomJS with jQuery as a command-line scraping tool.

  • WebSpecter is a BDD-style acceptance test framework for web applications.

## Screenshot Utilities ##

Several page capture projects utilizing PhantomJS:

## Tools ##
  • Compass Magick is a dynamic image generation for Compass using (among others) PhantomJS.

  • Confess is small script library that uses PhantomJS to headlessly analyze web pages for the purposes of creating a cache manifest file.

  • Grover is a wrapper to automatically run YUI Test based tests.

  • Grunt is a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects using PhantomJS for unit test automation.

  • Guard PhantomJS automatically runs PhantomJS using Guard.

  • phantom-proxy provides a proxy interface for PhantomJS which runs inside of node.

  • node-phantom is a bridge between PhantomJS and Node.js. currently unmaintained, suggest phantom-proxy

  • phantomas is a web-performance metrics and hints generation tool.

  • phantomjs-node provides PhantomJS bridge for Node.js applications. currently unmaintained, suggest phantom-proxy

  • PhantomLint uses PhantomJS to run JSLint on JavaScript application code.

  • uses PhantomJS to generate the screenshot of the bookmarked web sites.

  • Slippy uses PhantomJS to convert HTML presentations into PDFs that can be e.g. uploaded to SlideShare.

  • Yeoman is a robust and opinionated client-side stack, comprised of tools and frameworks that can help developers quickly build beautiful web applications. It uses PhantomJS as a basis for headless tests.

  • basset command-line website performance sniffer.

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