Follow these steps to upgrade old nibs to xibs, and fix issues with dark mode:
- Open your project, then open the Nib. Click 'Open and Upgrade' if necessary:
- If 'Open and Upgrade' fails with a similar error to that below, try:
a) upgrading manually using the terminal command (reference)
ibtool NIBNAME.nib --upgrade --write NIBNAME.xib
b) Delete the old .nib file from the XCode project, then re-add the xib:
- Open up the Xib file, and for any views that are displaying incorrectly, edit the 'Background' and 'Grid Color' values from their custom values, to one of the system-provided colors. e.g.:
- Background: Text Background Color or Window Background Color
- Grid Color: Default (Grid Color)
- You can check what the Nib would look like in dark mode by toggling the 'View as' option:
- Afterwards, it should look something like this:
- Resave and re-build :)