Provides a simple component package without needing to install Unity ECS and all of its 1920581295 dependencies.
Unity is the only dependency. Features include:
- Nesting
- Dynamic addition of elements with containers
- Copying & Cloning
- Serialization
- Interpolation
- Interfaces for creating your own procedures.
The goal is to avoid writing custom code for each data type you have in your game.
public class OuterComponent : ComponentBase
public FloatProperty @float;
public InnerComponent inner;
public UIntProperty @uint;
public ArrayProperty<UIntProperty> intArray = new ArrayProperty<UIntProperty>(2);
public VectorProperty vector;
public Container container = new Container(typeof(ByteProperty));
public class InnerComponent : ComponentBase
public UIntProperty @uint;
var source = new OuterComponent {@float = new FloatProperty(1.0f)};
var destination = new OuterComponent();
// destination.@float is now 1.0f
var one = new OuterComponent {@float = new FloatProperty(1.0f), vector = new VectorProperty(};
var two = new OuterComponent {@float = new FloatProperty(2.0f), vector = new VectorProperty(};
var interpolated = new OuterComponent();
Interpolator.InterpolateInto(one, two, interpolated, 0.5f);
// [email protected] is now 1.5f
// interpolated.vector.Value is now {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f}
Containers provide a way to dynamically add elements and then query them by type:
var container = new Container(); // can also use alternate constructor for list of types
if (container.With(out VectorProperty vector)) // true
vector.Value = Vector3.forward;
if (container.Without<UIntProperty>()) // true
Container clone = container.Clone(); // clone will equal container and have same element types
My main goal of this library is for my competitive FPS game. Easily add your own attributes:
[Serializable, ClientChecked]
public class MoveComponent : ComponentBase
[Cyclic(0.0f, 1.0f)] public FloatProperty normalizedMove;
public ByteProperty groundTick;
[Tolerance(0.01f), InterpolateRange(2.0f)]
public VectorProperty position, velocity;
public FloatProperty normalizedCrouch;
public override string ToString() => $"Position: {position}, Velocity: {velocity}";