title | author | date | output |
Methods figure code |
Quentin D. Read |
10/25/2021 |
html_document |
This document contains the code to create the methods figure illustrating intermediate steps in the dasymetric estimation process.
The four panels of the figure represent the following steps in the process:
- Start with Census block group populations
- Superimpose percent impervious surface on the block group polygons
- Remove roads from impervious surface
- Apportion population among the remaining impervious pixels to get a final dasymetric map
### State and county ID used for the example (can be changed)
stid <- '24'
ctyid <- '003'
This section is adapted from the main function given in dasypop_methods.md
imp_raster_file <- 'input_data/NLCD/NLCD_2016_impervious.vrt'
imp_desc_raster_file <- 'input_data/NLCD/NLCD_2016_impervious_descriptor.vrt'
# Albers equal-area projection
aea <- '+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs'
pop <- get_acs(geography = "block group", variables = "B01003_001",
year = 2016, state= stid, county = ctyid,
geometry = TRUE)
# Data QC: remove empty geometries from pop
pop <- pop[!is.na(st_dimension(pop)), ]
# Project population to Albers equal-area
pop.projected <- st_transform(pop, crs = aea)
# Use gdalwarp to extract the county area, from the NLCD impervious percentage raster, already in Albers projection
temp_polygon_filename <- as.character(glue("temp_files/county-{stid}-{ctyid}.gpkg"))
temp_nlcdraster_filename <- as.character(glue("temp_files/countynlcd-{stid}-{ctyid}.tif"))
if (!file.exists(temp_nlcdraster_filename)) {
st_write(st_union(pop.projected), dsn = temp_polygon_filename, driver = 'GPKG')
gdalwarp(srcfile = imp_raster_file, dstfile = temp_nlcdraster_filename, cutline = temp_polygon_filename, crop_to_cutline = TRUE, tr = c(30, 30), dstnodata = "None")
lu <- raster(temp_nlcdraster_filename)
#download 2010 block-level data, filter for only the blocks with 0 pop
zero.pop <- get_decennial(geography = "block", variables = "P001001",
year = 2010, state = stid, county = ctyid,
geometry = TRUE) %>% filter(value == 0) %>% st_transform(., aea)
# Mask NLCD impervious raster to county boundaries
lu <- mask(lu, as(pop.projected, "Spatial"))
# Set pixels with impervious percentage <= 1% to 0
lu[lu <= 1] <- 0
# Scale impervious percentages between 0 and 1
lu.ratio <- lu/100
#mask out zero pop blocks
lu.ratio.zp <- mask(lu.ratio, as(zero.pop, "Spatial"), inverse=TRUE, updatevalue = 0)
# Load impervious surface descriptor dataset, mask all pixels outside the county to NA
imp.surf.desc <- raster(imp_desc_raster_file)
imp.surf.crop <- raster::crop(imp.surf.desc, as(pop.projected, "Spatial"))
imp.surf.mask <- raster::mask(imp.surf.crop, as(pop.projected, "Spatial"))
# Mask out primary, secondary, and urban tertiary roads
# Reclassify: keep classes 1-6 (non-road) and drop 7-14 (road)
reclass.table <- matrix(c(1,6,1,7,14,NA), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
# Reclassify descriptor file and reproject it.
imp.roads <- reclassify(imp.surf.mask, reclass.table, right = NA)
imp.roads.p <- projectRaster(imp.roads, lu.ratio.zp, method = 'ngb')
RISA <- overlay(lu.ratio.zp, imp.roads.p, fun = function(x, y) {
x[!is.na(y[])] <- NA
#get the block-group level sum of the remaining impervious surface pixels
RISA.sum <- raster::extract(RISA, as(pop.projected,"Spatial"), fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE,df=TRUE)
pop.df <- cbind(pop.projected, RISA.sum$layer)
bg.sum.pop <- fasterize::fasterize(pop.projected, RISA, field = "estimate")
bg.sum.RISA <- fasterize::fasterize(pop.df, RISA, field = "RISA.sum.layer")
#generate density (people/30 m pixel)
dasy.pop <- (bg.sum.pop/bg.sum.RISA) * RISA
First create a slightly modified reclassification table to better illustrate how roads are masked out.
# Reclassify road versus not road
reclass.table2 <- matrix(c(1,6,1,7,11,2), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
imp.roads2 <- reclassify(imp.surf.mask, reclass.table2, right = NA)
imp.roads.p2 <- projectRaster(imp.roads2, lu.ratio.zp, method = 'ngb')#have to reproject the descriptor file
Next convert the raster
objects to stars
for plotting.
lu_stars <- st_as_stars(lu)
imp_stars <- st_as_stars(imp.roads.p2)
imp_stars[[1]] <- as.character(imp_stars[[1]])
imp_stars[imp_stars == 0] <- NA
dasy_stars <- st_as_stars(dasy.pop)
The following plotting code requires background imagery available through NEON. It is not provided in this repository but similar imagery can be easily substituted.
box_x <- c(-76.60, -76.505)
box_y <- c(38.90, 38.93)
sercimage_raster <- stack('2017_SERC_3_all_5m_UTM_geo.tif')
plot_box <- st_as_sf(data.frame(x = box_x, y = box_y), coords = c('x', 'y'), crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = aea) %>%
maptheme <- theme(legend.position = 'bottom', legend.text = element_text(size = rel(0.5)), legend.title = element_text(size = rel(0.6)),
axis.text = element_blank(), axis.title = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
mapcoord <- coord_sf(crs = aea, xlim = plot_box[c(1,3)], ylim = plot_box[c(2,4)], expand = FALSE)
image_alpha <- 1
# Get block group population limits inside the plot_box so that we can set appropriate limits on the fill scale.
range_pop <- st_crop(pop.projected, plot_box) %>% pull(estimate) %>% range # 690 to 3008
# Get dasymetric population limits inside the plot_box so that we can set appropriate limits on the fill scale.
plot_box_dasy <- st_as_sf(data.frame(x = box_x, y = box_y), coords = c('x', 'y'), crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = st_crs(dasy_stars)) %>%
max_dasy <- ceiling(max(dasy_stars[plot_box_dasy][[1]], na.rm = TRUE)) # 23
# Create scale bar manually, draw segment 1 km long
scale_bar_line <- annotate(geom = 'errorbarh', xmin = plot_box['xmax'] - 1500, xmax = plot_box['xmax'] - 500,
y = plot_box['ymin'] + 500, color = 'white', size = 0.75, height = 150)
scale_bar_text <- annotate(geom = 'text', label = '1 km', x = plot_box['xmax'] - 2000, y = plot_box['ymin'] + 500, color = 'white', size = rel(2))
letter_label <- function(letter) annotate(geom = 'text', label = letter, hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1.1, x = -Inf, y = Inf, color = 'white')
p1map <- ggplot() +
annotation_spatial(data = sercimage_raster, alpha = image_alpha) +
geom_sf(data = pop.projected, color = 'white', alpha = 0.3, aes(fill = estimate)) +
letter_label('a') +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = 'block group \npopulation ', option = 'B', limits = range_pop) +
mapcoord + maptheme
p2map <- ggplot() +
annotation_spatial(data = sercimage_raster, alpha = image_alpha) +
geom_stars(data = lu_stars/100) +
geom_sf(data = pop.projected, color = 'white', alpha = 0.3, fill = NA, size = 0.3) +
letter_label('b') +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = 'impervious surface \npercentage', labels = scales::percent, na.value = 'transparent', option = 'D') +
mapcoord + maptheme
p3map <- ggplot() +
annotation_spatial(data = sercimage_raster, alpha = image_alpha) +
geom_stars(data = imp_stars) +
geom_sf(data = pop.projected, color = 'white', alpha = 0.3, fill = NA, size = 0.3) +
letter_label('c') +
scale_fill_manual(name = 'surface type ', labels = c('road (discarded) ', 'non-road (kept) '), na.value = 'transparent', na.translate = FALSE, values = rev(colorspace::diverging_hcl(palette='Berlin',n=2))) +
mapcoord + maptheme
p4map <- ggplot() +
annotation_spatial(data = sercimage_raster, alpha = image_alpha) +
geom_stars(data = dasy_stars) +
geom_sf(data = pop.projected, color = 'white', alpha = 0.3, fill = NA, size = 0.3) +
scale_bar_line + scale_bar_text +
letter_label('d') +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = 'dasymetric\npopulation ', na.value = 'transparent', option = 'B', limits = c(0.5, max_dasy), trans = 'log10') +
mapcoord + maptheme
# Bind together so that main panels line up (2x2)
# Note: extra spaces added at the end of all the legend names and values as a workaround to the odd overlapping of text and boxes
allmaps <- gtable_rbind(
gtable_cbind(ggplotGrob(p1map), ggplotGrob(p2map)),
gtable_cbind(ggplotGrob(p3map), ggplotGrob(p4map))
ggsave('methods_figure_formatted.png', allmaps, height = 5.5*.9, width = 6*.9, dpi = 300)