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File metadata and controls

124 lines (94 loc) · 6.53 KB

pygen - Generate code from Ecore models

If you have a meta-model represented as an instance of Pyecore, you can use this generator to produce static code from it. The package currently consists of these parts:

  • and form a basic framework that can be put on top of any template-based code-generator that produce single-file outputs (like Jinja or Cheetah) in order to manage outputting multiple files in a certain folder structure. These modules are independent of Jinja and Pyecore.
  • refines the generic classes to be used with Jinja2 as file generator.
  • applies the Jinja2-based generator to create Pyecore Python classes from an Ecore meta model instantiated with Pyecore.

All modules except should be moved into a separate distribution on PyPI to make it available also outside of Pyecore.

Using the Ecore generator

The generator assumes reasonable defaults, so using it is straightforward. Assuming you load an Ecore model with Pyecore like this:

rset = ResourceSet()
resource = rset.get_resource(URI('library.ecore'))
library_model = resource.contents[0]
rset.metamodel_registry[library_model.nsURI] = library_model

Now library_model holds the root package of the loaded meta-model. From this instance the corresponding Python classes are generated like this:

generator = EcoreGenerator()
generator.generate(library_model, 'output-folder')

After this the output-folder will contain the generated package files, in this case a sub-folder library that can be directly imported into using Python code. Note that the generated classes obviously depend on the Pyecore infrastructure to work. Follow the general documentation on how to use static model classes in your application.

The pygen framework

The modules generator, formatter and jinja are generic and not limited to be used with Pyecore. The overall design follows a very simple workflow pattern.

The Generator base class controls sets up and runs the worklow. The different steps of a generation workflow are modeled as instances of base class Task. A concrete generator will override the empty tasks collection of the base class to set up the tasks to be executed sequentially. The following is how the Pyecore generator does this:

class EcoreGenerator(JinjaGenerator):
    """Generation of static ecore model classes."""

    tasks = [


In this example EcoreGenerator defines a generator workflow consisting of two tasks:

  • EcorePackageInitTask generates the file for a model package.
  • EcorePackageModuleTask generates the corresponding module Python file.

The code also shows specific generator and task classes being instantiated here. The inheritance "trees" are simple linear lines. The generator inheritance chain looks like this (from general to specific):

  1. generator.Generator: base class offering a method to generate files into a target folder from any kind of model. The model is not limited to Pyecore, but could be anything, like dictionaries or lists as well. The generate method implementation realizes the core workflow by calling all tasks of contained in its tasks attribute.
  2. generator.TemplateGenerator: adds a static attribute to specify a relative path to the directory where input templates can be found.
  3. jinja.JinjaGenerator: configures the Jinja2 environment, which specifies all kinds of options for the code generation with Jinja.
  4. ecore.EcoreGenerator: the concrete generator translating Pyecore models into Python code with Jinja2 as code generator.

This hierarchy allows for customization at al levels: If you want to generate text from models, but without templates, because it can be somehow hardcoded, derive directly from Generator. If you want to use a templating engine, but not Jinja2, derive from TemplateGenerator. If you indeed want to use Jinja2, but not generate files from Pyecore models, or use completely different templates, derive from JinjaGenerator. Deriving from EcoreGenerator may be useful in some cases, but this class does provide Jinja2 filters and tests that are required by the used template files. So the class is rather specific but of course can be used as a template when writing your own concrete generator, e.g. to generate SQL from model.

Tasks also add functionality incrementally to support reuse and customization:

  1. generator.Task: base class for all generator tasks. It supports the generator workflow by exposing a run method that in turn calls various abstract methods to be implemented in derived classes. The class defines an API required to generate output files in a certain target directory. It exposes a model element filter to select the elements to execute this task for. Optionally, the constructor accepts a formatter argument, which has to be a callable, converting raw text generator output into whatever nicely formatted form you choose. The Pyecore generation tasks for instance are being passed formatter.format_autopep8.
  2. generator.TemplateFileTask: adds a (relative) path to the template to be used and API to pass context data to the template.
  3. jinja.JinjaTask: holds the actual calls to Jinja2 to generate textual output and optionally applies the configured formatter. It uses the context passed in from the calling generator to pass data to the templates.
  4. ecore.EcoreTask: implements the model element filter by finding all elements of a certain Ecore type. It also determines file and folder names from those.

The two derived Ecore task classes mentioned in the above example are the leafs of the inheritance line, implementing the remaining abstract methods depending on the concrete template being used. They also provide additional context information to the template in use.

Both, generators and tasks pass configuration data in different stages:

  • Static (class) attributes and instance attributes are used for configuration parameters that are specific for a certain type of generator.
  • Parameters that affect how a specific run of the generator translates a particular model are passed as function arguments to the various workflow methods (like generate or run).