All notable changes to GZCTF will be documented in this file.
0.21.0 - 2024-07-31
- (log) unified exception rendering - (30f3a3) by GZTime
- Append exception information to log - (d342bb) by Steven He
- (docker) container only bind specific ports - (b36718) by Kengwang
- (frontend) page padding and overflow for game edit and chall edit (#314) - (39934f) by LilRan
0.20.9 - 2024-06-30
- Remove redundant Telemetry.Enable config - (66d337) by Steven He
0.20.8-patch.2 - 2024-06-23
- optimize ChallengeModal scroll area component (#308) - (8f24da) by AdBean
- remove captcha key on boot (#306) - (e66939) by GZTime
- remove workaround for Prometheus - (c779b1) by Steven He
0.20.8-patch.1 - 2024-06-14
- (frontend) overflow for challenge modal, again - (cfe526) by GZTime
0.20.8 - 2024-06-13
- (frontend) upgrade marked to v13 with custom extension - (43f908) by GZTime
- (frontend) unexpected indentation in markdown render (#304) - (0861e7) by 埃拉
- (game) access to disabled challenges - (440e15) by GZTime
- overflow for some challenges - (6b44ef) by GZTime
0.20.7-patch.1 - 2024-06-08
- show
external link
for remote attachment - (2082c5) by GZTime
0.20.7 - 2024-06-07
- (frontend) redesigned challenge modal - (cbedf8) by GZTime
- add more labels for container - (817abd) by GZTime
- (frontend) incorrect icon map - (704d36) by GZTime
0.20.6-patch.1 - 2024-06-03
- allow
- (32a0d7) by GZTime
0.20.6 - 2024-06-02
- challenge page - (a8254e) by GZTime
0.20.5 - 2024-05-22
- (experimental) use nonce for csp - (c42255) by GZTime
- (security) Initial content security policy - (02d9e2) by GZTime
- remove size limit of form and multipart-form - (e1294e) by Steven He
0.20.4 - 2024-05-17
- (config) cache not flush - (811b73) by GZTime
- (style)
with wrong props - (8ce788) by GZTime
- use primary color for Icon Tabs - (0f9071) by GZTime
0.20.3 - 2024-05-13
- (experimental) remove lock check for joining team - (c9b814) by GZTime
- add
property to index - (451328) by GZTime - custom title & description for SEO - (29bc1f) by GZTime
- (config) flush index cache at launch - (6894db) by GZTime
- (config) cache won't flush when config add - (0dab8f) by GZTime
- (frontend) confirm modal after saving post - (509c8a) by GZTime
- (style) name overflow on instances page - (289922) by GZTime
- correctly join usernames (#294) - (06229c) by Light
0.20.2 - 2024-05-12
- custom logo - (26f774) by Steven He
- (style) wrong light dark use for review page - (7b8930) by GZTime
- (style) progress pulse as unexpected - (728cff) by GZTime
- (style) icon color - (6171a8) by GZTime
- remove svg (again) from image mime types - (df449b) by GZTime
0.20.1 - 2024-05-11
- (i18n) switch language on mobile - (e6ff33) by GZTime
- (style) use more css modules - (04cd3e) by GZTime
- control frontend color on client - (fc3e8b) by GZTime
- custom theme color for frontend - (d45f6d) by GZTime
- add global
- (55e610) by GZTime
- (notification) container destory notification - (5448ad) by GZTime
- (security) html injection by team name - (31e775) by GZTime
- (style) tooltip & font size in navbar - (7d2b2b) by GZTime
- (style) mobile post card - (4f0a15) by GZTime
- (style) pinned post card - (d9b8b8) by GZTime
- (style) sticky header - (d495c1) by GZTime
- (style) notifications never close - (219c60) by GZTime
- some global config will be clear when save color - (c547bb) by GZTime
- custom theme cannot be set properly - (725b3a) by GZTime
0.20.0 - 2024-05-08
- (client) download blob with filename - (ea373a) by Aether Chen
- (deps) upgrade to mantine v7 (#283) - (a72e47) by GZTime
- unify team info query hook - (c46544) by GZTime
- update challenge accepted count - (99650c) by GZTime
- (i18n) set
attr inhtml
- (9d8b39) by GZTime - (style) review page - (d6bf73) by GZTime
- (style) blinking underline - (e88bc5) by GZTime
- (style) some style issue - (26ca2c) by GZTime
- (style) footer color use css var - (aafbf2) by GZTime
- use tootip for blood legend - (f05f13) by GZTime
0.19.4 - 2024-05-03
- (db) update string length limits - (7a73a1) by GZTime
- (deps) use Ulid for key generation - (bf2976) by GZTime
- (game) use 204 to indicate the game has ended - (f3c59b) by GZTime
- (logs) auto scroll to top & log filter - (021a44) by GZTime
- (proxy) update traffic naming format - (6c1533) by GZTime
- (review) enhance team review page - (cbb052) by GZTime
- (traffic) sort challenge & teams - (fe867b) by GZTime
- (traffic) total size & no overflow - (540793) by GZTime
- (traffic) traffic file deletion - (8374f0) by GZTime
- use custom error codes in status - (92999d) by GZTime
- capture traffic only when the game is active - (46df11) by GZTime
- remove user role requirement for game notice signalr hub - (108d75) by GZTime
- (style) index page on widescreen - (c8ce97) by GZTime
- (style) game challenge page - (f8a62a) by GZTime
- (traffic) make deletion works as expected - (c08607) by GZTime
- do not use Ulid for containers - (bf4ad1) by GZTime
- check isEnabled when creating the container - (de747e) by GZTime
- handle deletion exceptions - (d62554) by GZTime
0.19.3 - 2024-04-22
- (excel) deal with
exceptions - (5947ee) by GZTime - (frontend) unable to renew as expected - (daa9a5) by GZTime
- (mail) DO NOT use
after construction - (fe589a) by GZTime
0.19.2 - 2024-04-21
0.19.1 - 2024-04-17
- (style) member info is not wide enough - (399fd8) by GZTime
- Override system default cipher list - (240dfb) by Steven He
0.19.0 - 2024-04-16
- Allow customize total suffix for Prometheus - (468b47) by Steven He
- Add version info to opentelemetry - (e24950) by Steven He
- Map LogLevel to LogEventLevel - (644eff) by Steven He
- Loki logging server support - (54aa5c) by Steven He
- Enable dynamic adaptive GC - (18567d) by Steve
- config cache & client message - (c17708) by GZTime
- adding more instruments - (91691e) by Steven He
- custom Prometheus settings - (f06a09) by Steven He
- control enabling of telemetry - (93b00d) by Steven He
- metrics and distributed tracing - (4d807c) by Steven He
- (frontend) disable when update - (a09af6) by GZTime
- (i18n) missing translate - (2fe800) by GZTime
- (style) team unlock badge - (e3a697) by GZTime
- add ca-certificates for alpine (#269) - (99d4ca) by GZTime
- Stack overflow while disposing stream - (9a0a87) by Steven He
- Run Tasks with LongRunning options - (bb8815) by Steven He
- Properly dispose stream - (4dfd1d) by Steven He
- Exclude any exception due to cancellation - (3d6dab) by Steven He
- Exclude /metrics from log - (be3fa7) by Steven He
- prometheus endpoint mapping - (8eabce) by Steven He
- Add workaround for prometheus - (5364a8) by Steven He
- GlobalConfig scope - (d1f5c5) by Steven He
- Make MailSender singleton - (133284) by Steven He
- Refactor MailSender to use a queue - (b72f99) by Steven He
- Missing args in team localization - (9913f3) by Steven He
is not MemoryPackable - (a9c3d0) by GZTimeClientConfig
is not registered for MemoryPack - (7fed35) by GZTime- disable
for pods - (1e139f) by GZTime
- fix Badge padding - (6e5e53) by GZTime
- use alpine as base (#268) - (4810c0) by GZTime
0.18.5 - 2024-04-01
- custom container lifetime - (906598) by GZTime
- check that the data path is configured correctly - (26cfac) by GZTime
- (docs) cannot get theme config - (40ae61) by GZTime
- write test file to base - (0810ef) by GZTime
- disable experimental features - (204551) by Steven He
- write version instead - (314cd1) by Steven He
- rw check and fix service init orders - (93dfdc) by Steven He
0.18.4 - 2024-04-01
- use Dictionary for scoreboard item cache - (332356) by GZTime
- enhance searching and use string.Contains - (43d215) by Steven He
- response message & try get value - (133c3d) by GZTime
- cidr and dns config not being overwritten - (37d9cb) by Steven He
- pointer cursor when hover to link - (7928fb) by GZTime
0.18.3 - 2024-03-25
- (tag) add tag for AI - (73831d) by GZTime
0.18.2 - 2024-03-20
- (post) i18n without value - (12c7bb) by GZTime
- (proxy) can not proxy with test container - (ea4bcd) by GZTime
- remove user participation when leaving team (#250) - (8822e6) by Kengwang
- model validation attribute need ErrorMessageResourceType - (383d03) by GZTime
- Error Handling (#246) - (3c6968) by Kengwang
- add missing
for some titles - (ec19c5) by GZTime
0.18.1 - 2024-03-03
- (mail) add platform name - (dd0c61) by GZTime
- (i18n) convertLanguage - (6b4f3a) by GZTime
- i18n language detection - (f1fed1) by Steven He
- wrong i18n var key - (a9a0bf) by GZTime
0.18.0 - 2024-02-26
- handle blob download - (f9635b) by GZTime
- allow all chars in username - (5187af) by GZTime
- std id can be text - (ddf9ea) by GZTime
- (i18n) key
not found - (ccea30) by GZTime - typo - (be7d6a) by YanWQ-monad
- add feedback for api downloading - (1bbdde) by Aether Chen
- use Api.ts to download sheets - (39e517) by Aether Chen
- set default language - (83d4a6) by KpwnZ
- Add ExcelHelper to scoped service - (5bf2b7) by Steven He
- log message in signalr - (72459e) by GZTime
- remove unnecessary value - (b5405a) by GZTime
- remove
- (eb5197) by GZTime - wrong key for
in team - (24646c) by GZTime
0.18.0-preview.1 - 2024-02-10
- cannot pin post - (a41e94) by GZTime
- update challenge edit page & detail model - (fa3e6e) by GZTime
- update
- (5a0158) by GZTime
0.18.0-preview.0 - 2024-02-09
- (api) replace
- (f8535f) by GZTime - (api) signature verify api - (8c2706) by GZTime
- allow to configure default culture of server - (962040) by Steven He
- language switch - (14f3b9) by GZTime
- mark exercise mode as todo - (454cf0) by GZTime
- use css with console log - (7a771a) by GZTime
- pdf viewer with error boundary - (b2a17f) by GZTime
- make commit writeup optional - (0d679e) by GZTime
- use
- (23f1d3) by GZTime
- (api) response type declaration - (a0c4cd) by GZTime
- (logger) update database sink - (12ea93) by GZTime
- (style) button width - (3b28bc) by GZTime
- (style) game tab list - (58b526) by GZTime
- (version) use
instead of semver - (52330d) by GZTime - hard-coded key on clearLocalCache - (1b4e2c) by Aether Chen
- local cache - (2fb632) by GZTime
- challenge placeholder - (066b32) by GZTime
- remove id for notices - (74af46) by GZTime
- do not store enum in log property - (58bacc) by GZTime
- notice editor - (a6c2f6) by GZTime
- add
for kestrel config - (0661db) by GZTime - use pattern matching to get raw sting value - (c93471) by GZTime
- use
- (b640ef) by GZTime - use current culture - (a873e1) by GZTime
- use correct localizer - (95ecea) by Steven He
- logging without properties - (3b3f3d) by GZTime
- i18n consistency - (42ee0c) by Steven He
unused template - (9e3bae) by GZTime- mobile scoreboard style - (e9f1bd) by GZTime
- container model - (004f83) by GZTime
- use
to parse host from k8s config (#214) - (69e474) by kdxcxs - dot not get initial value in effect - (da418b) by GZTime
- nullable for flag context foreign key - (f7d6f2) by GZTime
- std number - (1e25cb) by GZTime
- disabled button when create team (#192) - (95fb32) by GZTime
- (feat) database sink - (22cf84) by GZTime
- localized request template - (9516c6) by Steven He
- source template fixes - (3817f7) by Steven He
- updated Japanese changelog - (2f4979) by Steven He
- Specify zh in docs url for - (a50858) by Steven He
- various fixes - (ab5cd5) by Steven He
- update Japanese translations - (53b830) by Steven He
- correct leet translation - (1af1f4) by Steven He
- add i18n support for theme config - (c002d0) by Steven He
- adding ja to locales config - (561be8) by Steven He
- adding Japanese docs - (643855) by Steven He
- i18n for account pages - (a575f9) by GZTime
- make some type error - (0eedda) by Aether Chen
- add more useTranslation() - (4d0670) by Aether Chen
- add i18n.config.js - (f4f5ba) by Aether Chen
- update codeql - (aedd9e) by GZTime
0.17.7 - 2023-12-29
- database sink - (aba911) by GZTime
- expose Kestrel options in appsettings.json (#174) - (aa2e4a) by GZTime
- expose Kestrel options in appsettings.json (#174) - (dfb614) by Steve
- expose Kestrel options in appsettings.json (#163) - (3a19ec) by Steven He
- Crowdin translation updates (#157) - (d5134a) by GZTime
- email template backend - (aee8dd) by GZTime
- always store file to fs - (3f1132) by GZTime
- Incorrect last flush time - (7662e6) by GZTime
- avoid logging injection - (d8528b) by GZTime
- avoid logging injection - (81c1e7) by GZTime
- remove placeholder for PickerInput - (c2d53b) by GZTime
- verify email domain in ChangeEmail as well (#175) - (93c7be) by Steve
- verify email domain in ChangeEmail as well (#167) - (9415a5) by Steven He
- use correct localizer - (a59bd7) by Steven He
- use correct name for package versions - (4c5a70) by Steven He
- deprecate inappropriate characters - (934499) by GZTime
- develop into feat/exercise - (d3daba) by GZTime
0.17.6 - 2023-09-29
- game starts 1 minute later (#154) - (77d1d2) by Monad
0.17.5 - 2023-09-24
- cannot list captured traffic - (43961e) by GZTime
- cannot enable traffic capture for static container challenge - (dc8972) by GZTime
- cannot empty post summary & content - (3feb43) by GZTime
0.17.4 - 2023-09-22
- can not empty post tags (#150) - (d0b286) by GZTime
0.17.3 - 2023-09-19
- (api) cannot delete post - (0cb492) by GZTime
0.17.2 - 2023-09-16
- api type error - (e61586) by GZTime
0.17.1 - 2023-09-02
- (captcha) use component for Captcha - (13d6d3) by GZTime
- (captcha) add Turnstile - (ccf64b) by GZTime
- update UX for GameJoinModal (#137) - (2df3b6) by Johnny Hsieh
- (captcha) pass deps to useImperativeHandle - (866f2e) by GZTime
- (captcha) add action param - (05adda) by GZTime
- (frontend) label for useCaptcha - (83e7e9) by GZTime
- do not log SocketException - (dbd8bc) by GZTime
- (code) use primary constructors - (dfd0a4) by GZTime
0.17.0 - 2023-08-22
- (docker) add network name - (1fd408) by GZTime
- (frontend) update for instance entry - (531887) by GZTime
- (proxy) init controller - (df1675) by GZTime
- (v0.17.0) Use PlatformProxy for private network accessing & traffic capturing (#134) - (f66115) by GZTime
- (watermark) enhance watermark - (b8c926) by GZTime
- add health check - (2e270f) by GZTime
- (capture) use slice for buffer - (4c7ce1) by GZTime
- (code style) csharp naming convention - (d99786) by GZTime
- (docker) libpcap -> libpcap0.8 - (21dc62) by GZTime
- (docker) add libpcap - (5d9014) by GZTime
- (docker) can not get container ip - (9d13e1) by GZTime
- (frontend) sort announcements by time (#133) - (57c192) by Monad
- (frontend) use
to control multi-page selection - (3acfd8) by GZTime - (frontend) typos & unexpected milliseconds - (7209c6) by GZTime
- (style) add page padding for scoreboard - (f1f3b6) by GZTime
- can not set EnableTrafficCapture - (e0f369) by GZTime
- set correct width for flag input - (3405b7) by Aether Chen
- hover style when active - (13cf62) by GZTime
- instance entry open target - (41efbb) by GZTime
- traffic api - (97e3cc) by GZTime
- use participation id as the model id - (49200e) by GZTime
- getProxyUrl - (032759) by GZTime
- traffic capture - (56c077) by GZTime
- cannot upload file - (3f5f96) by GZTime
- independent cache helper from repository - (785c01) by GZTime
- remove localfiles when remove games - (47b84a) by GZTime
- wrong API type declaration - (1dc048) by GZTime
- remove connection cache when remove a container - (c12609) by GZTime
- use if-return pattern - (9944be) by GZTime
- ignore healthz & http 204 request - (97059b) by GZTime
- add metadata packet - (73cdc9) by GZTime
- add editDeleteGameWriteUps - (1aef26) by GZTime
0.16.0 - 2023-08-11
- (frontend) wpddl may be initialized with a negative number - (8d489f) by GZTime
- (k8s) add ToValidRFC1123String - (d6d6f0) by GZTime
- (k8s) use JsonSerializer for auth string - (49b912) by GZTime
- (verify) click is required for account verifying - (1af7dd) by GZTime
0.15.7 - 2023-08-07
- (frontend) default scale to the latest 7 days for long game - (989ac3) by GZTime
- (frontend) add katex render for inline markdown - (9d6e7a) by GZTime
- (frontend) add inline markdown render for hints and notices - (9f7545) by GZTime
- (proxy) add ForwardedOptions - (7e8eb4) by GZTime
- (proxy) config for ForwardedHeadersOptions - (31413c) by GZTime
- (proxy) use XFF middleware in aspnetcore - (f45601) by GZTime
- (log) use TryParse - (604dd4) by GZTime
- (style) set withinPortal to true by default for Popover - (ee4afb) by GZTime
- (style) flag icon in challenge cards are not unified - (e92694) by GZTime
- (style) no wrap for ChallengeCard - (386585) by GZTime
- (teams) mutate teams - (f9283c) by GZTime
0.15.6 - 2023-08-03
- (footer) add footer markdown render - (ff572f) by GZTime
- (frontend) ParticipationStatusControl - (84ba4a) by GZTime
0.15.5 - 2023-08-02
- (config) add footer & beian - (39c4ae) by GZTime
- (feat) not allow user to modify email with EmailConfirmationRequired - (908c5a) by GZTime
- (frontend) only add padding with footer - (8053ed) by GZTime
- (frontend) add padding for index - (883d3d) by GZTime
- remove padding prop - (4811e8) by GZTime
0.15.4 - 2023-07-27
- (config) custom k8s config - (31e177) by GZTime
- (bug) no instance port when use docker - (67903b) by GZTime
- (bug) [GUID] in flag template - (affebc) by GZTime
- (k8s) fix registry auth - (f9e256) by GZTime
0.15.3 - 2023-07-18
- (frontend) update api client - (ed340b) by GZTime
- (bug) cannot save challenge info - (4afe8d) by GZTime
- (bug) cannot use
in flag template - (ab5677) by GZTime - (frontend) use unified mutate - (121599) by GZTime
- (model) stdnumber is up to 24 chars long - (c6c2b6) by GZTime
- (style) user avatar fallback - (ed869a) by GZTime
0.15.2 - 2023-07-12
- (user) scoreboard auto refresh - (ad057f) by GZTime
- (bug) Instance not saved - (71536b) by GZTime
0.15.1 - 2023-07-07
- (user) add cache cleanup - (05f930) by GZTime
- (style) Badge width too small - (c8becc) by GZTime
0.15.0 - 2023-07-03
- (admin) container instance manager - (7e4239) by GZTime
- (admin) config "autoDestroyOnLimitReached" - (dde535) by GZTime
- (admin) team info edit - (839a09) by GZTime
- (monitor/admin) Add CheatInfo Page & Container Manager (#116) - (74d608) by GZTime
- (admin) team page & error message - (c51a37) by GZTime
0.14.6 - 2023-06-23
- dispatch dynamic flag in a transaction - (ba915f) by GZTime
- add filter for new submissions - (77997c) by GZTime
- blood bonus can not set to 0 - (3ab76f) by GZTime
0.14.5 - 2023-05-28
- standardize front-end project - (cddf2e) by GZTime
- use ISO 8601 - (68c1d3) by GZTime
0.14.4 - 2023-05-23
- follow service k8s naming convention - (83d3a2) by GZTime
- ParticipationStatus handler - (980f80) by GZTime
- incorrect container count - (d90e0d) by GZTime
- update - (42cb2c) by GZTime
0.14.3 - 2023-05-11
- reduce cpu requests - (37141f) by GZTime
- global config can not be updated - (e00349) by GZTime
- handle exception in InitK8s - (8194f0) by GZTime
- update swr configs - (f542d5) by GZTime
0.14.2 - 2023-05-07
- compress avatar to webp - (7806dd) by GZTime
- add flag wrong hint - (7f971b) by GZTime
- update scoreboard flush strategy - (8dea6b) by GZTime
- upload attachment - (aad974) by GZTime
- image upload - (4bc9e9) by GZTime
- unified logout behavior - (593760) by GZTime
- unreasonable rate limiting strategies - (27c8ff) by GZTime
- comming games - (e27a95) by GZTime
- do not mutate GameChallengesWithTeamInfo - (d9bfff) by GZTime
0.14.1 - 2023-05-05
- add banner - (634dd7) by GZTime
- fix styles - (185815) by GZTime
- tidy up & adjust style - (12e618) by GZTime
0.14.0 - 2023-04-18
- no-argument constructor - (13394c) by GZTime
- handle identity result - (771c4d) by GZTime
- add ConcurrencyStamp for Challenge - (06fa7f) by GZTime
- writeup page scrollarea - (1df3f2) by GZTime
- adjust height - (9e63eb) by GZTime
- use pwd reset token instead of remove pwd - (31d59b) by GZTime
- fix working directory - (093ee5) by GZTime
- AddUsers - (259250) by GZTime
- multi user create api - (b4d985) by GZTime
- fix context - (3bbb97) by GZTime
- update - (167381) by GZTime
0.13.4 - 2023-04-13
- limit input height - (66be3a) by GZTime
- use || instead of ?? - (a9fb43) by GZTime
- can not prolong containers - (fc535e) by GZTime
- update event card - (df4468) by GZTime
0.13.3 - 2023-04-07
0.13.2 - 2023-04-05
- use input instead of text in scoreboard - (f656ca) by GZTime
- remove accordion padding - (c3a82d) by GZTime
- modal in modal - (087e43) by GZTime
- withinPortal for Select - (bde680) by GZTime
- popover withinPortal - (234863) by GZTime
- style - (aa2b79) by GZTime
- TimeInput - (303c23) by GZTime
0.13.1 - 2023-02-24
- update email template - (9ba028) by GZTime
0.13.0 - 2022-11-27
- use factor - (66e97d) by GZTime - 2022-11-21
- many typo - (0f909d) by GZTime - 2022-11-14
- search user by id - (1e24c3) by GZTime
- writeup review - (34202b) by GZTime
- add challenge preview - (4b26e9) by GZTime
- update config - (75c9cc) by GZTime
- use build in rate limiter - (9e55e6) by GZTime
- Add button toggles between post/edit - (a479e3) by GZTime
- (view) set default view to be PC - (1b8fc1) by GZTime
- container is null - (2a0e09) by GZTime
- toggle isEnabled will clear FlagTemplate - (2cc640) by GZTime
- some anti-pattern - (b81898) by GZTime
- InvalidOp in MailSender - (065451) by GZTime
- react redraw frequently - (e9768c) by GZTime
- k8s dockerjson format - (c6e37e) by GZTime
- font family - (ccde06) by GZTime
- timeline - (141ef2) by GZTime
- do not get initial value in effect - (370476) by GZTime
- submission sheett header - (e7b011) by GZTime
- log level - (f29aa3) by GZTime
- reduce the user update frequency - (dcb3f8) by GZTime
- writeup - (5dc69c) by GZTime
- team rank - (e6c7c2) by GZTime
- update scoreboard icon justify & tidy up - (84e3a0) by GZTime
- update print style - (d1100c) by GZTime
- Add bold accent colors - (678947) by GZTime
- avoid to update ConcurrencyStamp - (c81f0a) by GZTime
- user IP update - (8e6387) by GZTime
- ci - (a435d2) by GZTime
- ci - (c3d067) by GZTime
- ci - (f3973c) by GZTime
- dotnet7.0-rc1 - (31fa93) by GZTime - 2022-11-06
- add challenge preview - (ac0f99) by GZTime
- use pnpm - (87d17b) by GZTime - 2022-10-17
- add custom slogan - (703730) by GZTime
- toggle isEnabled will clear FlagTemplate - (1539c8) by GZTime
- some anti-pattern - (18c1ec) by GZTime
- InvalidOp in MailSender - (016e02) by GZTime
- react redraw frequently - (8ae08e) by GZTime
- k8s dockerjson format - (354186) by GZTime
- k8s dockerjson format - (874d33) by GZTime
- issues - (209a68) by GZTime
- deepsource badge - (74d218) by GZTime - 2022-10-06
0.12.8 - 2022-10-03
- remove storage limit for docker - (41f1c9) by GZTime
- flag template cannot be update - (946627) by GZTime
- flag of DynamicContainer can't be set empty (#44) - (a406f5) by Light
- destroy the container only if it exists - (f8140f) by GZTime
- adjust the order of organizations - (3b51ac) by GZTime
- logger type - (d6784d) by GZTime
0.12.6 - 2022-09-28
- update scoreboard - (473a93) by GZTime
- font family - (1bce4a) by GZTime
- timeline - (1dff4a) by GZTime
- timeline can not be updated - (c3148f) by GZTime - 2022-09-27
- update some styles - (b6549c) by GZTime - 2022-09-26
- event filter cannot filter new events correctly - (e2c9d5) by GZTime
- fix submission export icon - (c87f01) by GZTime
- update scoreboard icon justify & tidy up - (9e85f0) by GZTime - 2022-09-25
- (view) set default view to be PC - (b99145) by Konano - 2022-09-25
- fix for Safari & update timeline - (ec627e) by GZTime
0.12.5 - 2022-09-25
- submission sheet header - (9bbd8a) by GZTime - 2022-09-24
- reduce padding - (ada50c) by GZTime
0.12.4 - 2022-09-24
- post edit - (065207) by GZTime
0.12.2 - 2022-09-23
- (leet) Remove symbols from LeetDictionary (#43) - (63d86f) by Nano
0.12.1 - 2022-09-23
- enable when works are finished - (0d3c6c) by GZTime
- NaN when sort & save on toggle test container - (c46e9b) by GZTime
- wrong order in scoreboard - (d584f6) by GZTime
- do not use at - (2fed69) by GZTime
- update - (cf4065) by GZTime
0.12.0 - 2022-09-21
- add tooltip for scoreboard - (95310d) by GZTime
- enhanced mobile support - (5ae1b0) by GZTime
- enhanced mobile support - (d5e28a) by GZTime
- downgrade - (fcabc5) by GZTime
0.11.4 - 2022-09-20
0.11.2 - 2022-09-17
- request twice when verify - (fb93a6) by GZTime
- ci - (7d6c38) by GZTime
0.11.1 - 2022-09-14
- log to database - (a51a91) by GZTime
- better flag manager - (d3466b) by GZTime
0.11.0 - 2022-09-13
0.10.2 - 2022-09-11
0.10.1 - 2022-09-11
- flags submitted after game ended still can get bloods - (55043d) by GZTime
- ports can be null - (8f1f34) by GZTime
- markdown katex render regex - (2d9081) by GZTime
- ToUpper - (de750e) by GZTime
- flag leet - (57d396) by GZTime
- RegisterStatus not match - (7ca520) by GZTime
- game review - (69d3ef) by GZTime
0.10.0 - 2022-09-10
- leet string - (cb72be) by GZTime
- add swarm mode - (0dc4dd) by GZTime
- docker registry auth - (87cdcc) by GZTime
- hide & delete game - (4722cb) by GZTime
- user list overflow - (1a0360) by GZTime
- typo - (ce0ed9) by GZTimeWalker
- button style - (0e21c8) by GZTime
- k8s registry auth - (ff49b5) by GZTime
- swarm remove container - (65f985) by GZTime
- label too long - (dd698a) by GZTime
- error caused by long flag - (83a646) by GZTime
- docker auth - (f5c1ae) by GZTime
- challenge panel - (3129ab) by GZTime
- kick user but leave the participant - (ff4665) by GZTime
- container service - (2ac772) by GZTime
0.9.2 - 2022-09-09
- email domain filter - (439a15) by GZTime
- can not sign in with empty organizations list - (6a7731) by GZTime
- typo - (9525d1) by GZTimeWalker
- query warning - (a06afe) by GZTime
0.9.1 - 2022-09-08
- untracked entity - (1cbf68) by GZTime
0.9.0 - 2022-09-08
- 404 when flush admin page - (a93927) by GZTime
- self or captain deletion - (133367) by GZTime
- table render - (409716) by GZTime
- WithWiderScreen - (99c727) by GZTime
0.8.3 - 2022-09-06
- add wider screen requirement - (8261ea) by GZTime
- do not throw on error - (049c9d) by GZTime
0.8.2 - 2022-09-05
- create post without content - (e1d37c) by GZTime
0.8.0 - 2022-09-05
- add post - (170400) by GZTime
- unchanged summary - (0b09a1) by GZTime
- Api.ts - (1bb11b) by GZTimeWalker
- API - (de8427) by GZTime
- null array - (3e582a) by GZTime
- type error - (dafdfa) by GZTime
- scoreboard item get null when no challenges - (d5de9d) by GZTime
0.7.2 - 2022-09-02
- scoreboard width - (c50d22) by GZTime
- limit timeline - (05f9a2) by GZTime
- update admin API - (58f9cf) by GZTime
- remove not found container from db - (aadf8e) by GZTime
- filter events sent by signalr - (3b4958) by GZTime
0.7.1 - 2022-09-02
- mutate data after flag accepted - (3ef844) by GZTime
- no attachment for dynamic container challenge - (731208) by GZTime
0.7.0 - 2022-09-01
- db op order - (960ccf) by GZTime
0.6.1 - 2022-08-29
- challenge card -> hint - (00bc86) by GZTime
0.6.0 - 2022-08-28
0.5.0 - 2022-08-27
- global config - (060da3) by GZTime
- config manager - (f5fa95) by GZTime
- config in db - (65e73b) by GZTime
- update config manage - (aef42d) by GZTime
- MIME_TYPE when upload images - (13c92f) by GZTime
- error when export excel - (68f4f5) by GZTime
- empty env in static container on k8s - (fa3c4f) by GZTime
- update arch - (5c0d6c) by GZTime
- add develop - (611ecf) by GZTime
- update - (8a0df5) by GZTime
- update - (9fbd5c) by GZTime
- update - (d9b406) by GZTime
- update cache - (2155ca) by GZTime
- ci - (159015) by GZTime
0.4.2 - 2022-08-25
- hide solved - (9e22d2) by GZTime
- update notice order - (f819db) by GZTime
- update notice panel - (6d8284) by GZTime
- scoreboard only fetch submissions before end time - (abc0ca) by GZTime
- unify icon - (2d4a40) by GZTime
0.4.0 - 2022-08-24
- manually activate the user - (bfeb31) by GZTime
- skeleton for challenges page - (47a937) by chenjunyu19
- empty status indicator - (808555) by chenjunyu19
- Icon ref by auto-complete - (11cb7c) by GZTime
- launch test container when updated image or port - (50a39f) by GZTime
- team rank loading - (f5e9a2) by GZTime
- add eslint for dev - (3e19fb) by GZTime
0.3.0 - 2022-08-14
0.2.0 - 2022-08-13
- type error - (1acfbe) by GZTimeWalker
- user profile - (f3565c) by GZTimeWalker
- incorrect container limit - (d86960) by GZTimeWalker
- redundant quotes - (ccb9f4) by GZTimeWalker
- TeamRadarMap with no data - (bf940b) by chenjunyu19
- missing key of recent games - (2a4ff2) by chenjunyu19
0.1.4 - 2022-08-11
- flag submit - (2bfea4) by GZTimeWalker
0.1.3 - 2022-08-10
0.1.1 - 2022-08-10
- page title - (932ec9) by chenjunyu19
- polling request - (70d2b3) by adbean
- tsconfig paths for vite - (1b66b9) by adbean
- migration to 5.0 - (53c345) by GZTimeWalker
- deny login from banned user - (869aba) by GZTimeWalker
- user search - (b5c8b6) by GZTimeWalker
- add game poster - (933b7a) by GZTimeWalker
- game page - (72f92d) by GZTimeWalker
- icon - (611ded) by GZTimeWalker
- too large range of path Api - (360f79) by chenjunyu19
- scoreboard generate - (d87047) by GZTimeWalker
- scoreboard - (fe108d) by GZTimeWalker
- frontend - (1de7fa) by GZTimeWalker
- pull image when not found - (0b3bf0) by GZTimeWalker
- create instance - (e20299) by GZTimeWalker
- sort - (f40a32) by GZTimeWalker
- team review actionicon color - (886294) by chenjunyu19
- fix exception type - (58c234) by GZTimeWalker
- color - (0ef102) by GZTimeWalker
- style - (0988e7) by GZTimeWalker
- small width homepage - (194955) by chenjunyu19
- small width homepage - (e93d9b) by chenjunyu19
- build error - (0a8aa3) by GZTimeWalker
- challenge filter - (039dc3) by GZTimeWalker
- api request error notifications - (255dfb) by chenjunyu19
- flags not loaded when judging - (cfc3da) by GZTimeWalker
- nullable filename - (432017) by GZTimeWalker
- unexpect delete - (e452be) by GZTimeWalker
- errors & update - (864590) by GZTimeWalker
- wrong navigate in game oncreate - (5f8e04) by chenjunyu19
- usage of API - (84bd01) by GZTimeWalker
- avatar icon - (e3025b) by GZTimeWalker
- blank - (2ea971) by GZTimeWalker
- navbar - (4df35b) by GZTimeWalker
- icon error - (a153ea) by GZTimeWalker
- sort - (761b05) by GZTimeWalker
- CI error - (2055e5) by GZTimeWalker
- image tag with branch - (b3a0ca) by GZTimeWalker
- data length limit - (28b697) by GZTimeWalker
- data format limit - (5168d4) by GZTimeWalker
- invalidate notice cache when update - (2c947b) by GZTimeWalker
- account page: link style and enter - (9799a4) by chenjunyu19
- bad mdi icon import - (781921) by chenjunyu19
- enter key in login page - (2b52ec) by chenjunyu19
- user search - (b54f60) by GZTimeWalker
- allow no param - (5400d0) by GZTimeWalker
- incorrect routing - (89f9cf) by GZTimeWalker
- type warn - (23f0f0) by GZTimeWalker
- email change input is not empty - (ab3745) by GZTimeWalker
- lost data when refresh invite code - (9a2bb5) by GZTimeWalker
- unify the limit of username - (bbea48) by GZTimeWalker
- update api - (0c61f9) by GZTimeWalker
- incorrect length of hash - (e6ae3a) by GZTimeWalker
- add file ref count - (f78f17) by GZTimeWalker
- logger - (d0ad46) by GZTimeWalker
- update card - (1e032c) by GZTimeWalker
- update CI - (d1d93c) by GZTimeWalker
- enable eslint - (34ed07) by GZTimeWalker
- update dockerfile - (85b81e) by GZTimeWalker
- dump deps - (0fda73) by GZTimeWalker
- migrate to vite - (3e4b7e) by GZTimeWalker
- challenge model - (2d0d4b) by GZTimeWalker
- merge - (e01e64) by GZTimeWalker
- use vite and mantine - (6adb78) by Yuze Fu
- fix - (337ab0) by GZTimeWalker
GZCTF © 2022-present GZTimeWalker