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158 lines (83 loc) · 9.43 KB

File metadata and controls

158 lines (83 loc) · 9.43 KB script

This script uses the open source instrument file reading software MSConvert from the Proteowizard suite. Installation instructions and documentation can be found here.

The software uses the graphical user interface (GUI) bundle tkinter included in the Python standard library to allow the user to select the RAW files to convert, set some noise filters, and specify the type of data. File organization and naming are done automatically.

The script's workflow is:

  • select RAW Files
  • [optional] change parameters
  • pick data type
  • perform conversions


The script needs to know how to launch the MSConvert command on your Windows computer. Proteowizard is managed using continuous integration and new versions appear regularly. There is not a formal major version scheme (I think) with a release schedule. I download new versions quarterly (or when I remember to do so). New versions install to a new folder (which contains version information).

This means that the path for the MSConvert.exe application changes every time you update the software. There are several ways to deal with this. The one I use is to create a Windows batch file called "MSConvert.bat" that points to the latest version of the Proteowizard tools. I have a "commands_scripts" folder that contains this batch file and a few others. That folder is in my Windows system PATH variable. The installation information for MSConvert has details. This lets the script execute a system call to run "MSConvert" and that will execute whatever MSConvert.exe that the batch file points to.

You can also edit the script to explicitly execute the MSConvert.exe application. The lines are in the start_processing method of the MSConvertGUI class. Look for the "# call MSConvert" comment line.

Project organization

The PAW pipeline uses a subfolder organization scheme to keep track of files and spare the user some housekeeping chores. For a given analysis project, there should be a formal "project folder" created. Our core assigns project codes (a mashup of PI name and project number) and we use those as folder names. You may have some other method to your madness. You will need to create a folder for an analysis that will contain all of the analysis files. There should be a subfolder called raw_files created to contain the Thermo instrument RAW files to be analyzed.

Organization Scheme:

  • create a project folder
  • create a raw_files folder in the project folder
  • copy RAW files to the raw_files folder

Step-by-step Example

This is analysis of a public dataset (PRIDE PXD002875) from Paulo, O'Connell, Gaun, and Gygi:

Paulo, J.A., O’Connell, J.D., Gaun, A. and Gygi, S.P., 2015. Proteome-wide quantitative multiplexed profiling of protein expression: carbon-source dependency in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular biology of the cell, 26(22), pp.4063-4074.

There were 24 RAW files of yeast grown in three different carbon sources. It was a 3x3 (9-plex) TMT experiment done with the SPS MS3 (MultiNotch) method:

McAlister, G.C., Nusinow, D.P., Jedrychowski, M.P., Wühr, M., Huttlin, E.L., Erickson, B.K., Rad, R., Haas, W. and Gygi, S.P., 2014. MultiNotch MS3 enables accurate, sensitive, and multiplexed detection of differential expression across cancer cell line proteomes. Analytical chemistry, 86(14), pp.7150-7158.

project folder

I have created a PXD002875_CarbonSources project folder.

raw files folder

In that folder, I have created a raw_files subfolder.

raw files

The raw_files folder contains the 24 downloaded .raw files.


The script uses some Python libraries that are not part of the standard library. These are commonly referred to as the scientific Python stack. The easiest way to manage that is to use the Anaconda Python distribution. Installation instructions can be found >>HERE<<.

I refuse to apologize for liking the builtin development environment in Python called IDLE and recommend using IDLE to launch Python scripts. Start an Anaconda command prompt window.


In the command, window type idle and press return. (NOTE: you may have to specify a specific Python version depending on what is installed on your system, such as idle3.) This will launch the IDLE environment. IDLE has a console window called the Shell window that will open upon launch. It will tell you the version of Python that it is running.

open script

You need to open the script file in order to run it from IDLE. Select the Open... command from the File menu.

open dialog

Browse to the location where the PAW pipeline scripts are located on your system. I created a subfolder called PAW_pipeline inside a python_programs subfolder located inside of my Box Sync folder. Select the script using the file dialog box, then click the Open button in the lower right corner.

run script

A new code editing window will open in IDLE. The window has color-coded syntax highlighting, tab completion, and standard editing functionality. Execute the script by selecting the Run Module command from the Run menu. Pressing the F5 function key is a shortcut.

GUI start

The GUI application window is not very large. It (hopefully) opens as a top window and you can find it. The first thing to do is to select the .raw files to process. Press the Load files button in the upper left of the window.

select raw files

This brings up the standard file dialog box. Perform a multiple file selection of all of the .raw files to be processed (24 for this example). Then click the Open button.

set parameters

The text field next to the Load files button should have a summary of your file selection. There are a couple of parameter settings (Minimum ion count and Minimum Intensity) with very generous settings. These will skip some very poor quality scans and do not usually need to be changed.

The Data to extract set of radio buttons are very important. This tells the application what kind of data it is processing, and what output files to create. This data is MS3 TMT. We will have linked MS2 and MS3 scans. The y- and b-ion information will be in the ion trap MS2 scans and the reporter ion information will be in the Oribrap MS3 scans. We need files for Comet to use to identify the peptides (MS2 format), and we need to save the reporter ion peak heights in files the pipeline can read later.

McDonald, W.H., Tabb, D.L., Sadygov, R.G., MacCoss, M.J., Venable, J., Graumann, J., Johnson, J.R., Cociorva, D. and Yates III, J.R., 2004. MS1, MS2, and SQT—three unified, compact, and easily parsed file formats for the storage of shotgun proteomic spectra and identifications. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 18(18), pp.2162-2168.

Thermo instruments save centroided data for every scan even if the method specified profile mode data acquisition. The SPS MS3 method has centroided ion trap CID MS2 data and profile mode Orbitrap HCD MS3 data. We can use the centroid option for both.

Press the Start conversion button to begin the data processing. The application does not make use of multiple processors, so conversions can take several minutes to hours. MSConvert typically has a large binary file to work through. The converted text format file is also large. This needs to be parsed to get the MS2 scan data and the extract the reporter ions.

console top

During the processing, the bottom line (the status bar) of the GUI window shows progress. The IDLE console window also logs information during processing.


When the GUI status bar indicates that the conversions have completed, the Quit button can be pressed.

console bottom

We will also get the Python command prompt (>>>) back in the console window after the GUI application has exited.

new files

We will see that there are some new files in the raw_files folder. These are the text-format files from MSConvert (in compressed form). They can be uncompressed and examined with editors designed for large files (or with command line options).

msn files folder

There will also be a new folder created called msn_files.

msn files

This folder has the files we need for the next step in the PAW pipeline. It has .ms2 files for used by Comet. The .PAW_tmt.txt files have the reporter ion peak height data.

Next Step: How to run comet_GUI