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Shopify Provider Project

This project contains the Shopify Provider configuration for Terraform.

Configuration Description

This project uses Terraform to manage Shopify Function resource registration for Shopify stores. The main configuration file is, which defines the settings for the Shopify Provider.

Provider Configuration

terraform {
  required_providers {
    shopify = {
      source  = "pseudomonarchia/terraform-provider-shopify"
      version = "0.0.4"

provider "shopify" {
  store_domain       = "<store>"
  store_access_token = "<access_token>"
  store_api_version  = "2024-07"
  • store_domain: Your Shopify store domain
  • store_access_token: Access token for accessing the Shopify API
  • store_api_version: The Shopify API version being used

Usage Instructions

  1. Ensure Terraform is installed.
  2. Replace <store> with your actual Shopify store name.
  3. Replace <access_token> with your Shopify API access token.
  4. Run terraform init to initialize the project.
  5. Use terraform plan and terraform apply to manage your Shopify resources.


  • Make sure to securely store your access token and do not expose it or commit it to version control systems.
  • Regularly check and update the API version to ensure compatibility with the latest Shopify API.


Issue reports and improvement suggestions are welcome.