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Using Promises

A JavaScript promise represents the result of an asynchronous operation. Promises can be in one of three states, pending, fulfilled, or rejected. To access a promise's fulfilled value or rejection reason, register your handler to the promise's then method.

The JavaScript client library provides a Promises/A+-conformant interface. We strongly recommend that you use promises instead of callbacks. Requests made using the promise interface are RESTful. Using promises also gives you elegant error handling and easy chaining, and the Google JavaScript promise interface fixes various small bugs and inconsistencies that were present in the older callback-based interface.

Using promises

Requests created through gapi.client.request, gapi.client.newBatch, and registered API methods are "thenable." gapi.client.load also returns a promise if a callback argument is not provided. Each of the requests has a then(opt_onFulfilled, opt_onRejected, opt_context) method that takes three optional parameters:

Parameter Type Description
opt_onFulfilled(response) function Optional fulfilled promise handler.
opt_onRejected(reason) function Optional rejected promise handler.
opt_context object Optional context for the handlers to execute in.

Note: The promises in this library are resolved lazily. That means that no network requests are actually made until then is invoked. Once a promise is resolved or rejected with a value, the value does not change.

Note: We strongly recommended that you always provide a rejection handler. Rejections that your code does not handle are propagated as top-level exceptions. Rejection reasons can include application-level errors and network errors.

Fulfilled responses and application-level rejections are in the following format:

Name Type Description
response | reason object An object containing information about the HTTP response.
Name Type Description
result * The JSON-parsed result. false if not JSON-parseable.
body string The raw response string.
headers object | undefined The map of HTTP response headers.
status number | undefined HTTP status.
statusText string | undefined HTTP status text.

Single requests example:

gapi.client.request({'path': '/plus/v1/people', 'query': 'John'}).then(function(response) {
  // Handle response
}, function(reason) {
  // Handle error

gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1').then(function() {{'query': ''}).then(...);

Batch requests

When you create a request with the intention of adding it to a batch, do not invoke its then method until after the request has been added to the batch. If the then method is invoked before the request is added, the request is sent immediately instead of as part of the batch. You can invoke the requests's then method before or after the batch's then. The optional callback parameter to the add method has no effect when the batch object is treated as a promise.


var req1 = ... // Instantiate
var req2 = ... // Instantiate
var batch = gapi.client.newBatch();

Context parameter

Passing the context parameter is equivalent to binding the context value to the promise handlers by setting this in the handlers to point to the context.


var personFetcher = {
  results: [],

  fetch: function(name) {
    gapi.client.request({path: '/plus/v1/people', params:{query: name}}).then(function(response) {
    }, function(reason) {
      console.error(name, 'was not fetched:', reason.result.error.message);
    }, this);

Migrating from callbacks to promises

Migrating from callbacks to promises

The result parameter of the fulfilled promise value is equivalent to the first parameter in execute's callback. To update your code to use promises, change your code as shown in the before and after examples below.

The following example shows using a callback:

  'path': 'plus/v1/people',
  'params': {'query': name}
 }).execute(function(resp, rawResp) {

You can rewrite the example shown above to use a promise like the following:

  'path': 'plus/v1/people',
  'params': {'query': name}
 }).then(function(resp) {