File tree
593 files changed
lines changed- .github/workflows
- dashboard
- compliance
- docs
- developer-guide
- tutorials
- prowler
- compliance/aws
- config
- lib
- check
- outputs
- asff
- compliance
- kisa_ismsp
- slack
- scan
- providers
- aws
- lib/policy_condition_parser
- services
- apigateway
- apigateway_restapi_client_certificate_enabled
- apigateway_restapi_logging_enabled
- apigateway_restapi_public
- apigateway_restapi_waf_acl_attached
- appstream
- appstream_fleet_default_internet_access_disabled
- appstream_fleet_maximum_session_duration
- appstream_fleet_session_disconnect_timeout
- appstream_fleet_session_idle_disconnect_timeout
- athena
- athena_workgroup_encryption
- athena_workgroup_enforce_configuration
- autoscaling
- autoscaling_find_secrets_ec2_launch_configuration
- autoscaling_group_multiple_az
- awslambda
- awslambda_function_inside_vpc
- awslambda_function_invoke_api_operations_cloudtrail_logging_enabled
- awslambda_function_not_publicly_accessible
- awslambda_function_vpc_multi_az
- backup
- backup_plans_exist
- backup_reportplans_exist
- backup_vaults_encrypted
- backup_vaults_exist
- cloudfront
- cloudfront_distributions_custom_ssl_certificate
- cloudfront_distributions_default_root_object
- cloudfront_distributions_https_sni_enabled
- cloudfront_distributions_multiple_origin_failover_configured
- cloudfront_distributions_origin_traffic_encrypted
- cloudfront_distributions_s3_origin_access_control
- cloudfront_distributions_s3_origin_non_existent_bucket
- cloudtrail
- cloudtrail_s3_dataevents_read_enabled
- cloudtrail_s3_dataevents_write_enabled
- cloudtrail_threat_detection_enumeration
- cloudtrail_threat_detection_privilege_escalation
- cloudwatch
- cloudwatch_changes_to_network_acls_alarm_configured
- cloudwatch_changes_to_network_gateways_alarm_configured
- cloudwatch_changes_to_network_route_tables_alarm_configured
- cloudwatch_changes_to_vpcs_alarm_configured
- cloudwatch_cross_account_sharing_disabled
- cloudwatch_log_group_kms_encryption_enabled
- cloudwatch_log_group_no_secrets_in_logs
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_and_alarm_for_aws_config_configuration_changes_enabled
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_and_alarm_for_cloudtrail_configuration_changes_enabled
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_authentication_failures
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_aws_organizations_changes
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_disable_or_scheduled_deletion_of_kms_cmk
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_for_s3_bucket_policy_changes
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_policy_changes
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_root_usage
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_security_group_changes
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_sign_in_without_mfa
- cloudwatch_log_metric_filter_unauthorized_api_calls
- codebuild
- codebuild_project_no_secrets_in_variables
- codebuild_project_older_90_days
- codebuild_project_source_repo_url_no_sensitive_credentials
- codebuild_project_user_controlled_buildspec
- cognito/cognito_identity_pool_guest_access_disabled
- directoryservice
- directoryservice_directory_log_forwarding_enabled
- directoryservice_directory_monitor_notifications
- directoryservice_directory_snapshots_limit
- directoryservice_ldap_certificate_expiration
- directoryservice_radius_server_security_protocol
- directoryservice_supported_mfa_radius_enabled
- dms
- dms_endpoint_ssl_enabled
- dms_instance_minor_version_upgrade_enabled
- dms_instance_multi_az_enabled
- dms_instance_no_public_access
- documentdb
- documentdb_cluster_cloudwatch_log_export
- documentdb_cluster_deletion_protection
- documentdb_cluster_public_snapshot
- documentdb_cluster_storage_encrypted
- dynamodb
- dynamodb_accelerator_cluster_encryption_enabled
- dynamodb_accelerator_cluster_in_transit_encryption_enabled
- dynamodb_table_cross_account_access
- dynamodb_table_deletion_protection_enabled
- dynamodb_table_protected_by_backup_plan
- dynamodb_tables_kms_cmk_encryption_enabled
- dynamodb_tables_pitr_enabled
- ec2
- ec2_ebs_public_snapshot
- ec2_ebs_snapshot_account_block_public_access
- ec2_ebs_snapshots_encrypted
- ec2_ebs_volume_protected_by_backup_plan
- ec2_instance_paravirtual_type
- ec2_instance_port_memcached_exposed_to_internet
- ec2_instance_uses_single_eni
- ec2_launch_template_no_public_ip
- ec2_launch_template_no_secrets
- ec2_networkacl_allow_ingress_any_port
- ec2_networkacl_allow_ingress_tcp_port_22
- ec2_networkacl_allow_ingress_tcp_port_3389
- ec2_networkacl_unused
- ec2_securitygroup_allow_ingress_from_internet_to_any_port
- ecr
- ecr_registry_scan_images_on_push_enabled
- ecr_repositories_not_publicly_accessible
- ecr_repositories_tag_immutability
- ecs
- ecs_service_no_assign_public_ip
- ecs_task_definitions_containers_readonly_access
- ecs_task_definitions_host_networking_mode_users
- ecs_task_definitions_logging_enabled
- ecs_task_definitions_no_environment_secrets
- ecs_task_definitions_no_privileged_containers
- efs
- efs_encryption_at_rest_enabled
- efs_have_backup_enabled
- efs_not_publicly_accessible
- lib
- elasticache
- elasticache_cluster_uses_public_subnet
- elasticache_redis_cluster_auto_minor_version_upgrades
- elasticache_redis_cluster_automatic_failover_enabled
- elasticache_redis_cluster_backup_enabled
- elasticache_redis_cluster_in_transit_encryption_enabled
- elasticache_redis_cluster_multi_az_enabled
- elasticache_redis_cluster_rest_encryption_enabled
- elasticache_redis_replication_group_auth_enabled
- elb
- elb_connection_draining_enabled
- elb_cross_zone_load_balancing_enabled
- elbv2
- elbv2_deletion_protection
- elbv2_desync_mitigation_mode
- elbv2_insecure_ssl_ciphers
- elbv2_internet_facing
- elbv2_is_in_multiple_az
- elbv2_listeners_underneath
- elbv2_logging_enabled
- elbv2_ssl_listeners
- elbv2_waf_acl_attached
- emr
- emr_cluster_account_public_block_enabled
- emr_cluster_master_nodes_no_public_ip
- emr_cluster_publicly_accesible
- eventbridge
- glacier/glacier_vaults_policy_public_access
- globalaccelerator
- glue
- glue_data_catalogs_connection_passwords_encryption_enabled
- glue_data_catalogs_metadata_encryption_enabled
- glue_database_connections_ssl_enabled
- glue_development_endpoints_cloudwatch_logs_encryption_enabled
- glue_development_endpoints_job_bookmark_encryption_enabled
- glue_development_endpoints_s3_encryption_enabled
- glue_etl_jobs_amazon_s3_encryption_enabled
- glue_etl_jobs_cloudwatch_logs_encryption_enabled
- glue_etl_jobs_job_bookmark_encryption_enabled
- guardduty
- guardduty_centrally_managed
- guardduty_rds_protection_enabled
- guardduty_s3_protection_enabled
- iam
- iam_administrator_access_with_mfa
- iam_aws_attached_policy_no_administrative_privileges
- iam_customer_attached_policy_no_administrative_privileges
- iam_customer_unattached_policy_no_administrative_privileges
- iam_inline_policy_allows_privilege_escalation
- iam_inline_policy_no_administrative_privileges
- iam_inline_policy_no_full_access_to_cloudtrail
- iam_inline_policy_no_full_access_to_kms
- iam_no_expired_server_certificates_stored
- iam_no_root_access_key
- iam_password_policy_expires_passwords_within_90_days_or_less
- iam_password_policy_lowercase
- iam_password_policy_minimum_length_14
- iam_password_policy_number
- iam_password_policy_reuse_24
- iam_password_policy_symbol
- iam_password_policy_uppercase
- iam_policy_attached_only_to_group_or_roles
- iam_role_cross_service_confused_deputy_prevention
- iam_rotate_access_key_90_days
- iam_securityaudit_role_created
- iam_support_role_created
- iam_user_no_setup_initial_access_key
- lib
- inspector2
- inspector2_is_enabled
- kafka
- kafka_cluster_encryption_at_rest_uses_cmk
- kafka_cluster_enhanced_monitoring_enabled
- kafka_cluster_in_transit_encryption_enabled
- kafka_cluster_is_public
- kafka_cluster_mutual_tls_authentication_enabled
- kafka_cluster_unrestricted_access_disabled
- kafka_cluster_uses_latest_version
- kms/kms_key_not_publicly_accessible
- lightsail
- lightsail_database_public
- lightsail_instance_automated_snapshots
- lightsail_instance_public
- lightsail_static_ip_unused
- macie/macie_is_enabled
- neptune
- neptune_cluster_copy_tags_to_snapshots
- neptune_cluster_integration_cloudwatch_logs
- neptune_cluster_public_snapshot
- neptune_cluster_snapshot_encrypted
- neptune_cluster_storage_encrypted
- neptune_cluster_uses_public_subnet
- networkfirewall
- networkfirewall_deletion_protection
- networkfirewall_in_all_vpc
- networkfirewall_policy_rule_group_associated
- opensearch
- opensearch_service_domains_access_control_enabled
- opensearch_service_domains_audit_logging_enabled
- opensearch_service_domains_cloudwatch_logging_enabled
- opensearch_service_domains_encryption_at_rest_enabled
- opensearch_service_domains_https_communications_enforced
- opensearch_service_domains_internal_user_database_enabled
- opensearch_service_domains_node_to_node_encryption_enabled
- opensearch_service_domains_not_publicly_accessible
- opensearch_service_domains_updated_to_the_latest_service_software_version
- opensearch_service_domains_use_cognito_authentication_for_kibana
- organizations
- organizations_opt_out_ai_services_policy
- organizations_scp_check_deny_regions
- organizations_tags_policies_enabled_and_attached
- rds
- rds_cluster_backtrack_enabled
- rds_cluster_critical_event_subscription
- rds_cluster_integration_cloudwatch_logs
- rds_cluster_non_default_port
- rds_instance_critical_event_subscription
- rds_instance_event_subscription_parameter_groups
- rds_instance_event_subscription_security_groups
- rds_instance_inside_vpc
- rds_instance_integration_cloudwatch_logs
- rds_instance_non_default_port
- rds_instance_protected_by_backup_plan
- route53
- route53_dangling_ip_subdomain_takeover
- route53_domains_privacy_protection_enabled
- route53_domains_transferlock_enabled
- s3
- s3_account_level_public_access_blocks
- s3_bucket_cross_account_access
- s3_bucket_policy_public_write_access
- s3_bucket_public_access
- sagemaker
- sagemaker_endpoint_config_prod_variant_instances
- sagemaker_models_network_isolation_enabled
- sagemaker_models_vpc_settings_configured
- sagemaker_training_jobs_intercontainer_encryption_enabled
- sagemaker_training_jobs_network_isolation_enabled
- sagemaker_training_jobs_volume_and_output_encryption_enabled
- sagemaker_training_jobs_vpc_settings_configured
- securityhub
- securityhub_enabled
- shield
- shield_advanced_protection_in_classic_load_balancers
- shield_advanced_protection_in_global_accelerators
- shield_advanced_protection_in_internet_facing_load_balancers
- shield_advanced_protection_in_route53_hosted_zones
- sns
- sns_subscription_not_using_http_endpoints
- sns_topics_not_publicly_accessible
- sqs/sqs_queues_not_publicly_accessible
- ssm
- ssm_documents_set_as_public
- ssm_managed_compliant_patching
- vpc
- vpc_endpoint_connections_trust_boundaries
- vpc_endpoint_for_ec2_enabled
- vpc_vpn_connection_tunnels_up
- wafv2
- wafv2_webacl_logging_enabled
- workspaces
- workspaces_volume_encryption_enabled
- workspaces_vpc_2private_1public_subnets_nat
- azure
- services/containerregistry
- containerregistry_admin_user_disabled
- common
- gcp
- lib/service
- services
- apikeys/apikeys_api_restrictions_configured
- compute
- dns
- iam
- iam_organization_essential_contacts_configured
- kms/kms_key_rotation_enabled
- kubernetes
- tests
- config
- fixtures
- lib
- check
- outputs
- asff
- compliance
- kisa_ismsp
- output_options
- slack
- scan
- providers
- aws
- lib/policy_condition_parser
- services
- accessanalyzer/accessanalyzer_enabled
- apigateway/apigateway_endpoint_public
- awslambda
- awslambda_function_no_secrets_in_variables
- awslambda_function_not_publicly_accessible
- awslambda_function_vpc_multi_az
- backup
- backup_plans_exist
- backup_vaults_encrypted
- backup_vaults_exist
- cloudfront
- cloudfront_distributions_custom_ssl_certificate
- cloudfront_distributions_default_root_object
- cloudfront_distributions_field_level_encryption_enabled
- cloudfront_distributions_geo_restrictions_enabled
- cloudfront_distributions_https_enabled
- cloudfront_distributions_https_sni_enabled
- cloudfront_distributions_logging_enabled
- cloudfront_distributions_multiple_origin_failover_configured
- cloudfront_distributions_origin_traffic_encrypted
- cloudfront_distributions_s3_origin_access_control
- cloudfront_distributions_s3_origin_non_existent_bucket
- cloudfront_distributions_using_deprecated_ssl_protocols
- cloudfront_distributions_using_waf
- cloudtrail
- cloudtrail_threat_detection_enumeration
- cloudtrail_threat_detection_privilege_escalation
- codebuild
- codebuild_project_no_secrets_in_variables
- codebuild_project_older_90_days
- codebuild_project_source_repo_url_no_sensitive_credentials
- codebuild_project_user_controlled_buildspec
- dms
- dms_endpoint_ssl_enabled_test
- dms_instance_minor_version_upgrade_enabled
- dms_instance_multi_az
- dms_instance_no_public_access
- dynamodb
- dynamodb_accelerator_cluster_in_transit_encryption_enabled
- dynamodb_table_cross_account_access
- dynamodb_table_deletion_protection_enabled
- dynamodb_table_protected_by_backup_plan
- ec2
- ec2_ebs_volume_protected_by_backup_plan
- ec2_instance_paravirtual_type
- ec2_instance_uses_single_eni
- ec2_launch_template_no_public_ip
- ec2_launch_template_no_secrets
- ec2_networkacl_unused
- ec2_securitygroup_allow_ingress_from_internet_to_any_port
- ecr
- ecr_repositories_not_publicly_accessible
- ecr_repositories_tag_immutability
- ecs
- ecs_service_no_assign_public_ip
- ecs_task_definitions_containers_readonly_access
- ecs_task_definitions_host_networking_mode_users
- ecs_task_definitions_logging_enabled
- ecs_task_definitions_no_environment_secrets
- ecs_task_definitions_no_privileged_containers
- efs/lib
- elasticache
- elasticache_redis_cluster_auto_minor_version_upgrades
- elasticache_redis_cluster_automatic_failover_enabled
- elasticache_redis_cluster_backup_enabled
- elasticache_redis_cluster_in_transit_encryption_enabled
- elasticache_redis_cluster_multi_az_enabled
- elasticache_redis_cluster_rest_encryption_enabled
- elasticache_redis_replication_group_auth_enabled
- elb
- elb_connection_draining_enabled
- globalaccelerator
- glue
- glue_database_connections_ssl_enabled
- glue_development_endpoints_cloudwatch_logs_encryption_enabled
- glue_development_endpoints_job_bookmark_encryption_enabled
- glue_development_endpoints_s3_encryption_enabled
- glue_etl_jobs_amazon_s3_encryption_enabled
- glue_etl_jobs_cloudwatch_logs_encryption_enabled
- glue_etl_jobs_job_bookmark_encryption_enabled
- guardduty
- guardduty_is_enabled
- guardduty_rds_protection_enabled
- guardduty_s3_protection_enabled
- iam
- iam_inline_policy_allows_privilege_escalation
- iam_inline_policy_no_administrative_privileges
- iam_inline_policy_no_full_access_to_cloudtrail
- iam_inline_policy_no_full_access_to_kms
- iam_policy_allows_privilege_escalation
- lib
- inspector2
- inspector2_active_findings_exist
- inspector2_is_enabled
- neptune
- neptune_cluster_copy_tags_to_snapshots
- neptune_cluster_integration_cloudwatch_logs
- neptune_cluster_snapshot_encrypted
- networkfirewall
- networkfirewall_deletion_protection
- networkfirewall_in_all_vpc
- networkfirewall_policy_rule_group_associated
- opensearch/opensearch_service_domains_access_control_enabled
- organizations
- organizations_opt_out_ai_services_policy
- organizations_scp_check_deny_regions
- organizations_tags_policies_enabled_and_attached
- rds
- rds_cluster_critical_event_subscription
- rds_cluster_integration_cloudwatch_logs
- rds_cluster_non_default_port
- rds_instance_critical_event_subscription
- rds_instance_event_subscription_parameter_groups
- rds_instance_event_subscription_security_groups
- rds_instance_inside_vpc
- rds_instance_integration_cloudwatch_logs
- rds_instance_non_default_port
- rds_instance_protected_by_backup_plan
- s3
- s3_access_point_public_access_block
- s3_bucket_cross_account_access
- sagemaker
- sagemaker_endpoint_config_prod_variant_instances
- sagemaker_models_network_isolation_enabled
- sagemaker_models_vpc_settings_configured
- sagemaker_notebook_instance_encryption_enabled
- sagemaker_notebook_instance_root_access_disabled
- sagemaker_notebook_instance_vpc_settings_configured
- sagemaker_notebook_instance_without_direct_internet_access_configured
- sagemaker_training_jobs_intercontainer_encryption_enabled
- sagemaker_training_jobs_network_isolation_enabled
- sagemaker_training_jobs_volume_and_output_encryption_enabled
- sagemaker_training_jobs_vpc_settings_configured
- securityhub
- securityhub_enabled
- shield/shield_advanced_protection_in_global_accelerators
- sns/sns_topics_not_publicly_accessible
- ssm
- ssm_documents_set_as_public
- ssm_managed_compliant_patching
- vpc
- vpc_endpoint_for_ec2_enabled
- vpc_vpn_connection_tunnels_up
- wafv2
- wafv2_webacl_logging_enabled
- azure
- services/containerregistry
- containerregistry_admin_user_disabled
- gcp
- services
- apikeys/apikeys_api_restrictions_configured
- iam/iam_organization_essential_contacts_configured
- kms/kms_key_rotation_enabled
- kubernetes
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
593 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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154 | 154 |
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156 |
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162 | 162 |
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165 |
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167 | 167 |
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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14 |
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63 | 63 |
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64 | 64 |
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66 |
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| 2388 | + | |
| 2389 | + | |
| 2390 | + | |
| 2391 | + | |
| 2392 | + | |
| 2393 | + | |
| 2394 | + | |
| 2395 | + | |
| 2396 | + | |
| 2397 | + | |
| 2398 | + | |
| 2399 | + | |
| 2400 | + | |
| 2401 | + | |
| 2402 | + | |
| 2403 | + | |
| 2404 | + | |
| 2405 | + | |
| 2406 | + | |
| 2407 | + | |
| 2408 | + | |
| 2409 | + | |
| 2410 | + | |
| 2411 | + | |
| 2412 | + | |
| 2413 | + | |
| 2414 | + | |
| 2415 | + | |
| 2416 | + | |
| 2417 | + | |
| 2418 | + | |
| 2419 | + | |
| 2420 | + | |
| 2421 | + | |
| 2422 | + | |
| 2423 | + | |
| 2424 | + | |
| 2425 | + | |
| 2426 | + | |
| 2427 | + | |
| 2428 | + | |
| 2429 | + | |
| 2430 | + | |
| 2431 | + | |
| 2432 | + | |
| 2433 | + | |
| 2434 | + | |
| 2435 | + | |
| 2436 | + | |
| 2437 | + | |
| 2438 | + | |
| 2439 | + | |
| 2440 | + | |
| 2441 | + | |
| 2442 | + | |
| 2443 | + | |
| 2444 | + | |
| 2445 | + | |
| 2446 | + | |
| 2447 | + | |
| 2448 | + | |
| 2449 | + | |
| 2450 | + | |
| 2451 | + | |
| 2452 | + | |
| 2453 | + | |
| 2454 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
| 18 | + | |
| 19 | + | |
| 20 | + | |
| 21 | + | |
| 22 | + | |
| 23 | + | |
| 24 | + | |
| 25 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
| 18 | + | |
| 19 | + | |
| 20 | + | |
| 21 | + | |
| 22 | + | |
| 23 | + | |
| 24 | + | |
| 25 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
272 | 272 |
| |
273 | 273 |
| |
274 | 274 |
| |
275 |
| - | |
| 275 | + | |
276 | 276 |
| |
277 | 277 |
| |
278 | 278 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
14 | 14 |
| |
15 | 15 |
| |
16 | 16 |
| |
17 |
| - | |
18 |
| - | |
19 |
| - | |
20 |
| - | |
| 17 | + | |
| 18 | + | |
21 | 19 |
| |
22 | 20 |
| |
23 | 21 |
| |
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