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Prombench in KIND

Run Prombench tests in Kubernetes In Docker.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup Prombench
  2. Usage

Setup Prombench

1. Install KIND

Follow the KIND installation guide to install KIND on your system.

2. Create the KIND Cluster

a. Build the Infra CLI Tool

  1. Navigate to the infra/ directory:
    cd infra/
  2. Build the Infra CLI tool:
    go build .
  3. Navigate to the prombench/ directory:
    cd ../prombench/

b. Create a Multi-Node KIND Cluster

  1. Set the necessary environment variables:
    export CLUSTER_NAME=prombench
    export PR_NUMBER=<PR to benchmark against the selected $RELEASE>
  2. Deploy the cluster:
    ../infra/infra kind cluster create -v PR_NUMBER:$PR_NUMBER -v CLUSTER_NAME:$CLUSTER_NAME \
        -f manifests/cluster_kind.yaml
  3. Remove the taint from the prombench-control-plane node for deploying the nginx-ingress-controller:
    kubectl --context kind-$CLUSTER_NAME taint nodes $CLUSTER_NAME-control-plane

3. Deploy Monitoring Components

Collecting, monitoring, and displaying the test results and logs.

a. [Optional] Generate a GitHub Auth Token

If used with the GitHub integration:

  1. Login with the Prombot account and generate a new auth token with the following permissions:

    • public_repo
    • read:org
    • write:discussion
  2. Set the following environment variables:

    export GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password
    export # Can be set to any other custom domain or an empty string when not used with the Github integration.
    export OAUTH_TOKEN=<generated token from github or set to an empty string " ">
    export WH_SECRET=<github webhook secret>
    export GITHUB_ORG=prometheus
    export GITHUB_REPO=prometheus
    export SERVICEACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL=<Your Email address>
  3. Deploy the nginx-ingress-controller, Prometheus-Meta, Loki, Grafana, Alertmanager & Github Notifier:

    ../infra/infra kind resource apply -v CLUSTER_NAME:$CLUSTER_NAME -v DOMAIN_NAME:$DOMAIN_NAME \
        -v OAUTH_TOKEN="$(printf $OAUTH_TOKEN | base64 -w 0)" \
        -v WH_SECRET="$(printf $WH_SECRET | base64 -w 0)" \
        -f manifests/cluster-infra
  4. Set the NODE_NAME, INTERNAL_IP, and NODE_PORT environment variables:

    export NODE_NAME=$(kubectl --context kind-$CLUSTER_NAME get pod -l "app=grafana" -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.nodeName}')
    export INTERNAL_IP=$(kubectl --context kind-$CLUSTER_NAME get nodes $NODE_NAME -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}')
    export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl --context kind-$CLUSTER_NAME get -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services grafana)
  5. The services will be accessible at:

    echo "Grafana: http://$INTERNAL_IP:$NODE_PORT/grafana"
    echo "Prometheus: http://$INTERNAL_IP:$NODE_PORT/prometheus-meta"
    echo "Logs: http://$INTERNAL_IP:$NODE_PORT/grafana/explore"
    echo "Profiles: http://$INTERNAL_IP:$NODE_PORT/profiles"


1. Start a Benchmarking Test Manually

  1. Set the following environment variables:

    export RELEASE=<master/main or any prometheus release(ex: v2.3.0) >
    export PR_NUMBER=<PR to benchmark against the selected $RELEASE>
  2. Deploy the Kubernetes objects:

    Note: If you encounter a too many files open error caused by promtail, increase the default value of /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances from 128 to 512:

    sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=512

    Tip: When using prombench locally, it is recommended to build all the Docker images of tools under the tools/ directory. Instructions are available in their respective files.

    ../infra/infra kind resource apply -v CLUSTER_NAME:$CLUSTER_NAME \
        -f manifests/prombench/benchmark

2. Deleting Benchmark Infrastructure

  1. To delete the benchmark infrastructure, run:
    ../infra/infra kind cluster delete -v PR_NUMBER:$PR_NUMBER -v CLUSTER_NAME:$CLUSTER_NAME -f manifests/cluster_kind.yaml