diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6bb2dff..e81f01a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ jira-2-omnifocus Chrome extension for sending JIRA tickets to OmniFocus. -This extension adds a big, lovely "Send to Omnifocus" button atop the right column of the JIRA ticket page. Click that button to quickly send a JIRA ticket into OmniFocus. It's terribly simple, really. +This extension adds a big, lovely "Send to OmniFocus" button atop the right column of the JIRA ticket page. Click that button to quickly send a JIRA ticket into OmniFocus. The extension also supports [Mail Drop](http://www.omnigroup.com/blog/deliver-actions-to-your-omnifocus-inbox-with-mail-drop), so you can send items to your OmniFocus Inbox _even if you haven't got OmniFocus installed on this computer_. (Yes, even from Linux or Windows.) Use it allocate today's work. Use it to remember to follow up on some ticket, even one that's not yours (let's face it: merely being a watcher isn't all that useful when you've got a mountain of things you're responsible for). @@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ Most importantly, use it to Get Things Done. At this time, this extension only works its magic from the ticket detail page. That is to say that it doesn't work from any quick-edit / AJAX-overlay views of ticket information (ie, from the Kanban board, etc). -Also, this extension requires that you have OmniFocus installed. On your Mac. +## Release Notes -## To do +### v1.1 -- Add support for Omni Sync Server for folks that are forced to use JIRA from a non-Mac computer, or who simply only bought one of the iOS OmniFocus apps. +- Added [Mail Drop](http://www.omnigroup.com/blog/deliver-actions-to-your-omnifocus-inbox-with-mail-drop) support. + +### v1.0 + +- Initial public release