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1054 lines (907 loc) · 34 KB

File metadata and controls

1054 lines (907 loc) · 34 KB


Response Entities




  • getCount(): int
  • getPerPage(): int
  • getCurrentPage(): int
  • getNextPage(): ?string
  • hasMore(): bool


  • getName(): string
  • getSport(): string
  • getCategory(): string


  • getSecondsToReset(): int
  • getRemainingNumRequests(): int
  • getRequestedEntity(): string


  • getMeta(): array
  • getPlans(): Plan[]
  • getAddOns(): array
  • getWidgets(): array

Football Entities


  • getId(): int
  • getLeagueId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getStageId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getFixtureIds(): ?array
  • getResult(): ?string
  • getDetail(): ?string
  • getWinnerParticipantId(): ?int
  • getLeague(): ?League (league include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getStage(): ?Stage (stage include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getComment(): ?string
  • getMinute(): ?int
  • getExtraMinute(): ?int
  • isGoal(): ?bool
  • isImportant(): ?bool
  • getOrder(): ?int
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)
  • getRelatedPlayer(): ?Player (relatedPlayer include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getPlayerId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getCountryId(): int
  • getNationalityId(): int
  • getCityId(): ?int
  • getCommonName(): ?string
  • getFirstName(): ?string
  • getLastName(): ?string
  • getName(): ?string
  • getDisplayName(): ?string
  • getImagePath(): ?string
  • getHeight(): ?int
  • getWeight(): ?int
  • getBirthdate(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getGender(): ?string
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getCountry(): ?Country (country include is required)
  • getNationality(): ?Country (nationality include is required)
  • getTrophies(): ?ParticipantTrophy[] (trophies include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)
  • getFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (fixtures include is required)
  • getTeams(): ?TeamCoach[] (teams include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?CoachStatistic[] (statistics include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getCoachId(): int
  • getTeamId(): int
  • getDetails(): ?CoachStatisticDetail[] (details include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getCoach(): ?Coach (coach include is required)
  • getTeam(): ?Team (team include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getCoachStatisticId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getValue(): array
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getSubTypeId(): ?int
  • getPlayerId(): ?int
  • getRelatedPlayerId(): ?int
  • getPeriodId(): int
  • getParticipantId(): int
  • getCoachId(): ?int
  • getSection(): ?string
  • getPlayerName(): ?string
  • getRelatedPlayerName(): ?string
  • getResult(): ?string
  • getInfo(): ?string
  • getAdditionalInfo(): ?string
  • getMinute(): ?int
  • getExtraMinute(): ?int
  • isInjured(): ?bool
  • isOnBench(): ?bool
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)
  • getSubType(): ?Type (subType include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)
  • getRelatedPlayer(): ?Player (relatedPlayer include is required)
  • getParticipant(): ?Team (participant include is required)
  • getPeriod(): ?Period (period include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getLeagueId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getStageId(): int
  • getGroupId(): ?int
  • getAggregateId(): ?int
  • getRoundId(): ?int
  • getStateId(): int
  • getVenueId(): ?int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getResultInfo(): ?string
  • getLeg(): ?string
  • getDetails(): ?string
  • getLength(): ?int
  • isPlaceholder(): ?bool
  • hasOdds(): ?bool
  • hasPremiumOdds(): ?bool
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getStage(): ?Stage (stage include is required)
  • getLeague(): ?League (league include is required)
  • getRound(): ?Round (round include is required)
  • getGroup(): ?Group (group include is required)
  • getAggregate(): ?Aggregate (aggregate include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getVenue(): ?Venue (venue include is required)
  • getState(): ?State (state include is required)
  • getLineups(): ?Lineup[] (lineups include is required)
  • getComments(): ?Commentary[] (comments include is required)
  • getParticipants(): ?Participant[] (participants include is required)
  • getOdds(): ?Odd[] (odds include is required)
  • getMetadata(): ?Metadata[] (metadata include is required)
  • getWeatherReport(): ?WeatherReport (weatherReport include is required)
  • getEvents(): ?Event[] (events include is required)
  • getTimeline(): ?Event[] (timeline include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?FixtureStatistic[] (statistics include is required)
  • getPeriods(): ?Period[] (periods include is required)
  • getFormations(): ?Formation[] (formations include is required)
  • getScores(): ?Score[] (scores include is required)
  • getTvStations(): ?FixtureTvStation[] (tvStations include is required)
  • getReferees(): ?FixtureReferee[] (referees include is required)
  • getSidelined(): ?FixtureSidelined[] (sidelined include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getRefereeId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getReferee(): ?Referee (referee include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getSidelinedId(): int
  • getParticipantId(): int
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getSidelined(): ?Sidelined (sidelined include is required)
  • getParticipant(): ?Team (participant include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getTvStationId(): int
  • getCountryId(): int
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getTvStation(): ?TvStation (tvStation include is required)
  • getCountry(): ?Country (country include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getFixtureStatisticsId(): ?int
  • getParticipantId(): ?int
  • getPeriodId(): ?int
  • getData(): ?array
  • getLocation(): ?string
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)
  • getPeriod(): ?Period (period include is required)
  • getParticipant(): ?Team (participant include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getParticipantId(): int
  • getFormation(): ?string
  • getLocation(): ?string
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getParticipant(): ?Team (participant include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getLeagueId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getStageId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getEndAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • hasGamesInCurrentWeek(): ?bool
  • isCurrent(): ?bool
  • hasFinished(): ?bool
  • isPending(): ?bool


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getCountryId(): ?int
  • getName(): ?string
  • isActive(): ?bool
  • getShortCode(): ?string
  • getImagePath(): ?string
  • getType(): ?string
  • getSubType(): ?string
  • getLastPlayedAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getCategory(): ?int
  • hasJerseys(): ?bool
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getCountry(): ?Country (country include is required)
  • getStages(): ?Stage[] (stages include is required)
  • getLatestFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (latest include is required)
  • getUpcomingFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (upcoming include is required)
  • getInplayFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (inplay include is required)
  • getTodayFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (today include is required)
  • getCurrentSeason(): ?Season (currentSeason include is required)
  • getSeasons(): ?Season[] (seasons include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getPlayerId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getPositionId(): ?int
  • getTeamId(): ?int
  • getSportId(): ?int
  • getFormationField(): ?string
  • getFormationPosition(): ?int
  • getPlayerName(): ?string
  • getJerseyNumber(): ?int
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)
  • getPosition(): ?Type (position include is required)
  • getDetailedPosition(): ?Type (detailedPosition include is required)
  • getDetails(): ?LineupDetail[] (details include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getPlayerId(): int
  • getTeamId(): int
  • getLineupId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getData(): array
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getMetadatableId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getValueType(): string
  • getValues(): mixed
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getParticipantId(): int
  • getLeagueId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getTrophyId(): int
  • getTeam(): ?Team (team include is required)
  • getLeague(): ?League (league include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getTrophy(): ?Trophy (trophy include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getEndAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getCountsFrom(): ?int
  • isTicking(): ?bool
  • getSortOrder(): ?int
  • getDescription(): ?string
  • getTimeAdded(): ?int
  • getPeriodLength(): ?int
  • getMinutes(): ?int
  • getSeconds(): ?int
  • hasTimer(): bool
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)
  • getEvents(): ?Event[] (events include is required)
  • getTimeline(): ?Event[] (timeline include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?FixtureStatistic[] (statistics include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getCountryId(): int
  • getNationalityId(): ?int
  • getCityId(): ?int
  • getPositionId(): ?int
  • getDetailedPositionId(): ?int
  • getTypeId(): ?int
  • getCommonName(): ?string
  • getFirstName(): ?string
  • getLastName(): ?string
  • getName(): ?string
  • getDisplayName(): ?string
  • getImagePath(): ?string
  • getHeight(): ?int
  • getWeight(): ?int
  • getBirthdate(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getGender(): ?string
  • inSquad(): ?bool
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getCountry(): ?Country (country include is required)
  • getCity(): ?City (city include is required)
  • getNationality(): ?Country (nationality include is required)
  • getTeams(): ?TeamSquad[] (teams include is required)
  • getTrophies(): ?ParticipantTrophy[] (trophies include is required)
  • getTransfers(): ?Transfer[] (transfers include is required)
  • getPendingTransfers(): ?Transfer[] (pendingTransfers include is required)
  • getPosition(): ?Type (position include is required)
  • getDetailedPosition(): ?Type (detailedPosition include is required)
  • getLineups(): ?Lineup[] (lineups include is required)
  • getLatestLineups(): ?Lineup[] (latest include is required)
  • getMetadata(): ?Metadata[] (metadata include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?PlayerStatistic[] (statistics include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getPlayerId(): int
  • getTeamId(): int
  • getPositionId(): ?int
  • hasValues(): ?bool
  • getJerseyNumber(): ?int
  • getDetails(): ?PlayerStatisticDetail[] (details include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)
  • getTeam(): ?Team (team include is required)
  • getPosition(): ?Type (position include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getPlayerStatisticId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getValue(): array
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getCountryId(): ?int
  • getCityId(): ?int
  • getCommonName(): ?string
  • getFirstName(): ?string
  • getLastName(): ?string
  • getName(): ?string
  • getDisplayName(): ?string
  • getImagePath(): ?string
  • getHeight(): ?int
  • getWeight(): ?int
  • getBirthdate(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getGender(): ?string
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getCountry(): ?Country (country include is required)
  • getNationality(): ?Country (nationality include is required)
  • getCity(): ?City (city include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?RefereeStatistic[] (statistics include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getRefereeId(): int
  • getDetails(): ?RefereeStatisticDetail[] (details include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getReferee(): ?Referee (referee include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getRefereeStatisticId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getValue(): array
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getTeamId(): int
  • getRivalId(): int
  • getTeam(): ?Team (team include is required)
  • getRival(): ?Team (rival include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getLeagueId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getStageId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • hasFinished(): ?bool
  • isCurrent(): ?bool
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getEndAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • hasGamesInCurrentWeek(): ?bool
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getLeague(): ?League (league include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getStage(): ?Stage (stage include is required)
  • getFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (fixtures include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?Statistic[] (statistics include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getParticipantId(): int
  • getGoals(): ?int
  • getLocation(): ?string
  • getDescription(): ?string
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getParticipant(): ?Team (participant include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getLeagueId(): int
  • getTieBreakerRuleId(): ?int
  • getName(): ?string
  • hasFinished(): ?bool
  • isPending(): ?bool
  • isCurrent(): ?bool
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getEndAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getStandingsRecalculatedAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • hasGamesInCurrentWeek(): ?bool
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getLeague(): ?League (league include is required)
  • getStages(): ?Stage[] (stages include is required)
  • getCurrentStage(): ?Stage (currentStage include is required)
  • getFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (fixtures include is required)
  • getTeams(): ?Team[] (teams include is required)
  • getGroups(): ?Group[] (groups include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?Statistic[] (statistics include is required)
  • getTopscorers(): ?Topscorer[] (topscorers include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getPlayerId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getTeamId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): ?int
  • getCategory(): ?string
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getEndAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getGamesMissed(): ?int
  • isCompleted(): ?bool
  • getTeam(): ?Team (team include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSocialId(): int
  • getSocialChannelId(): int
  • getValue(): string
  • getChannel(): ?SocialChannel (channel include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getBaseUrl(): ?string
  • getHexColor(): ?string


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getLeagueId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getSortOrder(): ?int
  • hasFinished(): ?bool
  • isCurrent(): ?bool
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getEndAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • hasGamesInCurrentWeek(): ?bool
  • getTieBreakerRuleId(): ?bool
  • getLeague(): ?League (league include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getRounds(): ?Round[] (rounds include is required)
  • getCurrentRound(): ?Round (currentRound include is required)
  • getGroups(): ?Group[] (groups include is required)
  • getFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (fixtures include is required)
  • getAggregates(): ?Aggregate[] (aggregates include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?Statistic[] (statistics include is required)
  • getTopscorers(): ?Topscorer[] (topscorers include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getParticipantId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getLeagueId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getStageId(): int
  • getGroupId(): ?int
  • getRoundId(): ?int
  • getStandingRuleId(): ?int
  • getPosition(): ?int
  • getResult(): ?string
  • getPoints(): ?int
  • getParticipant(): ?Team (participant include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getLeague(): ?League (league include is required)
  • getStage(): ?Stage (stage include is required)
  • getGroup(): ?Group (group include is required)
  • getRound(): ?Round (round include is required)
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getRule(): ?StandingRule (rule include is required)
  • getDetails(): ?StandingDetail[] (details include is required)
  • getForm(): ?StandingForm[] (form include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getStageId(): int
  • getGroupId(): ?int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getParticipantId(): int
  • getParticipantType(): ?string
  • getValue(): ?int
  • getCalcType(): ?string
  • isActive(): ?bool
  • getParticipant(): ?Team (participant include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getStage(): ?Stage (stage include is required)
  • getGroup(): ?Group (group include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getStandingId(): int
  • getStandingType(): string
  • getValue(): int
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getStandingId(): int
  • getStandingType(): string
  • getForm(): string
  • getOrder(): int
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getModelId(): ?int
  • getModelType(): ?string
  • getPosition(): ?int
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getState(): ?string
  • getName(): ?string
  • getShortName(): ?string
  • getDeveloperName(): ?string


  • getId(): int
  • getModelId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getRelationId(): ?int
  • getValue(): array
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)
  • getParticipant(): Player|Team|null (participant include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getCountryId(): int
  • getVenueId(): ?int
  • getGender(): ?string
  • getName(): ?string
  • getShortCode(): ?string
  • getImagePath(): ?string
  • getFoundedIn(): ?int
  • getType(): ?string
  • isPlaceholder(): ?bool
  • getLastPlayedAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getMeta(): ?TeamMeta
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getCountry(): ?Country (country include is required)
  • getLatestFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (latest include is required)
  • getUpcomingFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (upcoming include is required)
  • getSeasons(): ?Season[] (seasons include is required)
  • getActiveSeasons(): ?Season[] (activeSeasons include is required)
  • getVenue(): ?Venue (venue include is required)
  • getRivals(): ?Team[] (rivals include is required)
  • getPlayers(): ?TeamSquad[] (players include is required)
  • getSidelined(): ?Sidelined[] (sidelined include is required)
  • getSidelinedHistory(): ?Sidelined[] (sidelinedHistory include is required)
  • getTrophies(): ?ParticipantTrophy[] (trophies include is required)
  • getSocials(): ?Social[] (scoails include is required)
  • getCoaches(): ?TeamCoach[] (coaches include is required)
  • getStatistics(): ?TeamStatistic[] (statistics include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getTeamId(): int
  • getCoachId(): int
  • getPositionId(): int
  • isActive(): ?bool
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getEndAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • isTemporary(): ?bool
  • getTeam(): ?Team (team include is required)
  • getCoach(): ?Coach (coach include is required)
  • getPosition(): ?Type (position include is required)


  • getLocation(): string
  • isWinner(): bool
  • getPosition(): int


  • getId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): int
  • getTeamId(): int
  • hasValues(): ?bool
  • getDetails(): ?TeamStatisticDetail[] (details include is required)
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getTeam(): ?Team (team include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getTeamStatisticId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getValue(): array
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getTransferId(): ?int
  • getPlayerId(): int
  • getTeamId(): int
  • getPosition(): int
  • getDetailedPositionId(): ?int
  • getStartAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getEndAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • isCaptain(): ?bool
  • getJerseyNumber(): ?int
  • getTeam(): ?Team (team include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)
  • getPosition(): ?Type (position include is required)
  • getDetailedPosition(): ?Type (detailedPosition include is required)
  • getTransfer(): ?Transfer (transfer include is required)


  • getMorning(): float
  • getDay(): float
  • getEvening(): float
  • getNight(): float


  • getId(): int
  • getSeasonId(): ?int
  • getPlayerId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getParticipantId(): int
  • getPosition(): int
  • getTotal(): int
  • getSeason(): ?Season (season include is required)
  • getStage(): ?Stage (stage include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)
  • getParticipant(): ?Team (participant include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): int
  • getPlayerId(): int
  • getTypeId(): int
  • getFromTeamId(): int
  • getToTeamId(): int
  • getPositionId(): ?int
  • getDetailedPositionId(): ?int
  • getDate(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • hasCareerEnded(): ?bool
  • isCompleted(): ?bool
  • getAmount(): ?int
  • getSport(): ?Sport (sport include is required)
  • getPlayer(): ?Player (player include is required)
  • getType(): ?Type (type include is required)
  • getFromTeam(): ?Team (fromTeam include is required)
  • getToTeam(): ?Team (toTeam include is required)
  • getPosition(): ?Type (position include is required)
  • getDetailedPosition(): ?Type (detailedPosition include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getSportId(): ?int
  • getPosition(): ?int
  • getName(): ?string


  • getId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getUrl(): ?string
  • getImagePath(): ?string
  • getType(): ?string
  • getRelatedId(): ?int
  • getCountries(): ?Country[] (countries include is required)
  • getFixtures(): ?FixtureTvStation[] (fixtures include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getCountryId(): ?int
  • getCityId(): ?int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getAddress(): ?string
  • getZipCode(): ?string
  • getLatitude(): ?float
  • getLongitude(): ?float
  • getCapacity(): ?int
  • getImagePath(): ?string
  • getCityName(): ?string
  • getSurface(): ?string
  • isNationalTeam(): ?bool
  • getCountry(): ?Country (country include is required)
  • getCity(): ?City (city include is required)
  • getFixtures(): ?Fixture[] (fixtures include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getVenueId(): int
  • getTemperature(): ?Temperature
  • getFeelsLike(): ?Temperature
  • getWind(): ?Wind
  • getHumidity(): ?string
  • getPressure(): ?int
  • getClouds(): ?string
  • getDescription(): ?string
  • getIcon(): ?string
  • getType(): ?string
  • getMetric(): ?string
  • isCurrent(): ?bool
  • getVenue(): ?Venue (venue include is required)
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture[] (fixture include is required)


  • getSpeed(): float
  • getDirection(): int

Odds Entities


  • getId(): int
  • getLegacyId(): ?int
  • getName(): ?string


  • getId(): int
  • getLegacyId(): ?int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getDeveloperName(): ?string
  • hasWinningCalculations(): ?bool


  • getId(): int
  • getFixtureId(): int
  • getMarketId(): int
  • getBookmakerId(): int
  • getLabel(): ?string
  • getValue(): ?string
  • getName(): ?string
  • getOrder(): ?int
  • getMarketDescription(): ?string
  • getProbability(): ?string
  • getDp3(): ?string
  • getFractional(): ?string
  • getAmerican(): ?string
  • isWinning(): ?bool
  • hasStopped(): ?bool
  • getTotal(): ?string
  • getHandicap(): ?string
  • getParticipants(): ?string
  • getCreatedAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getUpdatedAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getOriginalLabel(): ?string
  • getLatestBookmakerUpdatedAt(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
  • getFixture(): ?Fixture (fixture include is required)
  • getMarket(): ?Market (market include is required)
  • getBookmaker(): ?Bookmaker (bookmaker include is required)

Core Entities


  • getId(): int
  • getRegionId(): int
  • getCountryId(): ?int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getLatitude(): ?float
  • getLongitude(): ?float
  • getRegion(): ?Region (region include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getCode(): ?string
  • getCountries(): ?Country[] (countries include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getContinentId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getOfficialName(): ?string
  • getFifaName(): ?string
  • getIso2(): ?string
  • getIso3(): ?string
  • getLatitude(): ?float
  • getLongitude(): ?float
  • getBorders(): ?array
  • getImagePath(): ?string
  • getContinent(): ?Continent (continent include is required)
  • getRegions(): ?Region[] (regions include is required)


  • getName(): string
  • getFilters(): array


  • getId(): int
  • getCountryId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getCountry(): ?Country (country include is required)
  • getCities(): ?City[] (cities include is required)


  • getId(): int
  • getName(): ?string
  • getCode(): ?string


  • getId(): int
  • getName(): string
  • getCode(): string
  • getDeveloperName(): string
  • getModelType(): string
  • getStatGroup(): ?string


  • getName(): string
  • getUpdatedAt(): \DateTimeImmutable
  • getTypes(): Type[] (types include is required)