Generic Repository for Azure CosmosDB using SQL API
This application is a .NET Core 2.1 class library written in C#. There are two projects. One for the class library and another for unit tests.
- AzureCosmosDBRepository
- AzureCosmosDBRepository.Tests
The purpose of this application is to provide an example of working with Azure CosmosDB using the SQL API model.
From the command line, run the following in the root of the repository:
dotnet test .\AzureCosmosDBRepository.Tests\AzureCosmosDBRepository.Tests.csproj --verbosity normal
This will build the solution, then execute the tests. You may also build using the following commands.
dotnet clean
dotnet build
The build step will fetch all nuget packages required of the projects. It is not necessary, but to manually restore the packages simply execute the following command:
dotnet restore
You may also open the solution file (AzureCosmosDBRepository.sln) with Visual Studio and run tests.
- Jonathan E. Ross