Created a webpage that allows users to search for weather information using the Forecast.io API and displayed the results on the same page below the form.
The user provides the location information such as Street address, City and State for which they would want to find the detailed weather information or provide their current location.
Once the user has provided the data and clicks on the Search button, validation must be done to check that the entered data is valid.
Once the validation is successful, 3 tabs should be displayed. The 3 tabs correspond to Current tab, Hourly tab and Weekly tab.
The webpage also supports adding cities to and removing cities from the Favorites tab and sharing the weather info with Twitter
When a user initially opens your webpage, your page should look like the below figure
- Implemented Autocomplete for Cites by using the Place Autocomplete service provided by Google
- Implemented other features like Modals using bootstrap modals and progress bar animations as well as suitable validations.