Here is a list of algorithmic implementations using a linked list -
Can be viewed here
- Palindromic Linked List -
- Remove Linked List Elements -
- Intersection Of Two Linked List -
- Linked List Cycle -
- Remove Duplicates From a Sorter List -
- Merge Two Sorted List -
- Reverse Linked List -
- Delete Node In a Linked List -
- Middle Of the Linked List -
- Delete M Modes after M Nodes of a Linked List -
- Convert Binary Number In a Linked List to integer -
Can be viewed here
- Design Linked List -
- Rotate List -
- Insert Into a Sorted Circular Linked List -
- Add Two Numbers -
- Remove Nth Node From End of List -
- Copy List with Random Pointer -
- Remove Duplicates From The Sorted List (Second Version) -
- Reorder List -
- Linked List Cycle (Second Version) -
- Reverse Linked List (Second Version) -
- Linked List In Binary Tree -
- Insertion Sort List -
- Remove Zero-Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List -
- Partition List -
- Sort List -
- Design Phone Directory -
- Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree -
- Swap Nodes in Pairs -
- Split Linked List in Parts -
- Add Two Numbers(Second Version) -
- Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List -
- Odd-Even Linked List -
- Linked List Components -
- Next Greater Node in Linked List -
- Plus One Linked List -
- Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List -
Can be viewed here
The addition of code for these implementations is ongoing.