This repository contains the source code for a research paper that was submitted for publication at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC20).
Split Lock Isolation
g++ test_split_lock_iso.cpp -o test_split_lock_iso && sudo ./test_split_lock_iso
LLC & Memory Bandwidth Isolation
g++ test_mem_contention_iso.cpp -o test_mem_contention_iso && sudo ./test_mem_contention_iso
Power isolation
g++ test_power_iso.cpp -o test_power_iso && sudo ./test_power_iso
Shuai Xue <[email protected]>
Shang Zhao <[email protected]>
Quan Chen <[email protected]>
Yihao Wu <[email protected]>
Shanpei Chen <[email protected]>
Yu Xu <[email protected]>
Zhen Ren <[email protected]>