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Releases: pow-auth/pow_assent


05 Jun 19:41
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  • Added Pow minimum requirement ~> 1.0.9 #75
  • Added repo :prefix support #75
  • User identities are now upserted on authorization so additional params can be updated on authorization request. Following methods has been deprecated: #76
    • PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.create/3 in favor of PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.upsert/3
    • MyApp.UserIdentities.create/2 in favor of MyApp.UserIdentities.upsert/2
    • MyApp.UserIdentities.pow_assent_create/2 in favor of MyApp.UserIdentities.upsert/2
    • PowAssent.Operations.create/3 in favor of PowAssent.Operations.upsert/3
    • PowAssent.Plug.create_identity/2 in favor of PowAssent.Plug.upsert_identity/2
  • Use Pow.Plug.get_plug/1 instead of pulling :mod from the config #74
  • Fixed so uid can be an integer value in PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context. Strategies are no longer expected to convert the uid value to binary. The following methods will accepts integer uid: #77
    • PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.get_user_by_provider_uid/3
    • PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.upsert/3
    • PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.create_user/4
  • Fixed bug where invited user was not signed in after succesful authorization #70
  • Fixed bug where releases with Elixir 1.9.0 didn't have :httpc available #73


19 May 16:29
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  • Added PowAssent.Phoenix.ViewHelpers.authorization_link/2 and PowAssent.Phoenix.ViewHelpers.deauthorization_link/2 ce0d6da#diff-4ac32a78649ca5bdd8e0ba38b7006a1e
  • Removed PowAssent.Phoenix.ViewHelpers.provider_link/3 #66
  • Rewritten plug methods and controller handling so they now pass through additional params such as access token. This makes it possible to e.g. capture access tokens. Now there is a clear distinction between user identity params and user params, and most methods now accepts or returns two separate params. Following methods updated: (#66)
    • MyApp.UserIdentities.create/3 changed to MyApp.UserIdentities.create/2
    • MyApp.UserIdentities.pow_assent_create/3 changed to MyApp.UserIdentities.pow_assent_create/2
    • PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.create/4 changed to PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.create/3
    • MyApp.UserIdentities.create_user/4 changed to MyApp.UserIdentities.create_user/3
    • MyApp.UserIdentities.pow_assent_create_user/4 changed to MyApp.UserIdentities.pow_assent_create_user/3
    • PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.create_user/5 changed to PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context.create_user/4
    • PowAssent.Operations.create/4 changed to PowAssent.Operations.create/3
    • PowAssent.Operations.create_user/5 changed to PowAssent.Operations.create_user/4
    • PowAssent.Plug.callback/4 now returns a tuple with {:ok, user_identity_params, user_params, conn}
    • PowAssent.Plug.authenticate/3 changed to PowAssent.Plug.authenticate/2
    • PowAssent.Plug.create_identity/3 changed to PowAssent.Plug.create_identity/2
    • PowAssent.Plug.create_user/4 now accepts user_identity_params instead of provider as second argument
    • PowAssent.Plug.create_user/4 now expects user_identity_params rather than provider as second argument


25 Apr 21:51
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  • Fixed so OAuth 2.0 access token request params are in the POST body in accordance with RFC 6749 #62


09 Apr 15:43
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  • Added :authorization_params config option to PowAssent.Strategy.OAuth #54
  • Plug and Phoenix controller now handles :session_params rather than :state for any params that needs to be stored temporarily during authorization #56
  • Added handling of oauth_token_secret to OAuth strategies #55
  • Support any :plug version below 2.0.0 #59
  • Fixed bug in mix pow_assent.ecto.gen.migration task where --binary-id flag didn't generate correct migration #53
  • Support :pow version 1.0.5 #53


25 Mar 14:28
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where user couldn't be created when PowEmailConfirmation was enabled #50


16 Mar 14:06
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  • Improve mix task instructions #43


09 Mar 17:26
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  • Detached Plug from strategies
  • Moved callback registration/session logic from plug to controllers
  • Allow for disabling registration by setting just pow_assent_authorize_routes/0 macro in router
  • Ensure only :pow_assent_params session value only can be read with the same provider param used for the callback
  • token now included in PowAssent.Strategy.OAuth.callback/2 response
  • Use account_already_bound_to_other_user/1 message for already taken user identity in PowAssent.Phoenix.RegistrationController

Update your custom strategies

Strategies no longer has access to a Plug.Conn struct. If you use a custom strategy, please update it so it reflects this setup:

defmodule TestProvider do
  @behaviour PowAssent.Strategy

  @spec authorize_url(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, %{url: binary()}} | {:error, term()}
  def authorize_url(config) do
    # Generate authorization url

  @spec callback(Keyword.t(), map()) :: {:ok, %{user: map()}} | {:error, term()}
  def callback(config, params) do
    # Handle callback response


28 Feb 19:08
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  • Initial release