Title: QWEB demystification, Part 1 - t-field and t-esc Date: 2016-01-16 11:26 Modified: 2016-01-16 11:26 Category: QWEB Tags: QWEB, safe-eval, openerp, odoo, odoo reports Slug: qweb-1 Authors: Pouya MN Summary: the differences bitween t-field and t-esc, where and how to use? What about other 't's?
When I stated to make some QWEB reports, I was wondering why there are both t-field
and t-esc
? For example both t-esc="partner_id.name"
and t-field="partner_id.name"
has the exact same output.
I made a thorough study and I'll tell you the results, but first... Let me write about QWEB, the great html templating engine.
There are some templating language, and some of them are XML-based like Genshi, Thymeleaf or Facelets. But QWEB is exactly designed for Odoo, it has access to the database and python side and context. Other templating engines are more general than QWEB and the can normally access to some kind of context passed in a JSON object only.
The beauty of QWEB is that it is python integrated, there are not just variables but also you can have some python expressions and also it has customizable widgets. I'll write about widgets and using expressions to change the html dynamically.
Appologies me for talking too much, lets get back to the story, t-esc
or t-field
. The differences are quite a few, in text fields they are just the same but it is not going on like this with the others. The difference is in the interpreter of them and the widgets.t-esc
actually calls a safe-eval
most of other 't's do the same but t-field
can acept only a field name, or a chain of dot seperated related fields. Also, t-field
uses form widgets for rendering the selected field while t-esc
only returns a simple python output (we can change this and prettify the otherwise blunt t-esc
, I'll talk about it in the following parts). For example if you call t-esc on a related field i.e. t-esc="someMany2Onefield"
it will print the python __str__
of the class and a record number, just like what you will have if you in python:
print self.someMany2Onefield
but if you use t-field
it will display the display_name
field or the name_get
. The difference is t-field
uses form widget of the field as i said before. The same goes with the numerical fields, t-field
will use the digits
property of the field for decimal point and it will use thousend separator and other settings from the language settings of Odoo, while t-esc
simply print the number without formatting (although one can use python's format
function in t-esc
Other 't' tags also use safe_eval, t-set
in t-value
part, t-if
, t-foreach
, t-att
and t-attf
, t-raw
and t-log
and of course safe python commands! It raises two questions, what are safe python commands and what is in qweb_context