Title: Keep Odoo running, easily Date: 2016-01-12 11:26 Modified: 2016-01-12 11:26 Category: General Tags: odoo, openerp, general Slug: keep-odoo-running Authors: Pouya MN Summary: keep odoo running even when stability is low
A few months ago we had this problem with odoo, the server was sometimes jumping out; quiting with no error, sometimes some momory error. All we had to do was running it agian. It was happening about every 12-48 hours normally but some times every 2-3 hours. It was a pain in the butt, so I made an easy solution that is still working. It means no user complains anymore ;).
A bit of history, I was using ssh to connect to the server and run it with this command:
nohup ./openerp-server &
please note that I ran ./openerep-server directly, whenever I close ssh connection the server would quit.
The solution was a shell script. At first, I tried to check if odoo is running and if not run it. I started with this command:
ps aux | grep openerp || echo "not running"
ps aux list process and send output to screen grep openerp filter process with openerp in them. || echo "not running" if the result(exit code) of grep is false, print 'not found'
Easy,but wait my own command is always fetch by grep! the result is
my_user 4220 16.4 4.9 1080324 400516 pts/0 Sl 07:54 21:15 python ./openerp-server
my_user 32186 0.0 0.0 7836 884 pts/1 S+ 10:04 0:00 grep openerp
So the exit code of grep is always greater than 0 or logically speeking, it is True. I cannot understad wether odoo is running. I had to filter out 'grep' line, or keep odoo lines only:
ps aux | grep openerp |grep python || echo "not running"
Demysitification: firstly, filter lines with openerp in them then filter the results again by: grep python yes, nasty 'grep' line has no python in it! ;)
now it works fine. For the next step I wrote a bash script starting like:
if [ps aux | grep openerp | grep python]
But then it downed on me that the solution is much easier, the final script is:
cd ~/odoo #replace it with your odoo folder
while [ : ]
sleep 3
just run it the same as before:
nohup ./run-odoo.sh &
clean and easy!