Title: Seting Up this blog with Pelican Date: 2015-12-24 11:26 Modified: 2016-01-23 10:26 Category: non-odoo Tags: pelican, publishing Slug: setup-blog Authors: Pouya MN Summary: How did i setup this blog
Hi every body, at first it looked like this is a very easy process to setup this blog, but it wasn't that easy. Gitpages suggested Jekil for blog handling , but I wanted something pythonic, so I decided to use pelican. I made a first blog using the guide in github here. It was nice but i had a few problems, I'm using SVN normally, so I'm not very familiar with git, this was my source of problems, I guess. The problem was about repositories, the method mentioned in that page was cool, in compare to the other and more official methods, but you have to use a submodule which was new to me.
Ok let's cut the crap, I did this:
First I made a repository by the official documentions (I didn't install jekil). Then I created two new repositories, myusername.github.io-src and myusername.github.io, as explained on Github pages.
Then I cloned the source (...-src) to a folder named ghpages by:
git clone https://github.com/myusername/myusername.github.io-src.git ghpages
and made git remember my creditentials:
git config credential.helper store
I made a submodel repository by entering this in my main folder (ghpages):
git submodule add https://github.com/myusername/myusername.github.io.git output
so it made a folder named output. Now it was the time for installing pelican and running it:
sudo apt-get install python-pelican
cd /ghpages
we have to stop pelican from erasing the output directory everytime, I edited publishconf.py:
well it is almost there, make the first post in contents folder. I used MarkDown, although other languages are also possible. For this I installed haroopad
sudo apt-get install haroopad
I made a file in content folder named for example, first.md. and I made this post in it. Ok, let's take a look:
make html && make serve
you can now open localhost:8000 and enjoy your first post in your pc (links willnot work, they are directed to the real blog).
Publish time!
make publish
cd output/
git add .
git commit -m "First Post."
git push -u origin master
cd ..
echo '*.pyc' >> .gitignore #don't need pyc file
git add .
git commit -m "First commit."
git push -u origin master
Demystification: make the html files, setup the links and prepare it, send the compiled result to github and finally send the source files to github too keep them safe :). that's it.
edit Some caretaker's tasks:
- Make publishing more automatic and comfortable:
#file: makefile
github: publish
git -C $(OUTPUTDIR) add -A .
git -C $(OUTPUTDIR) commit -m "Auto Post!"
git -C $(OUTPUTDIR) push origin master
git add -A .
git commit -m "Auto Commit!"
git push origin master
So I can use make github
for publishing and posting to my account.
take care of
, the former is for local serving and testing and the latter is for publishing, as the name suggests! -
put disqus, google analytics etc in publish profile only, put the others in both .
use relative paths in
, don't use them inpublishconf.py