- standart block- text search cmd-F
- new blocks
- support
blocks =Markdown
- markdown block- enhance code snippets, add markdown suggestions
- fix
.mov, .mp4 files - fix styles
- =Toc - table of contents block.
- add :caption support for =Images and =Diagrams
- =Image block now supports :link and formatting codes in caption.
- fix save menu #22
- add "New", "Save As" menu items
- add View menu with Preview toggle
- add "Release notes" reference
- directive suggestions
- pod6 snippets 🏷
- save windows state between app restarts
- open external url in browser
- update export to html
- add export to pdf
- fix show assets from disk
- add =Diagram component
- switch to using shared podlite library
- refactor main app
- fix macos and windows distributions
- use flexible application windows size
- supports local video ( i.e. .mp4 files) for =Image
- update pod6 lib to ver 0.28
- add import from markdown
- add export to html
- use pod mode by default for .pod6, .rakudoc (#3)
- enhance user interface
- add distribution for Mac
- add auto update for Podlite app
- open Podlite as editor for pod6's files
- adopt app's menu for windows and mac
- Initial release