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184 lines (130 loc) · 12.4 KB

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184 lines (130 loc) · 12.4 KB

nf-core/mag: Changelog

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v2.1.1 - 2021/11/25


  • #240 - Add prodigal to predict protein-coding genes for assemblies.
  • #241 - Add parameter --skip_prodigal.
  • #244 - Add pipeline preprint information.
  • #245 - Add Prokka to annotate binned genomes.


  • #249 - Update workflow overview figure.
  • #258 - Updated MultiQC 1.9 to 1.11.
  • #260 - Updated SPAdes 3.13.1 -> 3.15.3, MEGAHIT 1.2.7 -> 1.2.7


  • #256 - Fix --skip_busco.
  • #236 - Fix large assemblies (> 4 billion nucleotides in length).
  • #254 - Fix MetaBAT2 error with nextflow version 21.10.x (21.04.03 is the latest functional version for nf-core/mag 2.1.0).
  • #255 - Update gtdbtk conda channel.
  • #258 - FastP results are now in MultiQC.

v2.1.0 - 2021/07/29


  • #212, #214 - Add bin abundance estimation based on median sequencing depths of corresponding contigs (results are written to results/GenomeBinning/bin_depths_summary.tsv and results/GenomeBinning/bin_summary.tsv) #197.
  • #214 - Add generation of (clustered) heat maps with bin abundances across samples (using centered log-ratios)
  • #217 - Publish genes predicted with Prodigal within BUSCO run (written to results/GenomeBinning/QC/BUSCO/[assembler]-[bin]_prodigal.gff).


  • #218 - Update to nf-core 2.0.1 TEMPLATE (DSL2)


  • #226 - Fix handling of BUSCO output when run in auto lineage selection mode and selected specific lineage is the same as the generic one.

v2.0.0 - 2021/06/01


  • #179 - Add BUSCO automated lineage selection functionality (new default). The pameter --busco_auto_lineage_prok can be used to only consider prokaryotes and the parameter --busco_download_path to run BUSCO in offline mode.
  • #178 - Add taxonomic bin classification with GTDB-Tk v1.5.0 (for bins filtered based on BUSCO QC metrics).
  • #196 - Add process for CAT database creation as an alternative to using pre-built databases.


  • #162 - Switch to DSL2
  • #162 - Changed --input file format from TSV to CSV format, requires header now
  • #162 - Update, docs/ and docs/
  • #162 - Update FastP from version 0.20.0 to 0.20.1
  • #162 - Update Bowtie2 from version 2.3.5 to 2.4.2
  • #162 - Update FastQC from version 0.11.8 to 0.11.9
  • #172 - Compressed discarded MetaBAT2 output files
  • #176 - Update CAT DB link
  • #179 - Update BUSCO from version 4.1.4 to 5.1.0
  • #179 - By default BUSCO now performs automated lineage selection instead of using the bacteria_odb10 lineage as reference. Specific lineage datasets can still be provided via --busco_reference.
  • #178 - Change output file: results/GenomeBinning/QC/quast_and_busco_summary.tsv -> results/GenomeBinning/bin_summary.tsv, contains GTDB-Tk results as well.
  • #191 - Update to nf-core 1.14 TEMPLATE
  • #193 - Compress CAT output files #180
  • #198 - Requires nextflow version >= 21.04.0
  • #200 - Small changes in GitHub Actions tests
  • #203 - Renamed fastp params and improved description in documentation: --mean_quality -> --fastp_qualified_quality, --trimming_quality -> --fastp_cut_mean_quality


  • #175 - Fix bug in retrieving the --max_unbinned_contigs longest unbinned sequences that are longer than --min_length_unbinned_contigs (
  • #175 - Improved runtime of in METABAT2 process (important for large assemblies, e.g. when computing co-assemblies)
  • #194 - Allow different folder structures for Kraken2 databases containing *.k2d files #187
  • #195 - Fix documentation regarding required compression of input FastQ files #160
  • #196 - Add process for CAT database creation as solution for problem caused by incompatible DIAMOND version used for pre-built CAT database and CAT classification #90, #188

v1.2.0 - 2021/02/10


  • #146 - Add --coassemble_group parameter to allow group-wise co-assembly
  • #146 - Add --binning_map_mode parameter allowing different mapping strategies to compute co-abundances used for binning (all, group, own)
  • #149 - Add two new parameters to allow custom SPAdes and MEGAHIT options (--spades_options and --megahit_options)


  • #141 - Update to nf-core 1.12.1 TEMPLATE
  • #143 - Manifest file has to be handed over via --input parameter now
  • #143 - Changed format of manifest input file: requires a '.tsv' suffix and additionally contains group ID
  • #143 - TSV --input file allows now also entries containing only short reads
  • #145 - When using TSV input files, uses sample IDs now for FastQC instead of basenames of original read files. Allows non-unique file basenames.


  • #143 - Change parameter: --manifest -> --input

v1.1.2 - 2020/11/24


  • #135 - Update to nf-core 1.12 TEMPLATE


  • #133 - Fixed processing of --input parameter #131

v1.1.1 - 2020/11/10


  • #121 - Add full-size test
  • #124 - Add worfklow overview figure to README


  • #123 - Update to new nf-core 1.11 TEMPLATE


  • #118 - Fix seaborn to v0.10.1 to avoid nanoplot error
  • #120 - Fix link to CAT database in help message
  • #124 - Fix description of CAT process in

v1.1.0 - 2020/10/06


  • #35 - Add social preview image
  • #49 - Add host read removal with Bowtie 2 and according custom section to MultiQC
  • #49 - Add separate MultiQC section for FastQC after preprocessing
  • #65 - Add MetaBAT2 RNG seed parameter --metabat_rng_seed and set the default to 1 which ensures reproducible binning results
  • #65 - Add parameters --megahit_fix_cpu_1, --spades_fix_cpus and --spadeshybrid_fix_cpus to ensure reproducible results from assembly tools
  • #66 - Export depth.txt.gz into result folder
  • #67 - Compress assembly files
  • #82 - Add nextflow_schema.json
  • #104 - Add parameter --save_busco_reference


  • #56 - Update MetaBAT2 from v2.13 to v2.15
  • #46 - Update MultiQC from v1.7 to v1.9
  • #88 - Update to new nf-core 1.10.2 TEMPLATE
  • #88 - --reads is now removed, use --input instead
  • #101 - Prevented PhiX alignments from being stored in work directory #97
  • #104, #111 - Update BUSCO from v3.0.2 to v4.1.4


  • #29 - Fix MetaBAT2 binning discards unbinned contigs #27
  • #31, #36, #76, #107 - Fix links in README
  • #47 - Fix missing MultiQC when --skip_quast or --skip_busco was specified
  • #49, #89 - Added missing parameters to summary
  • #50 - Fix missing channels when --keep_phix is specified
  • #54 - Updated links to minikraken db
  • #54 - Fixed Kraken2 dp preparation: allow different names for compressed archive file and contained folder as for some minikraken dbs
  • #55 - Fixed channel joining for multiple samples causing MetaBAT2 error #32
  • #57 - Fix number of threads used by MetaBAT2 program jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths
  • #70 - Fix SPAdes memory conversion issue #61
  • #71 - No more ignoring errors in SPAdes assembly
  • #72 - No more ignoring of BUSCO errors
  • #73, #75 - Improved output documentation
  • #96 - Fix missing bin names in MultiQC BUSCO section #78
  • #104 - Fix BUSCO errors causing missing summary output #77


  • #29 - Change depreciated parameters: --singleEnd -> --single_end, --igenomesIgnore -> --igenomes_ignore

v1.0.0 - 2019/12/20

Initial release of nf-core/mag, created with the nf-core template.


  • short and long reads QC (fastp, porechop, filtlong, fastqc)
  • Lambda and PhiX detection and filtering (bowtie2, nanolyse)
  • Taxonomic classification of reads (centrifuge, kraken2)
  • Short read and hybrid assembly (megahit, metaspades)
  • metagenome binning (metabat2)
  • QC of bins (busco, quast)
  • annotation (cat/bat)