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DOI Python Platform

Developed by Tashrif Billah and Sylvain Bouix, Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School).

Table of Contents

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This tutorial assumes you have made yourself familiar with how Luigi works. In brief, each Luigi task executes its prerequisite tasks before executing the task itself. If expected output of a task exist, that will not rerun. Progress of the pipelines can be viewed in

Another assumption is--you have organized your data according to BIDS convention. In the following, we shall explain how to run pipelines on DIAGNOSE-CTE data.

Providing input

The Luigi workflows accept input in two ways-- through the command line and through a config file. The motivation for that compartmentalization is to differentiate between high-level (former) and low-level (latter) inputs. High-level inputs facilitate launching workflows while low-level inputs specify parameters pertinent to tasks in the workflow, some of which are optional. Task specific parameters are provided in a configuration file defined via environment variable LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH.

usage: [-h] --bids-data-dir BIDS_DATA_DIR -c C -s S
                      [--dwi-template DWI_TEMPLATE]
                      [--t1-template T1_TEMPLATE] [--t2-template T2_TEMPLATE]
                      [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                      [--derivatives-name DERIVATIVES_NAME]

pnlpipe glued together using Luigi, optional parameters can be set by
environment variable LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH, see luigi-pnlpipe/scripts/params/*.cfg
as examples

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bids-data-dir BIDS_DATA_DIR
  -c C                  a single case ID or a .txt file where each line is a
                        case ID
  -s S                  a single session ID or a .txt file where each line is
                        a session ID (default: 1)
  --dwi-template DWI_TEMPLATE
                        dwi pipeline: glob bids-data-dir/dwi-template to find
                        input data e.g. sub-*/ses-*/dwi/*_dwi.nii.gz, fs2dwi
                        pipeline: glob bids-data-dir/derivatives/derivatives-
                        name/dwi-template to find input data (default:
  --t1-template T1_TEMPLATE
                        glob bids-data-dir/t1-template to find input data e.g.
                        sub-*/ses-*/anat/*_T1w.nii.gz (default:
  --t2-template T2_TEMPLATE
                        glob bids-data-dir/t2-template to find input data
                        (default: None)
  --task {StructMask,Freesurfer,CnnMask,PnlEddy,FslEddy,TopupEddy,EddyEpi,Ukf,Fs2Dwi,Wmql,Wmqlqc,TractMeasures}
                        number of Luigi workers
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        number of Luigi workers (default: 1)
  --derivatives-name DERIVATIVES_NAME
                        relative name of bids derivatives directory,
                        translates to bids-data-dir/derivatives/derivatives-
                        name (default: pnlpipe)

In the following, we shall provide both mandatory and optional settings for each workflow. Before running any workflow, you should set up your terminal so that various prerequisite software i.e. FSL, FreeSurfer, ANTs etc. are found. In addition, define PYTHONPATH:

cd ~/luigi-pnlpipe
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/scripts:`pwd`/workflows:$PYTHONPATH

# in case you have space shortage in /tmp or it is inaccessible to you
export PNLPIPE_TMPDIR=~/tmp

Structural pipeline

The goal of structural pipeline is to perform FreeSurfer segmentation. To be able to do that, we need mask for structural images-- T1w and maybe T2w.

Create masks

MABS (Multi Atlas Brain Segmentation) remains as the acceptable technique to create mask for structural images. We shall create a MABS mask for one modality only and then quality check it manually. We shall warp that quality checked mask to obtain mask for other modalities. This approach minimizes the human effort required to quality check masks for all modalities. Nevertheless, you can create MABS mask for all modalities and quality check them manually.

MABS mask

MABS requires training data which are specified through csvFile below. StructMask task is capable of waiting until quality checking of automated mask is complete, an option which can be invoked by setting mask_qc: True. However, you can set mask_qc: False, obtain all masks, and then quality check at a later time. So the content of LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH is following:

mabs_mask_nproc: 8
debug: False
mask_qc: False

csvFile: /path/to/trainingDataT2Masks.csv

Finally, save the above configuration in mabs_mask_params.cfg and run StructMask task as follows:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/mabs_mask_params.cfg

# individual
# MABS masking of T2w image for case 1001
exec/ExecuteTask --task StructMask \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 --t2-template sub-*/ses-01/anat/*_T2w.nii.gz

# group
# MABS masking of T2w image for all cases
exec/ExecuteTask --task StructMask \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c /path/to/caselist.txt --t2-template sub-*/anat/*_T2w.nii.gz \
--num-workers 8

Quality checked mask must be saved with Qc suffix in the desc field for its integration with later part of the structural pipeline. Example:

    Mabs mask   : sub-1001/ses-01/anat/sub-1001_ses-01_desc-T2wXcMabs_mask.nii.gz
Quality checked : sub-1001/ses-01/anat/sub-1001_ses-01_desc-T2wXcMabsQc_mask.nii.gz

A couple of points to note regarding the above examples:

  • For executing task through LSF, you should be using the individual example.
  • When using group example, depending on the number of cases and CPUs in your machine, you should provide a suitable --num-workers so optimal number of cases are processed parallelly allowing room for other users in a shared cluster environment.
  • Although we provided both individual and group examples in the above, we shall be providing only individual examples in the rest of the tutorial. You can follow the above group example as a model for the rest.
  • Each relevant configuration snippet should be saved in a .cfg file and defined in LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
  • If there is more than one task under a workflow, which is generally the case, a [DEFAULT] section should be used in their configuration file to allow parameter sharing with top level-tasks. EddyEpi section explains this requirement in detail.


  • lscpu command will show you the number of processors available. As a rule of thumb, you can choose --num-workers to be half the number of available processors on a shared environment.
  • vmstat -s -S M will show you the RAM available

HD-BET mask

Recently, we have adopted a better brain masking tool in Luigi pipeline: Unlike the CSV file with a list of training masks used by MABS, it uses a pre-trained deep learning model. To use this tool, use the following configuration:

mask_method: HD-BET

As simple as that! However, it is advisable to run this program on a GPU enabled device. It can also be run on a CPU enabled device but quite slowly. To do that, you need an additional parameter hdbet_device: cpu in the above configuration.

Warped mask

For DIAG-CTE data, we have created MABS mask for T2w images. Then we have warped them to obtain mask for T1w and AXT2 images. Alternatively, you can create masks for T1w images first and then use them to create masks for T2w and AXT2 images. Once again, we need a configuration to be provided via LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH:

mabs_mask_nproc: 8
debug: False
reg_method: rigid
mask_qc: False

ref_img: *_desc-Xc_T2w.nii.gz
ref_mask: *_desc-T2wXcMabsQc_mask.nii.gz

Notice the values of ref_img and ref_mask beginning with asterisk (*). The asterisk (*) is important. These are the patterns with which output directory is searched to obtain structural image and associated MABS mask. The structural image is used to register to target space, in this case T1w or AXT2 space. Finally, the associated MABS mask is warped to target space.

Other important parameters are reg_method and mask_qc. reg_method takes a value of either rigid or SyN indicating the type of antsRegistration you would like to perform. On the other hand, since MABS mask was already quality checked, mask_qc is set to False. Notice the csvFile field that must be kept empty otherwise MABS masking procedure will be triggered.

Putting them all together:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/mask_warping_params.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task StructMask \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 --t1-template sub-*/ses-01/anat/*_T1w.nii.gz

NOTE Creating T1w and AXT2 masks separately is not required. They can be generated as part of Freesurfer and FslEddyEpi tasks respectively.

Run FreeSurfer

We use T1w and/or T2w images to perform FreeSurfer segmentation. T1w and/or T2w images are multiplied by their respective masks and passed through N4BiasFieldCorrection. This intermediate step does not require any user intervention. On the other hand, since the method for obtaining T1w masks is dependent upon T2w MABS masks, the latter have to be generated separately before running Freesurfer. The Freesurfer task will generate T1w masks to fulfill its requirement.

With T1w only


## [StructMask] ##
mabs_mask_nproc: 8
debug: False
reg_method: rigid

## [Freesurfer] ##
t1_ref_img: *_desc-Xc_T2w.nii.gz
t1_ref_mask: *_desc-T2wXcMabsQc_mask.nii.gz
t1_mask_qc: False

freesurfer_nproc: 4
no_hires: True
no_skullstrip: True
subfields: True
fs_dirname: freesurfer



Notice the introduction of t1_ prefix preceding parameters defined for StructMask task itself. The purpose of this introduction would be clear in the following section. Run Freesurfer task as follows:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/fs_with_t1.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task Freesurfer \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 --t1-template sub-*/ses-01/anat/*_T1w.nii.gz

With both T1w and T2w


## [StructMask] ##
mabs_mask_nproc: 8
debug: False
reg_method: rigid

## [Freesurfer] ##
t1_ref_img: *_desc-Xc_T2w.nii.gz
t1_ref_mask: *_desc-T2wXcMabsQc_mask.nii.gz
t1_mask_qc: False

t2_csvFile: /path/to/trainingDataT2Masks.csv
t2_mask_qc: True

freesurfer_nproc: 4
no_hires: True
no_skullstrip: True
subfields: True
fs_dirname: freesurfer



Now, let's look at the purpose of using t1_ and t2_ prefix preceding parameters defined for StructMask task itself. T2w masks are product of MABS while T1w masks are product of warping. Having same values for StructMask task parameters would not allow this differentiation. Moreover, notice t1_mask_qc: False but t2_mask_qc: True, the latter telling the pipeline to look for T2w masks with Qc suffix in desc field.

Finally, to tell Freesurfer task to use both T1w and T2w images, we shall provide both templates:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/fs_with_both_t1_t2.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task Freesurfer \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 \
--t1-template sub-*/ses-01/anat/*_T1w.nii.gz \
--t2-template sub-*/ses-01/anat/*_T2w.nii.gz

DWI pipeline

Create masks

Any automated mask should be quality checked visually. To reiterate, the pipelines are equipped with the capability to wait until an automatically created mask is quality checked and progress from there. Yet, we explain the means of generating all the masks and quality checking them in two discrete steps.

dwi_mask_qc: False
model_folder: /data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation/model_folder
percentile: 97

Run CnnMask task as follows:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/dwi_pipe_params.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task CnnMask \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 --dwi-template sub-*/ses-01/dwi/*_dwi.nii.gz

As it was done for saving quality checked structural masks, quality checked dwi masks must be saved with Qc suffix in the desc field for its integration with later part of the dwi pipeline. Example:

    Cnn mask    : sub-1001/ses-01/dwi/sub-1001_ses-01_desc-dwiXcCNN_mask.nii.gz
Quality checked : sub-1001/ses-01/dwi/sub-1001_ses-01_desc-dwiXcCNNQc_mask.nii.gz

NOTE To clean up the CNN generated mask, assign scipy or mrtrix to filter field. See here for details.

Correct eddy and epi

Different methods for eddy and epi corrections are described below:

  • PnlEddy + PnlEpi (EddyEpi)
  • FslEddy + PnlEpi (EddyEpi)
  • SynB0
  • TopupEddy
  • HcpPipe


Epi correction method at PNL makes use of an axial T2w image acquired in the same plane of dwi, identified by _AXT2.nii.gz suffix. This method can be applied on top of either PNL eddy or FSL eddy. The task that implements this method is called EddyEpi. The configuration file used for this task can be found at dwi_pipe_params.cfg. In the configuration, one has to define eddy_task parameter properly as eddy_task: PnlEddy or eddy_task: FslEddy based on what method they have chosen for eddy correction.

Notice the use of [DEFAULT] section that allows sharing of parameters across various tasks. Refer to the flowchart of FslEddyEpi (now called EddyEpi):

FslEddyEpi (now called EddyEpi) task directly depends upon FslEddy and StructMask tasks. So the parameters of the latter two also become the parameters of the top-level task. On the other hand, defining task specific parameters under FslEddy and StructMask in the configuration would not make them visible to the top-level task. Hence, the right thing is to define them under [DEFAULT] section so they are visible to any top-level tasks.

Finally, run the big dwi pipeline as follows:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/dwi_pipe_params.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task EddyEpi \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 \
--dwi-template sub-*/ses-01/dwi/*_dwi.nii.gz \
--t2-template sub-*/ses-01/anat/*_AXT2.nii.gz

A few things to note here:

  • The --t2-template is different than what we used for Freesurfer task since we need to use an in-plane T2w image for EPI correction, not the structural one.
  • The parameters for StructMask task echo those explained in Warped mask
  • dwi_mask_qc: True tells the program to look for quality checked dwi masks while mask_qc: False tells it to look for non quality checked mask. As mentioned before, since a MABS mask was already quality checked, we should not require to quality check it again after warp assuming antsRegistration, either rigid or SyN, did a good job and not introduce any new artifact in the warped mask.
  • Notice that we used computation intensive SyN registration to obtain AXT2 mask compared to rigid registration we used for obtaining T2w mask.

FslEddy and PnlEddy

This section serves as an example about running FslEddy/PnlEddy separately. When you run EddyEpi, it will run the former already to fulfill its requirement.


The configuration file used for FslEddy/PnlEddy tasks is the same as above dwi_pipe_params.cfg. FslEddy requires the following parameters definition in addition to the ones already defined for PnlEddy:

## [FslEddy] ##
acqp: /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/acqp.txt
index: /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/index.txt
config: /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/eddy_config.txt

Run it:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/dwi_pipe_params.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task FslEddy \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 --dwi-template sub-*/ses-01/dwi/*_dwi.nii.gz

The mask and baseline image provided to FslEddy are approximated as eddy corrected mask and baseline image that can be fed into later task FslEddyEpi.


When an axial T2w image is absent and there is only AP or PA acquisition, we make use of Synb0-DISCO program to perform EPI distortion correction. The Synb0-DISCO program is a replacement of topup. It creates a distortion corrected B0 from a single AP or PA acquisition. It also provides the usual topup correction parameters that are used to perform eddy correction later. However, Synb0-DISCO requires a T1w image.

The configuration file used for SynB0 task is same as the above dwi_pipe_params.cfg. Specifically, SynB0 requires the following parameters definition:

## [SynB0] ##
acqp: /path/to/acqp.txt
index: /path/to/index.txt

Where acqp.txt just:

0 1 0 0.05
0 1 0 0

Run it:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/dwi_pipe_params.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task SynB0 \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/Collaborators/EDCRP/1110/1110_ses-002_T1_nii/rawdata/ \
-c ne00181 -s 002 \
--dwi-template sub-*/ses-*/dwi/*_dwi.nii.gz \
--t1-template sub-*/ses-*/anat/*_T1w.nii.gz

Note that, SynB0 task is run in coordination with .


When two opposing acquisitions--AP and PA are available such as in Human Connectom Project (HCP), eddy+epi correction can be done in a more sophisticated way through FSL topup and eddy. In that way, AP and PA acquisitions are processed independently until TopupEddy:


Once again, the configuration file is dwi_pipe_params.cfg. Like FslEddy, TopupEddy requires the following parameters definition:

## [TopupEddy] ##
acqp: /data/pnl/U01_HCP_Psychosis/acqp.txt
index: /data/pnl/U01_HCP_Psychosis/index.txt
config: /data/pnl/U01_HCP_Psychosis/eddy_config.txt
TopupOutDir: topup_eddy_107_dir
numb0: 1
whichVol: 1
scale: 2

Run it:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/dwi_pipe_params.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task TopupEddy \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 -s BWH01 \
--dwi-template sub-*/ses-*/dwi/*_acq-AP_*_dwi.nii.gz,sub-*/ses-*/dwi/*_acq-PA_*_dwi.nii.gz

Notice that --dwi-template is followed by two templates, one for AP and the other for PA acquisition. Output prefix for corrected data is determined as follows:

# correct only the first volume (whichVol: 1)
# preserve _acq-*_ and _dir-*_

# correct both volumes (whichVol: 1,2)
# omit _acq-*_ and double _dir-*_


This task supersedes TopupEddy task. The HcpPipe way of processing opposing pair of DWIs is inherited from Washington-University/HCPpipelines. PNL introduced some improvements in that pipeline including:

  • Use CNN brain masking program to generate topup mask
  • Replace outliers (--repol flag) for >500 b-shells

Since external processing is involved in this task, it is run via a separate script in three steps:

  • Gibbs unringing of opposing pair of DWIs via Luigi
  • HCP pipeline via shell scripts
  • Creation of soft links in sub-*/ses-*/dwi/ directory according to BIDS convention via Luigi

This HcpPipe task has been used to process HCP-EP data.


UKFTractography can be performed after any of the methods of eddy and epi correction. To make it aware of what methods were used, two parameters are needed in dwi_pipe_params.cfg:

eddy_task:      # one of {FslEddy,PnlEddy}
eddy_epi_task:  # one of {FslEddy,PnlEddy,EddyEpi,TopupEddy}

In addition, as of now, UKFTractography is performed on b-shells<=2000. This default can be adjusted through:

bhigh: 2000

Run it:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/dwi_pipe_params.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task Ukf \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 --dwi-template sub-*/ses-01/dwi/*_dwi.nii.gz


We use SlicerDMRI/whitematteranalysis provided script and ORG-800FC-100HCP white matter atlas for performing whole-brain tractography parcellation. The outputs of that script include:

  • a parcellation of the entire white matter into 800 fiber clusters
  • a parcellation of anatomical fiber tracts organized according to the brain lobes they connect

Here is an abridged snapshot of the output directory (you should examine the *csv files):

└── sub-1122_ses-1_dir-416
    ├── AnatomicalTracts
    │   └── diffusion_measurements_anatomical_tracts.csv
    ├── FiberClustering
    │   ├── InitialClusters
    │   ├── OutlierRemovedClusters
    │   ├── SeparatedClusters
    │   │   ├── diffusion_measurements_commissural.csv
    │   │   ├── diffusion_measurements_left_hemisphere.csv
    │   │   ├── diffusion_measurements_right_hemisphere.csv
    │   │   ├── tracts_commissural
    │   │   ├── tracts_left_hemisphere
    │   │   └── tracts_right_hemisphere
    │   └── TransformedClusters
    └── TractRegistration
        └── sub-1122_ses-1_dir-416
            └── output_tractography


Usability of this script imposes a number of dependencies on your software environment--3D Slicer executable, SlicerDMRI extension, and xvfb-run server. Those dependencies of are specified in dwi_pipe_params.cfg as follows:

slicer_exec: /path/to/Slicer-4.10.2-linux-amd64/
FiberTractMeasurements: /path/to/Slicer-4.10.2-linux-amd64/ --launch /path/to/Slicer-4.10.2-linux-amd64/.config/NA-MIC/Extensions-28257/SlicerDMRI/lib/Slicer-4.10/cli-modules/FiberTractMeasurements
atlas: /path/to/ORG-Atlases-1.1.1
wma_nproc: 4
xvfb: 1
wma_cleanup: 0

Consult --help to know the details of these parameters.

Run it:

Through Luigi pipeline
export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/dwi_pipe_params.cfg

exec/ExecuteTask --task Wma800 \
--bids-data-dir /data/pnl/DIAGNOSE_CTE_U01/rawdata -c 1001 --dwi-template sub-*/ses-01/dwi/*_dwi.nii.gz
On a PNL workstation physically or through NoMachine
source ${NEW_SOFT_DIR}/bashrc3 \
-i /path/to/your.vtk \
-o /path/to/output/dir/ \
-a ${NEW_SOFT_DIR}/ORG-Atlases-1.2 \
-s ${NEW_SOFT_DIR}/Slicer-4.10.2-linux-amd64/ \
-m "${NEW_SOFT_DIR}/Slicer-4.10.2-linux-amd64/ --launch FiberTractMeasurements" \
-n 8 -c 2 -d 1

The same command applies for running it on PNL's GRX node: except a change in the software directory:


You should consult SlicerDMRI/whitematteranalysis repository for meaning of the above arguments.

Through SSH

Just append the -x 1 flag to the above command to enable virtual X server: \
-n 8 -c 2 -d 1 -x 1

However, running it through SSH requires availability of xvfb-run on that server--may it be a PNL workstation or a GRX node. The good news is that we have already installed xorg-x11-server-Xvfb in most servers. So you should be all set. But if you find xvfb-run's absence, reach out to PNL engineers for help. Lastly, you can use the same -x 1 flag to run it through bsub on pri_pnl queue in ERIS cluster.

Fs2Dwi pipeline

After the completion of structural and diffusion pipelines, Fs2Dwi pipeline can proceed as follows:

The tasks defined in Fs2Dwi pipeline are the ones downstream from Fs2Dwi node. The configuration file is fs2dwi_pipe_params.cfg. The parameter of most interest is registration mode. The default is mode: direct. However, you can choose to do through T2w registration by mode: witht2.

Run it:

export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/fs2dwi_pipe_params.cfg

# direct
workflows/ --task Wmql --bids-data-dir $HOME/CTE/rawdata -c 1004 -s 01 \
--dwi-template sub-*/ses-*/dwi/*EdEp_dwi.nii.gz

# witht2
workflows/ --task Wmql --bids-data-dir $HOME/CTE/rawdata -c 1004 -s 01 \
--dwi-template sub-*/ses-*/dwi/*EdEp_dwi.nii.gz --t2-template sub-*/ses-*/anat/*_T2w.nii.gz

NOTE In Fs2Dwi pipeline, the --dwi-template is used to search bids-data-dir/derivatives/derivatives-name/dwi-template to find input data. Note that the search directory is different than that of DWI pipeline where --dwi-template was used to search rawdata directory i.e. bids-data-dir/rawdata/dwi-template. The reason behind this discrepancy is--Fs2Dwi pipeline starts from processed dwi data, not rawdata. However, once a dwi is found, the associated mask is found according to the knowledge of outputs of different nodes from the DWI pipeline. There is a one to one mapping between dwi and mask of each pipeline node as written here.

You can run Fs2Dwi, TractMeasures, and Wmqlqc tasks in the same way as above. Note that, Wmqlqc task would require GUI capability so it is better to attempt that through a virtual desktop e.g. NoMachine.