Plomino is built on Plone, so in order to install Plomino, you first need to install Plone: go to, download Plone and follow the instructions.
To deploy the Plomino product, you need to edit your buildout.cfg
and add the following in the eggs
eggs =
Then you have to run buildout
to realize your configuration:
bin/buildout -N
This will download the latest Plomino version (and its dependencies) from the repository and deploy it in your Zope instance.
Now you can restart your Zope instance and in your Plone site, go to :guilabel:`Site setup` / :guilabel:`Add-on products`.
Here you should see Plomino
and plomino.tinymce
in the list of
installable products. Select them and click :guilabel:`Install`.
Once done, Plomino is installed, so when you are in a folder, you can add a new Plomino database using the Plone :guilabel:`Add new...` menu.
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute ./venv
$ cd ./venv
$ source bin/activate
$ git clone git://
$ cd ./Plomino
$ python
$ bin/buildout -N