Maintainer | GitHub ID | Affiliation |
Idan Levy | idanl21 | Opster |
Ido | ido-opster | Opster |
Dan Bason | dbason | SUSE |
Sebastian Woehrl | swoehrl-mw | MaibornWolff |
Prudhvi Godithi | prudhvigodithi | Amazon |
This document explains what maintainers do in this repo, and how they should be doing it. If you're interested in contributing, see CONTRIBUTING.
This guide will explain the new version release process in Opensearch-k8s-Operator
Under the relases process we can find two main actions
- ####Operator release Responsible to build and publish new Opensearch-k8s-operator images, builds from the 'release.yaml' workflow that triggers from new tag creation with 'v' prefix.
- ####Helm release
Respoinsable for Helm chart repo update, new release and update the index in the
branch, will also publish version to Artifacthub.
###Steps So for a release we need the following manual steps:
- Create a new tag "vXY..Z"
- Wait until pipeline is finished
- in case of CRDs and manifest change
- run 'make manifest' && 'make generate'
- run kustomize build > output.yaml
- separate the yamls and add each resource as a yaml file to charts/opensearch-operator/templates folder (that phase will improve to be part of release process)
- Edit 'version' under charts/opensearch-operator/Chart.yaml (edit also 'appVersion' in case that a new applicative version has released )
- after editing a new release will upload to artifactHub