ClimMob [@doi:10.1016/j.compag.2023.108539] is a software suite for an alternative research paradigm in experimental agriculture. In traditional breeding, a small number of researchers design complicated trials in search of the best solutions for few target environments. ClimMob applies the principles of citizen science and choice experiments to scale the data collection process, mostly in the form of accession rankings. Although these data may not be as detailed as from a centralized experiment, they can inform decisions across a wide range of environments with increased external validity. Applications of ClimMob include crop variety testing, evaluating agronomic practices, and investigating climate resilience strategies. The platform supports experiment design, data collection through mobile apps, and data analysis to provide actionable insights.
ClimMob uses BrAPI to retrieve curated germplasm information from breeding databases for trial design, subsequently enabling the automatic upload of collected ClimMob-collected data to a central breeding database for long-term storage and analysis. Analyzed data can also be pushed from ClimMob to breeding databases, providing breeders with insights into the potential adoption of the tested crop varieties.