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File metadata and controls

363 lines (287 loc) · 10.3 KB


QTicketBai is an attempt at implementing the TicketBai and LROE protocols using Qt.


The library depends on the following libraries:

  • QtCurl
  • QXmlSec
  • QtCore
  • QtNetwork
  • QtXml
  • QtGui (optional, needed for QR code generation)
  • zlib

Make sure these are all installed on your system. Afterwards, run the following commands from the root of this repository:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

If you're planning on using QTicketBai from a server, then you might not want to bring QtGui into the equation. You can disable the dependency to QtGui by replacing cmake .. with cmake .. -DWITH_GUI=OFF. Note that this will disable the feature providing QRCode generation for the TicketBAI invoices.


You can configure QTicketBai by creating a QTicketBai object:

QTicketBai ticketBai;

  .withPassword("Your certificate's password");
  .withCif("Software Developer CIF number")
  .withName("Software Developer name");
    "My company name",            // name
    "15 camino del caminante",    // address
    "Bilbao",                     // city
    "12345",                      // postal code
    TbaiContactDefines::NifIvaId, // id type
    "A99805061"                   // id number
    "QTicketBai Developers",
    "16 camino del caminante",
    "Software Developer CIF number",

The QTicketBai object works as a singleton: there can only be one instance of QTicketBai at any given time in your application. By default, all the features of the ticketbai-qt library will use these settings when signin documents or interacting with the TicketBAI service.



Setting up user and developer informations

The first thing you want to do is to setup the user information for the entity that will use your program to manage their invoices, as well as your own information as a TicketBAI developer entity:

#include <ticketbai-qt/qticketbai.h>

const CompanyData user = {
  "PlanED S.L.",
  "1 Camino del Caminante",
  "Postal code",
  TbaiContactDefines::NifIvaId, // ID type, as defined in ticketbai-qt/tbaicontactdefines.h
  "ID", // Cif, nif, depending on the ID type
  "Phone number",
  "Fax number",

int main()
  QTicketBai ticketbai; // QTicketBai instance

  reutrn 0;

Check your settings

The second thing you want to do is to check that your settings are correct. You can use the TbaiSignProcess::checkSettings function to check the validity of your settings:

#include <ticketbai-qt/qticketbai.h>
#include <ticketbai-qt/tbaisignprocess.h>

const CompanyData user = ...

int main()
  QTicketBai ticketbai;

    .withPassword("Your certificate's password");
    .prepare(); // Do not forget to call `prepare` on your TbaiCertificate once you've set its settings
  if (TbaiSignProcess::checkSettings())
    return 0; // QTicketBai is ready to sign and submit invoices
  return -1; // Something's missing in your environment

The TbaiSignProcess::checkSettings function will also display the diagnostic results to stderr, allowing you to see what's missing from your environment to get this thing up and running.

Initializing QXmlSec

QXmlSec is a dependency of QTicketBai, and it needs to be initialized before any document signing is performed. Just make sure you maintain an instance of the QXmlSec object while such operations are running:

#include <ticketbai-qt/qticketbai.h>
#include <ticketbai-qt/tbaisignprocess.h>
#include <xmlsec-qt/xmlsec.h> // QXmlSec header

const CompanyData user = ...

int main()
  QXmlSec xmlsec; // QXmlSec instance
  QTicketBai ticketbai;

  if (TbaiSignProcess::checkSettings())
    return 0;
  return -1;

Submitting invoices

Implementing the invoice interface

The next step is to create your own invoices objects, implementing the TbaiInvoiceInterface defined in ticketbai-qt/tbaiinvoiceinterface.h:

#include <ticketbai-qt/tbaiinvoiceinterface.h>
class MyInvoice : public TbaiInvoiceInterface
  // previousInvoice shall return the previous invoice in the TicketBAI
  // signing chain, or nullptr if this is the first invoice to get signed.
  TbaiInvoiceInterface* previousInvoice() const override;

  // Returns a value from the TbaiInvoiceInterface::Type enum,
  // corresponding to the invoice rectificative type (or just
  // InvoiceType if the invoice isn't rectificative) defined
  // in the TicketBAI specification with the key L7.
  Type invoiceType() const override;

  // Returns the TicketBAI signature for this invoice, or a null QByteArray
  // if the invoice hasn't been signed yet.
  const QByteArray& signature() const override;

  // Returns the date and time of the invoice emission.
  const QDateTime& date() const override;

  // Returns the `series` value for this invoice. Optional
  const QByteArray& series() const override;

  // Returns the invoice number
  const QByteArray& number() const override;

  // Returns a name for the invoice
  const QString& name() const override;

  // Returns a description for the invoice
  const QString& description() const override;

  // Returns the list of recipients for this invoice, represented as
  // CompanyData (see ticketbai-qt/companydata.h)
  const Recipients& recipients() const override;

  // Returns a list of the invoice amounts for each included VATs policies
  QList<TbaiInvoiceInterface::VatBreakdown> vatBreakdowns() const override;

The convenience TbaiInvoiceComponent class is also available in ticketbai-qt/invoicecomponent.h, providing a simple QObject-based implementation for TbaiInvoiceInterface.

Invoice amounts using VatBreakdown

The TbaiInvoiceInterface::VatBreakdown type allows you to define invoice amounts for each VAT policy. Any couple VAT policy and VAT/Recargo rate can only be expressed up to one time in the resulting list. Let's see a simple example:

TbaiInvoiceInterface::VatBreakdown vatBreakdown;

vatBreakdown.base = 42.42; // tax base
vatBreakdown.taxRate = 0.2; // VAT rate at 20%
vatBreakdown.recargoRate = 0.014; // Recargo rate at 1.4%

For VAT exempted subjets, we would change that code as following:

TbaiInvoiceInterface::VatBreakdown vatBreakdown;

vatBreakdown.base = 42.42; // tax base
vatBreakdown.exemptionType = TbaiInvoiceInterface::VatExemptedByNormaForalArticle20;

And for subjects that are not subjects to VAT:

TbaiInvoiceInterface::VatBreakdown vatBreakdown;

vatBreakdown.base = 42.42;
vatBreakdown.vatState = TbaiInvoiceInterface::NotSubjectToVat;

Generating a TicketBAI signature for an invoice

Now that we can expose our custom invoices types to QTicketBai, the next thing we'll want to do is to generate TicketBAI documents:

#include <ticketbai-qt/tbaisignprocess.h>
#include <iostream>

void sign_invoice(const TbaiInvoiceInterface& invoice)
  TbaiDocument document = TbaiDocument().createFrom(invoice);

  if (TbaiSignProcess::sign(document))
    std::cout << "Generated signature: " << document.signature().constData() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Generated xml:\n" << document.toString(2) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Failed to sign invoice" << std::endl;

Don't forget to store the return value of document.signature() in your invoice object, so that it can be used later when signing your next invoice. To put it simply, for the next invoice you will sign, you want invoice.previousInvoice()->signature() to return the current value of document.signature().

Catching errors

Errors might happen during the signing process. The TbaiSignProcess::sign function return value can be used to get details about failures:

void sign_invoice(const TbaiInvoiceInterface& invoice)
  TbaiDocument document = TbaiDocument().createFrom(invoice);
  TbaiSignProcess::ReturnValue result;

  result = TbaiSignProcess::sign(document);
  if (result)
    std::cout << "Generated signature: " << document.signature().constData() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Generated xml:\n" << result.xml.constData() << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Failed to sign invoice" << result.error.toStdString() << std::endl;

Loading a TicketBAI document from file

At anytime, you can load a TicketBAI document from a file:

#include <ticketbai-qt/tbaidocument.h>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  TbaiDocument document;

  if (argc == 2)
    if (document.loadFromFile(argv[1]))
      std::cout << document.signature().constData() << std::endl;
      return 0;
      std::cerr << "invalid TicketBAI document " << argv[1] << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "usage: ./command [filepath]" << std::endl;
  return -1;

In case you intend to store your TicketBAI invoices another way, you may also initialize a TbaiDocument directly from the XML source:

TbaiDocument document;
QFile file("/var/lib/ticketbai/invoice.xml");

if (
  std::cout << document.signature().constData() << std::endl;

Sending LROE documents

TODO: the LROESubmitProcess isn't completely implemented yet

#include <ticketbai-qt/lroesubmitprocess.h>

static void invoice_upload()
  LROESubmitProcess lroe;


Running the tests

The tests use the example and certificate sets provided by in the technical documentation for the LROE process.

The script is provided to download the test environment and run all the tests. It is designed to run from the root of the repository:
