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Count by Region of Interest

A bit of a surprise, you have to be careful when interpreting data with both time and ROI cutoff as stopping conditions for a counting experiment.

When performing neutron scattering experiments the primary observable is the count rate for the given experimental condition. The rate is estimated by counting the scattered neturons for a certain amount of time and dividing by the counting time. Since the incident neutron beam is assumed to be generated by a Poisson process, the variance in the number of counts for a given count rate is equal to the number of counts, and relative uncertainty in the counts goes down as sqrt(N). The uncertainty in the rate is sqrt(N)/T for counting time T. To make best use of available beam time, we therefore would like to count until we reach a given statistical uncertainty and then stop, either because sqrt(N)/N is small at large N or because sqrt(N)/T is small at large T. That is, we want to stop counting at a fixed T cutoff or a fixed N cutoff.

To simulate the experiment, generate N neutron arrival intervals from the exponential distribution, where N is the cutoff count value. A cumulative sum on the intervals gives the arrival time of the kth neutron. If the total time was greater than the cutoff time, then the experiment recorded the number of events before the cutoff time over the cutoff time. If the total time was less than the cutoff time, then the experiment recorded N over the total time.

A further note, since the neutron source is not necessarily constant flux, we maintain a monitor in the beam to estimate the total incident flux rather than strictly relying on time. The monitor rates are assumed to be large enough that monitor uncertainty is small relative to count uncertainty. The expected monitor counts for the experiment was the experiment time multiplied by the cutoff time. The observed monitors for the experiment was then drawn from a Poisson distribution with this value.

I ran some simulations where the detector rate favoured count limited measurements and some where the measurements were time limited. The left graph normalizes by time and the right by monitor. The red bar shows the true count rate. As you can see, the true count rate is about in the center of the distribution of observed count rates.

Plot of observed count rates when counts is the cutoff

Plot of observed count rates when time is the cutoff

Where things get tricky is when the count rate is such that cutoff counts is approximately equal to the cutoff time so sometimes the time is reached and sometimes the counts are reached. This leads to the double peak in the next figure for time-and-count limited measurements. It is very reproducible, and is not an artifact of binning or the size of n.

Plot of observed count rates for matched counts and time

You can compensate for this by shifting the rate peak slightly for the count by time case by adding 0.5 to the estimated counts for the interval.

Plot of observed count rates for matched condition with correction

This issue is that the distribution of rates estimated from counts by time vs counts by ROI are different, and they lead to problems at the crossover, where some counts are limited by rate and others are limited by time. You can see an exaggerated example of this in the final figure, where it is clear that the shape is different and the peak is shifted.

Plot of observed count rates given a fixed time vs fixed counts cutoff

To investigate this further we can look at a comparison of the curves with fixed time, with fixed counts and with joint time/counts, whichever comes first. Much like the previous plots, the probability of observing x counts per second is plotted, with a line for the expected x. We also record the mean observed rates in the three conditions, which shows that each method gives an expected rate well within uncertainty.

Plot of observed count rates by parts (uncorrected)

The above "correction" of adding 0.5 to the observed counts when time is the stopping condition shifts the fixed time curve a little to the right yielding a slightly higher mean observed rate but a much nicer looking distribution.

Plot of observed count rates by parts (correct counts for fixed time)

We can instead "correct" the time when counts is the stopping condition, adding 1/2 an interval to the total time, which shifts the fixed counts curve to the left. This yields a similar distribution but with an observed mean closer to the true mean.

Plot of observed count rates by parts (correct time for fixed counts)

Overcorrecting time by adding a whole interval averages to the true mean over enough measurements, but the underlying distribution is again wonky.

Plot of observed count rates by parts (add a whole interval for fixed counts)

Requiring adding 0.5 to all observed counts by time (the usual case) in order to make this artifact disappear is not acceptable without further analysis. Adjusting the fixed count case will be less controversial. There usual approach would be to select the maximum likelihood (the "uncorrected" case) but this is clearly bad for the crossover. Correcting by one interval to get the correct expected value is another favourite (the "overcorrected" case), but again the crossover is bad. Adding 0.5 feels like a good compromise.

We are not quite solving the correct problem. We are showing the probability of observed rate given a fixed true rate. Rather than plotting observed rates for a give true rate, we should be plotting the true rate for given observed rate. This is a little harder to do, and is a project for another day.

Code used to produce the plots:

n = 100
cycles = 100000
# expected count cutoff
count_by_roi.simulate(cutoff_counts=n, cycles=cycles, detector_rate=n/100.)
# expected time cutoff
count_by_roi.simulate(cutoff_counts=n, cycles=cycles, detector_rate=n/600.)
# count or time cutoff
count_by_roi.simulate(cutoff_counts=n, cycles=cycles, detector_rate=n/300.)
# count or time cutoff with correction
count_by_roi.simulate(cutoff_counts=n, cycles=cycles, detector_rate=n/300., correction=0.5)

Code showing observed rate distribution when counting a given rate by time and by count:

plt.hist(10./np.sum(np.random.exponential(0.1, size=(10,10000)), axis=0), bins=arange(0.5,30.5,1.))
title("rate from 10 counts at 10/s"); ylabel("freq"); xlabel("rate (1/s)")
plt.hist(np.random.poisson(10, size=10000), bins=arange(0.5,30.5,1.))
title("rate from 1 s at 10/s"); ylabel("freq"); xlabel("rate (1/s)")

# And maybe overplot the "corrected" rate distribution
plt.hist(10.5/np.sum(np.random.exponential(0.1, size=(10,10000)), axis=0), bins=arange(0.5,30.5,1.))

Code used to examine the crossover case:

n, T = 100, 3.
cycles = 500000

# count or time cutoff with correction
count_by_roi.simulate(cutoff_counts=n, cutoff_time=T, cycles=cycles, show_pure=True,
                      detector_rate=n/T, correction=0.0)
# modify code to select count correction
count_by_roi.simulate(cutoff_counts=n, cutoff_time=T, cycles=cycles, show_pure=True,
                      detector_rate=n/T, correction=0.5)
# modify code to select time correction
count_by_roi.simulate(cutoff_counts=n, cutoff_time=T, cycles=cycles, show_pure=True,
                      detector_rate=n/T, correction=0.5)
count_by_roi.simulate(cutoff_counts=n, cutoff_time=T, cycles=cycles, show_pure=True,
                      detector_rate=n/T, correction=1.0)


Program used to run the simulations

count_limited.png, time_limited.png, time_or_count_limited.png

Results from running code without correction in the three conditions


Results from running code with correction


Comparison of probability of individual count rates being observed for a true count rate of 10/s.

pure_uncorrected.png, pure_corrected_time.png, pure_corrected_counts.png pure_overcorrected_time.png

Observed count rates by parts showing the results for fixed counting time, fixed number of counts and joint counts or time.