🔰 Thank you for your proposed contribution! This guide will help you along.
This project has adopted the TYPO3 Code of Conduct.
By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
The general idea of this project is described in the README.
There are many ways to contribute to Open Source projects beyond coding. Draft a new design, test features and give feedback, report bugs, improve the documentation, review the issue tracker and suggest closing duplicates or outdated tickets. Spread the word and write a tweet or blog post.
You like to code? Find an open issue and fix a bug. Add tests or improve the project setup. Or build a new feature.
🚧 This project is maintained on GitLab.
It is mirrored to GitHub though. If you feel more comfortable with GitHub, then you are able to work with this mirror just fine. All issues and pull requests are mirrored to GitLab.
Please always open a ticket or comment on existing issues before you start working on something.
Keep your pull requests limited to a single issue. One feature branch per issue.
Please explain your changes in a short, readable commit message.
This project has adopted the PSR-2 Coding Style Guide for PHP Code.
General file formats are defined in the EditorConfig.
The project follows the naming scheme of the Flow Framework for classes, methods, variables and filenames.
✅ Don't worry. The guidlines are checked automatically in every pull request.
This project has adopted SemVer 2 Versioning.
New commits are composed in branch development
until a new version is
All notable changes made between each release are documented in the Changelog.
Everything in open source should be a series of kindnesses.
Please send some feedback and share how this package has proven useful to you and how you may help to improve it.