Name | Type | Description | Notes |
deal_id | int | The ID of the deal this recurring subscription is associated with | |
currency | string | The currency of the recurring subscription. Accepts a 3-character currency code. | |
description | string | The description of the recurring subscription | [optional] |
cadence_type | string | The interval between payments | |
cycles_count | int | Shows how many payments the subscription has. Note that one field must be set: `cycles_count` or `infinite`. If `cycles_count` is set, then `cycle_amount` and `start_date` are also required. | [optional] |
cycle_amount | int | The amount of each payment | |
start_date | \DateTime | The start date of the recurring subscription. Format: YYYY-MM-DD | |
infinite | bool | This indicates that the recurring subscription will last until it's manually canceled or deleted. Note that only one field must be set: `cycles_count` or `infinite`. | [optional] |
payments | object[] | Array of additional payments. It requires a minimum structure as follows: [{ amount:SUM, description:DESCRIPTION, due_at:PAYMENT_DATE }]. Replace SUM with a payment amount, DESCRIPTION with an explanation string, PAYMENT_DATE with a date (format YYYY-MM-DD). | [optional] |
update_deal_value | bool | Indicates that the deal value must be set to recurring subscription's MRR value | [optional] |