- Fixed slow example in the plot docs
- fixed the way RcppAramadillo dependecny is handled so to pass CRAN tests
- added Rcpp and RcppArmadillo dependencies
- Added C++ implementation (much faster!)
- Same as previous version.
- the behaviour of the
option is now more consistent for spatial objects - added
option to optionally use spatial coordinates of sf, sp, or raster objects in clhs - added support for sf objects
- Added test for clhs.Raster
- Added a
file to track changes to the package. - Implemented an improved logic to drop worse sample (thanks to David Clifford)
- Various minor bug fixes to support R > 4.0
- Maintenance version fixing new RNG sampler call.
- New DLHS method contributed by Benjamin Louis
- Included possibility to include compulsory/existing samples in the set (thanks to Benjamin Louis)
- Added more tests
- Added Gower similarity tool (thanks to Colby Brugnard)
- Switched documentation to Roxygen
- Implemented the first few tests
- fixed sneaky bug that produced duplicated sampling points (thanks Ankur Gupta for the pointers)
- fixed bug when passing a single raster layer (Github issue #1, thanks Github user GreatEmerald)
- Raster* clhs method now returns SpatialPointsDataFrame
- corrected dependencies - now depend on R >= 2.14 (due to ggplot2)
- version ready for release when ggplot2_0.9.2.1 is rolled out
- minor bugfix version fixing compatibility issues with ggplot2 >= 0.9.2
- added ggplot2 in Suggests temporary to fix bug in ggplot2_0.9.2
- introduced cost and cost tracking modes
- general code cleaning
- improved plot function:
- general buxfixes
- now using dotplot for factors
- support cost function
- new boxplot mode
- cleaner NAMESPACE
- Dummy version increment to solve CRAN upload problems
- Added the choice between histogram and density plots in the plot method
- Improved doc
- Complete plot.cLHS_result method using ggplot2
- new reshape2 dependency
- various buxfixes, esp. for spatial classes
- Introduced cLHS_result S3 class with associated plot method
- Introduced simple = ... option to the clhs() method. If set to true, returns only the indices of the selected samples, if set to FALSE, returns a cLHS_result object (eg if you want to plot the objective function behaviour).
- added a plot() method. For the moment, it just plots the objective function.
- slight improvement on the Raster method using rasterToPoints(...)
- added plotting option for the objective function
- Corrected bug on Raster* methods. Now returns a SpatialPointsDataFrame object.
- Switch to S4 methods
- Introduced methods for Raster* and SpatialP*DataFrame classes
- changed examples
- Fixed important bugs in the annealing process.
- Initial release of the package.