- [NEW] - icon overhaul - now using line-awesome
- [NEW] - upgraded to font awesome 5
- [NEW] - visual indicator for an empty playlist in now playlist panel
- [UPGRADE] - themes updated
- [UPGRADE] - now playlist tracks design
- [FIX] - fixes #54
- [UPGRADE] - now running Angular 6, NgRx 6
- [UPGRADE] - ngx-typeahead allowing free text and not only selecting a suggestion from the dropdown
- [NEW] = added media information button to current track - shows description and cued tracks (click to select)
- [NEW] - transitions added to track's playlist and information on the now-playlist component
- [NEW] - support for PWA - player assets are now part of the pwa definition
- [NEW] - added firebase integration (not hosted in firebase yet)
- [FIXED] - default arctic theme now renders
- [FIXED] - revert to PROD + AOT for smaller bundle size
- [FIXED] - removed broken character from html (causing prod build failure)
- [REFACTOR] - removed unused code
- [UPGRADE] - upgrade @ng/cli to v6
- [FIXED] - style for auto complete didnt change accroding to theme
- [FIXED] - media cards messed when statistics are long
- [UPGRADE] - media card stats are highlighted with primary color
- [FIXED] - aligned current playing media with title when minimized
- [PERF] - performance optimization using pipes with function utils
- [NEW] - cards videos & playlists rounded styles
- [UPGRADE] - app menu with animation in/out
- [REFACTOR] - using now more css utils to reduce css code
- [REFACTOR] - app-search component restructure
- [NEW] - added "Developed With YouTube" badge
- [UPDATE] - now using ngrx 5
- [UPDATE] - now using rxjs 5.5 new "pipe" syntax for ngrx/effects
- [UPDATE] - added prettier for code formatting
- [FIXED] - fixes repeat in filtered now playlist #35
- [UPDATE] - now lazy loading user area (if signed in)
- [UPDATE] - updates color text for viedos size in playlist search
- [FIX] - player in mini mode aligned to thumb in controls bar
- [UPDATE] - updating infinite-scroll
- [UPDATE] - added google site verification
- [FIX] - handles user's signin token refresh
- [ADDED] - spinner indicator for a playlist item
- [UPDATE] - Echoes with Angular 5 (now using HttpClient)
- [UPDATE] - updated NgRx to use memoized selectors
- [UPDATE] - analytics indicates now type of search
- [UPDATE] - added icon for a playlist search result
- [UPGRADE] - now using aliases for main app packages (@env, @utils, @store etc..)
- [FIX] - play icon didn't show in playlist search result
- [NEW] - gtag integration
- [NEW] - youtube api and client keys, analytics key is attached in build time (rather than hard coded in ts, html files)
- [UPGRADE] - unified icon "directive"
- [UPGRADE] - reduced bootstrap unused styles while improving loading performance
- [CHOR] - removed unused files
- [UPDATE] - media controls displays flat background color when in fullscreen now (and not the blury background)
- [NEW] - added new dark "bumblebee" theme
- [NEW] - each media card description (after flip) includes now a link to its YouTube page
- [FIX] - after log out, menu is closed - fix #30
- [UPGRADE] - updated favicon
- [UPGRADE] - updated few colors for themes
- [UPGRADE] - main loading screen colors for Echoes
- [UPGRADE] - app manifest colors for mobile devices
- [NEW] - added "info" section for each now playlist track to show more information.
- [UPGRADE] - updated secondary color (now in use)
- [FIXED] - playlist 'high' thumb sometimes doesn't exist and results in an error - fix #29
- [UPDATED] - media thumbs defaults to render maxres and gracefully degrades to render standard quality if higher size are not present
- [REFACTOR] - performance enhancements in rendering media thumbs, extracing cued tracks for playlist tracks
- [NEW] - Themes are now availabe - the default is 'Arctic' Theme. Themes are applied via the top right app menu.
- [NEW] - added dark 'Halloween' theme
- [FIXED] - refresh didn't navigate to the same url route
- [UPGRADE] - using ngx-youtube-player now
- [NEW] - added "Back" (arrow-left) button to Playlist View - returns to the last view
- [NEW] - added transparent backdrop to side menu on mobile - touch on it closes the menu
- [UPGRADE] - now using NgRx 4
- [ADDED] - integration with router-store
- [NEW] - added transitions when youtube media cards are displayed
- [NEW] - added global key: Escape to exit fullscreen
- [UPDATE] - responsive design to mobile
- [UPDATE] - sidebar brand smoother transition
- [UPDATE] - enhanced player controls when in full screen:
- now less transparent when hovered
- slightly transparent to hint the location on screen
- widht is shorter (to allow more control on yt player settings menu)
- [FIX] - fixed error in displaying blur image when 'high' quality is missing
- [FIX] - new instance of player results in an Error
- [NEW] - added html based color theme based tooltip
- [FIX] - issue with search #16
- update new version primary color
- [NEW] - added search for playlists
- [NEW] - queue and play whole playlist
- [NEW] - player control bar reflects the current media photo
- [NEW] - color palette updated to material
- [UPDATE] - playlist view has been revamped
- preparation for custom themes
- [UPDATE] - updated album tracks parsing algorithm - now includes more rules for parsing more formats of tracks embeded in media description
- [UPDATE] - restyled tracks.
- [NEW] - album tracks now features track listings in no playing playlist - playing single tracks in a media - click the green playlist icon to see tracks.
- [UPDATE] - user menu is now animated.
- [UPDATE] - added icon for reveal playing track in "now-playing" title
- Made performance improvments to fullscreen mode
- [UPDATE] - app user menu has been revamped for mobile devices
- [NEW] - now playling playlist style has been upgraded with borders and improved with semantics & animations when toggling the sidebar
- [UPDATE] - player controls bar resized and enhanced
- [FIX] - brings back uncommented Effect
- [FIX] - fixed an issue with playing the last track in a playlist
- [FIX] - attempt to catch errors when user's token is updated
- [UPDATED] - new version indicator is now animated with pulse, "update version" is the first item in list now.
- [FIX] - added auto sign in retry (3 times) and app refresh when there's an error (attempt to fix)
- [NEW] - added user menu (top right) with links to source code
- [NEW] - added version checker service for notifying about a new version of echoes
- [UPDATE] - authorization check is done every 5 minutes
- [NEW] - added "repeat" for playlist. now player will stop playing the playlist if repeat is off (default setting).
- fixes app error - "likeCount" form statistics doesn't exist in search results
- now using ng-cli 1.0.0
- Angular 4.0.0
- scss are loaded with styleUrls