Flatten TailwindCSS theme objects for plugins to conveniently generate utilities and components.
Node.js 12+
Tailwind CSS 2+
yarn add flatten-tailwindcss-theme
Or if you use npm
npm i --save flatten-tailwindcss-theme
const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin");
const flatten = require("flatten-tailwindcss-theme");
module.exports = plugin(({ addUtilities, variants, theme, e }) => {
const colors = flatten(theme("colors"));
const utils = Object.entries(colors).reduce(
(res, [key, value]) =>
Object.assign(res, {
[`.${e(`textfill-${key}`)}`]: {
"-webkit-text-fill-color": value,
addUtilities(utils, variants("textfill"));
The above plugin add classes:
, ... ,textfill-blue-100
, ... , etc.
const flatten = require("flatten-tailwindcss-theme");
const output = flatten({
transparent: "transparent",
current: "currentColor",
black: "#000",
white: "#fff",
gray: {
100: "#f7fafc",
200: "#edf2f7",
300: "#e2e8f0",
400: "#cbd5e0",
500: "#a0aec0",
600: "#718096",
700: "#4a5568",
800: "#2d3748",
900: "#1a202c",
red: {
100: "#fff5f5",
200: "#fed7d7",
300: "#feb2b2",
400: "#fc8181",
500: "#f56565",
600: "#e53e3e",
700: "#c53030",
800: "#9b2c2c",
900: "#742a2a",
// Output:
transparent: 'transparent',
current: 'currentColor',
black: '#000',
white: '#fff',
'gray-100': '#f7fafc',
'gray-200': '#edf2f7',
'gray-300': '#e2e8f0',
'gray-400': '#cbd5e0',
'gray-500': '#a0aec0',
'gray-600': '#718096',
'gray-700': '#4a5568',
'gray-800': '#2d3748',
'gray-900': '#1a202c',
'red-100': '#fff5f5',
'red-200': '#fed7d7',
'red-300': '#feb2b2',
'red-400': '#fc8181',
'red-500': '#f56565',
'red-600': '#e53e3e',
'red-700': '#c53030',
'red-800': '#9b2c2c',
'red-900': '#742a2a'
Node 12+
Yarn 1.22+
Install requirements
Clone the repository
to install dependencies
Commit adhering to Angular commit convention, use
yarn commit
or Code conventional commits to commit interactively -
Submit a PR and make sure required status checks pass
When a PR is merged or code is pushed to
, Github automatically builds and publishes a new release if there're relevant changes