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293 lines (252 loc) · 8.42 KB

File metadata and controls

293 lines (252 loc) · 8.42 KB


Below is a complete list of validation directives.

The value passed must equal the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate(5)->withRules(['eq:5']);

The value passed must not equal the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate(5)->withRules(['neq:4']);

The value passed must be less than the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate(2)->withRules(['lt:5']);

The value passed must be less than or equal to the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate(4)->withRules(['lte:4']);

The value passed must be greater than the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate(5)->withRules(['gt:2']);

The value passed must be greater than or equal to the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate(5)->withRules(['gte:5']);

The number value passed must be greater than or at least equal to the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate(5)->withRules(['min:5']);

The number value passed must be less than or at most equal to the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate(5)->withRules(['max:5']);

The number value passed must be between the values (inclusive) defined in the directive.

$v = validate(5)->withRules(['range:2-10']);

The character length of the value passed must be greater than or at least equal to the value defined in the directive.

$v = validate('chase')->withRules(['minLen:5']);

The character length of the value passed must be less than or at most equal to the value defined in the directive.

$v = validate('chase')->withRules(['maxLen:5']);

The character length of the value passed must be between values (inclusive) defined in the directive. It makes it easier to define both maxLen and minLen at a go.

$v = validate('chase')->withRules(['rangeLen:5-10']);

The value passed must be equal to the one defined in the directive.

$v = validate('chase')->withRules(['len:5']);

The value passed must match the regular expression defined in the directive.

$v = validate('chase')->withRules(['regex:/^c/']);

The value passed must be one or the list defined in the directive. Works for both strings and numbers.

$v = validate('peter')->withRules(['in:paul,peter,james']);
// Or with numbers
$v = validate(2)->withRules(['in:3,2,5']);

Notice how there is no space after the comma.

The value passed must be an integer. The value can be a string or a number.

$v = validate(5)->withRules(['integer']);

The value passed must be made up of only numbers and letters of the alphabet i.e. alphanumeric.

$v = validate('abcd1234')->withRules(['alnum']);

The value passed must be made up of only letters of the alphabet.

$v = validate('abcd')->withRules(['alpha']);

The value passed must be a floating point number.

$v = validate(.5)->withRules(['float']);
$v = validate(3.5)->withRules(['float']);

The value passed must have a valid email syntax.

$v = validate('[email protected]')->withRules(['email']);

The value passed must have a valid url syntax.

$v = validate('')->withRules(['url']);
$v = validate('')->withRules(['url']);

The value passed must not be null or be an empty string. A value of zero will pass validation.

$v = validate('')->withRules(['required']);

The value passed must be unique. That is it must not already exists. How to check for uniqueness is left up to the user.

A callable which checks for uniqueness should return true if the value is present and false if the value is present.

Assuming some rules are already there

$v = validate('[email protected]')->withRules(['email'])->unique(function($value){
    //Perform your lookup here and return true or false accordingly.

If there are no other rules

$v = validate('[email protected]')->unique(function($value){
    //Perform your lookup here and return true or false accordingly.

Note that unique can be called multiple times, especially when dealing with multiple values

$values = [
    'name' => 'chase',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'age' => 50

$rules = [
    'name' => 'alpha',
    'age' => 'integer',
    'email' => 'email'

$v = validate($values)->withRules($rules)->unique('email', function($value){ return true; })->unique('name', function($value){ return true; });

The value passed must already exist. This is the opposite of unique. How to check for existence is left up to the user.

A callable which checks for existence should return true if the value is present and false if the value is present.

Assuming some rules are already there

$v = validate('[email protected]')->withRules(['email'])->exists(function($value){
    //Perform your lookup here and return true or false accordingly.

If there are no other rules

$v = validate('[email protected]')->exists(function($value){
    //Perform your lookup here and return true or false accordingly.

Note that exists can be called multiple times, especially when dealing with multiple values

$values = [
    'name' => 'chase',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'age' => 50

$rules = [
    'name' => 'alpha',
    'age' => 'integer',
    'email' => 'email'

$v = validate($values)->withRules($rules)->exists('email', function($value){ return true; })->exists('name', function($value){ return true; });


For file validation, the value passed is the file path. When trying to validate uploaded files, use $_FILES['htmlname']['tmp_name']. For files on disk, just point to the location.

The file path passed must exist and be readable. It can also be used to check if a file was uploaded, when dealing with web forms.

$path = '/files/image.png';
$v = validate($path)->withRules(['fileRequired']);

The file size must be at least the value passed (in bytes) in the directive.

$path = '/files/image.png';

// 2 MB
$size = 2 * (1024 * 1024);
$v = validate($path)->withRules(["fileMinSize:$size"]);

The file size must be at least the value passed (in bytes) in the directive.

$path = '/files/image.png';

// 2 MB
$size = 2 * (1024 * 1024);
$v = validate($path)->withRules(["fileMaxSize:$size"]);

This is used for custom validation.

A callable which contains code for the validation should return true if it passes and false if it fails. The callable should not take any arguments.

It is distinct from both unique and exists in that it does not apply to any value in particular.

Assuming some rules are already there

$v = validate('[email protected]')->withRules(['email'])->check(function(){
    //Perform custom check here

If there are no other rules

$v = validate('[email protected]')->check(function(){
    //Perform custom check here

Note that check can be called multiple times. And the syntax does not change even when dealing with multiple values, because, again, it does not apply to any value in particular.

The path passed must point to a valid image file. That is one of : jpeg, png, gif, or webp.

$path = '/files/image.png';
$v = validate($path)->withRules(['fileImage']);

Ensures the file at the path passed does not contain any php code.

$path = '/files/pdf.pdf';
$v = validate($path)->withRules(['file']);

The path passed must point to a valid pdf file.

$path = '/files/pdf.pdf';
$v = validate($path)->withRules(['filePdf']);

The path passed must point to a valid office file. That is one of : doc, ppt, and xls. Not any of docx, pptx, xlsx.

$path = '/files/doc.doc';
$v = validate($path)->withRules(['fileOffice']);

The path passed must point to a file that has one of the mimes defined in the directive.

$path = '/files/image.jpg';
$v = validate($path)->withRules(['mimes:image/jpeg,image/png,application/pdf']);

The path passed must point to a file that has one of the mime types defined in the directive.

$path = '/files/image.jpg';
$v = validate($path)->withRules(['mimes:jpeg,png,pdf']);