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This is a new protocol and may have severe security flaws rendering it completly useless. Use the demo programs only for security analysis and not for any productive environment.


Let's face it: Passwords suck! And they do in a number of ways

  1. people do forget them
  2. people choose weak ones (low entropy)
  3. companies do lose them
  4. the company or service potentialy knows your password

While some problems are intrinsic (like (1)) and can't be helped, there are well known technices to attack (2) and (3): Passwords are not stored in clear text but instead a password hash (or KDF) is used to scramble them. By using a 'salt' a KDF makes it difficult for an attacker to use precalculated password lists and the heavy cpu demand of a KDF makes them time consuming to brute force (modern KDFs also need a significant amount of fast memory to defeat fast custom hardware).

But this feature makes them also unattractive on a server with many users, since the server is usually the one calculating the password hash. But the big problem in letting the server calculate the hash is actually (4): If you don't trust the server (either it's security or it's maintainers) you are forced to use an unique password for it.

The idea is to let the user calculate the KDF and change password verification to a challenge-response protocol. But we don't want to give the server the password hash either, because if that gets stolen it could be used to login to the server without even needing the original password.

To solve these problems i recommend to use a combination of classical password hashes (or KDF) and a modern elliptic curve signature scheme: The PSPKA scheme uses a KDF, like PBKDF2, to derive a 256bit EdDSA secret key from the users identity and password and then calculates the corresponding EdDSA public key. This public key together with the KDF parameters (like salt and iteration count) are used as password hash.

If the user wants to authorize later a public-key challenge-response method is used: The server sends a random challenge (including KDF parameters) and the user uses her secret key (again derived from her identity and password, using the salt and KDF parameters from the challenge) to sign the challenge together with a random nonce and a context field describing this login. The response constists of the random nonce together with the signature. This way our user can login as usual with identity and password without any saved state, although it is recommended to store the KDF parameters.

The PSPKA protocol could also be used to protect a Diffie-Hellman (DH) connection between user and server from a man-in-the-middle attack, by using the shared DH secret as context in the response. (The context is normaly used to defend against a server, trying to reuse a user-response to login as this user on a different service.)

Problem (2) and limitation of damage are the only reasons to not reuse the same password for different services, with this scheme. But if a password is really strong and a good KDF is used, there is no security problem in publishing the corresponding PSPKA-hash.