diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..288a5ab --- /dev/null +++ b/.prettierrc @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "trailingComma": "all", + "printWidth": 100, +} + diff --git a/app/scripts/vexflow-min.js b/app/scripts/vexflow-min.js deleted file mode 100644 index b60c3ef..0000000 --- a/app/scripts/vexflow-min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -/** - * VexFlow Engraver 1.2 Custom - * A library for rendering musical notation and guitar tablature in HTML5. - * - * http://www.vexflow.com - * - * Copyright (c) 2010 Mohit Muthanna Cheppudira - * - * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy - * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal - * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights - * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell - * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is - * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - * - * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in - * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER - * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, - * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN - * THE SOFTWARE. - * - * This library makes use of Simon Tatham's awesome font - Gonville. - * - * Build ID: 0xFE@1403ae94f72eaf27c8a751b33e85b3825b72bb00 - * Build date: 2014-05-02 15:22:21 -0400 - */ -function Vex(){}Vex.L=function(e,t){if(t){var r=Array.prototype.slice.call(t).join(" ");window.console.log(e+": "+r)}},Vex.RuntimeError=function(e,t){this.code=e,this.message=t},Vex.RuntimeError.prototype.toString=function(){return"RuntimeError: "+this.message},Vex.RERR=Vex.RuntimeError,Vex.Merge=function(e,t){for(var r in t)e[r]=t[r];return e},Vex.Min=function(e,t){return e>t?t:e},Vex.Max=function(e,t){return e>t?e:t},Vex.RoundN=function(e,t){return e%t>=t/2?parseInt(e/t,10)*t+t:parseInt(e/t,10)*t},Vex.MidLine=function(e,t){var r=t+(e-t)/2;return r%2>0&&(r=Vex.RoundN(10*r,5)/10),r},Vex.SortAndUnique=function(e,t,r){if(e.length>1){var n,o=[];e.sort(t);for(var i=0;in&&(n=-n,t=-t),this.set(t,n)},add:function(t,n){var r,o;t instanceof Vex.Flow.Fraction?(r=t.numerator,o=t.denominator):(r=void 0!==t?t:0,o=void 0!==n?n:1);var i=Vex.Flow.Fraction.LCM(this.denominator,o),e=i/this.denominator,a=i/o,u=this.numerator*e+r*a;return this.set(u,i)},subtract:function(t,n){var r,o;t instanceof Vex.Flow.Fraction?(r=t.numerator,o=t.denominator):(r=void 0!==t?t:0,o=void 0!==n?n:1);var i=Vex.Flow.Fraction.LCM(this.denominator,o),e=i/this.denominator,a=i/o,u=this.numerator*e-r*a;return this.set(u,i)},multiply:function(t,n){var r,o;return t instanceof Vex.Flow.Fraction?(r=t.numerator,o=t.denominator):(r=void 0!==t?t:1,o=void 0!==n?n:1),this.set(this.numerator*r,this.denominator*o)},divide:function(t,n){var r,o;return t instanceof Vex.Flow.Fraction?(r=t.numerator,o=t.denominator):(r=void 0!==t?t:1,o=void 0!==n?n:1),this.set(this.numerator*o,this.denominator*r)},equals:function(t){var n=Vex.Flow.Fraction.__compareA.copy(t).simplify(),r=Vex.Flow.Fraction.__compareB.copy(this).simplify();return n.numerator===r.numerator&&n.denominator===r.denominator},clone:function(){return new Vex.Flow.Fraction(this.numerator,this.denominator)},copy:function(t){return this.set(t.numerator,t.denominator)},quotient:function(){return Math.floor(this.numerator/this.denominator)},fraction:function(){return this.numerator%this.denominator},abs:function(){return this.denominator=Math.abs(this.denominator),this.numerator=Math.abs(this.numerator),this},toString:function(){return this.numerator+"/"+this.denominator},toSimplifiedString:function(){return Vex.Flow.Fraction.__tmp.copy(this).simplify().toString()},toMixedString:function(){var t="",n=this.quotient(),r=Vex.Flow.Fraction.__tmp.copy(this);return 0>n?r.abs().fraction():r.fraction(),0!==n?(t+=n,0!==r.numerator&&(t+=" "+r.toSimplifiedString())):t=0===r.numerator?"0":r.toSimplifiedString(),t},parse:function(t){var n=t.split("/"),r=parseInt(n[0],10),o=n[1]?parseInt(n[1],10):1;return this.set(r,o)}},t.__compareA=new t,t.__compareB=new t,t.__tmp=new t,t}();Vex.Flow.STEM_WIDTH=1.5,Vex.Flow.STEM_HEIGHT=32,Vex.Flow.STAVE_LINE_THICKNESS=2,Vex.Flow.clefProperties=function(e){if(!e)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArgument","Invalid clef: "+e);var t=Vex.Flow.clefProperties.values[e];if(!t)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArgument","Invalid clef: "+e);return t},Vex.Flow.clefProperties.values={treble:{line_shift:0},bass:{line_shift:6},tenor:{line_shift:4},alto:{line_shift:3},soprano:{line_shift:1},percussion:{line_shift:0},"mezzo-soprano":{line_shift:2},"baritone-c":{line_shift:5},"baritone-f":{line_shift:5},subbass:{line_shift:7},french:{line_shift:-1}},Vex.Flow.keyProperties=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t="treble");var n=e.split("/");if(n.length<2)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Key must have note + octave and an optional glyph: "+e);var i=n[0].toUpperCase(),o=Vex.Flow.keyProperties.note_values[i];if(!o)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid key name: "+i);o.octave&&(n[1]=o.octave);var a=n[1],d=7*a-28,_=(d+o.index)/2;_+=Vex.Flow.clefProperties(t).line_shift;var s=0;0>=_&&0===2*_%2&&(s=1),_>=6&&0===2*_%2&&(s=-1);var l="undefined"!=typeof o.int_val?12*a+o.int_val:null,c=o.code,h=o.shift_right;if(n.length>2&&n[2]){var r=n[2].toUpperCase(),f=Vex.Flow.keyProperties.note_glyph[r];f&&(c=f.code,h=f.shift_right)}return{key:i,octave:a,line:_,int_value:l,accidental:o.accidental,code:c,stroke:s,shift_right:h,displaced:!1}},Vex.Flow.keyProperties.note_values={C:{index:0,int_val:0,accidental:null},CN:{index:0,int_val:0,accidental:"n"},"C#":{index:0,int_val:1,accidental:"#"},"C##":{index:0,int_val:2,accidental:"##"},CB:{index:0,int_val:-1,accidental:"b"},CBB:{index:0,int_val:-2,accidental:"bb"},D:{index:1,int_val:2,accidental:null},DN:{index:1,int_val:2,accidental:"n"},"D#":{index:1,int_val:3,accidental:"#"},"D##":{index:1,int_val:4,accidental:"##"},DB:{index:1,int_val:1,accidental:"b"},DBB:{index:1,int_val:0,accidental:"bb"},E:{index:2,int_val:4,accidental:null},EN:{index:2,int_val:4,accidental:"n"},"E#":{index:2,int_val:5,accidental:"#"},"E##":{index:2,int_val:6,accidental:"##"},EB:{index:2,int_val:3,accidental:"b"},EBB:{index:2,int_val:2,accidental:"bb"},F:{index:3,int_val:5,accidental:null},FN:{index:3,int_val:5,accidental:"n"},"F#":{index:3,int_val:6,accidental:"#"},"F##":{index:3,int_val:7,accidental:"##"},FB:{index:3,int_val:4,accidental:"b"},FBB:{index:3,int_val:3,accidental:"bb"},G:{index:4,int_val:7,accidental:null},GN:{index:4,int_val:7,accidental:"n"},"G#":{index:4,int_val:8,accidental:"#"},"G##":{index:4,int_val:9,accidental:"##"},GB:{index:4,int_val:6,accidental:"b"},GBB:{index:4,int_val:5,accidental:"bb"},A:{index:5,int_val:9,accidental:null},AN:{index:5,int_val:9,accidental:"n"},"A#":{index:5,int_val:10,accidental:"#"},"A##":{index:5,int_val:11,accidental:"##"},AB:{index:5,int_val:8,accidental:"b"},ABB:{index:5,int_val:7,accidental:"bb"},B:{index:6,int_val:11,accidental:null},BN:{index:6,int_val:11,accidental:"n"},"B#":{index:6,int_val:12,accidental:"#"},"B##":{index:6,int_val:13,accidental:"##"},BB:{index:6,int_val:10,accidental:"b"},BBB:{index:6,int_val:9,accidental:"bb"},R:{index:6,int_val:9,rest:!0},X:{index:6,accidental:"",octave:4,code:"v3e",shift_right:5.5}},Vex.Flow.keyProperties.note_glyph={D0:{code:"v27",shift_right:-.5},D1:{code:"v2d",shift_right:-.5},D2:{code:"v22",shift_right:-.5},D3:{code:"v70",shift_right:-.5},T0:{code:"v49",shift_right:-2},T1:{code:"v93",shift_right:.5},T2:{code:"v40",shift_right:.5},T3:{code:"v7d",shift_right:.5},X0:{code:"v92",shift_right:-2},X1:{code:"v95",shift_right:-.5},X2:{code:"v7f",shift_right:.5},X3:{code:"v3b",shift_right:-2}},Vex.Flow.integerToNote=function(e){if("undefined"==typeof e)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Undefined integer for integerToNote");if(-2>e)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","integerToNote requires integer > -2: "+e);var t=Vex.Flow.integerToNote.table[e];if(!t)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Unknown note value for integer: "+e);return t},Vex.Flow.integerToNote.table={0:"C",1:"C#",2:"D",3:"D#",4:"E",5:"F",6:"F#",7:"G",8:"G#",9:"A",10:"A#",11:"B"},Vex.Flow.tabToGlyph=function(e){var t=null,n=0,i=0;return"X"==e.toString().toUpperCase()?(t="v7f",n=7,i=-4.5):n=Vex.Flow.textWidth(e.toString()),{text:e,code:t,width:n,shift_y:i}},Vex.Flow.textWidth=function(e){return 6*e.toString().length},Vex.Flow.articulationCodes=function(e){return Vex.Flow.articulationCodes.articulations[e]},Vex.Flow.articulationCodes.articulations={"a.":{code:"v23",width:4,shift_right:-2,shift_up:8,shift_down:0,between_lines:!0},av:{code:"v28",width:4,shift_right:0,shift_up:11,shift_down:5,between_lines:!0},"a>":{code:"v42",width:10,shift_right:5,shift_up:8,shift_down:1,between_lines:!0},"a-":{code:"v25",width:9,shift_right:-4,shift_up:17,shift_down:10,between_lines:!0},"a^":{code:"va",width:8,shift_right:0,shift_up:-4,shift_down:-2,between_lines:!1},"a+":{code:"v8b",width:9,shift_right:-4,shift_up:12,shift_down:12,between_lines:!1},ao:{code:"v94",width:8,shift_right:0,shift_up:-4,shift_down:6,between_lines:!1},ah:{code:"vb9",width:7,shift_right:0,shift_up:-4,shift_down:4,between_lines:!1},"a@a":{code:"v43",width:25,shift_right:0,shift_up:8,shift_down:10,between_lines:!1},"a@u":{code:"v5b",width:25,shift_right:0,shift_up:0,shift_down:-4,between_lines:!1},"a|":{code:"v75",width:8,shift_right:0,shift_up:8,shift_down:10,between_lines:!1},am:{code:"v97",width:13,shift_right:0,shift_up:10,shift_down:12,between_lines:!1},"a,":{code:"vb3",width:6,shift_right:8,shift_up:-4,shift_down:4,between_lines:!1}},Vex.Flow.accidentalCodes=function(e){return Vex.Flow.accidentalCodes.accidentals[e]},Vex.Flow.accidentalCodes.accidentals={"#":{code:"v18",width:10,gracenote_width:4.5,shift_right:0,shift_down:0},"##":{code:"v7f",width:13,gracenote_width:6,shift_right:-1,shift_down:0},b:{code:"v44",width:8,gracenote_width:4.5,shift_right:0,shift_down:0},bb:{code:"v26",width:14,gracenote_width:8,shift_right:-3,shift_down:0},n:{code:"v4e",width:8,gracenote_width:4.5,shift_right:0,shift_down:0},"{":{code:"v9c",width:5,shift_right:2,shift_down:0},"}":{code:"v84",width:5,shift_right:0,shift_down:0},db:{code:"v9e",width:16,shift_right:0,shift_down:0},d:{code:"vab",width:10,shift_right:0,shift_down:0},bbs:{code:"v90",width:13,shift_right:0,shift_down:0},"++":{code:"v51",width:13,shift_right:0,shift_down:0},"+":{code:"v78",width:8,shift_right:0,shift_down:0}},Vex.Flow.keySignature=function(e){var t=Vex.Flow.keySignature.keySpecs[e];if(!t)throw new Vex.RERR("BadKeySignature","Bad key signature spec: '"+e+"'");if(!t.acc)return[];for(var n=Vex.Flow.accidentalCodes.accidentals[t.acc].code,i=Vex.Flow.keySignature.accidentalList(t.acc),o=[],a=0;a_;_++){if(1>=d)return null;d/=2,i+=d}return{duration:n.duration,type:o,dots:a,ticks:i}},Vex.Flow.durationToTicks=function(e){var t=Vex.Flow.durationAliases[e];void 0!==t&&(e=t);var n=Vex.Flow.durationToTicks.durations[e];return void 0===n?null:n},Vex.Flow.durationToTicks.durations={1:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/1,2:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/2,4:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/4,8:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/8,16:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/16,32:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/32,64:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/64,128:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/128,256:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION/256},Vex.Flow.durationAliases={w:"1",h:"2",q:"4",b:"256"},Vex.Flow.durationToGlyph=function(e,t){var n=Vex.Flow.durationAliases[e];void 0!==n&&(e=n);var i=Vex.Flow.durationToGlyph.duration_codes[e];if(void 0===i)return null;t||(t="n");var o=i.type[t];return void 0===o?null:Vex.Merge(Vex.Merge({},i.common),o)},Vex.Flow.durationToGlyph.duration_codes={1:{common:{head_width:16,stem:!1,stem_offset:0,flag:!1,stem_up_extension:-Vex.Flow.STEM_HEIGHT,stem_down_extension:-Vex.Flow.STEM_HEIGHT,gracenote_stem_up_extension:-Vex.Flow.STEM_HEIGHT,gracenote_stem_down_extension:-Vex.Flow.STEM_HEIGHT,tabnote_stem_up_extension:-Vex.Flow.STEM_HEIGHT,tabnote_stem_down_extension:-Vex.Flow.STEM_HEIGHT,dot_shiftY:0,line_above:0,line_below:0},type:{n:{code_head:"v1d"},h:{code_head:"v46"},m:{code_head:"v92",stem_offset:-3},r:{code_head:"v5c",head_width:12,rest:!0,position:"D/5",dot_shiftY:.5},s:{head_width:15,position:"B/4"}}},2:{common:{head_width:10,stem:!0,stem_offset:0,flag:!1,stem_up_extension:0,stem_down_extension:0,gracenote_stem_up_extension:-14,gracenote_stem_down_extension:-14,tabnote_stem_up_extension:0,tabnote_stem_down_extension:0,dot_shiftY:0,line_above:0,line_below:0},type:{n:{code_head:"v81"},h:{code_head:"v2d"},m:{code_head:"v95",stem_offset:-3},r:{code_head:"vc",head_width:12,stem:!1,rest:!0,position:"B/4",dot_shiftY:-.5},s:{head_width:15,position:"B/4"}}},4:{common:{head_width:10,stem:!0,stem_offset:0,flag:!1,stem_up_extension:0,stem_down_extension:0,gracenote_stem_up_extension:-14,gracenote_stem_down_extension:-14,tabnote_stem_up_extension:0,tabnote_stem_down_extension:0,dot_shiftY:0,line_above:0,line_below:0},type:{n:{code_head:"vb"},h:{code_head:"v22"},m:{code_head:"v3e",stem_offset:-3},r:{code_head:"v7c",head_width:8,stem:!1,rest:!0,position:"B/4",dot_shiftY:-.5,line_above:1.5,line_below:1.5},s:{head_width:15,position:"B/4"}}},8:{common:{head_width:10,stem:!0,stem_offset:0,flag:!0,beam_count:1,code_flag_upstem:"v54",code_flag_downstem:"v9a",stem_up_extension:0,stem_down_extension:0,gracenote_stem_up_extension:-14,gracenote_stem_down_extension:-14,tabnote_stem_up_extension:0,tabnote_stem_down_extension:0,dot_shiftY:0,line_above:0,line_below:0},type:{n:{code_head:"vb"},h:{code_head:"v22"},m:{code_head:"v3e"},r:{code_head:"va5",stem:!1,flag:!1,rest:!0,position:"B/4",dot_shiftY:-.5,line_above:1,line_below:1},s:{head_width:15,position:"B/4"}}},16:{common:{beam_count:2,head_width:10,stem:!0,stem_offset:0,flag:!0,code_flag_upstem:"v3f",code_flag_downstem:"v8f",stem_up_extension:4,stem_down_extension:0,gracenote_stem_up_extension:-14,gracenote_stem_down_extension:-14,tabnote_stem_up_extension:0,tabnote_stem_down_extension:0,dot_shiftY:0,line_above:0,line_below:0},type:{n:{code_head:"vb"},h:{code_head:"v22"},m:{code_head:"v3e"},r:{code_head:"v3c",head_width:13,stem:!1,flag:!1,rest:!0,position:"B/4",dot_shiftY:-.5,line_above:1,line_below:2},s:{head_width:15,position:"B/4"}}},32:{common:{beam_count:3,head_width:10,stem:!0,stem_offset:0,flag:!0,code_flag_upstem:"v47",code_flag_downstem:"v2a",stem_up_extension:13,stem_down_extension:9,gracenote_stem_up_extension:-12,gracenote_stem_down_extension:-12,tabnote_stem_up_extension:9,tabnote_stem_down_extension:5,dot_shiftY:0,line_above:0,line_below:0},type:{n:{code_head:"vb"},h:{code_head:"v22"},m:{code_head:"v3e"},r:{code_head:"v55",head_width:16,stem:!1,flag:!1,rest:!0,position:"B/4",dot_shiftY:-1.5,line_above:2,line_below:2},s:{head_width:15,position:"B/4"}}},64:{common:{beam_count:4,head_width:10,stem:!0,stem_offset:0,flag:!0,code_flag_upstem:"va9",code_flag_downstem:"v58",stem_up_extension:17,stem_down_extension:13,gracenote_stem_up_extension:-10,gracenote_stem_down_extension:-10,tabnote_stem_up_extension:13,tabnote_stem_down_extension:9,dot_shiftY:0,line_above:0,line_below:0},type:{n:{code_head:"vb"},h:{code_head:"v22"},m:{code_head:"v3e"},r:{code_head:"v38",head_width:18,stem:!1,flag:!1,rest:!0,position:"B/4",dot_shiftY:-1.5,line_above:2,line_below:3},s:{head_width:15,position:"B/4"}}},128:{common:{beam_count:5,head_width:10,stem:!0,stem_offset:0,flag:!0,code_flag_upstem:"v9b",code_flag_downstem:"v30",stem_up_extension:26,stem_down_extension:22,gracenote_stem_up_extension:-8,gracenote_stem_down_extension:-8,tabnote_stem_up_extension:22,tabnote_stem_down_extension:18,dot_shiftY:0,line_above:0,line_below:0},type:{n:{code_head:"vb"},h:{code_head:"v22"},m:{code_head:"v3e"},r:{code_head:"vaa",head_width:20,stem:!1,flag:!1,rest:!0,position:"B/4",dot_shiftY:1.5,line_above:3,line_below:3},s:{head_width:15,position:"B/4"}}}},Vex.Flow.TIME4_4={num_beats:4,beat_value:4,resolution:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION};Vex.Flow.Font={glyphs:{v0:{x_min:0,x_max:514.5,ha:525,o:"m 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112 129 b 117 345 117 161 117 222 l 117 528 l 100 503 l 38 406 b 14 383 24 384 23 383 b -1 398 5 383 -1 390 b 4 415 -1 403 1 409 b 16 437 5 416 10 426 l 72 539 l 100 596 b 121 632 119 631 119 631 b 126 637 122 634 125 635 m 171 -1 l 172 -1 l 170 -1 l 171 -1 m 171 673 l 172 673 l 170 673 l 171 673 "},v2:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:458.6875,ha:468,o:"m 197 648 b 216 648 201 648 208 648 b 258 646 232 648 253 648 b 419 546 333 637 393 599 b 432 489 428 528 432 509 b 356 342 432 440 405 384 b 235 278 322 313 288 295 b 69 170 166 256 107 217 b 69 169 69 170 69 169 b 69 169 69 169 69 169 b 74 173 69 169 72 170 b 209 222 112 204 163 222 b 310 195 247 222 274 215 b 371 179 332 184 352 179 b 396 181 379 179 387 179 b 428 202 409 184 423 194 b 442 212 431 209 436 212 b 458 197 450 212 458 206 b 441 148 458 190 449 165 b 299 44 409 84 353 44 b 288 45 295 44 292 44 b 250 61 274 45 268 49 b 122 99 212 86 164 99 b 73 91 104 99 88 97 b 28 63 53 84 34 72 b 14 54 25 56 20 54 b 1 62 9 54 4 56 l -1 65 l -1 79 b 0 99 -1 91 0 95 b 2 113 1 102 2 108 b 164 309 20 197 81 272 b 285 470 232 341 277 398 b 287 487 287 476 287 481 b 171 595 287 551 239 595 b 155 595 166 595 160 595 b 142 592 145 594 142 594 b 145 589 142 592 142 591 b 179 527 168 576 179 551 b 132 455 179 496 163 467 b 104 451 122 452 112 451 b 27 530 62 451 27 487 b 29 555 27 538 27 546 b 197 648 44 601 115 639 m 228 -1 l 230 -1 l 227 -1 l 228 -1 m 228 673 l 230 673 l 227 673 l 228 673 "},v3:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:409.6875,ha:418,o:"m 174 648 b 191 648 176 648 183 648 b 225 648 204 648 220 648 b 402 523 317 638 389 588 b 404 503 404 517 404 510 b 402 484 404 495 404 488 b 264 373 389 437 334 394 b 257 370 259 371 257 371 b 257 370 257 370 257 370 b 264 369 258 370 261 369 b 409 202 359 334 409 267 b 318 72 409 152 381 104 b 200 43 281 52 240 43 b 23 113 134 43 69 68 b 0 169 6 129 0 149 b 77 249 0 210 29 249 l 77 249 b 152 174 125 249 152 212 b 103 102 152 145 137 116 b 103 102 103 102 103 102 b 147 94 103 101 132 95 b 153 94 149 94 151 94 b 265 206 219 94 265 141 b 264 226 265 213 265 219 b 147 355 253 299 204 353 b 126 371 133 356 126 362 b 147 388 126 383 132 388 b 254 474 196 391 238 424 b 259 502 258 484 259 494 b 182 592 259 544 228 582 b 156 595 175 595 166 595 b 115 592 142 595 129 594 l 111 591 l 115 588 b 152 524 141 574 152 549 b 92 449 152 491 130 458 b 76 448 87 448 81 448 b -1 530 32 448 -1 488 b 20 581 -1 548 5 566 b 174 648 55 619 108 641 m 204 -1 l 205 -1 l 202 -1 l 204 -1 m 204 673 l 205 673 l 202 673 l 204 673 "},v4:{x_min:0,x_max:468.21875,ha:478,o:"m 174 637 b 232 638 175 638 189 638 b 277 638 245 638 259 638 l 378 638 l 381 635 b 389 623 386 632 389 627 b 382 609 389 617 386 613 b 366 589 381 606 372 598 l 313 528 l 245 451 l 209 410 l 155 348 l 84 267 b 59 240 72 252 59 240 b 59 240 59 240 59 240 b 151 238 59 238 68 238 l 242 238 l 242 303 b 243 371 242 369 242 370 b 289 426 245 374 254 385 l 303 441 l 317 456 l 338 483 l 360 506 l 371 520 b 386 527 375 526 381 527 b 400 519 392 527 397 524 b 401 440 401 516 401 514 b 401 377 401 423 401 402 l 401 238 l 426 238 b 453 237 449 238 450 238 b 465 217 461 234 465 226 b 460 202 465 212 464 206 b 426 197 454 197 453 197 l 401 197 l 401 180 b 451 88 402 129 412 109 b 468 69 465 81 468 79 b 461 55 468 62 466 59 l 458 54 l 321 54 l 185 54 l 182 55 b 175 69 176 59 175 62 b 191 88 175 79 176 81 b 240 180 230 109 240 129 l 240 197 l 125 197 b 73 195 104 195 87 195 b 8 197 10 195 9 197 b 0 212 2 199 0 205 b 0 212 0 212 0 212 b 20 242 0 219 0 219 b 163 610 104 344 163 492 b 174 637 163 628 166 634 m 234 -1 l 235 -1 l 232 -1 l 234 -1 m 234 673 l 235 673 l 232 673 l 234 673 "},v5:{x_min:0,x_max:409.6875,ha:418,o:"m 47 637 b 53 638 49 638 50 638 b 69 634 55 638 61 637 b 210 610 114 619 161 610 b 363 634 259 610 311 619 b 382 638 372 637 378 638 b 392 634 386 638 389 637 b 397 623 396 630 397 627 b 393 610 397 620 396 616 b 298 505 368 552 338 520 b 212 494 277 498 246 494 b 65 517 163 494 106 502 b 61 517 62 517 61 517 b 61 517 61 517 61 517 b 51 408 61 517 51 412 b 51 408 51 408 51 408 b 51 408 51 408 51 408 b 61 412 53 408 55 409 b 125 434 80 421 103 430 b 185 441 145 440 166 441 b 409 244 310 441 409 353 b 401 191 409 227 406 209 b 197 43 375 105 287 43 b 159 47 183 43 171 44 b 23 123 112 56 61 86 b 0 180 6 140 0 159 b 76 260 0 220 31 260 b 92 259 81 260 87 259 b 152 183 132 251 152 216 b 100 112 152 152 134 122 b 95 111 98 112 95 111 b 95 111 95 111 95 111 b 129 98 95 109 119 101 b 148 97 136 97 141 97 b 264 235 206 97 261 158 b 265 248 265 240 265 244 b 210 398 265 312 243 373 b 179 408 201 406 194 408 b 174 408 178 408 176 408 b 53 369 130 408 88 394 b 34 359 39 359 38 359 b 17 374 24 359 17 365 b 39 628 17 384 38 625 b 47 637 40 631 43 635 m 204 -1 l 205 -1 l 202 -1 l 204 -1 m 204 673 l 205 673 l 202 673 l 204 673 "},v6:{x_min:0,x_max:475.03125,ha:485,o:"m 255 648 b 274 648 259 648 266 648 b 314 646 288 648 307 648 b 450 555 374 637 438 594 b 454 530 453 546 454 538 b 375 451 454 485 416 451 b 328 467 359 451 343 455 b 300 526 310 483 300 503 b 352 598 300 557 319 589 b 356 599 355 598 356 599 b 352 602 356 599 355 601 b 288 616 330 612 308 616 b 210 584 257 616 230 605 b 164 433 189 559 174 508 b 160 374 163 415 160 381 b 160 374 160 374 160 374 b 160 374 160 374 160 374 b 168 377 160 374 164 376 b 258 395 200 390 228 395 b 366 367 294 395 328 387 b 475 223 436 333 475 283 b 472 197 475 215 473 206 b 349 65 462 141 419 95 b 259 43 317 51 288 43 b 167 69 230 43 200 52 b 4 290 80 113 20 195 b 0 349 1 309 0 328 b 20 467 0 391 6 433 b 255 648 58 563 155 637 m 269 363 b 257 363 265 363 261 363 b 210 345 236 363 220 356 b 186 226 196 324 186 272 b 187 198 186 216 186 206 b 213 95 191 151 202 112 b 257 76 221 83 238 76 b 270 77 261 76 266 76 b 321 156 299 81 310 99 b 329 229 326 183 329 206 b 321 301 329 252 326 274 b 269 363 311 342 298 359 m 236 -1 l 238 -1 l 235 -1 l 236 -1 m 236 673 l 238 673 l 235 673 l 236 673 "},v7:{x_min:0,x_max:442.359375,ha:451,o:"m 147 648 b 166 649 153 649 160 649 b 313 598 217 649 273 630 b 340 587 323 588 328 587 l 341 587 b 412 628 367 587 390 601 b 427 638 416 635 421 638 b 439 632 431 638 435 637 b 442 623 441 630 442 628 b 430 569 442 616 439 603 b 352 369 408 492 377 410 b 300 259 325 324 313 298 b 273 84 283 205 273 140 b 265 55 273 65 272 59 l 261 54 l 181 54 l 99 54 l 96 55 b 91 61 95 56 92 59 l 89 63 l 89 77 b 147 263 89 133 111 202 b 261 401 176 313 212 355 b 378 541 315 449 349 489 l 382 548 l 375 544 b 240 495 333 512 285 495 b 129 535 198 495 160 509 b 84 560 108 552 95 560 b 76 559 81 560 78 560 b 31 487 59 555 43 530 b 14 470 27 473 24 470 b 1 477 8 470 4 471 l 0 480 l 0 553 l 0 627 l 1 630 b 16 638 4 635 9 638 b 23 635 17 638 20 637 b 49 626 36 626 39 626 b 96 638 59 626 80 630 b 104 639 99 638 102 639 b 117 644 107 641 112 642 b 147 648 125 645 137 648 m 220 -1 l 221 -1 l 219 -1 l 220 -1 m 220 673 l 221 673 l 219 673 l 220 673 "},v8:{x_min:0,x_max:488.640625,ha:499,o:"m 217 648 b 245 649 225 648 235 649 b 453 516 343 649 430 595 b 458 478 455 503 458 491 b 412 370 458 440 441 398 b 411 369 412 369 411 369 b 415 365 411 367 412 367 b 488 231 462 331 488 281 b 472 165 488 208 483 186 b 243 43 434 86 338 43 b 63 104 178 43 112 62 b 0 233 20 140 0 186 b 73 365 0 283 24 331 l 77 369 l 72 374 b 29 476 42 406 29 441 b 217 648 29 557 103 635 m 258 605 b 242 606 253 605 247 606 b 157 552 198 606 157 580 b 160 541 157 548 159 544 b 319 413 176 503 242 452 l 337 403 l 338 406 b 359 476 352 428 359 452 b 258 605 359 537 318 595 m 138 326 b 130 330 134 328 130 330 b 130 330 130 330 130 330 b 107 305 127 330 112 313 b 84 231 91 281 84 256 b 243 86 84 156 151 86 b 249 87 245 86 246 87 b 347 156 303 88 347 120 b 344 172 347 162 345 167 b 156 319 325 227 257 281 b 138 326 151 322 144 324 m 243 -1 l 245 -1 l 242 -1 l 243 -1 m 243 673 l 245 673 l 242 673 l 243 673 "},v9:{x_min:0,x_max:475.03125,ha:485,o:"m 191 646 b 212 649 198 648 205 649 b 255 644 227 649 243 646 b 458 448 348 616 428 539 b 475 342 469 415 475 378 b 460 244 475 308 469 274 b 193 44 421 124 303 44 b 91 69 157 44 122 51 b 19 161 43 97 19 126 b 21 181 19 167 20 174 b 98 241 32 220 65 241 b 170 186 129 241 160 223 b 172 166 171 179 172 173 b 121 94 172 134 152 102 b 117 93 118 94 117 93 b 121 90 117 93 118 91 b 185 76 142 80 164 76 b 270 119 220 76 251 91 b 308 259 287 145 300 194 b 313 317 310 277 313 310 b 313 317 313 317 313 317 b 313 317 313 317 313 317 b 304 315 313 317 308 316 b 216 295 273 302 245 295 b 145 308 193 295 170 299 b 19 398 88 327 42 360 b 0 469 5 420 0 444 b 24 551 0 496 8 526 b 191 646 54 596 125 637 m 227 614 b 215 616 224 616 220 616 b 202 614 210 616 206 616 b 152 535 174 610 163 592 b 144 463 147 509 144 485 b 152 391 144 440 147 417 b 216 328 163 344 179 328 b 280 391 253 328 269 344 b 288 463 285 417 288 440 b 280 535 288 485 285 509 b 227 614 269 594 258 610 m 236 -1 l 238 -1 l 235 -1 l 236 -1 m 236 673 l 238 673 l 235 673 l 236 673 "},va:{x_min:-149.71875,x_max:148.359375,ha:151,o:"m -8 -1 b -1 0 -5 -1 -4 0 b 16 -11 5 0 13 -4 b 83 -186 17 -12 47 -90 l 148 -358 l 148 -363 b 127 -385 148 -376 138 -385 b 112 -378 122 -385 118 -383 b 54 -226 110 -374 114 -385 b 0 -81 24 -147 0 -81 b -55 -226 -1 -81 -25 -147 b -114 -378 -115 -385 -111 -374 b -129 -385 -119 -383 -123 -385 b -149 -363 -140 -385 -149 -376 l -149 -358 l -84 -186 b -19 -11 -49 -90 -19 -12 b -8 -1 -17 -8 -12 -4 "},vb:{x_min:0,x_max:428.75,ha:438,o:"m 262 186 b 273 186 266 186 272 186 b 274 186 273 186 274 186 b 285 186 274 186 280 186 b 428 48 375 181 428 122 b 386 -68 428 12 416 -29 b 155 -187 329 -145 236 -187 b 12 -111 92 -187 38 -162 b 0 -51 4 -91 0 -72 b 262 186 0 58 122 179 "},vc:{x_min:0,x_max:447.8125,ha:457,o:"m 0 86 l 0 173 l 223 173 l 447 173 l 447 86 l 447 0 l 223 0 l 0 0 l 0 86 "},vf:{x_min:0,x_max:370.21875,ha:378,o:"m 0 0 l 0 277 l 61 277 l 122 277 l 122 0 l 122 -278 l 61 -278 l 0 -278 l 0 0 m 246 -1 l 246 277 l 308 277 l 370 277 l 370 -1 l 370 -278 l 308 -278 l 246 -278 l 246 -1 "},v10:{x_min:0,x_max:559.421875,ha:571,o:"m 5 127 b 14 127 6 127 9 127 b 51 126 25 127 43 127 b 175 98 93 122 138 112 l 186 94 b 279 51 210 86 255 65 b 285 47 280 51 283 48 b 319 27 291 44 311 31 l 326 22 b 359 0 332 19 352 4 l 367 -6 b 371 -9 368 -6 370 -8 l 379 -15 b 387 -22 383 -18 386 -20 l 398 -30 l 411 -40 l 417 -47 l 427 -55 l 434 -61 b 441 -66 436 -62 439 -65 l 446 -72 l 453 -77 l 462 -87 b 558 -188 490 -113 549 -176 b 559 -195 559 -191 559 -194 b 548 -205 559 -201 555 -205 b 541 -204 547 -205 544 -205 b 534 -198 539 -201 536 -199 l 525 -191 b 481 -162 518 -187 490 -167 b 472 -155 477 -159 472 -156 b 468 -152 470 -155 469 -154 b 461 -149 466 -152 464 -151 b 428 -130 454 -145 441 -137 b 371 -99 413 -122 372 -99 b 363 -95 371 -99 367 -98 b 353 -91 357 -94 353 -91 b 348 -90 353 -91 352 -91 b 332 -81 343 -87 341 -86 b 27 -12 230 -37 127 -13 b 0 -5 4 -11 2 -11 b 0 58 0 -2 0 27 b 0 122 0 88 0 120 b 5 127 1 124 4 126 "},v11:{x_min:-155.171875,x_max:153.8125,ha:157,o:"m -137 353 b -130 353 -136 353 -133 353 b -112 349 -125 353 -119 352 b -100 342 -110 347 -104 344 b 0 317 -69 326 -35 317 b 111 349 38 317 76 328 b 129 353 117 352 123 353 b 153 327 142 353 153 344 b 144 302 153 320 153 317 b 27 6 93 226 50 113 b 21 -13 24 -11 24 -11 b 0 -26 17 -22 8 -26 b -24 -12 -9 -26 -19 -22 b -28 5 -24 -9 -27 -2 b -145 302 -53 117 -95 224 b -155 327 -155 317 -155 320 b -137 353 -155 340 -148 349 "},v18:{x_min:0,x_max:323.9375,ha:331,o:"m 217 535 b 225 537 220 537 221 537 b 245 524 235 537 242 533 l 246 521 l 247 390 l 247 258 l 273 265 b 306 270 288 269 299 270 b 322 259 315 270 319 267 b 323 208 323 256 323 233 b 322 158 323 184 323 159 b 288 140 318 148 315 147 b 247 130 254 131 247 130 b 247 65 247 130 247 104 b 247 20 247 51 247 36 l 247 -88 l 273 -81 b 306 -76 289 -77 299 -76 b 318 -81 311 -76 315 -77 b 323 -123 323 -87 323 -86 l 323 -138 l 323 -154 b 318 -195 323 -191 323 -190 b 269 -210 314 -199 315 -199 b 249 -216 259 -213 250 -216 l 247 -216 l 247 -349 l 246 -483 l 245 -487 b 225 -499 242 -495 234 -499 b 206 -487 219 -499 210 -495 l 205 -483 l 205 -355 l 205 -227 l 204 -227 l 181 -233 l 138 -244 b 117 -249 127 -247 117 -249 b 115 -385 115 -249 115 -256 l 115 -523 l 114 -526 b 95 -538 110 -534 102 -538 b 74 -526 87 -538 78 -534 l 73 -523 l 73 -391 b 72 -260 73 -269 73 -260 b 72 -260 72 -260 72 -260 b 19 -273 61 -263 23 -273 b 0 -260 10 -273 4 -267 b 0 -209 0 -256 0 -256 l 0 -162 l 1 -158 b 61 -134 5 -148 5 -148 l 73 -131 l 73 -22 b 72 86 73 79 73 86 b 72 86 72 86 72 86 b 19 74 61 83 23 74 b 0 86 10 74 4 79 b 0 137 0 90 0 90 l 0 184 l 1 188 b 61 212 5 198 5 198 l 73 215 l 73 348 l 73 481 l 74 485 b 95 498 78 492 87 498 b 103 495 98 498 100 496 b 114 485 107 494 111 489 l 115 481 l 115 353 l 115 226 l 121 226 b 159 235 123 227 141 231 l 198 247 l 205 248 l 205 384 l 205 521 l 206 524 b 217 535 209 528 212 533 m 205 9 b 205 119 205 70 205 119 l 205 119 b 182 113 204 119 194 116 l 138 102 b 117 97 127 99 117 97 b 115 -12 115 97 115 91 l 115 -122 l 121 -120 b 159 -111 123 -119 141 -115 l 198 -101 l 205 -98 l 205 9 "},v1b:{x_min:0,x_max:559.421875,ha:571,o:"m 544 204 b 548 204 545 204 547 204 b 559 194 555 204 559 199 b 559 190 559 192 559 191 b 530 156 559 188 556 184 b 462 86 510 134 481 104 b 453 76 458 81 454 77 l 446 70 l 441 65 b 434 59 439 63 436 61 l 427 54 b 409 37 426 51 416 44 b 392 23 398 29 394 26 b 387 19 389 22 387 20 b 379 13 386 19 383 16 l 371 8 l 367 5 l 359 -1 l 337 -16 b 285 -48 319 -29 298 -41 l 279 -52 b 186 -95 255 -66 210 -87 l 175 -99 b 23 -129 127 -117 68 -129 b 17 -129 20 -129 19 -129 b 1 -123 2 -129 2 -129 b 0 -49 0 -122 0 -83 b 0 4 0 -22 0 1 b 27 11 2 9 4 9 b 185 31 78 12 145 20 b 198 34 186 31 193 33 b 314 73 234 44 277 58 b 349 88 328 79 340 84 b 353 90 352 90 353 90 b 363 94 353 90 357 93 b 371 98 367 97 371 98 b 428 129 372 98 413 120 b 461 148 441 136 454 144 b 468 151 464 149 466 151 b 472 154 469 152 470 154 b 481 161 473 155 477 158 b 525 190 490 166 518 186 l 534 197 b 540 201 536 198 539 199 b 544 204 541 202 544 204 "},v1d:{x_min:0,x_max:619.3125,ha:632,o:"m 274 184 b 307 186 285 186 296 186 b 616 22 465 186 597 116 b 619 -1 617 13 619 5 b 308 -187 619 -104 483 -187 b 0 -1 133 -187 0 -102 b 5 36 0 11 1 23 b 274 184 29 115 141 176 m 289 161 b 272 162 284 162 277 162 b 171 41 209 162 171 108 b 205 -73 171 5 182 -34 b 345 -163 243 -133 298 -163 b 436 -98 385 -163 420 -142 b 446 -43 443 -80 446 -62 b 289 161 446 47 377 147 "},v1e:{x_min:-402.890625,x_max:401.53125,ha:410,o:"m -219 173 b -213 174 -217 174 -215 174 b -202 173 -209 174 -205 173 b -114 86 -200 172 -179 151 b -28 0 -66 37 -28 0 b 40 84 -28 0 2 37 b 117 174 111 173 110 172 b 122 174 118 174 119 174 b 132 173 125 174 129 173 b 295 11 134 172 171 134 l 307 -1 l 336 34 b 374 76 366 72 368 74 b 381 77 375 77 378 77 b 401 56 392 77 401 68 b 400 48 401 54 401 51 b 223 -172 397 41 230 -166 b 210 -176 220 -174 215 -176 b 201 -174 206 -176 204 -176 b 112 -87 198 -173 178 -152 b 27 0 65 -38 27 0 b -42 -86 27 0 -4 -38 b -118 -174 -112 -174 -111 -173 b -123 -176 -119 -176 -121 -176 b -133 -174 -126 -176 -130 -174 b -296 -12 -136 -173 -172 -137 l -308 0 l -337 -34 b -375 -77 -367 -73 -370 -76 b -382 -79 -377 -79 -379 -79 b -402 -58 -393 -79 -402 -69 b -401 -49 -402 -55 -402 -52 b -224 172 -398 -43 -228 167 b -219 173 -223 172 -220 173 "},v1f:{x_min:-340.28125,x_max:338.921875,ha:346,o:"m -32 520 b -29 521 -31 520 -31 521 b -23 519 -27 521 -24 520 b -20 513 -21 517 -20 516 b -21 506 -20 512 -20 509 b -31 474 -23 502 -27 488 l -53 402 l -66 352 l -68 349 l -57 349 b -32 351 -51 349 -40 351 b 123 370 19 352 74 359 b 137 371 127 370 133 371 b 170 356 152 371 164 366 b 171 355 170 355 170 355 b 216 366 174 355 183 358 b 280 378 268 377 266 377 b 287 378 283 378 284 378 b 332 349 307 378 322 369 b 338 319 336 341 338 330 b 332 301 338 310 336 302 b 242 280 329 299 246 280 b 242 280 242 280 242 280 b 235 288 236 280 235 283 b 235 292 235 290 235 291 b 236 302 236 297 236 299 b 220 337 236 316 230 330 l 216 340 l 210 335 b 159 276 189 322 172 301 b 118 149 152 265 156 274 b 81 34 84 36 85 36 b -8 13 78 33 -4 13 b -8 13 -8 13 -8 13 b -14 20 -12 15 -14 15 b -8 44 -14 24 -12 31 b -2 66 -5 55 -2 65 b -2 66 -2 66 -2 66 l -2 66 b -43 41 -2 66 -21 55 b -114 4 -98 8 -98 8 b -144 0 -123 0 -134 0 b -242 99 -197 0 -242 43 b -242 109 -242 102 -242 105 b -212 219 -240 122 -242 116 b -185 312 -197 270 -185 312 l -185 312 b -189 312 -185 312 -186 312 b -259 312 -200 312 -227 312 b -321 310 -291 312 -310 310 b -334 312 -330 310 -334 312 b -340 319 -338 313 -340 316 b -336 326 -340 322 -338 324 b -291 337 -334 326 -314 331 l -247 347 l -210 348 b -172 348 -190 348 -172 348 b -168 363 -172 348 -171 355 b -145 442 -151 424 -145 441 b -133 452 -144 444 -140 446 l -77 489 b -32 520 -53 506 -32 520 m 57 334 b 53 335 55 335 54 335 b 44 334 50 335 49 335 b -70 316 8 326 -28 320 b -78 309 -78 316 -78 316 b -108 202 -80 305 -88 274 b -141 81 -136 112 -141 93 b -140 74 -141 79 -141 77 b -117 49 -137 59 -127 49 b -107 52 -114 49 -110 51 b 16 127 -106 54 14 126 b 42 217 16 127 42 215 b 49 241 42 222 44 229 b 73 320 53 251 73 317 b 57 334 73 327 65 333 "},v22:{x_min:0,x_max:432.828125,ha:442,o:"m 209 186 b 213 187 210 187 212 187 b 216 187 215 187 216 187 b 224 174 216 186 220 180 b 420 -1 269 105 338 43 b 432 -12 431 -8 432 -9 b 421 -23 432 -15 432 -16 b 228 -180 345 -70 264 -137 b 219 -188 221 -188 221 -188 l 219 -188 b 208 -177 215 -188 215 -188 b 10 1 163 -106 93 -44 b 0 11 0 6 0 8 b 10 22 0 13 0 15 b 202 179 87 69 167 136 b 209 186 206 183 209 186 "},v23:{x_min:0,x_max:133.390625,ha:136,o:"m 54 66 b 65 68 58 68 61 68 b 122 37 88 68 110 56 b 133 -1 130 26 133 12 b 104 -58 133 -23 123 -44 b 66 -69 92 -65 78 -69 b 10 -38 44 -69 23 -58 b 0 -1 2 -27 0 -13 b 54 66 0 30 20 61 "},v25:{x_min:0,x_max:318.5,ha:325,o:"m 20 376 b 167 377 23 377 96 377 b 296 376 231 377 294 377 b 318 347 311 371 318 359 b 296 316 318 333 311 320 b 159 315 294 315 227 315 b 21 316 91 315 24 315 b 0 345 6 320 0 333 b 20 376 0 359 6 371 "},v26:{x_min:-21.78125,x_max:483.1875,ha:493,o:"m -8 631 b -1 632 -6 632 -4 632 b 19 620 8 632 16 628 b 20 383 20 616 20 616 l 20 148 l 21 151 b 140 199 59 183 102 199 b 206 179 164 199 187 192 l 210 176 l 210 396 l 210 617 l 212 621 b 231 632 216 628 223 632 b 250 620 239 632 247 628 b 251 383 251 616 251 616 l 251 148 l 254 151 b 370 199 291 183 332 199 b 415 191 385 199 400 197 b 483 84 458 176 483 134 b 461 0 483 58 476 29 b 332 -142 439 -40 411 -72 l 255 -215 b 231 -229 240 -229 239 -229 b 216 -223 224 -229 220 -227 b 210 -158 210 -217 210 -223 b 210 -120 210 -148 210 -136 l 210 -29 l 205 -34 b 100 -142 182 -65 159 -88 l 23 -215 b -1 -229 9 -229 6 -229 b -20 -216 -9 -229 -17 -224 l -21 -212 l -21 201 l -21 616 l -20 620 b -8 631 -17 624 -13 630 m 110 131 b 96 133 106 133 100 133 b 89 133 93 133 91 133 b 24 87 63 129 40 113 l 20 80 l 20 -37 l 20 -156 l 23 -152 b 144 81 96 -72 144 20 l 144 83 b 110 131 144 113 134 126 m 341 131 b 328 133 337 133 332 133 b 322 133 326 133 323 133 b 257 87 296 129 273 113 l 251 80 l 251 -37 l 251 -156 l 255 -152 b 375 81 328 -72 375 20 l 375 83 b 341 131 375 113 367 126 "},v27:{x_min:0,x_max:432.828125,ha:442,o:"m 208 184 b 213 187 209 186 212 187 b 224 176 217 187 221 183 b 245 147 225 172 235 159 b 419 -1 288 90 347 38 b 431 -8 424 -4 431 -8 b 432 -12 432 -9 432 -11 b 430 -18 432 -13 432 -16 b 364 -61 424 -20 383 -47 b 225 -183 307 -102 250 -152 b 223 -187 224 -184 223 -187 b 220 -188 221 -188 220 -188 b 208 -176 216 -188 210 -184 b 187 -148 205 -173 197 -159 b 12 0 144 -90 84 -38 b 0 11 4 5 0 8 b 16 24 0 13 4 18 b 183 158 83 69 141 115 b 208 184 194 169 198 173 m 183 105 b 176 113 181 109 176 113 b 172 109 176 113 175 112 b 92 45 149 90 117 62 l 88 41 l 102 31 b 247 -105 160 -6 210 -55 l 254 -115 l 257 -112 l 269 -102 b 340 -45 287 -87 319 -61 l 344 -43 l 330 -33 b 183 105 272 6 221 54 "},v28:{x_min:-73.5,x_max:72.140625,ha:74,o:"m -72 252 l -73 254 l 0 254 l 72 254 l 70 252 b 0 -1 70 248 0 -1 b -72 252 -1 -1 -72 248 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-457 0 b -477 -26 -457 0 -470 -16 b -548 -227 -524 -88 -548 -161 b -536 -303 -548 -254 -544 -280 b -533 -317 -534 -309 -533 -313 b -553 -338 -533 -330 -541 -338 b -577 -315 -566 -338 -571 -333 b -590 -227 -586 -287 -590 -258 b -518 -9 -590 -154 -564 -77 b -465 56 -509 2 -504 8 l -402 134 b -363 174 -374 170 -371 174 b -359 174 -362 174 -360 174 b -262 86 -351 174 -356 179 b -176 0 -216 37 -176 0 b -107 84 -176 0 -145 37 b -31 174 -36 173 -38 172 b -25 174 -29 174 -28 174 b -16 173 -23 174 -19 173 b 147 11 -13 172 35 123 l 157 -1 l 160 1 l 163 4 l 163 130 b 164 260 163 256 163 258 b 175 273 166 266 170 270 "},v2a:{x_min:-21.78125,x_max:366.140625,ha:374,o:"m 276 1378 b 284 1379 279 1379 281 1379 b 306 1360 292 1379 298 1374 b 352 1247 326 1326 343 1286 b 366 1139 362 1213 366 1175 b 347 1009 366 1093 359 1049 l 344 1002 l 347 992 b 352 971 348 986 351 977 b 366 863 362 936 366 899 b 347 732 366 818 359 773 l 344 725 l 347 716 b 352 695 348 710 351 700 b 366 588 362 659 366 623 b 223 262 366 464 314 345 b 189 233 212 252 212 252 b 35 76 126 183 73 129 b -1 16 20 56 2 27 b -19 4 -4 9 -12 4 l -21 4 l -21 137 l -21 270 l -17 270 b 186 344 59 281 134 308 b 319 606 270 399 319 499 b 317 650 319 620 319 635 l 315 659 l 314 655 b 223 537 288 607 258 570 b 189 509 212 528 212 528 b 35 352 126 459 73 405 b -1 292 20 333 2 303 b -19 280 -4 285 -12 280 l -21 280 l -21 413 l -21 546 l -17 546 b 186 620 59 557 134 584 b 319 882 270 675 319 775 b 317 925 319 896 319 911 l 315 935 l 314 931 b 223 813 288 884 258 846 b 189 785 212 805 212 805 b 35 628 126 735 73 681 b -1 569 20 609 2 580 b -19 556 -4 562 -12 556 l -21 556 l -21 689 l -21 823 l -17 823 b 202 907 68 835 152 867 b 319 1157 280 968 319 1061 b 270 1338 319 1218 303 1281 b 262 1358 264 1349 262 1353 b 262 1364 262 1360 262 1363 b 276 1378 265 1371 269 1376 "},v2d:{x_min:0,x_max:438.28125,ha:447,o:"m 212 190 b 219 191 213 191 216 191 b 236 176 225 191 228 190 b 419 18 277 105 341 49 b 436 5 431 13 434 11 b 438 -1 438 4 438 1 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469 b 181 455 175 456 176 455 b 187 456 182 455 185 455 b 253 520 212 460 234 483 b 315 836 294 605 315 714 b 311 928 315 867 314 898 b 302 945 310 943 311 942 b 245 953 283 950 262 953 b 130 891 193 953 149 931 b 84 860 119 870 102 860 b 36 905 61 860 39 877 b 36 910 36 907 36 909 b 80 970 36 931 50 949 b 249 1017 125 1000 187 1017 b 322 1009 273 1017 299 1014 l 341 1003 b 436 991 372 995 406 991 b 577 1031 495 991 545 1004 b 597 1042 583 1038 590 1041 m 416 360 b 424 360 419 360 421 360 b 481 309 454 360 479 338 b 503 145 484 280 495 199 b 585 -185 525 16 555 -106 b 630 -245 596 -213 613 -237 l 634 -247 l 638 -245 b 647 -244 641 -245 645 -244 b 680 -278 666 -244 680 -262 b 664 -308 680 -290 675 -301 b 638 -312 658 -310 650 -312 b 613 -309 631 -312 623 -310 b 477 -201 555 -303 502 -260 b 417 -2 460 -159 434 -72 b 416 5 417 1 416 5 b 416 5 416 5 416 5 b 411 -5 415 5 413 0 b 359 -97 397 -33 377 -70 b 353 -106 355 -102 353 -105 b 359 -112 353 -108 355 -109 b 409 -130 375 -123 390 -129 b 426 -134 420 -130 421 -131 b 431 -147 428 -137 431 -141 b 420 -162 431 -152 427 -159 b 382 -169 409 -166 396 -169 b 323 -155 363 -169 341 -165 l 317 -152 l 314 -155 b 62 -303 240 -240 148 -295 b 36 -305 55 -305 44 -305 b 23 -303 29 -305 24 -305 b -1 -273 6 -299 -1 -287 b 31 -240 -1 -256 10 -240 b 36 -240 32 -240 34 -240 b 42 -241 38 -241 39 -241 b 134 -204 63 -241 99 -226 b 367 288 265 -115 357 81 b 375 330 368 313 370 320 b 416 360 383 347 400 358 m 360 -359 b 379 -359 363 -359 371 -359 b 424 -360 396 -359 416 -359 b 646 -502 536 -373 624 -430 b 649 -527 649 -510 649 -519 b 530 -673 649 -578 604 -635 l 521 -677 l 529 -681 b 653 -811 592 -714 637 -762 b 660 -853 658 -827 660 -839 b 645 -911 660 -873 656 -892 b 426 -1021 608 -981 519 -1021 b 283 -989 377 -1021 328 -1011 b 235 -949 249 -972 239 -964 b 234 -936 234 -946 234 -941 b 234 -928 234 -934 234 -931 l 235 -925 l 234 -927 l 225 -934 b 87 -982 186 -966 138 -982 b 80 -982 85 -982 83 -982 b 55 -981 70 -981 58 -981 b 17 -943 32 -981 17 -964 b 54 -904 17 -921 35 -904 b 78 -914 62 -904 72 -909 l 83 -918 l 88 -918 b 190 -831 122 -918 166 -881 b 269 -506 242 -727 269 -612 b 268 -462 269 -492 269 -477 b 266 -449 266 -458 266 -452 b 265 -444 266 -445 266 -444 b 257 -446 264 -444 261 -445 b 132 -545 196 -470 152 -505 b 88 -573 122 -563 104 -573 b 39 -523 63 -573 39 -553 b 63 -476 39 -505 44 -494 b 360 -359 136 -408 235 -369 m 419 -424 b 393 -423 411 -423 406 -423 l 375 -423 l 377 -426 b 379 -439 377 -427 378 -434 b 383 -510 382 -463 383 -487 b 314 -811 383 -609 360 -710 b 266 -893 296 -850 285 -870 b 264 -898 265 -896 264 -898 l 264 -898 b 264 -898 264 -898 264 -898 b 268 -898 264 -898 266 -898 b 273 -898 270 -898 272 -898 b 300 -909 283 -898 291 -900 b 426 -957 340 -941 385 -957 b 476 -949 443 -957 460 -954 b 547 -853 522 -931 547 -893 b 485 -745 547 -816 526 -775 b 397 -707 460 -727 432 -714 b 366 -675 375 -703 366 -692 b 396 -642 366 -657 377 -645 b 530 -557 455 -637 511 -601 b 536 -527 534 -548 536 -537 b 419 -424 536 -480 490 -437 "},v30:{x_min:-21.78125,x_max:367.5,ha:375,o:"m 276 1900 b 284 1901 279 1900 281 1901 b 306 1883 291 1901 298 1896 b 367 1686 347 1825 367 1757 b 343 1558 367 1643 359 1600 l 338 1549 l 343 1537 b 367 1411 359 1497 367 1454 b 343 1282 367 1367 359 1324 l 338 1272 l 343 1261 b 367 1135 359 1221 367 1178 b 343 1007 367 1090 359 1047 l 338 996 l 343 985 b 367 859 359 945 367 902 b 343 731 367 814 359 771 l 338 720 l 343 709 b 367 582 359 667 367 626 b 289 362 367 503 340 426 b 239 312 276 345 259 330 b 29 77 152 237 76 152 b -1 18 14 54 2 30 b -19 4 -4 11 -12 4 l -21 4 l -21 133 l -20 260 l -13 262 b 98 299 17 269 62 284 b 111 305 103 302 110 305 b 167 334 123 310 156 327 b 319 595 264 391 319 491 b 313 659 319 616 318 638 b 310 667 311 664 311 667 b 307 663 310 667 308 666 b 240 588 289 637 269 614 b 16 331 141 505 62 413 b -1 294 8 316 1 302 b -19 280 -4 287 -12 280 l -21 280 l -21 408 l -20 537 l -13 538 b 98 576 17 545 62 560 b 111 581 103 578 110 581 b 167 610 123 587 156 603 b 319 871 264 667 319 767 b 313 935 319 892 318 913 b 310 942 311 941 311 942 b 307 939 310 942 308 941 b 240 864 289 913 269 889 b 16 607 141 781 62 689 b -1 570 8 592 1 578 b -19 556 -4 563 -12 556 l -21 556 l -21 684 l -20 813 l -13 814 b 98 852 17 821 62 836 b 111 857 103 855 110 857 b 167 886 123 863 156 880 b 319 1147 264 943 319 1043 b 313 1211 319 1168 318 1189 b 310 1218 311 1217 311 1218 b 307 1215 310 1218 308 1217 b 240 1140 289 1188 269 1165 b 16 884 141 1057 62 966 b -1 846 8 868 1 855 b -19 832 -4 839 -12 832 l -21 832 l -21 960 l -20 1089 l -13 1090 b 98 1128 17 1097 62 1111 b 111 1134 103 1131 110 1134 b 167 1163 123 1139 156 1156 b 319 1424 264 1220 319 1320 b 313 1486 319 1444 318 1465 b 310 1494 311 1493 311 1494 b 307 1492 310 1494 308 1493 b 240 1417 289 1464 269 1442 b 16 1160 141 1333 62 1242 b -1 1121 8 1145 1 1131 b -19 1109 -4 1115 -12 1109 l -21 1109 l -21 1236 l -20 1365 l -13 1367 b 98 1404 17 1374 62 1388 b 111 1410 103 1407 110 1410 b 250 1508 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-283 -81 -265 -77 b -212 -58 -234 -61 -223 -58 b -168 -77 -196 -58 -179 -65 b -151 -122 -156 -90 -151 -105 b -179 -174 -151 -141 -160 -162 b -239 -195 -194 -184 -217 -192 b -257 -197 -245 -195 -250 -197 b -423 -5 -349 -197 -423 -113 b -423 0 -423 -4 -423 -1 b -277 194 -420 97 -362 173 b -247 197 -268 197 -258 197 b -24 104 -185 197 -100 162 l -23 102 l -23 181 b -21 265 -23 260 -23 260 b -10 276 -20 269 -14 274 "},v34:{x_min:0,x_max:622.03125,ha:635,o:"m 398 417 b 406 419 401 419 404 419 b 427 398 417 419 427 409 b 427 391 427 395 427 392 b 34 -274 424 385 38 -272 b 20 -280 29 -278 25 -280 b 0 -259 9 -280 0 -270 b 0 -252 0 -256 0 -254 b 393 413 2 -247 389 410 b 398 417 394 415 397 416 m 592 417 b 600 419 594 419 597 419 b 622 398 611 419 622 409 b 620 391 622 395 620 392 b 227 -274 617 385 231 -272 b 213 -280 223 -278 219 -280 b 193 -259 202 -280 193 -270 b 194 -252 193 -256 193 -254 b 586 413 196 -247 582 410 b 592 417 588 415 590 416 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278 714 255 b 660 210 691 234 662 212 b 579 148 658 209 582 151 b 579 148 579 148 579 148 b 596 106 579 144 589 119 b 622 77 604 88 609 83 b 657 69 632 72 645 69 b 748 112 688 69 721 84 b 755 123 754 117 755 120 b 755 127 755 124 755 126 b 751 165 752 137 751 151 b 758 219 751 183 754 202 b 894 387 774 290 820 347 b 896 390 896 388 896 388 b 891 398 896 391 895 392 b 622 560 827 477 730 535 b 600 580 605 564 600 569 b 617 596 600 591 607 596 b 628 595 622 596 624 596 b 1057 248 846 552 1020 412 b 1064 191 1061 229 1064 209 b 922 0 1064 94 1005 9 b 902 -1 916 -1 909 -1 b 774 76 847 -1 800 26 b 769 83 770 81 770 83 b 769 81 769 83 769 83 b 627 -1 733 29 677 -1 b 548 27 597 -1 570 8 b 515 88 537 37 525 61 l 513 95 l 510 93 l 453 45 b 390 0 396 0 396 0 b 390 0 390 0 390 0 b 374 15 381 0 377 4 b 268 105 359 69 314 105 b 250 104 262 105 257 105 l 243 102 l 234 90 b 155 1 201 49 159 2 b 147 -1 152 0 149 -1 b 130 15 138 -1 130 6 b 132 20 130 18 132 19 b 136 31 133 22 134 27 b 220 131 149 74 178 109 b 231 137 225 134 230 136 b 302 278 280 202 302 244 b 265 335 302 299 295 309 b 209 442 234 363 213 402 b 209 455 209 446 209 451 b 279 648 209 502 232 564 l 285 659 l 283 659 b 176 627 238 653 210 645 b 57 477 111 594 66 538 b 55 459 55 471 55 464 b 72 409 55 437 61 415 b 93 403 78 405 87 403 b 152 467 123 403 151 431 b 168 488 153 483 157 488 b 185 462 181 488 185 483 l 185 460 b 137 344 183 409 168 369 b 78 322 119 328 98 322 b 13 360 50 322 25 335 b -1 426 4 380 -1 402 b 89 610 -1 488 32 559 b 296 692 147 659 210 685 m 926 348 b 921 353 924 351 922 353 b 914 348 920 353 918 351 b 823 167 857 306 823 237 b 828 124 823 154 826 138 b 890 31 837 79 862 40 b 896 31 892 31 894 31 b 956 104 916 31 940 59 b 970 191 965 129 970 159 b 966 241 970 208 969 224 b 926 348 959 277 945 313 m 627 326 b 619 326 624 326 622 326 b 598 316 611 326 604 323 b 568 215 579 288 568 255 b 568 208 568 213 568 210 b 571 183 570 195 570 184 l 571 183 b 594 201 571 183 582 191 l 634 231 b 660 259 653 247 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-145 112 -206 99 -176 b 118 -84 99 -124 106 -104 b 204 -38 138 -54 171 -38 b 292 -91 238 -38 273 -56 b 306 -141 302 -106 306 -124 b 279 -212 306 -167 296 -194 l 276 -215 l 281 -213 b 408 -93 336 -198 385 -151 b 473 129 409 -88 473 127 b 473 129 473 129 473 129 b 465 122 473 129 469 126 b 341 80 428 94 383 80 b 236 115 303 80 266 91 b 200 195 213 136 200 165 b 217 256 200 217 206 238 b 304 303 239 287 272 303 b 393 249 338 303 374 285 b 406 199 402 234 406 217 b 379 129 406 173 397 148 l 377 126 l 382 127 b 509 248 436 142 485 190 b 574 470 510 254 574 469 b 574 470 574 470 574 470 b 566 464 574 470 570 467 b 442 421 529 435 484 421 b 337 458 404 421 367 433 b 300 537 313 478 300 508 b 389 644 300 585 334 635 "},v3b:{x_min:0,x_max:484.5625,ha:494,o:"m 228 245 b 239 247 234 247 239 247 b 243 247 240 247 242 247 b 303 238 257 247 287 242 b 484 -2 417 208 484 104 b 412 -177 484 -65 461 -127 b 243 -248 363 -226 303 -248 b 6 -63 138 -248 36 -180 b 0 -1 1 -41 0 -20 b 228 245 0 127 98 240 m 255 181 b 240 183 247 183 245 183 b 232 181 238 183 235 183 b 142 152 200 180 168 170 l 138 149 l 190 97 l 242 44 l 294 97 l 345 149 l 340 152 b 255 181 315 169 284 180 m 147 -54 l 197 -1 l 147 51 l 95 104 l 91 99 b 62 -1 72 70 62 34 b 66 -43 62 -15 63 -29 b 91 -101 72 -63 80 -84 l 95 -106 l 147 -54 m 393 99 b 389 104 390 102 389 104 b 337 51 389 104 366 80 l 285 -1 l 337 -54 l 389 -106 l 393 -101 b 421 -1 412 -72 421 -36 b 393 99 421 34 412 69 m 294 -98 b 242 -45 265 -69 242 -45 b 190 -98 242 -45 219 -69 l 138 -151 l 142 -154 b 242 -184 172 -174 206 -184 b 340 -154 276 -184 311 -174 l 345 -151 l 294 -98 "},v3c:{x_min:0,x_max:450.53125,ha:460,o:"m 189 302 b 204 303 193 302 198 303 b 303 224 250 303 292 270 b 306 199 304 216 306 208 b 279 129 306 173 296 147 l 276 126 l 281 127 b 408 249 337 142 385 190 b 412 259 409 254 412 258 b 430 267 417 265 423 267 b 450 247 441 267 450 259 b 200 -605 450 242 204 -599 b 182 -616 197 -612 190 -616 b 163 -602 174 -616 166 -610 b 161 -598 161 -601 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370 -184 363 -183 b 279 -109 356 -177 321 -147 b 202 -43 238 -73 204 -43 b 127 -109 202 -43 168 -73 b 49 -179 85 -147 50 -177 b 31 -184 43 -183 36 -184 b 0 -152 13 -184 0 -170 b 2 -138 0 -148 0 -142 b 83 -63 5 -133 8 -130 b 155 0 122 -29 155 -1 b 83 62 155 0 122 27 b 8 129 43 97 10 127 b 0 151 2 136 0 144 b 21 183 0 165 8 177 "},v3f:{x_min:-24.5,x_max:317.140625,ha:324,o:"m -24 -147 l -24 -5 l -20 -5 b -1 -19 -12 -5 -4 -11 b 58 -123 6 -43 31 -86 b 196 -278 93 -173 134 -219 b 317 -570 274 -356 317 -460 b 294 -713 317 -617 308 -666 l 289 -724 l 294 -735 b 317 -873 308 -780 317 -827 b 235 -1132 317 -963 288 -1054 b 209 -1165 228 -1140 224 -1146 b 189 -1177 204 -1172 196 -1177 b 171 -1164 182 -1177 175 -1172 b 168 -1154 170 -1161 168 -1159 b 181 -1132 168 -1149 172 -1142 b 269 -891 238 -1064 269 -975 b 269 -881 269 -886 269 -884 b 262 -814 269 -857 265 -827 b 258 -800 261 -811 259 -806 b 142 -628 240 -731 198 -667 b -8 -589 112 -606 47 -589 b -20 -589 -13 -589 -19 -589 l -24 -589 l -24 -449 l -24 -308 l -20 -308 b -1 -322 -12 -308 -4 -313 b 58 -424 6 -345 31 -388 b 194 -580 93 -476 136 -523 b 259 -660 221 -606 245 -635 b 261 -663 259 -662 261 -663 b 264 -656 262 -663 262 -660 b 269 -587 268 -632 269 -610 b 264 -521 269 -566 268 -544 b 262 -512 264 -517 262 -513 b 258 -498 261 -509 259 -503 b 142 -326 240 -428 198 -365 b -8 -287 112 -303 47 -288 b -20 -287 -13 -287 -19 -287 l -24 -287 l -24 -147 "},v40:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:436.921875,ha:446,o:"m 213 205 b 217 205 215 205 216 205 b 234 194 224 205 234 199 b 236 187 234 194 235 190 l 245 167 l 261 129 l 270 106 b 355 -61 294 54 329 -13 b 420 -163 381 -105 402 -138 b 436 -188 435 -184 436 -184 b 436 -191 436 -190 436 -190 b 421 -206 436 -201 431 -206 l 421 -206 l 416 -206 l 405 -201 b 217 -158 347 -172 283 -158 b 31 -201 153 -158 88 -172 l 20 -206 l 14 -206 l 14 -206 b 0 -191 5 -206 0 -201 b -1 -188 0 -190 -1 -190 b 14 -163 -1 -186 0 -184 b 95 -34 36 -136 72 -77 b 166 106 119 8 148 68 l 175 129 l 183 148 l 200 188 b 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17 -23 l -19 -31 b -298 -148 -122 -56 -224 -99 b -322 -158 -313 -158 -315 -158 b -348 -131 -338 -158 -348 -145 b -344 -117 -348 -127 -347 -122 b -328 -104 -341 -112 -338 -111 b -127 -8 -269 -65 -202 -33 b -106 0 -115 -4 -106 -1 b -127 6 -106 0 -115 2 b -328 102 -202 31 -269 63 b -344 116 -338 109 -341 111 b -348 130 -347 120 -348 124 b -330 155 -348 141 -341 152 "},v43:{x_min:-442.359375,x_max:441,ha:450,o:"m -31 487 b -1 488 -21 488 -10 488 b 434 104 216 488 397 330 b 441 27 438 79 441 47 b 439 12 441 20 439 15 b 419 0 435 4 427 0 b 404 5 413 0 408 1 b 398 30 400 11 398 13 b 0 351 390 213 213 351 b -59 348 -20 351 -39 349 b -400 30 -251 324 -393 191 b -405 5 -400 13 -401 11 b -420 0 -409 1 -415 0 b -441 12 -428 0 -436 4 b -442 27 -441 15 -442 20 b -435 104 -442 47 -439 79 b -31 487 -401 316 -235 474 m -13 131 b -1 133 -9 133 -5 133 b 51 105 19 133 39 123 b 61 70 58 95 61 83 b 51 34 61 58 58 45 b -1 6 39 16 19 6 b -46 27 -17 6 -34 13 b -62 69 -57 38 -62 54 b -13 131 -62 98 -44 124 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-176 204 -176 b 112 -87 198 -173 178 -152 b 27 0 65 -38 27 0 b 21 -6 27 0 24 -2 l 17 -12 l 17 -147 b 17 -210 17 -173 17 -194 b 10 -292 17 -297 16 -287 b -2 -299 6 -297 2 -299 b -21 -287 -10 -299 -19 -295 b -24 -174 -23 -284 -23 -284 l -24 -63 l -66 -117 b -121 -176 -110 -170 -114 -176 b -125 -176 -122 -176 -123 -176 b -296 -12 -134 -174 -125 -184 l -308 0 l -337 -34 b -375 -77 -367 -73 -370 -76 b -382 -79 -377 -79 -379 -79 b -402 -58 -393 -79 -402 -69 b -401 -49 -402 -55 -402 -52 b -224 170 -398 -43 -231 165 b -212 174 -221 173 -216 174 b -202 173 -208 174 -205 174 b -39 11 -200 172 -151 122 l -28 -1 l -25 1 l -24 4 l -24 130 b -23 260 -24 256 -24 258 b -10 273 -20 266 -16 270 "},v46:{x_min:0,x_max:627.46875,ha:640,o:"m 306 190 b 314 191 308 191 311 191 b 326 184 318 191 322 190 l 336 173 b 510 52 377 127 442 80 b 515 49 513 51 515 49 b 611 16 537 40 579 24 b 627 0 624 13 627 9 b 607 -18 627 -11 624 -13 b 330 -181 490 -49 389 -109 b 314 -192 323 -190 319 -192 b 306 -191 311 -192 308 -192 b 294 -177 302 -188 302 -188 b 257 -140 287 -170 265 -148 b 19 -18 193 -84 114 -44 b 0 0 2 -13 0 -11 b 16 16 0 9 2 13 b 110 49 47 24 89 40 b 117 52 111 49 114 51 b 145 65 126 56 130 58 b 281 163 200 93 245 124 b 300 186 288 170 291 174 b 306 190 300 187 303 188 m 317 137 b 313 142 315 141 314 142 b 308 137 313 142 311 141 b 161 4 276 84 220 33 b 155 0 159 1 155 0 b 163 -4 155 0 159 -2 b 308 -138 220 -34 276 -84 b 313 -142 311 -141 313 -142 b 317 -138 314 -142 315 -141 b 464 -4 351 -84 406 -34 b 470 0 468 -2 470 0 b 464 4 470 0 468 1 b 317 137 406 33 351 84 "},v47:{x_min:-24.5,x_max:315.78125,ha:322,o:"m -24 -145 l -24 -5 l -20 -5 b 1 -26 -10 -5 -6 -9 b 175 -241 31 -86 96 -166 b 314 -548 259 -323 304 -420 b 315 -589 315 -555 315 -571 b 314 -630 315 -606 315 -623 b 298 -730 311 -664 306 -699 l 295 -742 l 296 -748 b 314 -850 304 -778 311 -813 b 315 -892 315 -857 315 -874 b 314 -932 315 -909 315 -925 b 298 -1032 311 -967 306 -1002 l 295 -1045 l 296 -1050 b 314 -1153 304 -1081 311 -1115 b 315 -1193 315 -1160 315 -1177 b 314 -1235 315 -1211 315 -1228 b 217 -1526 306 -1338 270 -1444 b 201 -1533 213 -1532 208 -1533 b 182 -1522 193 -1533 185 -1529 b 179 -1514 181 -1518 179 -1517 b 189 -1489 179 -1508 182 -1501 b 266 -1217 240 -1403 266 -1308 b 262 -1156 266 -1196 265 -1177 b 110 -907 247 -1043 190 -950 b 0 -889 87 -895 50 -889 l -1 -889 l -24 -889 l -24 -749 l -24 -610 l -20 -610 b 1 -631 -10 -610 -6 -614 b 175 -846 31 -691 96 -771 b 259 -956 213 -884 236 -914 b 265 -966 262 -961 264 -966 b 265 -966 265 -966 265 -966 b 265 -953 265 -964 265 -959 b 266 -920 266 -943 266 -932 b 262 -853 266 -898 265 -873 b 110 -605 247 -741 190 -648 b 0 -587 87 -592 50 -587 l -1 -587 l -24 -587 l -24 -448 l -24 -308 l -20 -308 b 1 -328 -10 -308 -6 -312 b 175 -544 31 -388 96 -469 b 259 -655 213 -581 236 -612 b 265 -663 262 -659 264 -663 b 265 -663 265 -663 265 -663 b 265 -650 265 -663 265 -657 b 266 -617 266 -641 266 -630 b 262 -551 266 -595 265 -570 b 110 -303 247 -438 190 -345 b 0 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-95 224 -40 217 -80 b 81 -280 190 -181 145 -244 b 24 -301 65 -290 34 -301 b 23 -335 24 -301 23 -303 l 23 -340 b 17 -381 23 -374 23 -374 b -1 -391 13 -388 5 -391 b -21 -381 -9 -391 -17 -388 b -27 -340 -27 -374 -27 -374 l -27 -335 b -28 -301 -27 -303 -27 -301 b -85 -280 -38 -301 -69 -290 b -217 -95 -149 -244 -194 -181 b -228 -29 -221 -80 -228 -40 b -259 -27 -228 -29 -238 -27 b -300 -23 -294 -27 -294 -27 b -311 -2 -307 -19 -311 -11 b -294 23 -311 8 -304 19 b -259 24 -291 23 -284 24 b -228 24 -239 24 -228 24 b -217 91 -228 36 -221 76 b -85 276 -194 177 -149 240 b -28 298 -69 285 -38 298 b -27 333 -27 298 -27 299 b -27 371 -27 362 -27 369 b -9 388 -24 378 -17 385 m -27 136 b -28 247 -27 197 -28 247 b -61 216 -31 247 -53 226 b -123 33 -95 172 -121 98 l -125 24 l -76 24 l -27 24 l -27 136 m 29 242 b 24 247 27 245 24 247 b 23 136 24 247 23 197 l 23 24 l 72 24 l 121 24 l 119 33 b 29 242 115 116 77 206 m -27 -140 l -27 -27 l -76 -27 l -125 -27 l -123 -36 b -61 -220 -121 -102 -95 -176 b -28 -251 -53 -230 -31 -251 b -27 -140 -28 -251 -27 -201 m 119 -36 l 121 -27 l 72 -27 l 23 -27 l 23 -140 b 24 -251 23 -201 24 -251 b 57 -220 27 -251 49 -230 b 119 -36 91 -176 117 -102 "},v4e:{x_min:0,x_max:239.5625,ha:244,o:"m 10 460 b 20 462 13 462 14 462 b 39 449 28 462 35 458 l 40 446 l 40 326 b 40 205 40 259 40 205 b 127 227 40 205 80 215 b 220 249 196 244 213 249 b 227 247 224 249 225 248 b 238 237 231 245 235 241 l 239 233 l 239 -106 l 239 -448 l 238 -451 b 219 -463 234 -459 225 -463 b 198 -451 210 -463 202 -459 l 197 -448 l 197 -324 b 197 -201 197 -248 197 -201 b 110 -223 196 -201 157 -210 b 17 -245 42 -240 24 -245 b 10 -242 13 -245 13 -244 b 0 -233 6 -241 2 -237 l 0 -230 l 0 108 l 0 446 l 0 449 b 10 460 2 453 6 458 m 197 22 b 197 70 197 41 197 58 b 196 116 197 113 197 116 l 196 116 b 118 97 196 116 160 106 l 40 77 l 40 -18 b 40 -112 40 -69 40 -112 l 119 -93 l 197 -73 l 197 22 "},v51:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:455.96875,ha:465,o:"m 352 541 b 357 542 353 542 355 542 b 377 530 364 542 372 537 l 378 526 l 378 394 l 379 262 l 404 266 b 436 270 420 269 430 270 b 450 265 443 270 446 269 b 455 220 455 259 455 260 l 455 208 l 455 161 l 454 156 b 411 140 449 147 447 147 b 378 133 393 137 379 134 b 378 68 378 133 378 106 b 378 22 378 54 378 38 l 379 -87 l 404 -83 b 436 -79 420 -80 430 -79 b 450 -84 443 -79 446 -80 b 455 -129 455 -90 455 -88 l 455 -141 l 455 -188 l 454 -192 b 413 -209 449 -202 447 -202 b 382 -215 398 -212 383 -215 l 378 -215 l 378 -345 l 378 -380 b 375 -485 378 -484 378 -480 b 357 -494 371 -491 364 -494 b 340 -485 351 -494 344 -491 b 336 -383 337 -480 336 -484 l 336 -349 l 336 -223 l 334 -223 b 291 -231 334 -223 314 -227 l 247 -240 l 247 -371 l 246 -503 l 245 -506 b 225 -519 242 -514 234 -519 b 206 -506 219 -519 210 -514 l 205 -503 l 205 -376 l 205 -248 l 160 -256 l 115 -265 l 115 -396 l 115 -527 l 114 -531 b 95 -544 110 -539 102 -544 b 76 -531 87 -544 78 -539 l 73 -527 l 73 -399 b 73 -273 73 -330 73 -273 b 49 -277 73 -273 61 -274 b 17 -281 32 -280 24 -281 b 4 -276 10 -281 8 -280 b -1 -234 0 -269 -1 -272 b 0 -219 -1 -229 0 -224 l 0 -170 l 1 -167 b 10 -158 2 -163 6 -159 b 49 -149 13 -156 16 -155 l 73 -145 l 73 -34 b 73 76 73 26 73 76 b 49 72 73 76 61 74 b 17 68 32 69 24 68 b 4 73 10 68 8 69 b -1 115 0 80 -1 77 b 0 130 -1 120 0 124 l 0 179 l 1 181 b 10 191 2 186 6 190 b 49 199 13 192 16 194 l 73 204 l 73 338 b 73 374 73 352 73 365 b 77 483 73 484 73 477 b 95 492 81 489 88 492 b 111 483 100 492 107 489 b 115 378 115 477 115 483 l 115 342 b 117 212 115 223 115 212 b 204 229 117 212 200 227 l 205 229 l 205 365 l 205 502 l 206 505 b 225 517 210 513 219 517 b 245 505 234 517 242 513 l 246 502 l 247 369 l 247 237 l 249 237 b 336 254 253 238 336 254 b 337 390 336 254 337 302 l 337 526 l 338 530 b 352 541 341 535 347 539 m 336 15 b 336 126 336 102 336 126 l 336 126 b 291 117 336 126 315 122 l 247 109 l 247 -1 l 247 -112 l 249 -112 b 336 -95 253 -111 336 -95 b 336 15 336 -95 336 -56 m 205 -120 b 205 -55 205 -120 205 -93 b 205 -9 205 -41 205 -24 l 205 101 l 160 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317 -782 274 -909 b 161 -1034 172 -1034 171 -1034 b 141 -1013 149 -1034 141 -1025 b 152 -991 141 -1004 142 -1002 b 266 -682 228 -899 266 -788 b 174 -430 266 -588 236 -498 b -23 -317 136 -388 66 -348 b -24 -161 -23 -316 -24 -285 "},v55:{x_min:0,x_max:551.25,ha:563,o:"m 289 644 b 304 645 294 645 299 645 b 404 566 349 645 392 613 b 406 541 405 557 406 549 b 379 471 406 514 397 489 l 377 467 l 382 470 b 509 591 438 485 485 531 b 513 601 510 595 513 599 b 530 609 518 607 524 609 b 551 588 540 609 551 602 b 200 -605 551 584 204 -599 b 182 -616 197 -612 190 -616 b 163 -602 174 -616 166 -610 b 161 -598 161 -601 161 -601 b 217 -402 161 -589 170 -562 b 272 -213 247 -298 272 -213 b 272 -213 272 -213 272 -213 b 264 -219 272 -213 268 -216 b 140 -262 227 -247 182 -262 b 36 -226 102 -262 65 -249 b 0 -145 12 -206 0 -176 b 17 -84 0 -124 5 -104 b 103 -38 38 -54 70 -38 b 191 -91 137 -38 172 -56 b 205 -141 201 -106 205 -124 b 178 -212 205 -167 196 -194 l 175 -215 l 182 -213 b 307 -93 236 -198 284 -151 b 372 129 308 -88 372 127 b 372 129 372 129 372 129 b 364 122 372 129 368 126 b 240 80 328 94 283 80 b 137 115 202 80 166 91 b 99 195 112 136 99 165 b 118 256 99 217 106 238 b 204 303 138 287 171 303 b 292 249 238 303 273 285 b 306 199 302 234 306 217 b 279 129 306 173 296 148 l 276 126 l 281 127 b 408 248 336 142 385 190 b 473 470 409 254 473 469 b 473 470 473 470 473 470 b 465 464 473 470 469 467 b 341 421 428 435 383 421 b 236 458 303 421 266 433 b 200 537 212 478 200 508 b 289 644 200 585 234 635 "},v58:{x_min:-21.78125,x_max:367.5,ha:375,o:"m 259 1553 b 265 1553 261 1553 264 1553 b 288 1540 272 1553 277 1550 b 367 1351 340 1493 367 1424 b 336 1221 367 1308 357 1263 l 332 1211 l 333 1208 b 367 1077 356 1170 367 1124 b 336 945 367 1032 357 986 l 332 935 l 333 932 b 367 800 356 893 367 848 b 336 669 367 756 357 710 l 332 659 l 333 656 b 367 523 356 617 367 571 b 345 412 367 485 360 446 b 231 273 322 356 284 310 b -1 19 121 195 27 93 b -17 4 -4 11 -10 5 l -21 4 l -21 134 l -21 265 l -17 265 b 133 291 20 265 96 278 b 318 537 245 328 318 433 b 307 603 318 559 315 582 b 303 614 304 612 304 614 b 298 609 302 614 300 613 b 231 549 281 589 258 567 b -1 295 121 471 27 369 b -17 280 -4 287 -10 281 l -21 280 l -21 410 l -21 541 l -17 541 b 133 567 20 541 96 555 b 318 813 245 605 318 709 b 307 880 318 835 315 859 b 303 891 304 888 304 891 b 298 885 302 891 300 888 b 231 825 281 866 258 843 b -1 571 121 748 27 645 b -17 556 -4 563 -10 557 l -21 556 l -21 687 l -21 817 l -17 817 b 133 843 20 817 96 830 b 318 1089 245 881 318 985 b 307 1156 318 1111 315 1134 b 303 1167 304 1164 304 1167 b 298 1161 302 1167 300 1164 b 231 1102 281 1140 258 1120 b -1 848 121 1024 27 921 b -17 832 -4 839 -10 834 l -21 832 l -21 963 l -21 1093 l -17 1093 b 114 1113 12 1093 78 1103 b 313 1314 215 1142 289 1218 b 318 1364 317 1331 318 1347 b 255 1511 318 1422 295 1478 b 243 1532 247 1519 243 1525 b 259 1553 243 1540 250 1550 "},v59:{x_min:0,x_max:464.140625,ha:474,o:"m 0 0 l 0 347 l 76 347 l 153 347 l 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692 b 295 694 283 692 289 694 b 310 692 300 694 307 692 b 357 630 340 684 357 657 b 336 580 357 612 351 594 b 311 538 321 566 311 549 b 352 492 311 512 330 492 b 366 495 357 492 362 492 b 397 553 390 503 397 517 b 415 603 397 576 402 591 b 460 623 427 617 443 623 b 509 599 479 623 498 614 b 522 559 518 587 522 573 b 494 506 522 538 513 519 b 451 495 481 498 473 496 b 415 488 432 495 426 494 b 394 449 404 483 394 464 b 394 448 394 448 394 448 l 394 440 l 397 433 b 428 409 404 420 413 413 b 438 408 431 408 435 408 b 479 431 450 408 462 415 b 528 455 495 448 510 455 b 548 452 534 455 541 453 b 592 391 577 442 592 416 b 549 331 592 365 577 340 b 528 327 541 328 534 327 b 479 351 510 327 495 335 b 438 374 464 367 450 374 b 417 369 431 374 424 373 b 394 333 402 360 394 348 b 400 312 394 326 396 319 b 451 287 408 294 420 288 b 513 258 484 285 499 278 b 522 223 519 247 522 234 b 461 159 522 190 496 159 b 449 161 457 159 453 159 b 397 229 416 167 397 191 b 366 288 397 265 390 278 b 352 290 362 290 357 290 b 315 262 336 290 321 280 b 311 245 313 256 311 251 b 334 204 311 233 318 220 b 355 170 348 190 351 184 b 357 152 356 166 357 159 b 355 136 357 147 356 140 b 295 88 345 104 321 88 b 232 152 264 88 232 112 b 255 204 232 174 238 186 b 279 244 273 222 279 231 l 279 245 b 238 290 279 270 259 290 b 224 288 234 290 228 290 b 193 229 200 278 193 265 b 141 161 193 191 174 167 b 129 159 137 159 133 159 b 68 223 93 159 68 190 b 77 258 68 234 70 247 b 138 287 91 278 106 285 b 185 302 166 287 175 291 b 196 333 193 312 196 323 b 174 369 196 347 187 360 b 152 374 166 373 159 374 b 111 351 140 374 126 367 b 62 327 95 335 80 327 b 51 328 58 327 54 327 b -1 391 16 334 -1 363 b 53 455 -1 420 17 449 b 62 455 57 455 59 455 b 111 431 80 455 95 448 b 152 408 127 415 140 408 b 161 409 155 408 159 408 b 193 433 176 413 186 420 l 196 440 l 196 448 b 196 451 196 449 196 449 b 190 471 196 459 194 463 b 137 495 182 489 167 495 l 134 495 l 134 495 b 68 560 95 495 68 521 b 129 623 68 596 95 623 b 144 621 134 623 138 623 b 193 553 175 614 193 589 b 224 495 193 517 200 503 b 238 492 228 492 234 492 b 279 538 259 492 279 512 b 254 580 279 549 269 566 b 232 630 239 594 232 612 b 280 692 232 657 250 684 m 307 456 b 295 458 303 458 299 458 b 230 391 258 458 230 426 b 236 360 230 381 231 371 b 295 324 249 337 272 324 b 353 360 318 324 341 337 b 360 391 357 370 360 381 b 307 456 360 421 340 451 "},v62:{x_min:46.28125,x_max:669.671875,ha:563,o:"m 183 376 b 189 376 185 376 187 376 b 212 374 197 376 208 376 b 265 337 234 369 253 355 b 274 317 268 331 273 320 b 274 316 274 317 274 316 b 280 323 276 316 276 319 b 311 358 288 337 299 348 b 319 366 315 360 318 365 b 356 376 326 373 340 376 b 382 371 364 376 374 374 b 428 337 400 366 417 352 b 436 317 431 331 436 320 b 438 316 436 317 436 316 b 442 323 438 316 439 319 b 475 358 451 337 462 348 b 483 366 477 360 481 365 b 518 376 488 373 503 376 b 544 373 528 376 536 376 b 604 285 579 360 604 326 b 597 249 604 273 601 258 b 543 63 596 247 544 70 b 541 54 543 61 541 55 b 540 44 540 51 540 47 b 552 23 540 33 545 23 b 552 23 552 23 552 23 b 647 126 586 29 627 72 b 658 138 651 136 653 138 b 660 138 660 138 660 138 b 669 129 666 137 669 136 b 654 88 669 122 665 109 b 562 -12 631 43 602 9 l 549 -19 b 521 -27 540 -24 530 -27 b 447 30 490 -27 458 -4 b 443 58 445 38 443 48 b 450 93 443 72 446 84 b 504 278 453 97 504 272 b 507 288 506 283 506 287 b 509 298 507 292 509 295 b 491 326 509 310 502 320 b 487 327 490 327 488 327 b 479 324 484 327 483 326 b 441 270 462 316 443 288 b 435 249 441 265 436 254 b 398 127 434 248 419 195 b 362 4 379 61 362 5 b 328 -1 359 -1 362 -1 b 314 -1 323 -1 319 -1 b 302 -1 310 -1 306 -1 b 266 4 266 -1 269 -1 b 265 6 265 5 265 5 b 303 144 265 13 272 34 b 343 278 325 216 343 276 b 344 288 343 281 344 285 b 345 298 345 291 345 295 b 330 326 345 310 340 320 b 323 327 328 327 325 327 b 317 324 322 327 321 326 b 279 270 300 316 281 288 b 273 249 279 265 274 254 b 236 127 272 248 255 195 b 200 4 216 61 200 5 b 164 -1 197 -1 198 -1 b 151 -1 161 -1 156 -1 b 140 -1 147 -1 142 -1 b 103 4 104 -1 106 -1 b 103 6 103 5 103 5 b 141 144 103 13 108 34 b 181 278 161 216 179 276 b 182 288 181 281 181 285 b 183 298 182 291 183 295 b 168 324 183 310 178 320 b 160 327 166 326 163 327 b 141 320 156 327 151 324 b 69 230 112 305 85 272 b 57 215 65 217 62 215 b 55 215 57 215 55 215 b 46 224 49 215 46 217 b 59 260 46 231 50 242 b 151 363 81 306 112 341 b 161 369 155 365 160 367 b 183 376 166 371 174 374 "},v68:{x_min:-597.53125,x_max:596.171875,ha:608,o:"m -533 324 b -525 327 -530 326 -528 327 b -504 305 -514 327 -504 317 b -504 305 -504 305 -504 305 b -513 284 -504 299 -504 299 b -556 112 -541 226 -556 167 b -545 33 -556 84 -552 58 b -524 -20 -541 15 -532 -9 l -522 -23 l -491 15 l -413 111 b -355 174 -367 169 -363 174 b -351 174 -353 174 -352 174 b -254 86 -343 174 -348 179 b -168 -1 -208 37 -168 -1 b -100 84 -168 -1 -137 37 b -23 173 -28 173 -29 172 b -19 174 -21 174 -20 174 b -8 173 -14 174 -10 173 b 155 11 -5 172 43 123 l 166 -1 l 168 1 l 170 4 l 170 130 b 171 260 170 256 170 258 b 191 274 175 269 183 274 b 205 267 196 274 201 272 b 212 158 212 262 210 273 l 212 56 l 257 112 b 311 173 304 172 304 172 b 317 174 313 174 314 174 b 326 173 319 174 323 173 b 490 11 329 172 366 134 l 502 -1 l 530 34 b 568 76 560 72 563 74 b 575 77 570 77 573 77 b 596 56 586 77 596 68 b 594 48 596 54 596 51 b 417 -172 592 41 424 -166 b 405 -176 415 -174 409 -176 b 396 -174 401 -176 398 -176 b 307 -87 393 -173 372 -152 b 221 -1 259 -38 221 -1 b 216 -6 221 -1 219 -2 l 212 -12 l 212 -147 b 212 -210 212 -173 212 -194 b 205 -292 212 -297 210 -287 b 191 -299 201 -297 196 -299 b 172 -287 183 -299 175 -295 b 170 -174 171 -284 171 -284 l 170 -63 l 127 -117 b 73 -176 84 -170 80 -176 b 68 -176 72 -176 70 -176 b -27 -87 59 -174 65 -180 b -114 0 -74 -38 -112 0 b -182 -86 -114 0 -145 -38 b -258 -174 -253 -174 -253 -173 b -264 -176 -259 -176 -262 -176 b -274 -174 -268 -176 -272 -174 b -438 -11 -277 -173 -348 -102 l -449 0 l -479 -37 b -524 -80 -513 -80 -514 -80 l -524 -80 b -553 -52 -534 -80 -540 -74 b -597 109 -583 -8 -597 48 b -560 280 -597 165 -585 224 b -533 324 -548 310 -540 322 "},v6c:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:193.28125,ha:197,o:"m 78 233 b 87 233 81 233 84 233 b 187 140 132 233 174 195 b 193 102 190 127 193 115 b 43 -113 193 22 136 -62 b 27 -119 36 -116 31 -119 b 19 -108 21 -119 19 -115 b 29 -97 19 -102 20 -101 b 102 13 73 -72 102 -27 b 92 51 102 26 98 40 l 91 54 l 84 54 b 8 104 53 54 21 74 b -1 142 1 116 -1 130 b 78 233 -1 187 31 227 "},v6f:{x_min:-80.3125,x_max:78.9375,ha:81,o:"m 63 191 b 69 192 65 192 66 192 b 77 188 72 192 76 191 b 78 183 78 187 78 186 b 74 158 78 179 77 172 l 66 115 b 9 -161 49 30 10 -158 b -10 -187 6 -172 -1 -181 b -34 -194 -17 -191 -25 -194 b -80 -147 -58 -194 -80 -174 b -80 -141 -80 -144 -80 -142 b 9 70 -80 -134 -73 -117 l 49 163 b 63 191 59 188 61 190 "},v70:{x_min:0,x_max:436.921875,ha:446,o:"m 213 190 b 217 191 215 191 216 191 b 231 184 223 191 228 188 b 249 154 240 167 246 159 b 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-68 -283 -81 -265 -77 b -212 -58 -234 -61 -223 -58 b -178 -69 -200 -58 -189 -62 b -151 -122 -160 -81 -151 -101 b -171 -167 -151 -138 -157 -155 b -239 -195 -185 -181 -213 -192 b -257 -197 -245 -197 -250 -197 b -423 -5 -352 -197 -423 -109 b -412 65 -423 16 -419 40 b -262 197 -389 137 -329 188 "},v74:{x_min:-206.890625,x_max:428.75,ha:438,o:"m 389 -351 b 394 -351 390 -351 393 -351 b 428 -385 413 -351 428 -367 b 428 -394 428 -388 428 -391 b 394 -428 426 -406 421 -410 l 332 -473 l 269 -516 l 205 -560 l 141 -603 l 77 -648 l 13 -692 l -50 -737 l -114 -780 l -145 -802 b -171 -813 -157 -810 -163 -813 b -175 -813 -172 -813 -174 -813 b -206 -777 -194 -811 -206 -795 b -202 -760 -206 -771 -205 -766 b -87 -675 -197 -752 -206 -757 l -34 -639 l 83 -557 l 145 -514 l 209 -470 l 272 -427 b 389 -351 375 -356 381 -352 "},v75:{x_min:-149.71875,x_max:148.359375,ha:151,o:"m -137 381 b -130 383 -134 383 -133 383 b -111 371 -122 383 -114 378 b -55 224 -110 370 -85 305 b 0 80 -25 145 -1 80 b 54 224 0 80 24 145 b 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-215 0 -251 0 -254 b 0 -199 0 -210 0 -206 l 0 -152 l 1 -149 b 8 -140 2 -145 5 -141 b 42 -127 9 -140 24 -133 l 73 -116 l 73 -5 b 73 23 73 4 73 15 b 73 105 73 70 73 105 b 49 97 73 105 61 101 b 17 88 32 91 23 88 b 4 95 10 88 8 91 b 0 137 0 101 0 98 b 0 151 0 141 0 145 l 0 199 l 1 202 b 43 224 5 212 5 212 l 73 234 l 73 367 l 73 502 l 74 505 b 85 514 77 509 81 513 "},v79:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:899.703125,ha:918,o:"m 307 349 b 332 351 315 351 323 351 b 443 340 367 351 408 347 b 741 47 607 306 720 195 b 744 0 743 31 744 16 b 660 -303 744 -90 713 -206 b 28 -755 534 -531 304 -695 b 14 -756 23 -755 19 -756 b -1 -741 4 -756 -1 -750 b 21 -720 -1 -731 1 -728 b 567 -56 337 -601 548 -344 b 568 -11 568 -41 568 -24 b 442 285 568 129 525 233 b 325 319 406 308 367 319 b 93 177 232 319 137 266 b 84 154 91 170 84 155 b 84 154 84 154 84 154 b 88 156 84 154 85 155 b 159 177 110 170 134 177 b 257 134 194 177 231 162 b 294 41 281 108 294 73 b 171 -97 294 -24 246 -90 b 156 -98 166 -97 161 -98 b 6 74 73 -98 6 -22 b 6 80 6 76 6 79 b 307 349 10 223 141 340 m 839 215 b 845 216 841 216 842 216 b 862 213 852 216 860 215 b 899 163 887 206 899 184 b 872 117 899 145 890 127 b 847 111 865 112 856 111 b 808 130 833 111 818 117 b 796 162 800 140 796 151 b 839 215 796 187 812 212 m 839 -112 b 845 -112 841 -112 842 -112 b 862 -115 852 -112 860 -113 b 899 -165 887 -122 899 -144 b 872 -210 899 -183 890 -201 b 847 -217 865 -215 856 -217 b 808 -198 833 -217 818 -210 b 796 -165 800 -188 796 -177 b 839 -112 796 -140 812 -116 "},v7c:{x_min:0,x_max:300.8125,ha:307,o:"m 49 505 b 53 506 50 505 51 506 b 70 496 58 506 62 503 b 81 485 73 492 78 488 l 96 473 l 111 459 l 122 449 l 134 438 l 182 396 l 255 330 b 292 291 292 298 292 298 l 292 290 l 292 284 l 283 270 b 209 36 234 197 209 113 b 288 -170 209 -44 235 -119 b 299 -184 295 -179 299 -181 b 300 -191 300 -187 300 -188 b 285 -206 300 -199 294 -206 b 280 -206 283 -206 281 -206 b 247 -201 270 -202 259 -201 b 176 -222 223 -201 197 -208 b 114 -340 136 -249 114 -292 b 172 -471 114 -384 134 -433 b 185 -492 182 -481 185 -487 b 181 -502 185 -496 183 -499 b 171 -508 176 -505 174 -508 b 152 -498 166 -508 160 -503 b 0 -284 65 -428 12 -352 b 0 -260 0 -278 0 -270 b 1 -238 0 -252 0 -242 b 148 -140 16 -177 73 -140 b 209 -148 167 -140 189 -142 b 215 -149 212 -148 215 -149 b 215 -149 215 -149 215 -149 l 215 -149 b 201 -136 215 -148 209 -142 l 157 -97 l 96 -41 b 17 34 21 24 17 29 b 17 37 17 36 17 36 b 17 38 17 37 17 38 b 25 56 17 44 17 44 b 110 298 81 131 110 219 b 46 474 110 367 88 431 b 38 491 40 480 38 487 b 49 505 38 498 42 502 "},v7d:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:436.921875,ha:446,o:"m 213 205 b 217 205 215 205 216 205 b 234 194 224 205 234 199 b 236 187 234 194 235 190 l 245 167 l 261 129 l 270 106 b 355 -61 294 54 329 -13 b 420 -163 381 -105 402 -138 b 436 -188 435 -184 436 -184 b 436 -191 436 -190 436 -190 b 421 -206 436 -201 431 -206 l 421 -206 l 416 -206 l 405 -201 b 217 -158 347 -172 283 -158 b 31 -201 153 -158 88 -172 l 20 -206 l 14 -206 l 14 -206 b 0 -191 5 -206 0 -201 b -1 -188 0 -190 -1 -190 b 14 -163 -1 -186 0 -184 b 95 -34 36 -136 72 -77 b 166 106 119 8 148 68 l 175 129 l 183 148 l 200 188 b 213 205 205 199 208 202 "},v7f:{x_min:0,x_max:367.5,ha:375,o:"m 0 124 l 0 187 l 61 187 l 122 187 l 122 138 l 122 91 l 153 61 l 183 30 l 213 61 l 243 91 l 243 138 l 243 187 l 306 187 l 367 187 l 367 124 l 367 61 l 321 61 l 274 61 l 243 30 l 213 0 l 243 -31 l 274 -62 l 321 -62 l 367 -62 l 367 -124 l 367 -188 l 306 -188 l 243 -188 l 243 -140 l 243 -93 l 213 -62 l 183 -31 l 153 -62 l 122 -93 l 122 -140 l 122 -188 l 61 -188 l 0 -188 l 0 -124 l 0 -62 l 46 -62 l 92 -62 l 123 -31 l 153 0 l 123 30 l 92 61 l 46 61 l 0 61 l 0 124 "},v80:{x_min:29.9375,x_max:420.578125,ha:371,o:"m 115 345 b 221 347 117 345 166 347 b 411 345 306 347 409 345 b 420 330 416 342 420 335 b 415 319 420 326 419 321 b 178 118 397 303 179 118 b 178 117 178 118 178 117 b 181 117 178 117 178 117 b 189 117 182 117 185 117 b 193 117 190 117 191 117 b 247 98 215 117 232 111 b 296 75 266 83 280 76 b 302 75 299 75 300 75 b 322 91 311 75 315 79 b 322 91 322 91 322 91 b 322 91 322 91 322 91 b 319 91 322 91 321 91 b 313 90 318 90 315 90 b 283 107 300 90 288 97 b 277 126 279 114 277 121 b 319 167 277 149 295 167 b 319 167 319 167 319 167 b 362 118 347 167 362 147 b 355 82 362 108 359 96 b 311 33 349 65 340 55 b 224 1 284 12 253 1 b 194 5 213 1 204 2 b 168 18 183 8 178 11 b 110 36 151 30 130 36 b 57 15 88 36 68 29 b 47 11 54 12 51 11 b 31 20 40 11 34 13 b 29 26 31 22 29 25 b 68 66 29 36 39 45 b 285 250 73 71 281 248 b 285 250 285 250 285 250 b 231 252 285 252 261 252 b 137 250 190 252 141 250 b 93 227 122 248 110 241 b 78 220 88 222 83 220 b 66 227 74 220 70 222 b 63 234 65 229 63 231 b 85 291 63 241 69 252 b 115 345 108 342 108 344 "},v81:{x_min:0,x_max:428.75,ha:438,o:"m 262 186 b 273 186 266 186 272 186 b 274 186 273 186 274 186 b 285 186 274 186 280 186 b 428 48 375 181 428 122 b 386 -68 428 12 416 -29 b 155 -187 329 -145 236 -187 b 12 -111 92 -187 38 -162 b 0 -51 4 -91 0 -72 b 262 186 0 58 122 179 m 366 131 b 352 134 362 133 357 134 b 219 81 321 134 269 115 b 47 -111 126 23 50 -62 b 47 -112 47 -111 47 -112 b 77 -136 47 -129 58 -136 b 264 -45 118 -136 194 -101 b 382 109 336 12 382 76 b 366 131 382 120 377 129 "},v83:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:847.96875,ha:865,o:"m 488 1499 b 495 1500 490 1500 492 1500 b 541 1465 507 1500 521 1490 b 679 1078 622 1372 679 1210 b 677 1050 679 1068 677 1060 b 477 642 668 893 604 764 l 443 609 l 431 596 l 431 592 l 438 562 l 449 508 l 460 458 b 481 355 475 390 481 355 b 481 355 481 355 481 355 b 490 356 481 355 485 355 b 528 358 495 356 511 358 b 558 356 540 358 552 356 b 839 95 699 338 808 237 b 847 22 845 72 847 47 b 631 -303 847 -113 766 -242 b 620 -309 623 -308 620 -309 l 620 -310 b 631 -359 620 -310 626 -333 l 646 -435 l 660 -496 b 672 -588 668 -535 672 -563 b 664 -653 672 -610 669 -630 b 383 -875 630 -792 509 -875 b 201 -810 321 -875 257 -855 b 129 -680 151 -768 129 -730 b 274 -530 129 -592 200 -530 b 351 -553 300 -530 326 -538 b 412 -669 393 -582 412 -626 b 287 -805 412 -735 366 -800 l 279 -805 l 285 -809 b 383 -830 318 -823 351 -830 b 586 -718 464 -830 540 -789 b 626 -584 612 -678 626 -631 b 619 -528 626 -566 623 -548 b 612 -495 619 -526 616 -510 b 577 -324 590 -387 577 -324 b 577 -324 577 -324 577 -324 b 568 -326 575 -324 571 -324 b 528 -334 558 -328 537 -333 b 465 -338 506 -337 485 -338 b 24 -11 269 -338 87 -206 b -1 145 8 41 -1 93 b 96 442 -1 249 32 351 b 322 714 166 541 236 626 l 352 745 l 345 782 l 332 843 l 315 921 b 303 984 310 950 304 978 b 295 1082 298 1017 295 1049 b 413 1426 295 1208 336 1329 b 488 1499 436 1456 477 1496 m 549 1301 b 541 1301 547 1301 544 1301 b 411 1207 500 1301 447 1263 b 355 1004 374 1152 355 1079 b 359 942 355 984 356 963 b 371 881 362 927 363 917 l 385 818 b 392 782 389 799 392 784 l 392 782 b 434 828 393 782 424 816 b 607 1165 534 941 594 1060 b 608 1193 608 1175 608 1183 b 597 1270 608 1224 604 1254 b 549 1301 589 1286 571 1299 m 398 528 b 393 555 396 542 393 553 b 392 555 393 555 393 555 b 317 470 390 555 347 505 b 190 298 266 408 212 334 b 127 70 148 227 127 148 b 155 -77 127 19 137 -30 b 468 -303 209 -216 333 -303 b 519 -299 484 -303 502 -302 b 568 -284 541 -295 568 -287 l 568 -284 b 563 -263 568 -284 566 -274 l 534 -120 l 511 -13 l 496 61 l 480 133 b 469 187 472 176 469 187 b 468 188 469 187 469 188 b 416 162 462 188 430 172 b 337 13 364 126 337 69 b 413 -124 337 -40 363 -93 b 428 -144 424 -131 428 -137 b 428 -149 428 -145 428 -148 b 409 -166 426 -161 419 -166 b 394 -162 405 -166 400 -165 b 240 77 302 -122 240 -27 l 240 77 b 430 342 240 197 315 301 l 436 344 l 426 394 l 398 528 m 548 194 b 526 195 540 195 532 195 b 519 195 524 195 521 195 l 514 195 l 518 177 l 539 79 l 552 15 l 566 -48 l 594 -187 l 605 -240 b 612 -266 609 -254 611 -266 b 612 -266 612 -266 612 -266 b 641 -248 613 -266 630 -256 b 744 -98 692 -212 730 -156 b 751 -40 749 -79 751 -59 b 548 194 751 76 665 181 "},v84:{x_min:25.859375,x_max:164.6875,ha:168,o:"m 34 369 b 40 370 35 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194 0 234 -38 194 0 b 125 -86 194 0 163 -38 b 49 -174 54 -174 55 -173 b 43 -176 47 -176 46 -176 b 34 -174 40 -176 36 -174 b -54 -87 31 -173 10 -152 b -140 0 -102 -38 -140 0 b -209 -86 -141 0 -171 -38 b -285 -174 -280 -174 -279 -173 b -291 -176 -287 -176 -289 -176 b -300 -174 -295 -176 -299 -174 b -464 -12 -304 -173 -340 -137 l -476 0 l -504 -34 b -543 -77 -534 -73 -537 -76 b -549 -79 -545 -79 -547 -79 b -571 -58 -562 -79 -571 -69 b -568 -49 -571 -55 -570 -52 b -392 172 -566 -43 -396 167 b -386 173 -390 172 -387 173 "},v8b:{x_min:0,x_max:319.859375,ha:326,o:"m 149 508 b 159 509 152 509 155 509 b 186 494 170 509 181 503 b 190 440 190 487 190 488 l 190 430 l 190 377 l 242 377 l 251 377 b 303 373 298 377 296 377 b 319 345 314 367 319 356 b 304 319 319 335 314 324 b 250 315 296 315 299 315 l 242 315 l 190 315 l 190 262 l 190 252 b 186 198 190 204 190 205 b 159 183 179 188 170 183 b 132 198 148 183 138 188 b 127 252 127 205 127 204 l 127 262 l 127 315 l 76 315 l 68 315 b 14 319 20 315 21 315 b 0 347 4 324 0 335 b 14 373 0 356 4 367 b 68 377 21 377 20 377 l 76 377 l 127 377 l 127 430 l 127 440 b 132 494 127 488 127 487 b 149 508 136 501 142 505 "},v8c:{x_min:-330.75,x_max:329.390625,ha:336,o:"m -133 483 b -117 484 -127 484 -122 484 b 31 373 -51 484 9 440 b 35 348 34 365 35 356 b -25 285 35 313 10 285 b -87 331 -55 285 -76 302 b -167 402 -100 376 -133 402 b -191 398 -175 402 -183 401 b -227 341 -215 388 -227 369 b -225 320 -227 334 -227 327 b -13 74 -209 230 -125 133 b 6 65 -4 70 5 66 l 9 63 l 10 65 b 117 231 12 68 40 112 l 189 341 l 242 424 b 268 460 262 456 264 458 b 283 464 273 463 277 464 b 308 438 296 464 308 453 l 308 437 b 287 396 308 430 308 428 l 95 98 l 59 43 l 58 41 l 65 37 b 253 -156 151 -8 217 -77 b 281 -285 272 -199 281 -244 b 148 -481 281 -381 231 -463 b 115 -485 137 -484 126 -485 b -32 -376 51 -485 -9 -442 b -36 -349 -35 -366 -36 -358 b 25 -287 -36 -315 -12 -287 b 85 -333 54 -287 74 -302 b 166 -403 99 -377 133 -403 b 190 -399 174 -403 182 -402 b 225 -342 215 -390 225 -370 b 224 -322 225 -335 225 -328 b 12 -76 208 -231 125 -134 b -8 -66 2 -72 -6 -68 l -10 -65 l -12 -66 b -118 -231 -13 -68 -42 -113 l -190 -342 l -243 -426 b -269 -462 -264 -458 -265 -458 b -284 -466 -274 -464 -279 -466 b -310 -440 -298 -466 -310 -455 l -310 -438 b -288 -398 -310 -430 -308 -430 l -96 -99 l -59 -44 l -59 -43 l -66 -38 b -281 284 -198 33 -281 158 l -281 284 b -133 483 -281 392 -220 474 m 254 177 b 266 179 258 177 262 179 b 319 149 287 179 307 167 b 329 115 326 140 329 127 b 319 79 329 102 326 90 b 268 51 307 61 287 51 b 221 72 250 51 234 58 b 205 115 210 84 205 99 b 254 177 205 142 223 170 m -281 -54 b -269 -52 -277 -52 -273 -52 b -223 -73 -253 -52 -235 -59 b -206 -116 -212 -84 -206 -101 b -216 -151 -206 -129 -209 -141 b -269 -179 -228 -170 -249 -179 b -314 -159 -285 -179 -302 -173 b -330 -116 -325 -147 -330 -131 b -281 -54 -330 -88 -313 -61 "},v8f:{x_min:-21.78125,x_max:362.0625,ha:369,o:"m 302 1031 b 308 1032 304 1032 307 1032 b 330 1016 318 1032 325 1027 b 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406 502 b 397 476 406 487 404 480 b 323 446 396 474 363 462 l 251 417 l 251 283 l 251 148 l 254 151 b 370 199 291 183 332 199 b 415 191 385 199 400 197 b 483 84 458 176 483 134 b 461 0 483 58 476 29 b 332 -142 439 -40 411 -72 l 255 -215 b 231 -229 240 -229 239 -229 b 216 -223 224 -229 220 -227 b 210 -158 210 -217 210 -223 b 210 -120 210 -148 210 -136 l 210 -29 l 205 -34 b 100 -142 182 -65 159 -88 l 23 -215 b -1 -229 9 -229 6 -229 b -19 -217 -9 -229 -16 -224 l -20 -215 l -21 48 l -21 310 l -83 287 b -152 262 -133 266 -145 262 b -157 263 -153 262 -155 262 b -171 283 -166 266 -171 274 b -161 301 -171 290 -167 297 b -91 328 -160 302 -129 315 l -21 356 l -21 487 l -20 617 l -19 621 b -8 631 -17 626 -12 630 m 210 288 b 210 401 210 351 210 401 b 114 365 209 401 167 384 l 20 327 l 20 238 l 20 148 l 21 151 b 140 199 59 183 102 199 b 206 180 164 199 187 192 l 209 177 b 209 177 209 177 209 177 b 210 288 210 177 210 199 m 110 131 b 96 133 106 133 100 133 b 89 133 93 133 91 133 b 24 87 63 129 40 113 l 20 80 l 20 -37 l 20 -156 l 23 -152 b 144 81 96 -72 144 20 l 144 83 b 110 131 144 113 134 126 m 341 131 b 328 133 337 133 332 133 b 322 133 326 133 323 133 b 257 87 296 129 273 113 l 251 80 l 251 -37 l 251 -156 l 255 -152 b 375 81 328 -72 375 20 l 375 83 b 341 131 375 113 367 126 "},v92:{x_min:0,x_max:598.890625,ha:611,o:"m 62 181 b 77 183 66 183 72 183 b 91 181 83 183 88 183 b 202 131 100 180 106 177 l 299 87 l 394 131 b 517 183 499 181 502 183 b 519 183 517 183 518 183 b 598 104 567 183 598 144 b 577 49 598 84 592 65 b 518 15 567 38 563 37 b 484 0 499 6 484 0 b 518 -16 484 -1 499 -8 b 577 -51 563 -38 567 -40 b 598 -105 592 -66 598 -86 b 519 -184 598 -145 567 -184 b 517 -184 518 -184 517 -184 b 394 -133 502 -184 499 -183 l 299 -88 l 202 -133 b 81 -184 99 -183 95 -184 b 77 -184 80 -184 78 -184 b 0 -105 29 -184 0 -145 b 20 -51 0 -86 5 -66 b 80 -16 29 -40 34 -38 b 114 -1 98 -8 114 -1 b 80 15 114 0 98 6 b 20 49 34 37 29 38 b 0 104 6 65 0 84 b 62 181 0 140 23 174 m 88 134 b 74 136 85 134 80 136 b 68 134 72 136 69 136 b 46 104 54 130 46 117 b 55 81 46 95 49 88 b 149 34 59 76 53 80 b 224 -1 190 15 224 0 b 144 -38 224 -1 187 -18 b 54 -84 59 -79 58 -79 b 46 -105 49 -90 46 -98 b 76 -137 46 -122 58 -137 b 78 -137 77 -137 77 -137 b 194 -86 87 -137 76 -141 b 298 -36 250 -58 298 -36 b 298 -36 298 -36 298 -36 b 402 -84 299 -36 345 -58 b 518 -137 522 -141 510 -137 b 521 -137 519 -137 519 -137 b 551 -105 539 -137 551 -122 b 541 -83 551 -98 548 -90 b 447 -36 537 -77 544 -81 b 374 -1 406 -16 374 -1 b 447 34 374 0 406 15 b 541 81 544 80 537 76 b 551 104 548 88 551 97 b 521 136 551 120 539 136 b 518 136 519 136 519 136 b 517 136 518 136 517 136 l 517 136 b 402 83 511 136 511 136 b 298 34 345 56 299 34 b 298 34 298 34 298 34 b 194 84 298 34 250 56 b 88 134 137 111 89 133 "},v93:{x_min:0,x_max:438.28125,ha:447,o:"m 212 205 b 219 205 213 205 216 205 b 239 183 228 205 231 204 b 421 -163 298 40 363 -83 b 438 -191 434 -180 438 -186 b 436 -197 438 -192 438 -195 b 424 -206 434 -204 431 -206 b 406 -201 420 -206 415 -205 b 216 -156 347 -172 281 -156 b 23 -205 148 -156 80 -173 b 14 -206 20 -206 17 -206 b 0 -191 6 -206 0 -201 b 6 -176 0 -187 1 -183 b 202 192 63 -104 142 45 b 212 205 205 199 208 202 m 264 48 l 249 81 l 243 94 l 242 91 b 89 -126 208 36 137 -66 b 81 -138 85 -133 81 -138 b 81 -138 81 -138 81 -138 b 81 -138 81 -138 81 -138 b 95 -133 81 -138 87 -136 b 280 -94 156 -108 221 -94 b 334 -98 299 -94 317 -95 b 343 -99 338 -99 343 -99 b 343 -99 343 -99 343 -99 b 338 -94 343 -99 341 -97 b 264 48 318 -58 287 1 "},v94:{x_min:-149.71875,x_max:148.359375,ha:151,o:"m -9 215 b 0 217 -6 217 -4 217 b 19 205 8 217 14 213 b 20 142 20 202 20 201 l 20 84 l 23 84 b 144 -27 81 74 129 30 b 148 -66 147 -40 148 -54 b 36 -213 148 -134 103 -197 b 0 -219 24 -217 12 -219 b -145 -104 -68 -219 -129 -173 b -149 -68 -148 -91 -149 -79 b -24 84 -149 6 -98 74 l -21 84 l -21 142 b -19 205 -20 201 -20 202 b -9 215 -17 209 -13 213 m -21 -15 b -23 41 -21 37 -21 41 b -23 41 -23 41 -23 41 b -76 11 -35 40 -62 26 b -108 -65 -98 -11 -108 -38 b -1 -176 -108 -122 -65 -176 b 107 -65 63 -176 107 -122 b 74 11 107 -38 96 -11 b 20 41 61 26 32 41 b 20 -15 20 41 20 15 b 19 -74 20 -72 20 -72 b 0 -87 14 -83 6 -87 b -19 -74 -8 -87 -16 -83 b -21 -15 -20 -72 -20 -72 "},v95:{x_min:0,x_max:406.96875,ha:415,o:"m 55 181 b 70 183 61 183 66 183 b 111 170 85 183 99 179 b 160 130 115 167 137 149 l 202 95 l 245 130 b 319 181 299 176 302 179 b 334 183 325 183 330 183 b 406 109 375 183 406 148 b 401 81 406 99 405 91 b 348 24 394 65 390 59 b 318 -1 332 11 318 0 b 348 -26 318 -1 332 -12 b 401 -83 390 -61 394 -66 b 406 -111 405 -93 406 -101 b 334 -184 406 -149 375 -184 b 319 -183 330 -184 325 -184 b 245 -131 302 -180 299 -177 l 202 -97 l 160 -131 b 85 -183 107 -177 103 -180 b 70 -184 80 -184 76 -184 b 0 -111 31 -184 0 -149 b 4 -83 0 -101 1 -93 b 58 -26 10 -66 16 -61 b 88 -1 74 -12 88 -1 b 58 24 88 0 74 11 b 10 69 23 54 17 59 b 0 109 2 81 0 95 b 55 181 0 142 21 173 m 83 133 b 72 136 78 136 76 136 b 57 131 66 136 61 134 b 46 109 49 126 46 117 b 50 93 46 104 47 98 b 107 45 51 91 77 70 b 160 0 137 20 160 0 b 107 -47 160 -1 137 -22 b 50 -94 77 -72 51 -93 b 46 -111 47 -99 46 -105 b 59 -134 46 -120 50 -130 b 72 -137 62 -136 68 -137 b 83 -136 76 -137 80 -136 b 144 -84 84 -134 107 -116 b 202 -36 176 -58 202 -36 b 261 -84 202 -36 230 -58 b 323 -136 299 -116 321 -134 b 334 -137 326 -136 330 -137 b 345 -134 338 -137 343 -136 b 360 -111 355 -130 360 -120 b 355 -94 360 -105 359 -99 b 299 -47 353 -93 329 -72 b 245 0 269 -22 245 -1 b 299 45 245 0 269 20 b 355 93 329 70 353 91 b 360 109 359 98 360 104 b 345 133 360 119 355 129 b 334 136 343 134 338 136 b 323 134 330 136 326 134 b 261 83 321 133 299 115 b 202 34 230 56 202 34 b 144 83 202 34 176 56 b 83 133 106 115 84 133 "},v97:{x_min:-228.671875,x_max:227.3125,ha:232,o:"m -217 487 l -213 488 l 0 488 l 212 488 l 216 487 b 225 476 220 484 224 480 l 227 473 l 227 244 l 227 15 l 225 12 b 206 0 223 4 215 0 b 197 1 204 0 200 0 b 187 12 193 4 189 6 l 186 15 l 186 138 l 186 262 l -1 262 l -187 262 l -187 138 l -187 15 l -189 12 b -208 0 -193 4 -200 0 b -227 12 -216 0 -223 4 l -228 15 l -228 244 l -228 473 l -227 476 b -217 487 -225 480 -221 484 "},v9a:{x_min:-21.78125,x_max:367.5,ha:375,o:"m 230 1031 b 238 1032 232 1032 235 1032 b 259 1014 245 1032 251 1027 b 367 662 330 906 367 782 b 364 602 367 641 367 621 b 232 317 352 488 304 384 b 57 120 155 245 103 187 b -1 18 31 84 6 40 b -19 4 -4 11 -12 4 l -21 4 l -21 159 l -21 315 l -16 315 b 96 335 10 315 62 324 b 315 695 227 380 315 527 b 313 738 315 709 314 724 b 224 991 304 825 273 916 b 216 1013 219 999 216 1007 b 230 1031 216 1021 220 1028 "},v9b:{x_min:-24.5,x_max:313.0625,ha:319,o:"m -24 -133 l -24 -5 l -20 -5 b -1 -19 -12 -5 -4 -11 b 142 -213 13 -61 74 -144 b 258 -376 196 -269 230 -315 b 313 -605 295 -449 313 -528 b 292 -742 313 -652 306 -699 b 288 -752 289 -748 288 -752 b 288 -752 288 -752 288 -752 b 292 -764 289 -753 291 -757 b 313 -907 306 -811 313 -860 b 292 -1045 313 -954 306 -1002 b 288 -1054 289 -1050 288 -1054 b 288 -1054 288 -1054 288 -1054 b 292 -1067 289 -1054 291 -1060 b 313 -1210 306 -1113 313 -1161 b 292 -1346 313 -1257 306 -1304 b 288 -1357 289 -1353 288 -1357 b 288 -1357 288 -1357 288 -1357 b 292 -1368 289 -1357 291 -1363 b 313 -1512 306 -1415 313 -1464 b 292 -1648 313 -1560 306 -1605 b 288 -1660 289 -1654 288 -1660 b 288 -1660 288 -1660 288 -1660 b 292 -1671 289 -1660 291 -1665 b 313 -1814 306 -1719 313 -1766 b 250 -2040 313 -1897 291 -1977 b 232 -2062 238 -2057 236 -2059 b 221 -2065 230 -2063 225 -2065 b 200 -2045 210 -2065 201 -2057 b 200 -2043 200 -2044 200 -2044 b 208 -2026 200 -2037 202 -2034 b 269 -1826 249 -1966 269 -1897 b 153 -1544 269 -1726 230 -1625 b -9 -1472 115 -1506 58 -1481 b -21 -1471 -14 -1471 -19 -1471 l -24 -1471 l -24 -1343 l -24 -1215 l -20 -1215 b -1 -1229 -12 -1215 -4 -1221 b 142 -1424 13 -1270 74 -1353 b 257 -1582 196 -1478 228 -1524 b 264 -1594 261 -1589 264 -1594 l 264 -1594 b 265 -1582 264 -1594 264 -1589 b 270 -1525 268 -1562 270 -1544 b 153 -1243 270 -1424 228 -1321 b -9 -1170 115 -1203 58 -1178 b -21 -1168 -14 -1170 -19 -1168 l -24 -1168 l -24 -1041 l -24 -913 l -20 -913 b -1 -927 -12 -913 -4 -918 b 142 -1121 13 -967 74 -1050 b 257 -1281 196 -1175 228 -1221 b 264 -1292 261 -1286 264 -1292 l 264 -1292 b 265 -1279 264 -1292 264 -1286 b 270 -1222 268 -1261 270 -1242 b 153 -941 270 -1121 228 -1018 b -9 -867 115 -900 58 -875 b -21 -866 -14 -867 -19 -866 l -24 -866 l -24 -738 l -24 -610 l -20 -610 b -1 -624 -12 -610 -4 -616 b 142 -818 13 -664 74 -749 b 257 -978 196 -873 228 -918 b 264 -989 261 -984 264 -989 l 264 -989 b 265 -977 264 -989 264 -984 b 270 -920 268 -959 270 -939 b 153 -638 270 -818 228 -716 b -9 -564 115 -598 58 -573 b -21 -563 -14 -564 -19 -563 l -24 -563 l -24 -435 l -24 -308 l -20 -308 b -1 -322 -12 -308 -4 -313 b 142 -516 13 -363 74 -446 b 257 -675 196 -571 228 -616 b 264 -687 261 -681 264 -687 l 264 -687 b 265 -674 264 -687 264 -681 b 270 -617 268 -656 270 -637 b 153 -335 270 -516 228 -413 b -9 -262 115 -295 58 -270 b -21 -260 -14 -262 -19 -260 l -24 -260 l -24 -133 "},v9c:{x_min:-166.0625,x_max:-25.859375,ha:0,o:"m -49 369 b -42 370 -46 369 -44 370 b -27 360 -36 370 -29 366 b -25 355 -27 359 -25 358 b -32 335 -25 351 -28 347 b -92 52 -66 248 -87 159 b -93 -1 -93 43 -93 20 b -92 -54 -93 -23 -93 -45 b -32 -337 -85 -162 -66 -251 b -25 -355 -27 -349 -25 -352 b -42 -371 -25 -365 -32 -371 b -61 -353 -50 -371 -51 -369 b -163 -63 -119 -262 -153 -165 b -166 -1 -166 -37 -166 -31 b -163 62 -166 30 -166 36 b -61 352 -153 163 -119 260 b -49 369 -54 365 -51 366 "},v9e:{x_min:0,x_max:607.0625,ha:619,o:"m 243 631 b 250 632 246 632 249 632 b 270 620 259 632 268 628 l 272 616 l 272 201 l 272 -212 l 270 -216 b 251 -229 268 -224 259 -229 b 227 -215 243 -229 240 -229 l 151 -142 b 32 -16 81 -80 53 -49 b 0 84 9 18 0 52 b 111 199 0 149 42 199 b 137 197 119 199 127 198 b 228 151 168 191 197 177 l 231 148 l 231 383 b 232 620 231 616 231 616 b 243 631 234 624 238 630 m 168 131 b 152 133 163 133 157 133 b 107 102 130 133 111 120 b 106 86 107 97 106 91 b 111 41 106 73 108 56 b 227 -152 125 -13 171 -90 l 231 -156 l 231 -37 l 231 80 l 225 87 b 168 131 210 111 190 126 m 347 631 b 353 632 348 632 351 632 b 374 620 363 632 371 628 b 375 383 375 616 375 616 l 375 148 l 377 151 b 492 199 415 183 454 199 b 537 191 507 199 522 197 b 607 84 582 176 607 134 b 583 0 607 58 598 29 b 455 -142 562 -40 533 -72 l 378 -215 b 355 -229 364 -229 362 -229 b 334 -216 345 -229 337 -224 l 333 -212 l 333 201 l 333 616 l 334 620 b 347 631 337 624 341 630 m 465 131 b 451 133 461 133 455 133 b 445 133 449 133 446 133 b 379 87 419 129 396 113 l 375 80 l 375 -37 l 375 -156 l 378 -152 b 499 81 451 -72 499 20 l 499 83 b 465 131 499 113 490 126 "},va3:{x_min:58.53125,x_max:228.671875,ha:294,o:"m 138 371 b 142 373 140 371 141 373 b 178 342 149 373 156 366 b 228 251 217 297 228 278 b 228 244 228 248 228 247 b 176 147 227 212 212 184 b 123 73 152 122 132 93 b 121 62 122 70 121 66 b 145 13 121 48 129 31 b 153 -2 151 6 153 1 b 149 -9 153 -5 152 -6 b 144 -11 148 -11 145 -11 b 129 -1 140 -11 136 -8 b 61 87 89 37 68 68 b 58 113 59 95 58 105 b 110 215 58 144 74 177 b 163 287 134 240 155 269 b 166 299 166 291 166 295 b 141 348 166 313 157 330 b 133 360 134 356 133 358 b 133 363 133 362 133 362 b 138 371 133 367 136 370 "},va5:{x_min:0,x_max:349.8125,ha:357,o:"m 88 302 b 103 303 93 302 98 303 b 202 224 149 303 191 270 b 205 199 204 216 205 208 b 178 129 205 173 196 147 l 175 126 l 182 127 b 307 249 236 142 284 190 b 313 259 308 254 311 258 b 329 267 317 265 323 267 b 349 247 340 267 349 259 b 201 -263 349 242 204 -258 b 182 -273 197 -270 190 -273 b 163 -260 174 -273 166 -269 b 161 -256 161 -259 161 -258 b 217 -59 161 -248 170 -220 b 272 129 247 43 272 127 b 272 129 272 129 272 129 b 264 122 272 129 268 126 b 140 80 227 94 183 80 b 36 115 102 80 65 91 b 0 194 10 136 0 165 b 88 302 0 244 32 292 "},va9:{x_min:-24.5,x_max:314.421875,ha:321,o:"m -24 -145 l -24 -5 l -20 -5 b 0 -23 -9 -5 -2 -12 b 27 -87 4 -38 14 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-889 l -24 -749 l -24 -610 l -20 -610 b 0 -628 -9 -610 -2 -617 b 27 -692 4 -644 14 -671 b 138 -825 53 -741 88 -782 b 257 -973 190 -870 228 -917 b 262 -981 259 -977 262 -981 l 262 -981 b 269 -946 264 -979 268 -957 b 270 -903 270 -931 270 -917 b 98 -588 270 -774 206 -655 b 40 -569 76 -574 58 -569 b -10 -584 24 -569 8 -574 b -20 -587 -14 -587 -16 -587 l -24 -587 l -24 -448 l -24 -308 l -20 -308 b 0 -326 -9 -308 -2 -315 b 27 -390 4 -341 14 -369 b 138 -523 53 -438 88 -480 b 257 -670 190 -567 228 -614 b 262 -678 259 -674 262 -678 b 262 -678 262 -678 262 -678 b 269 -644 264 -677 268 -656 b 270 -601 270 -628 270 -614 b 98 -285 270 -471 206 -352 b 40 -266 76 -273 58 -266 b -10 -281 24 -266 8 -272 b -20 -284 -14 -284 -16 -284 l -24 -284 l -24 -145 "},vaa:{x_min:-1.359375,x_max:752.703125,ha:768,o:"m 490 985 b 504 986 495 986 500 986 b 604 907 551 986 593 954 b 607 884 607 900 607 892 b 581 813 607 857 597 831 l 578 810 l 583 811 b 710 932 638 827 687 873 b 714 943 711 936 713 942 b 730 952 720 949 725 952 b 752 931 741 952 752 943 b 200 -946 752 927 204 -941 b 182 -957 197 -953 190 -957 b 163 -945 174 -957 166 -953 b 161 -939 161 -942 161 -942 b 217 -743 161 -931 170 -904 b 272 -555 247 -639 272 -555 b 272 -555 272 -555 272 -555 b 264 -560 272 -555 268 -557 b 140 -603 227 -589 182 -603 b 36 -567 102 -603 65 -592 b -1 -487 12 -548 -1 -517 b 17 -427 -1 -466 5 -445 b 103 -380 38 -395 70 -380 b 191 -433 137 -380 172 -398 b 205 -484 201 -448 205 -466 b 178 -553 205 -509 196 -535 l 175 -557 l 182 -555 b 307 -435 236 -539 284 -494 b 372 -213 308 -430 372 -215 b 372 -213 372 -213 372 -213 b 364 -219 372 -213 368 -216 b 240 -262 328 -247 283 -262 b 137 -226 202 -262 166 -249 b 99 -145 112 -206 99 -176 b 118 -84 99 -124 106 -104 b 204 -38 138 -54 171 -38 b 292 -91 238 -38 273 -56 b 306 -141 302 -106 306 -124 b 279 -212 306 -167 296 -194 l 276 -215 l 281 -213 b 408 -93 336 -198 385 -151 b 473 129 409 -88 473 127 b 473 129 473 129 473 129 b 465 122 473 129 469 126 b 341 80 428 94 383 80 b 236 115 303 80 266 91 b 200 195 213 136 200 165 b 217 256 200 217 206 238 b 304 303 239 287 272 303 b 393 249 338 303 374 285 b 406 199 402 234 406 217 b 379 129 406 173 397 148 l 377 126 l 382 127 b 509 248 436 142 485 190 b 574 470 510 254 574 469 b 574 470 574 470 574 470 b 566 464 574 470 570 467 b 442 421 529 435 484 421 b 337 458 404 421 367 433 b 300 538 314 477 300 508 b 318 598 300 559 306 580 b 404 645 340 630 372 645 b 494 592 439 645 475 627 b 507 541 502 577 507 559 b 480 471 507 516 498 489 l 477 467 l 483 470 b 608 589 537 485 586 531 b 675 811 611 595 675 810 b 675 811 675 811 675 811 b 666 806 675 811 671 809 b 543 763 628 777 585 763 b 438 799 504 763 468 775 b 401 878 412 820 401 849 b 490 985 401 928 434 977 "},vab:{x_min:0,x_max:272.21875,ha:278,o:"m 243 631 b 250 632 246 632 249 632 b 270 620 259 632 268 628 l 272 616 l 272 201 l 272 -212 l 270 -216 b 251 -229 268 -224 259 -229 b 227 -215 243 -229 240 -229 l 151 -142 b 32 -16 81 -80 53 -49 b 0 84 9 18 0 52 b 111 199 0 149 42 199 b 137 197 119 199 127 198 b 228 151 168 191 197 177 l 231 148 l 231 383 b 232 620 231 616 231 616 b 243 631 234 624 238 630 m 168 131 b 152 133 163 133 157 133 b 107 102 130 133 111 120 b 106 86 107 97 106 91 b 111 41 106 73 108 56 b 227 -152 125 -13 171 -90 l 231 -156 l 231 -37 l 231 80 l 225 87 b 168 131 210 111 190 126 "},vad:{x_min:0,x_max:873.828125,ha:892,o:"m 0 0 l 0 703 l 81 703 l 164 703 l 164 0 l 164 -705 l 81 -705 l 0 -705 l 0 0 m 225 0 l 225 703 l 246 703 l 268 703 l 268 366 l 268 30 l 274 36 b 314 79 284 44 302 63 b 413 302 357 137 392 213 b 432 327 419 324 421 327 b 449 306 443 327 447 322 b 611 115 457 195 529 115 b 651 122 624 115 638 117 b 728 316 705 140 724 188 b 729 388 728 342 729 366 b 671 635 729 533 711 602 b 581 662 649 652 616 662 b 477 637 545 662 510 653 l 475 635 l 477 634 b 503 627 488 632 495 631 b 545 556 532 612 545 584 b 491 480 545 524 526 491 b 465 474 481 476 473 474 b 379 563 417 474 379 516 b 389 602 379 576 382 588 b 541 691 409 641 479 681 b 582 694 555 692 568 694 b 865 462 714 694 834 598 b 873 392 871 440 873 416 b 865 317 873 367 871 341 b 639 84 839 194 748 101 b 612 83 630 83 620 83 b 511 116 577 83 543 94 b 504 120 509 119 506 120 b 504 120 504 120 504 120 b 469 59 504 120 488 93 l 432 -1 l 469 -61 b 504 -122 488 -94 504 -122 b 504 -122 504 -122 504 -122 b 511 -117 506 -122 509 -120 b 612 -84 543 -95 577 -84 b 665 -91 630 -84 647 -87 b 869 -338 771 -122 850 -216 b 873 -392 872 -356 873 -374 b 798 -595 873 -469 847 -539 b 581 -695 741 -662 660 -695 b 406 -626 517 -695 454 -671 b 381 -563 389 -607 381 -585 b 465 -477 381 -519 413 -477 b 545 -559 514 -477 545 -519 b 503 -628 545 -587 532 -613 b 477 -635 495 -632 488 -634 l 475 -637 l 477 -638 b 581 -663 510 -655 545 -663 b 671 -637 616 -663 649 -653 b 729 -391 711 -603 729 -534 b 728 -317 729 -367 728 -344 b 623 -117 722 -173 698 -124 b 611 -116 619 -116 615 -116 b 449 -308 528 -116 457 -198 b 432 -328 447 -323 443 -328 b 413 -303 421 -328 419 -326 b 314 -80 392 -215 357 -138 b 274 -37 302 -65 284 -45 l 268 -31 l 268 -367 l 268 -705 l 246 -705 l 225 -705 l 225 0 "},vb3:{x_min:0,x_max:227.3125,ha:232,o:"m 91 213 b 100 215 93 215 96 215 b 227 58 167 215 224 144 b 227 52 227 56 227 54 b 61 -201 227 -43 164 -138 b 29 -216 44 -212 36 -216 b 23 -210 27 -216 24 -213 b 21 -205 21 -208 21 -206 b 34 -192 21 -201 25 -197 b 122 -55 89 -161 122 -106 b 104 6 122 -33 117 -12 l 103 9 l 96 9 b 4 79 57 9 17 38 b 0 112 1 90 0 101 b 91 213 0 163 36 209 "},vb6:{x_min:0,x_max:556.6875,ha:568,o:"m 289 545 b 298 546 292 545 295 546 b 318 533 306 546 315 541 b 319 428 319 530 319 528 l 319 327 l 334 327 b 526 223 412 326 485 285 b 543 172 537 206 543 190 b 447 76 543 122 503 76 b 445 76 446 76 446 76 b 359 165 394 77 359 119 b 368 205 359 179 362 192 b 441 251 382 233 412 251 b 455 249 446 251 451 251 b 460 248 458 249 460 248 b 460 248 460 248 460 248 b 454 254 460 249 458 251 b 334 295 419 280 378 294 l 319 295 l 319 4 l 319 -287 l 321 -285 b 328 -285 322 -285 325 -285 b 524 -99 424 -277 507 -198 b 541 -79 526 -84 530 -79 b 556 -97 551 -79 556 -84 b 548 -133 556 -105 553 -117 b 334 -317 521 -233 434 -306 b 322 -319 329 -317 323 -317 l 319 -319 l 319 -424 b 319 -471 319 -444 319 -459 b 313 -541 319 -544 318 -535 b 298 -548 308 -545 303 -548 b 279 -534 289 -548 281 -542 b 277 -424 277 -531 277 -530 l 277 -317 l 273 -317 b 13 -95 153 -305 51 -217 b 0 2 4 -62 0 -29 b 182 295 0 126 66 238 b 274 324 210 309 249 320 l 277 324 l 277 427 b 279 533 277 528 277 530 b 289 545 281 538 285 542 m 277 2 b 277 291 277 161 277 291 b 268 288 277 291 273 290 b 144 1 179 265 144 184 b 276 -284 144 -199 175 -267 l 277 -285 l 277 2 "},vb9:{x_min:-122.5,x_max:121.140625,ha:124,o:"m -16 145 b 0 147 -10 147 -5 147 b 121 -1 66 147 121 77 b 114 -49 121 -16 118 -33 b -1 -148 95 -112 47 -148 b -85 -106 -31 -148 -61 -134 b -122 -1 -110 -76 -122 -38 b -16 145 -122 68 -81 134 m 12 111 b 0 113 8 113 4 113 b -68 22 -29 113 -61 73 b -70 0 -69 15 -70 6 b -13 -113 -70 -49 -47 -98 b -1 -115 -9 -115 -5 -115 b 63 -40 24 -115 53 -83 b 68 -1 66 -27 68 -15 b 12 111 68 48 46 97 "},vba:{x_min:-118.421875,x_max:597.53125,ha:381,o:"m 460 574 b 464 574 461 574 462 574 b 488 574 470 574 481 574 b 500 573 491 574 498 574 b 594 503 543 570 588 538 b 597 488 596 498 597 494 b 528 417 597 449 564 417 b 502 423 519 417 510 419 b 465 481 477 434 465 458 b 488 528 465 499 472 516 b 490 530 490 530 490 530 b 490 530 490 530 490 530 b 468 517 488 530 475 523 b 349 340 419 485 377 420 b 347 330 348 334 347 330 b 383 328 347 328 363 328 b 428 326 423 328 424 328 b 442 302 438 320 442 312 b 430 281 442 294 438 285 b 385 276 424 277 426 276 l 377 276 l 332 276 l 330 269 b 178 -117 303 126 250 -9 b 1 -249 129 -194 69 -237 b -20 -251 -6 -251 -13 -251 b -114 -187 -65 -251 -100 -227 b -118 -156 -117 -177 -118 -166 b -51 -84 -118 -116 -91 -84 b -31 -87 -46 -84 -39 -86 b 16 -152 0 -95 16 -124 b -12 -205 16 -173 8 -194 b -16 -208 -14 -206 -16 -208 b -14 -208 -16 -208 -14 -208 b -9 -206 -14 -208 -12 -208 b 74 -124 23 -197 54 -166 b 172 224 98 -79 125 22 b 185 276 178 252 183 274 b 185 276 185 276 185 276 b 141 276 185 276 181 276 b 91 280 96 276 96 276 b 77 302 83 285 77 294 b 91 326 77 312 83 320 b 148 328 95 328 96 328 l 198 330 l 202 341 b 460 574 249 473 351 566 "},vbf:{x_min:-53.078125,x_max:513.140625,ha:485,o:"m 185 383 b 196 384 187 383 191 384 b 277 334 230 384 259 365 b 288 301 281 324 288 306 b 288 297 288 298 288 297 b 294 302 289 297 291 299 b 394 370 323 338 367 367 b 404 371 398 370 401 371 b 510 272 453 371 498 328 b 513 237 513 262 513 251 b 507 172 513 217 511 192 b 326 -34 487 59 412 -26 b 314 -36 322 -36 318 -36 b 274 -24 298 -36 283 -31 l 265 -16 b 224 44 246 -1 232 20 b 223 49 224 47 223 49 b 223 49 223 49 223 49 b 149 -197 221 48 149 -194 b 149 -198 149 -197 149 -198 b 170 -210 149 -202 155 -205 b 187 -215 174 -210 175 -212 b 204 -231 201 -219 204 -222 b 197 -245 204 -240 202 -242 l 194 -248 l 76 -248 l -42 -248 l -46 -245 b -53 -231 -51 -242 -53 -240 b -35 -215 -53 -222 -49 -217 b -13 -210 -21 -212 -20 -212 b -6 -208 -10 -209 -8 -208 b 0 -206 -6 -208 -2 -206 b 25 -188 13 -201 21 -195 b 163 280 28 -183 163 276 b 166 291 163 283 164 287 b 167 302 167 295 167 299 b 155 324 167 315 161 324 b 155 324 155 324 155 324 b 65 230 125 322 85 280 b 53 215 61 217 58 215 b 51 215 53 215 51 215 b 42 224 46 215 42 217 b 57 263 42 231 47 244 b 140 360 77 305 104 337 b 152 370 144 365 149 369 b 185 383 157 376 172 381 m 374 306 b 366 308 371 308 368 308 b 300 273 348 308 321 294 b 284 254 288 262 287 259 b 280 242 283 249 281 245 b 257 169 279 240 270 213 l 236 98 l 236 93 b 251 48 238 77 243 61 b 279 27 258 37 272 27 b 281 27 279 27 280 27 b 291 31 281 27 287 30 b 396 170 334 52 378 109 b 406 247 402 197 406 224 b 401 277 406 259 405 270 b 374 306 397 290 383 303 "},vc3:{x_min:-10.890625,x_max:299.4375,ha:294,o:"m 136 460 b 142 462 137 462 140 462 b 166 449 152 462 161 456 b 171 428 168 446 168 445 b 288 131 194 322 238 209 b 298 115 295 120 296 117 b 299 106 298 112 299 109 b 273 81 299 91 287 81 b 255 86 268 81 261 83 b 155 116 225 104 183 116 l 152 116 l 149 108 b 141 83 148 102 144 91 b 134 48 137 69 134 58 b 149 9 134 34 140 24 b 153 -1 152 5 153 1 b 149 -9 153 -5 152 -6 b 144 -11 148 -11 147 -11 b 122 2 138 -11 133 -6 b 95 61 104 20 95 38 b 107 108 95 74 99 90 b 108 113 107 111 108 112 b 107 113 108 113 108 113 b 102 113 106 113 104 113 b 31 86 76 108 53 98 b 14 80 24 81 20 80 b -10 106 0 80 -10 91 b 0 131 -10 115 -9 116 b 115 430 49 209 91 317 b 136 460 119 451 123 456 "}},cssFontWeight:"normal",ascender:1903,underlinePosition:-125,cssFontStyle:"normal",boundingBox:{yMin:-2065.375,xMin:-695.53125,yMax:1901.578125,xMax:1159.671875},resolution:1e3,descender:-2066,familyName:"VexFlow-18",lineHeight:4093,underlineThickness:50}; -Vex.Flow.renderGlyph=function(t,i,e,s,n,o){var h=72*s/(100*Vex.Flow.Font.resolution),r=Vex.Flow.Glyph.loadMetrics(Vex.Flow.Font,n,!o);Vex.Flow.Glyph.renderOutline(t,r.outline,h,i,e)},Vex.Flow.Glyph=function(){function t(t,i,e){this.code=t,this.point=i,this.context=null,this.options={cache:!0,font:Vex.Flow.Font},this.width=null,this.metrics=null,this.x_shift=0,this.y_shift=0,e?this.setOptions(e):this.reset()}return t.prototype={setOptions:function(t){Vex.Merge(this.options,t),this.reset()},setStave:function(t){return this.stave=t,this},setXShift:function(t){return this.x_shift=t,this},setYShift:function(t){return this.y_shift=t,this},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},getContext:function(){return this.context},reset:function(){this.metrics=Vex.Flow.Glyph.loadMetrics(this.options.font,this.code,this.options.cache),this.scale=72*this.point/(100*this.options.font.resolution)},getMetrics:function(){if(!this.metrics)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadGlyph","Glyph "+this.code+" is not initialized.");return{x_min:this.metrics.x_min*this.scale,x_max:this.metrics.x_max*this.scale,width:(this.metrics.x_max-this.metrics.x_min)*this.scale,height:this.metrics.ha*this.scale}},render:function(i,e,s){if(!this.metrics)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadGlyph","Glyph "+this.code+" is not initialized.");var n=this.metrics.outline,o=this.scale;t.renderOutline(i,n,o,e,s)},renderToStave:function(i){if(!this.metrics)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadGlyph","Glyph "+this.code+" is not initialized.");if(!this.stave)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("GlyphError","No valid stave");if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("GlyphError","No valid context");var e=this.metrics.outline,s=this.scale;t.renderOutline(this.context,e,s,i+this.x_shift,this.stave.getYForGlyphs()+this.y_shift)}},t.loadMetrics=function(t,i,e){var s=t.glyphs[i];if(!s)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadGlyph","Glyph "+i+" does not exist in font.");var n,o=s.x_min,h=s.x_max,r=s.ha;if(s.o)return e?s.cached_outline?n=s.cached_outline:(n=s.o.split(" "),s.cached_outline=n):(s.cached_outline&&delete s.cached_outline,n=s.o.split(" ")),{x_min:o,x_max:h,ha:r,outline:n};throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadGlyph","Glyph "+this.code+" has no outline defined.")},t.renderOutline=function(t,i,e,s,n){var o=i.length;t.beginPath(),t.moveTo(s,n);for(var h=0;o>h;){var r=i[h++];switch(r){case"m":t.moveTo(s+i[h++]*e,n+i[h++]*-e);break;case"l":t.lineTo(s+i[h++]*e,n+i[h++]*-e);break;case"q":var l=s+i[h++]*e,c=n+i[h++]*-e;t.quadraticCurveTo(s+i[h++]*e,n+i[h++]*-e,l,c);break;case"b":var a=s+i[h++]*e,u=n+i[h++]*-e;t.bezierCurveTo(s+i[h++]*e,n+i[h++]*-e,s+i[h++]*e,n+i[h++]*-e,a,u)}}t.fill()},t}();Vex.Flow.Stave=function(){function t(t,i,e,n){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,i,e,n)}var i=Vex.Flow.STAVE_LINE_THICKNESS>1?Vex.Flow.STAVE_LINE_THICKNESS:0;return t.prototype={init:function(t,i,e,n){this.x=t,this.y=i,this.width=e,this.glyph_start_x=t+5,this.glyph_end_x=t+e,this.start_x=this.glyph_start_x,this.end_x=this.glyph_end_x,this.context=null,this.glyphs=[],this.end_glyphs=[],this.modifiers=[],this.measure=0,this.clef="treble",this.font={family:"sans-serif",size:8,weight:""},this.options={vertical_bar_width:10,glyph_spacing_px:10,num_lines:5,fill_style:"#999999",spacing_between_lines_px:10,space_above_staff_ln:4,space_below_staff_ln:4,top_text_position:1},this.bounds={x:this.x,y:this.y,w:this.width,h:0},Vex.Merge(this.options,n),this.resetLines(),this.modifiers.push(new Vex.Flow.Barline(Vex.Flow.Barline.type.SINGLE,this.x)),this.modifiers.push(new Vex.Flow.Barline(Vex.Flow.Barline.type.SINGLE,this.x+this.width))},resetLines:function(){this.options.line_config=[];for(var t=0;t2&&(t+=20),t},getNoteEndX:function(){return this.end_x},getTieStartX:function(){return this.start_x},getTieEndX:function(){return this.x+this.width},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},getContext:function(){return this.context},getX:function(){return this.x},getNumLines:function(){return this.options.num_lines},setNumLines:function(t){return this.options.num_lines=parseInt(t,10),this.resetLines(),this},setY:function(t){return this.y=t,this},setWidth:function(t){return this.width=t,this.glyph_end_x=this.x+t,this.end_x=this.glyph_end_x,this.modifiers[1].setX(this.end_x),this},getWidth:function(){return this.width},setMeasure:function(t){return this.measure=t,this},setBegBarType:function(t){return(t==Vex.Flow.Barline.type.SINGLE||t==Vex.Flow.Barline.type.REPEAT_BEGIN||t==Vex.Flow.Barline.type.NONE)&&(this.modifiers[0]=new Vex.Flow.Barline(t,this.x)),this},setEndBarType:function(t){return t!=Vex.Flow.Barline.type.REPEAT_BEGIN&&(this.modifiers[1]=new Vex.Flow.Barline(t,this.x+this.width)),this},getModifierXShift:function(t){"undefined"==typeof t&&(t=this.glyphs.length-1),"number"!=typeof t&&new Vex.RERR("InvalidIndex","Must be of number type");for(var i=this.glyph_start_x,e=0,n=0;t+1>n;++n){var s=this.glyphs[n];i+=s.getMetrics().width,e+=s.getMetrics().width}return e>0&&(e+=this.options.vertical_bar_width+10),e},setRepetitionTypeLeft:function(t,i){return this.modifiers.push(new Vex.Flow.Repetition(t,this.x,i)),this},setRepetitionTypeRight:function(t,i){return this.modifiers.push(new Vex.Flow.Repetition(t,this.x,i)),this},setVoltaType:function(t,i,e){return this.modifiers.push(new Vex.Flow.Volta(t,i,this.x,e)),this},setSection:function(t,i){return this.modifiers.push(new Vex.Flow.StaveSection(t,this.x,i)),this},setTempo:function(t,i){return this.modifiers.push(new Vex.Flow.StaveTempo(t,this.x,i)),this},setText:function(t,i,e){return this.modifiers.push(new Vex.Flow.StaveText(t,i,e)),this},getHeight:function(){return this.height},getSpacingBetweenLines:function(){return this.options.spacing_between_lines_px},getBoundingBox:function(){return new Vex.Flow.BoundingBox(this.x,this.y,this.width,this.getBottomY()-this.y)},getBottomY:function(){var t=this.options,i=t.spacing_between_lines_px,e=this.getYForLine(t.num_lines)+t.space_below_staff_ln*i;return e},getBottomLineY:function(){return this.getYForLine(this.options.num_lines)},getYForLine:function(t){var e=this.options,n=e.spacing_between_lines_px,s=e.space_above_staff_ln,o=this.y+(t*n+s*n)-i/2;return o},getYForTopText:function(t){var i=t||0;return this.getYForLine(-i-this.options.top_text_position)},getYForBottomText:function(t){var i=t||0;return this.getYForLine(this.options.bottom_text_position+i)},getYForNote:function(t){var i=this.options,e=i.spacing_between_lines_px,n=i.space_above_staff_ln,s=this.y+n*e+5*e-t*e;return s},getYForGlyphs:function(){return this.getYForLine(3)},addGlyph:function(t){return t.setStave(this),this.glyphs.push(t),this.start_x+=t.getMetrics().width,this},addEndGlyph:function(t){return t.setStave(this),this.end_glyphs.push(t),this.end_x-=t.getMetrics().width,this},addModifier:function(t){return this.modifiers.push(t),t.addToStave(this,0===this.glyphs.length),this},addEndModifier:function(t){return this.modifiers.push(t),t.addToStaveEnd(this,0===this.end_glyphs.length),this},addKeySignature:function(t){return this.addModifier(new Vex.Flow.KeySignature(t)),this},addClef:function(t){return this.clef=t,this.addModifier(new Vex.Flow.Clef(t)),this},addEndClef:function(t){return this.addEndModifier(new Vex.Flow.Clef(t)),this},addTimeSignature:function(t,i){return this.addModifier(new Vex.Flow.TimeSignature(t,i)),this},addEndTimeSignature:function(t,i){this.addEndModifier(new Vex.Flow.TimeSignature(t,i))},addTrebleGlyph:function(){return this.clef="treble",this.addGlyph(new Vex.Flow.Glyph("v83",40)),this},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");for(var t,i,e=this.options.num_lines,n=this.width,s=this.x,o=0;e>o;o++)t=this.getYForLine(o),this.context.save(),this.context.setFillStyle(this.options.fill_style),this.context.setStrokeStyle(this.options.fill_style),this.options.line_config[o].visible&&this.context.fillRect(s,t,n,Vex.Flow.STAVE_LINE_THICKNESS),this.context.restore();s=this.glyph_start_x;for(var h=0;h0){this.context.save(),this.context.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight);var r=this.context.measureText(""+this.measure).width;t=this.getYForTopText(0)+3,this.context.fillText(""+this.measure,this.x-r/2,t),this.context.restore()}return this},drawVertical:function(t,i){this.drawVerticalFixed(this.x+t,i)},drawVerticalFixed:function(t,i){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var e=this.getYForLine(0),n=this.getYForLine(this.options.num_lines-1);i&&this.context.fillRect(t-3,e,1,n-e+1),this.context.fillRect(t,e,1,n-e+1)},drawVerticalBar:function(t){this.drawVerticalBarFixed(this.x+t,!1)},drawVerticalBarFixed:function(t){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var i=this.getYForLine(0),e=this.getYForLine(this.options.num_lines-1);this.context.fillRect(t,i,1,e-i+1)},getConfigForLines:function(){return this.options.line_config},setConfigForLine:function(t,i){if(t>=this.options.num_lines||0>t)throw new Vex.RERR("StaveConfigError","The line number must be within the range of the number of lines in the Stave.");if(!i.hasOwnProperty("visible"))throw new Vex.RERR("StaveConfigError","The line configuration object is missing the 'visible' property.");if("boolean"!=typeof i.visible)throw new Vex.RERR("StaveConfigError","The line configuration objects 'visible' property must be true or false.");return this.options.line_config[t]=i,this},setConfigForLines:function(t){if(t.length!==this.options.num_lines)throw new Vex.RERR("StaveConfigError","The length of the lines configuration array must match the number of lines in the Stave");for(var i in t)t[i]||(t[i]=this.options.line_config[i]),Vex.Merge(this.options.line_config[i],t[i]);return this.options.line_config=t,this}},t}();Vex.Flow.StaveConnector=function(){function t(t,e){this.init(t,e)}function e(e,i,s,h,o){if(i!==t.type.BOLD_DOUBLE_LEFT&&i!==t.type.BOLD_DOUBLE_RIGHT)throw Vex.RERR("InvalidConnector","A REPEAT_BEGIN or REPEAT_END type must be provided.");var n=3,_=3.5,r=2;i===t.type.BOLD_DOUBLE_RIGHT&&(n=-5,_=3),e.fillRect(s+n,h,1,o-h),e.fillRect(s-r,h,_,o-h)}t.type={SINGLE_RIGHT:0,SINGLE_LEFT:1,SINGLE:1,DOUBLE:2,BRACE:3,BRACKET:4,BOLD_DOUBLE_LEFT:5,BOLD_DOUBLE_RIGHT:6,THIN_DOUBLE:7};var i=Vex.Flow.STAVE_LINE_THICKNESS;return t.prototype={init:function(e,i){this.width=3,this.top_stave=e,this.bottom_stave=i,this.type=t.type.DOUBLE,this.x_shift=0},setContext:function(t){return this.ctx=t,this},setType:function(e){return e>=t.type.SINGLE_RIGHT&&e<=t.type.THIN_DOUBLE&&(this.type=e),this},setText:function(t,e){return this.text=t,this.text_options={shift_x:0,shift_y:0},Vex.Merge(this.text_options,e),this.font={family:"times",size:16,weight:"normal"},this},setFont:function(t){Vex.Merge(this.font,t)},setXShift:function(t){if("number"!=typeof t)throw Vex.RERR("InvalidType","x_shift must be a Number");return this.x_shift=t,this},draw:function(){if(!this.ctx)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw without a context.");var s=this.top_stave.getYForLine(0),h=this.bottom_stave.getYForLine(this.bottom_stave.getNumLines()-1)+i,o=this.width,n=this.top_stave.getX(),_=this.type===t.type.SINGLE_RIGHT||this.type===t.type.BOLD_DOUBLE_RIGHT||this.type===t.type.THIN_DOUBLE;_&&(n=this.top_stave.getX()+this.top_stave.width);var r=h-s;switch(this.type){case t.type.SINGLE:o=1;break;case t.type.SINGLE_LEFT:o=1;break;case t.type.SINGLE_RIGHT:o=1;break;case t.type.DOUBLE:n-=this.width+2;break;case t.type.BRACE:o=12;var p=this.top_stave.getX()-2,x=s,a=p,c=h,E=p-o,L=x+r/2,y=E-.9*o,f=x+.2*r,T=p+1.1*o,B=L-.135*r,v=T,R=L+.135*r,D=y,I=c-.2*r,O=E-o,u=I,l=p+.4*o,b=L+.135*r,G=l,w=L-.135*r,N=O,U=f;this.ctx.beginPath(),this.ctx.moveTo(p,x),this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(y,f,T,B,E,L),this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(v,R,D,I,a,c),this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(O,u,l,b,E,L),this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(G,w,N,U,p,x),this.ctx.fill(),this.ctx.stroke();break;case t.type.BRACKET:s-=4,h+=4,r=h-s,Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.ctx,n-5,s-3,40,"v1b",!0),Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.ctx,n-5,h+3,40,"v10",!0),n-=this.width+2;break;case t.type.BOLD_DOUBLE_LEFT:e(this.ctx,this.type,n+this.x_shift,s,h);break;case t.type.BOLD_DOUBLE_RIGHT:e(this.ctx,this.type,n,s,h);break;case t.type.THIN_DOUBLE:o=1}if(this.type!==t.type.BRACE&&this.type!==t.type.BOLD_DOUBLE_LEFT&&this.type!==t.type.BOLD_DOUBLE_RIGHT&&this.ctx.fillRect(n,s,o,r),this.type===t.type.THIN_DOUBLE&&this.ctx.fillRect(n-3,s,o,r),void 0!==this.text){this.ctx.save(),this.ctx.lineWidth=2,this.ctx.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight);var d=this.ctx.measureText(""+this.text).width,m=this.top_stave.getX()-d-24+this.text_options.shift_x,H=(this.top_stave.getYForLine(0)+this.bottom_stave.getBottomLineY())/2+this.text_options.shift_y;this.ctx.fillText(""+this.text,m,H+4),this.ctx.restore()}}},t}();Vex.Flow.TabStave=function(){function e(e,t,n,i){arguments.length>0&&this.init(e,t,n,i)}return Vex.Inherit(e,Vex.Flow.Stave,{init:function(t,n,i,s){var a={spacing_between_lines_px:13,num_lines:6,top_text_position:1};Vex.Merge(a,s),e.superclass.init.call(this,t,n,i,a)},getYForGlyphs:function(){return this.getYForLine(2.5)},addTabGlyph:function(){var e,t;switch(this.options.num_lines){case 8:e=55,t=14;break;case 7:e=47,t=8;break;case 6:e=40,t=1;break;case 5:e=30,t=-6;break;case 4:e=23,t=-12}var n=new Vex.Flow.Glyph("v2f",e);return n.y_shift=t,this.addGlyph(n),this}}),e}();Vex.Flow.TickContext=function(){function t(){this.init()}return t.prototype={init:function(){this.currentTick=new Vex.Flow.Fraction(0,1),this.maxTicks=new Vex.Flow.Fraction(0,1),this.minTicks=null,this.width=0,this.padding=3,this.pixelsUsed=0,this.x=0,this.tickables=[],this.notePx=0,this.extraLeftPx=0,this.extraRightPx=0,this.ignore_ticks=!0,this.preFormatted=!1,this.postFormatted=!1,this.context=null},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},getContext:function(){return this.context},shouldIgnoreTicks:function(){return this.ignore_ticks},getWidth:function(){return this.width+2*this.padding},getX:function(){return this.x},setX:function(t){return this.x=t,this},getPixelsUsed:function(){return this.pixelsUsed},setPixelsUsed:function(t){return this.pixelsUsed=t,this},setPadding:function(t){return this.padding=t,this},getMaxTicks:function(){return this.maxTicks},getMinTicks:function(){return this.minTicks},getTickables:function(){return this.tickables},getMetrics:function(){return{width:this.width,notePx:this.notePx,extraLeftPx:this.extraLeftPx,extraRightPx:this.extraRightPx}},getCurrentTick:function(){return this.currentTick},setCurrentTick:function(t){this.currentTick=t,this.preFormatted=!1},getExtraPx:function(){for(var t=0,i=0,e=0,s=0,n=0;nthis.maxTicks.value()&&(this.maxTicks=i.clone()),null==this.minTicks?this.minTicks=i.clone():i.value()0&&this.init(t)}return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.Tickable,{init:function(e){if(t.superclass.init.call(this),!e)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Note must have valid initialization data to identify duration and type.");var i=Vex.Flow.parseNoteData(e);if(!i)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Invalid note initialization object: "+JSON.stringify(e));if(this.duration=i.duration,this.dots=i.dots,this.noteType=i.type,this.setIntrinsicTicks(i.ticks),this.modifiers=[],this.glyph=Vex.Flow.durationToGlyph(this.duration,this.noteType),this.positions&&("object"!=typeof this.positions||!this.positions.length))throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Note keys must be array type.");this.playNote=null,this.tickContext=null,this.modifierContext=null,this.ignore_ticks=!1,this.width=0,this.extraLeftPx=0,this.extraRightPx=0,this.x_shift=0,this.left_modPx=0,this.right_modPx=0,this.voice=null,this.preFormatted=!1,this.ys=[],this.context=null,this.stave=null,this.render_options={annotation_spacing:5,stave_padding:12}},getPlayNote:function(){return this.playNote},setPlayNote:function(t){return this.playNote=t,this},isRest:function(){return!1},addStroke:function(t,e){return e.setNote(this),e.setIndex(t),this.modifiers.push(e),this.setPreFormatted(!1),this},getStave:function(){return this.stave},setStave:function(t){return this.stave=t,this.setYs([t.getYForLine(0)]),this.context=this.stave.context,this},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},getExtraLeftPx:function(){return this.extraLeftPx},getExtraRightPx:function(){return this.extraRightPx},setExtraLeftPx:function(t){return this.extraLeftPx=t,this},setExtraRightPx:function(t){return this.extraRightPx=t,this},shouldIgnoreTicks:function(){return this.ignore_ticks},getLineNumber:function(){return 0},getLineForRest:function(){return 0},getGlyph:function(){return this.glyph},setYs:function(t){return this.ys=t,this},getYs:function(){if(0===this.ys.length)throw new Vex.RERR("NoYValues","No Y-values calculated for this note.");return this.ys},getYForTopText:function(t){if(!this.stave)throw new Vex.RERR("NoStave","No stave attached to this note.");return this.stave.getYForTopText(t)},getBoundingBox:function(){return null},getVoice:function(){if(!this.voice)throw new Vex.RERR("NoVoice","Note has no voice.");return this.voice},setVoice:function(t){return this.voice=t,this.preFormatted=!1,this},getTickContext:function(){return this.tickContext},setTickContext:function(t){return this.tickContext=t,this.preFormatted=!1,this},getDuration:function(){return this.duration},isDotted:function(){return this.dots>0},hasStem:function(){return!1},getDots:function(){return this.dots},getNoteType:function(){return this.noteType},setBeam:function(){return this},setModifierContext:function(t){return this.modifierContext=t,this},addModifier:function(t,e){return t.setNote(this),t.setIndex(e||0),this.modifiers.push(t),this.setPreFormatted(!1),this},getModifierStartXY:function(){if(!this.preFormatted)throw new Vex.RERR("UnformattedNote","Can't call GetModifierStartXY on an unformatted note");return{x:this.getAbsoluteX(),y:this.ys[0]}},getMetrics:function(){if(!this.preFormatted)throw new Vex.RERR("UnformattedNote","Can't call getMetrics on an unformatted note.");var t=0,e=0;null!=this.modifierContext&&(t=this.modifierContext.state.left_shift,e=this.modifierContext.state.right_shift);var i=this.getWidth();return{width:i,noteWidth:i-t-e-this.extraLeftPx-this.extraRightPx,left_shift:this.x_shift,modLeftPx:t,modRightPx:e,extraLeftPx:this.extraLeftPx,extraRightPx:this.extraRightPx}},setWidth:function(t){this.width=t},getWidth:function(){if(!this.preFormatted)throw new Vex.RERR("UnformattedNote","Can't call GetWidth on an unformatted note.");return this.width+(this.modifierContext?this.modifierContext.getWidth():0)},setXShift:function(t){return this.x_shift=t,this},getX:function(){if(!this.tickContext)throw new Vex.RERR("NoTickContext","Note needs a TickContext assigned for an X-Value");return this.tickContext.getX()+this.x_shift},getAbsoluteX:function(){if(!this.tickContext)throw new Vex.RERR("NoTickContext","Note needs a TickContext assigned for an X-Value");var t=this.tickContext.getX();return this.stave&&(t+=this.stave.getNoteStartX()+this.render_options.stave_padding),t},setPreFormatted:function(t){if(this.preFormatted=t,this.preFormatted){var e=this.tickContext.getExtraPx();this.left_modPx=Math.max(this.left_modPx,e.left),this.right_modPx=Math.max(this.right_modPx,e.right)}}}),t}();Vex.Flow.NoteHead=function(){function t(){i.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.NoteHead",arguments)}function e(t,e,i,s,n){var o=15+Vex.Flow.STEM_WIDTH/2;t.setLineWidth(Vex.Flow.STEM_WIDTH);var h=!1;1!=e&&2!=e&&"h"!=e&&"w"!=e&&(h=!0),h||(i-=Vex.Flow.STEM_WIDTH/2*n),t.beginPath(),t.moveTo(i,s+11),t.lineTo(i,s+1),t.lineTo(i+o,s-10),t.lineTo(i+o,s),t.lineTo(i,s+11),t.closePath(),h?t.fill():t.stroke(),t.setLineWidth(1)}var i=function(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)};return Vex.Inherit(i,Vex.Flow.Note,{init:function(t){if(i.superclass.init.call(this,t),this.index=t.index,this.x=t.x||0,this.y=t.y||0,this.note_type=t.note_type,this.duration=t.duration,this.displaced=t.displaced||!1,this.stem_direction=t.stem_direction||Vex.Flow.StaveNote.STEM_UP,this.line=t.line,this.glyph=Vex.Flow.durationToGlyph(this.duration,this.note_type),!this.glyph)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","No glyph found for duration '"+this.duration+"' and type '"+this.note_type+"'");this.glyph_code=this.glyph.code_head,this.x_shift=t.x_shift,t.custom_glyph_code&&(this.custom_glyph=!0,this.glyph_code=t.custom_glyph_code),this.context=null,this.style=t.style,this.slashed=t.slashed,Vex.Merge(this.render_options,{glyph_font_scale:35,stroke_px:3}),t.glyph_font_scale&&(this.render_options.glyph_font_scale=t.glyph_font_scale),this.setWidth(this.glyph.head_width)},getCategory:function(){return"notehead"},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},getWidth:function(){return this.width},isDisplaced:function(){return this.displaced===!0},getStyle:function(){return this.style},setStyle:function(t){return this.style=t,this},getGlyph:function(){return this.glyph},setX:function(t){return this.x=t,this},getY:function(){return this.y},setY:function(t){return this.y=t,this},getLine:function(){return this.line},getAbsoluteX:function(){var t=i.superclass.getAbsoluteX,e=this.preFormatted?t.call(this):this.x;return e+(this.displaced?this.width*this.stem_direction:0)},getBoundingBox:function(){if(!this.preFormatted)throw new Vex.RERR("UnformattedNote","Can't call getBoundingBox on an unformatted note.");var t=this.stave.getSpacingBetweenLines(),e=t/2,i=this.y-e;return new Vex.Flow.BoundingBox(this.getAbsoluteX(),i,this.width,t)},applyStyle:function(t){var e=this.getStyle();return e.shadowColor&&t.setShadowColor(e.shadowColor),e.shadowBlur&&t.setShadowBlur(e.shadowBlur),e.fillStyle&&t.setFillStyle(e.fillStyle),e.strokeStyle&&t.setStrokeStyle(e.strokeStyle),this},setStave:function(t){var e=this.getLine();return this.stave=t,this.setY(t.getYForNote(e)),this.context=this.stave.context,this},preFormat:function(){if(this.preFormatted)return this;var t=this.getGlyph(),e=t.head_width+this.extraLeftPx+this.extraRightPx;return this.setWidth(e),this.setPreFormatted(!0),this},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");var i=this.context,s=this.getAbsoluteX(),n=this.y;t("Drawing note head '",this.note_type,this.duration,"' at",s,n);var o=this.stem_direction,h=this.render_options.glyph_font_scale,r=this.line;if(0>=r||r>=6){var l=n,a=Math.floor(r);0>r&&a-r==-.5?l-=5:r>6&&a-r==-.5&&(l+=5),i.fillRect(s-this.render_options.stroke_px,l,this.getGlyph().head_width+2*this.render_options.stroke_px,1)}"s"==this.note_type?e(i,this.duration,s,n,o):this.style?(i.save(),this.applyStyle(i),Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(i,s,n,h,this.glyph_code),i.restore()):Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(i,s,n,h,this.glyph_code)}}),i}();Vex.Flow.Stem=function(){function t(){e.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.Stem",arguments)}var e=function(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)};return e.UP=1,e.DOWN=-1,e.WIDTH=Vex.Flow.STEM_WIDTH,e.HEIGHT=Vex.Flow.STEM_HEIGHT,e.prototype={init:function(t){this.x_begin=t.x_begin||0,this.x_end=t.x_end||0,this.y_top=t.y_top||0,this.y_bottom=t.y_bottom||0,this.y_extend=t.y_extend||0,this.stem_extension=t.stem_extension||0,this.stem_direction=t.stem_direction||0,this.hide=!1},setNoteHeadXBounds:function(t,e){return this.x_begin=t,this.x_end=e,this},setDirection:function(t){this.stem_direction=t},setExtension:function(t){this.stem_extension=t},setYBounds:function(t,e){this.y_top=t,this.y_bottom=e},getCategory:function(){return"stem"},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},getHeight:function(){return(this.y_bottom-this.y_top)*this.stem_direction+(e.HEIGHT+this.stem_extension)*this.stem_direction},getBoundingBox:function(){throw new Vex.RERR("NotImplemented","getBoundingBox() not implemented.")},getExtents:function(){for(var t=[this.y_top,this.y_bottom],i=this.y_top,n=this.y_bottom,o=e.HEIGHT+this.stem_extension,s=0;sh?i:h,n=ni?i:h,n=n>t[s]?n:t[s])}return{topY:i,baseY:n}},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");if(!this.hide){var i,n,o=this.context,s=this.stem_direction;s==e.DOWN?(i=this.x_begin+e.WIDTH/2,n=this.y_top+2):(i=this.x_end+e.WIDTH/2,n=this.y_bottom-2),n+=this.y_extend*s,t("Rendering stem - ","Top Y: ",this.y_top,"Bottom Y: ",this.y_bottom),o.beginPath(),o.setLineWidth(e.WIDTH),o.moveTo(i,n),o.lineTo(i,n-this.getHeight()),o.stroke(),o.setLineWidth(1)}}},e}();Vex.Flow.StemmableNote=function(){function t(){e.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.StemmableNote",arguments)}var e=function(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)},s=Vex.Flow.Stem;return Vex.Inherit(e,Vex.Flow.Note,{init:function(t){e.superclass.init.call(this,t),this.stem=null,this.stem_extension_override=null,this.beam=null},getStem:function(){return this.stem},setStem:function(t){return this.stem=t,this},buildStem:function(){var t=new s;return this.setStem(t),this},getStemLength:function(){return s.HEIGHT+this.getStemExtension()},getBeamCount:function(){var t=this.getGlyph();return t?t.beam_count:0},getStemMinumumLength:function(){var t="w"==this.duration||"1"==this.duration?0:20;switch(this.duration){case"8":null==this.beam&&(t=35);break;case"16":t=null==this.beam?35:25;break;case"32":t=null==this.beam?45:35;break;case"64":t=null==this.beam?50:40;break;case"128":t=null==this.beam?55:45}return t},getStemDirection:function(){return this.stem_direction},setStemDirection:function(t){if(t||(t=s.UP),t!=s.UP&&t!=s.DOWN)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArgument","Invalid stem direction: "+t);return this.stem_direction=t,this.stem&&(this.stem.setDirection(t),this.stem.setExtension(this.getStemExtension())),this.beam=null,this.preFormatted&&this.preFormat(),this},getStemX:function(){var t=this.getAbsoluteX()+this.x_shift,e=this.getAbsoluteX()+this.x_shift+this.glyph.head_width,i=this.stem_direction==s.DOWN?t:e;return i-=s.WIDTH/2*this.stem_direction},getCenterGlyphX:function(){return this.getAbsoluteX()+this.x_shift+this.glyph.head_width/2},getStemExtension:function(){var t=this.getGlyph();return null!=this.stem_extension_override?this.stem_extension_override:t?1===this.getStemDirection()?t.stem_up_extension:t.stem_down_extension:0},setStemLength:function(t){return this.stem_extension_override=t-s.HEIGHT,this},getStemExtents:function(){if(!this.ys||0===this.ys.length)throw new Vex.RERR("NoYValues","Can't get top stem Y when note has no Y values.");for(var e=this.ys[0],i=this.ys[0],n=s.HEIGHT+this.getStemExtension(),o=0;oh?e:h,i=ie?e:h,i=i>this.ys[o]?i:this.ys[o]),("s"==this.noteType||"x"==this.noteType)&&(e-=7*this.stem_direction,i-=7*this.stem_direction)}return t("Stem extents: ",e,i),{topY:e,baseY:i}},setBeam:function(t){return this.beam=t,this},getYForTopText:function(t){var e=this.getStemExtents();return this.hasStem()?Vex.Min(this.stave.getYForTopText(t),e.topY-this.render_options.annotation_spacing*(t+1)):this.stave.getYForTopText(t)},getYForBottomText:function(t){var e=this.getStemExtents();return this.hasStem()?Vex.Max(this.stave.getYForTopText(t),e.baseY+this.render_options.annotation_spacing*t):this.stave.getYForBottomText(t)},postFormat:function(){return this.beam&&this.beam.postFormat(),this.postFormatted=!0,this},drawStem:function(t){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");this.setStem(new s(t)),this.stem.setContext(this.context).draw()}}),e}();Vex.Flow.StaveNote=function(){function t(){e.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.StaveNote",arguments)}var e=function(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)},i=Vex.Flow.Stem,s=Vex.Flow.NoteHead;return e.STEM_UP=i.UP,e.STEM_DOWN=i.DOWN,Vex.Inherit(e,Vex.Flow.StemmableNote,{init:function(t){if(e.superclass.init.call(this,t),this.keys=t.keys,this.clef=t.clef,this.beam=null,this.glyph=Vex.Flow.durationToGlyph(this.duration,this.noteType),!this.glyph)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Invalid note initialization data (No glyph found): "+JSON.stringify(t));this.displaced=!1,this.dot_shiftY=0,this.keyProps=[],this.use_default_head_x=!1,this.note_heads=[],this.modifiers=[],Vex.Merge(this.render_options,{glyph_font_scale:35,stroke_px:3}),this.calculateKeyProps(),this.buildStem(),t.auto_stem?this.autoStem():this.setStemDirection(t.stem_direction),this.buildNoteHeads(),this.calcExtraPx()},buildStem:function(){var t=this.getGlyph(),e=0;("v95"==t.code_head||"v3e"==t.code_head)&&(e=-4);var s=new i({y_extend:e});this.isRest()&&(s.hide=!0),this.setStem(s)},buildNoteHeads:function(){var t=this.getStemDirection(),e=this.getKeys(),n=null,o=null,h=!1,r=0,a=e.length,d=1;t===i.DOWN&&(r=e.length-1,a=-1,d=-1);for(var l=r;l!=a;l+=d){var u=this.keyProps[l],f=u.line;null===n?n=f:(o=Math.abs(n-f),0===o||.5===o?h=!h:(h=!1,this.use_default_head_x=!0)),n=f;var c=new s({duration:this.duration,note_type:this.noteType,displaced:h,stem_direction:t,custom_glyph_code:u.code,glyph_font_scale:this.render_options.glyph_font_scale,x_shift:u.shift_right,line:u.line});this.note_heads[l]=c}},autoStem:function(){var t;this.min_line=this.keyProps[0].line,this.max_line=this.keyProps[this.keyProps.length-1].line;var e=(this.min_line+this.max_line)/2;t=3>e?1:-1,this.setStemDirection(t)},calculateKeyProps:function(){for(var t=null,e=0;e0&&(this.keyProps[e-1].displaced=!0)),t=n,this.keyProps.push(s)}this.keyProps.sort(function(t,e){return t.line-e.line})},getCategory:function(){return"stavenotes"},getBoundingBox:function(){if(!this.preFormatted)throw new Vex.RERR("UnformattedNote","Can't call getBoundingBox on an unformatted note.");var t=this.getMetrics(),e=t.width,i=this.getAbsoluteX()-t.modLeftPx-t.extraLeftPx,s=0,n=0,o=this.getStave().getSpacingBetweenLines()/2,h=2*o;if(this.isRest()){var r=this.ys[0];"w"==this.duration||"h"==this.duration||"1"==this.duration||"2"==this.duration?(s=r-o,n=r+o):(s=r-this.glyph.line_above*h,n=r+this.glyph.line_below*h)}else if(this.glyph.stem){var a=this.getStemExtents();a.baseY+=o*this.stem_direction,s=Vex.Min(a.topY,a.baseY),n=Vex.Max(a.topY,a.baseY)}else{s=null,n=null;for(var d=0;de?e=s:e>s&&(e=s))}return e},isRest:function(){return this.glyph.rest},isChord:function(){return!this.isRest()&&this.keys.length>1},hasStem:function(){return this.glyph.stem},getYForTopText:function(t){var e=this.getStemExtents();return Vex.Min(this.stave.getYForTopText(t),e.topY-this.render_options.annotation_spacing*(t+1))},getYForBottomText:function(t){var e=this.getStemExtents();return Vex.Max(this.stave.getYForTopText(t),e.baseY+this.render_options.annotation_spacing*t)},setStave:function(t){var e=Vex.Flow.StaveNote.superclass;e.setStave.call(this,t);var i=this.note_heads.map(function(e){return e.setStave(t),e.getY()});this.setYs(i);var s=this.getNoteHeadBounds();return this.stem.setYBounds(s.y_top,s.y_bottom),this},getKeys:function(){return this.keys},getKeyProps:function(){return this.keyProps},isDisplaced:function(){return this.displaced},setNoteDisplaced:function(t){return this.displaced=t,this},getTieRightX:function(){var t=this.getAbsoluteX();return t+=this.glyph.head_width+this.x_shift+this.extraRightPx,this.modifierContext&&(t+=this.modifierContext.getExtraRightPx()),t},getTieLeftX:function(){var t=this.getAbsoluteX();return t+=this.x_shift-this.extraLeftPx},getLineForRest:function(){var t=this.keyProps[0].line;if(this.keyProps.length>1){var e=this.keyProps[this.keyProps.length-1].line,i=Vex.Max(t,e),s=Vex.Min(t,e);t=Vex.MidLine(i,s)}return t},getModifierStartXY:function(t,e){if(!this.preFormatted)throw new Vex.RERR("UnformattedNote","Can't call GetModifierStartXY on an unformatted note");if(0===this.ys.length)throw new Vex.RERR("NoYValues","No Y-Values calculated for this note.");var i=0;return t==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.LEFT?i=-2:t==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.RIGHT?i=this.glyph.head_width+this.x_shift+2:(t==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.BELOW||t==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.ABOVE)&&(i=this.glyph.head_width/2),{x:this.getAbsoluteX()+i,y:this.ys[e]}},setKeyStyle:function(t,e){return this.note_heads[t].setStyle(e),this},addToModifierContext:function(t){this.setModifierContext(t);for(var e=0;eh)&&(t=h),(null===e||h>e)&&(e=h),i=o>i?o:i,s=s>o?o:s},this),{y_top:t,y_bottom:e,highest_line:i,lowest_line:s}},getNoteHeadBeginX:function(){return this.getAbsoluteX()+this.x_shift},getNoteHeadEndX:function(){var t=this.getNoteHeadBeginX();return t+this.glyph.head_width-Vex.Flow.STEM_WIDTH/2},drawLedgerLines:function(){function t(t){r.use_default_head_x===!0&&(h=r.getAbsoluteX()+r.x_shift);var e=h-r.render_options.stroke_px,s=h+r.glyph.head_width-h+2*r.render_options.stroke_px;i.fillRect(e,t,s,1)}if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");var e,i=this.context,s=this.getNoteHeadBounds(),n=s.highest_line,o=s.lowest_line,h=this.note_heads[0].getAbsoluteX(),r=this;for(e=6;n>=e;++e)t(this.stave.getYForNote(e));for(e=0;e>=o;--e)t(this.stave.getYForNote(e))},drawModifiers:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");for(var t=this.context,e=0;e0&&this.init(t,e)}function e(t,e){for(var i=[],s=[],o=1;t>=o;o++){var n=e.indexOf(o)>-1;n?(i.push(s),s=[]):s.push(o)}return s.length>0&&i.push(s),i}function i(t,e,i,s){var o=1!==s,n=-1!==s,h=i.getSpacingBetweenLines(),r=i.getNumLines(),a=[];return e.forEach(function(e){var d=e.indexOf(r)>-1,u=e.indexOf(1)>-1;if(!(o&&u||n&&d)){1===e.length&&e.push(e[0]);var l=[];e.forEach(function(e,o,n){var a=1===e,d=e===r,u=i.getYForLine(e-1);0!==o||a?o!==n.length-1||d||(u+=h/2-1):u-=h/2-1,l.push(u),1===s&&a?l.push(t-2):-1===s&&d&&l.push(t+2)}),a.push(l.sort(function(t,e){return t-e}))}}),a}var s=Vex.Flow.Stem;return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StemmableNote,{init:function(t,e){var i=Vex.Flow.TabNote.superclass;if(i.init.call(this,t),this.ghost=!1,this.positions=t.positions,Vex.Merge(this.render_options,{glyph_font_scale:30,draw_stem:e,draw_dots:e,draw_stem_through_stave:!1}),this.glyph=Vex.Flow.durationToGlyph(this.duration,this.noteType),!this.glyph)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Invalid note initialization data (No glyph found): "+JSON.stringify(t));this.buildStem(),this.setStemDirection(s.UP),this.ghost=!1,this.updateWidth()},getCategory:function(){return"tabnotes"},setGhost:function(t){return this.ghost=t,this.updateWidth(),this},hasStem:function(){return this.render_options.draw_stem},getStemExtension:function(){var t=this.getGlyph();return null!=this.stem_extension_override?this.stem_extension_override:t?1===this.getStemDirection()?t.tabnote_stem_up_extension:t.tabnote_stem_down_extension:0},addDot:function(){var t=new Vex.Flow.Dot;return this.dots++,this.addModifier(t,0)},updateWidth:function(){this.glyphs=[],this.width=0;for(var t=0;tthis.width?i.width:this.width}},setStave:function(t){var e=Vex.Flow.TabNote.superclass;e.setStave.call(this,t),this.context=t.context,this.width=0;var i;if(this.context)for(i=0;ithis.width?this.glyphs[i].width:this.width}var o=[];for(i=0;i0&&this.init(t)}return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StemmableNote,{init:function(i){if(!i)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Ghost note must have valid initialization data to identify duration.");var e;if("string"==typeof i)e={duration:i};else{if("object"!=typeof i)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Ghost note must have valid initialization data to identify duration.");e=i}t.superclass.init.call(this,e),this.setWidth(0)},isRest:function(){return!0},setStave:function(i){t.superclass.setStave.call(this,i)},addToModifierContext:function(){return this},preFormat:function(){return this.setPreFormatted(!0),this},draw:function(){if(!this.stave)throw new Vex.RERR("NoStave","Can't draw without a stave.");for(var t=0;t0&&this.init(t,i)}return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.Note,{init:function(i,e){t.superclass.init.call(this,{duration:"b"});var s=new Vex.Flow.TimeSignature(i,e);this.timeSig=s.getTimeSig(),this.setWidth(this.timeSig.glyph.getMetrics().width),this.ignore_ticks=!0},setStave:function(t){var i=Vex.Flow.TimeSigNote.superclass;i.setStave.call(this,t)},getBoundingBox:function(){return new Vex.Flow.BoundingBox(0,0,0,0)},addToModifierContext:function(){return this},preFormat:function(){return this.setPreFormatted(!0),this},draw:function(){if(!this.stave)throw new Vex.RERR("NoStave","Can't draw without a stave.");this.timeSig.glyph.getContext()||this.timeSig.glyph.setContext(this.context),this.timeSig.glyph.setStave(this.stave),this.timeSig.glyph.setYShift(this.stave.getYForLine(this.timeSig.line)-this.stave.getYForGlyphs()),this.timeSig.glyph.renderToStave(this.getAbsoluteX())}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Beam=function(){function t(t,e){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,e)}var e=Vex.Flow.Stem;return t.prototype={init:function(t,e){if(!t||t==[])throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","No notes provided for beam.");if(1==t.length)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Too few notes for beam.");if(this.ticks=t[0].getIntrinsicTicks(),this.ticks>=Vex.Flow.durationToTicks("4"))throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Beams can only be applied to notes shorter than a quarter note.");var n,i;for(this.stem_direction=1,n=0;n-1?1:-1}for(n=0;nt?e:t});return e},breakSecondaryAt:function(t){return this.break_on_indices=t,this},getSlopeY:function(t,e,n,i){return n+(t-e)*i},calculateSlope:function(){for(var t=this.notes[0],e=t.getStemExtents().topY,n=t.getStemX(),i=(this.render_options.max_slope-this.render_options.min_slope)/this.render_options.slope_iterations,s=Number.MAX_VALUE,o=0,r=0,a=this.render_options.min_slope;a<=this.render_options.max_slope;a+=i){for(var h=0,c=0,u=1;ud&&(s=d,o=a,r=c)}this.slope=o,this.y_shift=r},applyStemExtensions:function(){for(var t=this.notes[0],n=t.getStemExtents().topY,i=t.getStemX(),s=0;s0,o="8"!==t&&0>i;return{left:s,right:o}}for(var n,i=[],s=!1,o=this.render_options.partial_beam_length,r=0;r=8;f&&p&&(s=!1)}else{var _={start:m,end:null};l.left&&(_.end=m-o),i.push(_),s=!0}else s&&(n=i[i.length-1],null==n.end&&(n.end=n.start+o)),s=!1}return s===!0&&(n=i[i.length-1],null==n.end&&(n.end=n.start-o)),i},drawStems:function(){this.notes.forEach(function(t){t.getStem()&&t.getStem().setContext(this.context).draw()},this)},drawBeamLines:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");for(var t=["4","8","16","32","64"],e=this.notes[0],n=this.notes[this.notes.length-1],i=e.getStemExtents().topY,s=n.getStemExtents().topY,o=e.getStemX(),r=this.render_options.beam_width*this.stem_direction,a=0;a4?[new n(2,o)]:4>=o?[new n(1,o)]:void 0},t.applyAndGetBeams=function(e,n,i){return t.generateBeams(e.getTickables(),{groups:i,stem_direction:n})},t.generateBeams=function(t,e){function n(t){return t.reduce(function(t,e){return e.getTicks().clone().add(t)},new Vex.Flow.Fraction(0,1))}function i(){l.length-1>f?f+=1:f=0}function s(){var t=[];m.forEach(function(e){if(t=[],e.shouldIgnoreTicks())return p.push(_),_=t,void 0;_.push(e);var s=l[f].value(),o=n(_).value();parseInt(e.duration,10)<8&&e.tuplet&&(s*=2),o>s?(t.push(_.pop()),p.push(_),_=t,i()):o==s&&(p.push(_),_=t,i())}),_.length>0&&p.push(_)}function o(){return p.filter(function(t){if(t.length>1){var e=!0;return t.forEach(function(t){t.getIntrinsicTicks()>=Vex.Flow.durationToTicks("4")&&(e=!1)}),e}return!1})}function r(){var t=[];p.forEach(function(n){var i=[];n.forEach(function(n,s,o){var r=0===s||s===o.length-1,a=!e.beam_rests&&n.isRest(),h=e.beam_rests&&e.beam_middle_only&&n.isRest()&&r,c=a||h;c?(i.length>0&&t.push(i),i=[]):i.push(n)}),i.length>0&&t.push(i)}),p=t}function a(){p.forEach(function(t){var e=h(t);c(t,e)})}function h(t){if(e.stem_direction)return e.stem_direction;var n=0;return t.forEach(function(t){t.keyProps&&t.keyProps.forEach(function(t){n+=t.line-2.5})}),n>0?-1:1}function c(t,e){t.forEach(function(t){t.hasStem()&&t.setStemDirection(e)})}function u(){return p.filter(function(t){return t[0]?t[0].tuplet:void 0})}e||(e={}),e.groups&&e.groups.length||(e.groups=[new Vex.Flow.Fraction(2,8)]);var l=e.groups.map(function(t){if(!t.multiply)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("InvalidBeamGroups","The beam groups must be an array of Vex.Flow.Fractions");return t.clone().multiply(Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION,1)}),m=t,f=0,p=[],_=[];s(),r(),a();var d=o(),g=u(),x=[];return d.forEach(function(t){var n=new Vex.Flow.Beam(t);e.show_stemlets&&(n.render_options.show_stemlets=!0),x.push(n)}),g.forEach(function(t){for(var e=t[0],n=0;n0&&this.init(t)}return t.Mode={STRICT:1,SOFT:2,FULL:3},t.prototype={init:function(t){this.time=Vex.Merge({num_beats:4,beat_value:4,resolution:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION},t),this.totalTicks=new Vex.Flow.Fraction(this.time.num_beats*(this.time.resolution/this.time.beat_value),1),this.resolutionMultiplier=1,this.tickables=[],this.ticksUsed=new Vex.Flow.Fraction(0,1),this.smallestTickCount=this.totalTicks.clone(),this.largestTickWidth=0,this.stave=null,this.boundingBox=null,this.mode=Vex.Flow.Voice.Mode.STRICT,this.voiceGroup=null},getTotalTicks:function(){return this.totalTicks},getTicksUsed:function(){return this.ticksUsed},getLargestTickWidth:function(){return this.largestTickWidth},getSmallestTickCount:function(){return this.smallestTickCount},getTickables:function(){return this.tickables},getMode:function(){return this.mode},setMode:function(t){return this.mode=t,this},getResolutionMultiplier:function(){return this.resolutionMultiplier},getActualResolution:function(){return this.resolutionMultiplier*this.time.resolution},setStave:function(t){return this.stave=t,this.boundingBox=null,this},getBoundingBox:function(){if(!this.boundingBox){if(!this.stave)throw Vex.RERR("NoStave","Can't get bounding box without stave.");var t=this.stave,i=null;this.tickables[0]&&(this.tickables[0].setStave(t),i=this.tickables[0].getBoundingBox());for(var e=0;e0&&i){var o=this.tickables[e].getBoundingBox();o&&i.mergeWith(o)}this.boundingBox=i}return this.boundingBox},getVoiceGroup:function(){if(!this.voiceGroup)throw new Vex.RERR("NoVoiceGroup","No voice group for voice.");return this.voiceGroup},setVoiceGroup:function(t){return this.voiceGroup=t,this},setStrict:function(t){return this.mode=t?Vex.Flow.Voice.Mode.STRICT:Vex.Flow.Voice.Mode.SOFT,this},isComplete:function(){return this.mode==Vex.Flow.Voice.Mode.STRICT||this.mode==Vex.Flow.Voice.Mode.FULL?this.ticksUsed.equals(this.totalTicks):!0},addTickable:function(t){if(!t.shouldIgnoreTicks()){var i=t.getTicks();if(this.ticksUsed.add(i),(this.mode==Vex.Flow.Voice.Mode.STRICT||this.mode==Vex.Flow.Voice.Mode.FULL)&&this.ticksUsed.value()>this.totalTicks.value())throw this.totalTicks.subtract(i),new Vex.RERR("BadArgument","Too many ticks.");i.value()0&&e){var n=s.getBoundingBox();n&&e.mergeWith(n)}s.setContext(t),s.draw()}this.boundingBox=e}},t}();Vex.Flow.VoiceGroup=function(){function i(){this.init()}return i.prototype={init:function(){this.voices=[],this.modifierContexts=[]},getVoices:function(){return this.voices},getModifierContexts:function(){return this.modifierContexts},addVoice:function(i){if(!i)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Voice cannot be null.");this.voices.push(i),i.setVoiceGroup(this)}},i}();Vex.Flow.Modifier=function(){function t(){this.init()}function i(){t.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.Modifier",arguments)}return t.Position={LEFT:1,RIGHT:2,ABOVE:3,BELOW:4},t.prototype={init:function(){this.width=0,this.context=null,this.note=null,this.index=null,this.text_line=0,this.position=t.Position.LEFT,this.modifier_context=null,this.x_shift=0,this.y_shift=0,i("Created new modifier")},getCategory:function(){return"none"},getWidth:function(){return this.width},setWidth:function(t){return this.width=t,this},getNote:function(){return this.note},setNote:function(t){return this.note=t,this},getIndex:function(){return this.index},setIndex:function(t){return this.index=t,this},getContext:function(){return this.context},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},getModifierContext:function(){return this.modifier_context},setModifierContext:function(t){return this.modifier_context=t,this},getPosition:function(){return this.position},setPosition:function(t){return this.position=t,this},setTextLine:function(t){return this.text_line=t,this},setYShift:function(t){return this.y_shift=t,this},setXShift:function(i){this.x_shift=0,this.position==t.Position.LEFT?this.x_shift-=i:this.x_shift+=i},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");throw new Vex.RERR("MethodNotImplemented","Draw() not implemented for this modifier.")}},t}();Vex.Flow.ModifierContext=function(){function t(){this.modifiers={},this.preFormatted=!1,this.postFormatted=!1,this.width=0,this.spacing=0,this.state={left_shift:0,right_shift:0,text_line:0}}var e=function(t,e,i){if(Vex.Debug){var s,n=0;1==i?(s=e.isrest?0:.5,n=e.max_line-t.min_line,n+=s):(s=e.isrest?0:.5,n=e.min_line-t.max_line,n-=s),t.line+=n,t.max_line+=n,t.min_line+=n,t.note.keyProps[0].line+=n}},i=function(t,e,i){var s=t.line-Vex.MidLine(e.min_line,i.max_line);t.note.keyProps[0].line-=s,t.line-=s,t.max_line-=s,t.min_line-=s};return t.prototype={addModifier:function(t){var e=t.getCategory();return this.modifiers[e]||(this.modifiers[e]=[]),this.modifiers[e].push(t),t.setModifierContext(this),this.preFormatted=!1,this},getModifiers:function(t){return this.modifiers[t]},getWidth:function(){return this.width},getExtraLeftPx:function(){return this.state.left_shift},getExtraRightPx:function(){return this.state.right_shift},getMetrics:function(){if(!this.formatted)throw new Vex.RERR("UnformattedModifier","Unformatted modifier has no metrics.");return{width:this.state.left_shift+this.state.right_shift+this.spacing,spacing:this.spacing,extra_left_px:this.state.left_shift,extra_right_px:this.state.right_shift}},formatNotes:function(){var t=this.modifiers.stavenotes;if(!t||t.length<2)return this;if(null!=t[0].getStave())return this.formatNotesByY(t);for(var s=[],n=0;n2?s[1]:null,d=m>2?s[2]:s[1];2==m&&-1==u.stem_dir&&1==d.stem_dir&&(u=s[1],d=s[0]);var c,v=Math.max(u.voice_shift,d.voice_shift),x=0;if(2==m){var p=u.stem_dir==d.stem_dir?0:.5;return u.stem_dir==d.stem_dir&&u.min_line<=d.max_line&&(u.isrest||(c=Math.abs(u.line-(d.max_line+.5)),c=Math.max(c,u.stem_min),u.min_line=u.line-c,u.note.setStemLength(10*c))),u.min_line<=d.max_line+p&&(u.isrest?e(u,d,1):d.isrest?e(d,u,-1):(x=v,u.stem_dir==d.stem_dir?u.note.setXShift(x+3):d.note.setXShift(x))),this}if(null!=_&&_.min_lineS?i(_,u,d):(x=v+3,_.note.setXShift(x)),this}return u.isrest&&_.isrest&&d.isrest?(e(u,_,1),e(d,_,-1),this):(_.isrest&&u.isrest&&_.min_line<=d.max_line&&e(_,d,1),_.isrest&&d.isrest&&u.min_line<=_.max_line&&e(_,u,-1),u.isrest&&u.min_line<=_.max_line&&e(u,_,1),d.isrest&&_.min_line<=d.max_line&&e(d,_,-1),(!u.isrest&&!_.isrest&&u.min_line<=_.max_line+.5||!_.isrest&&!d.isrest&&_.min_line<=d.max_line)&&(x=v+3,_.note.setXShift(x)),this)},formatNotesByY:function(t){var e,i=!0;for(e=0;el?f:l,g=d,m=r}return this.state.right_shift+=l,this},formatAccidentals:function(){var t=this.state.left_shift,e=this.modifiers.accidentals,i=2;if(!e||0===e.length)return this;var s,n,r,h=[],o=!1,a=null,f=0;for(s=0;sp&&(x=p,c=S),n.setXShift(t+c),c+=n.getWidth()+i,v=c>v?c:v}return this.state.left_shift+=v,this},formatAccidentalsByY:function(t){var e=this.state.left_shift,i=2;t.sort(function(t,e){return e.y-t.y});for(var s=t[0].shift,n=0,r=t[0].y,h=0;h3*t[h].lineSpace&&(r=a,s=f),o.setXShift(s+e),s+=o.getWidth()+i,n=s>n?s:n}return this.state.left_shift+=n,this},formatStrokes:function(){var t=this.state.left_shift,e=this.modifiers.strokes,i=0;if(!e||0===e.length)return this;var s,n,r,h=[];for(s=0;sv?y:v):o==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.RIGHT&&(r.setXShift(c),y+=M,x=y>x?y:x),p=P,S=h}return this.state.left_shift+=v,this.state.right_shift+=x,this},formatFretHandFingers:function(){var t=this.state.left_shift,e=this.state.right_shift,i=this.modifiers.frethandfinger,s=1;if(!i||0===i.length)return this;var n,r,h,o,a,f=[],l=null,g=0,m=0;for(n=0;nv?y:v):o==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.RIGHT&&(r.setXShift(c),y=m+M,x=y>x?y:x),p=P,S=h}return this.state.left_shift+=v,this.state.right_shift+=x,this},formatBends:function(){var t=this.modifiers.bends;if(!t||0===t.length)return this;for(var e=0,i=this.state.text_line,s=0;s0&&e--;for(var r=0;rs?r.getWidth():s,i++}return this.state.left_shift+=e/2,this.state.right_shift+=e/2,this},formatArticulations:function(){var t=this.modifiers.articulations;if(!t||0===t.length)return this;for(var e,i=this.state.text_line,s=0,n=0;ns?r.getWidth():s;var h=Vex.Flow.articulationCodes(r.type);i+=h.between_lines?1:1.5}return this.state.left_shift+=e/2,this.state.right_shift+=e/2,this.state.text_line=i,this},formatGraceNoteGroups:function(){var t=this.modifiers.gracenotegroups,e=4;if(!t||0===t.length)return this;var i,s,n,r=[],h=!1,o=null,a=0;for(i=0;i0&&this.init(t)}function e(){t.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.Accidental",arguments)}var i=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,i,{init:function(n){if(t.superclass.init.call(this),e("New accidental: ",n),this.note=null,this.index=null,this.type=n,this.position=i.Position.LEFT,this.render_options={font_scale:38,stroke_px:3},this.accidental=Vex.Flow.accidentalCodes(this.type),!this.accidental)throw new Vex.RERR("ArgumentError","Unknown accidental type: "+n);this.cautionary=!1,this.paren_left=null,this.paren_right=null,this.setWidth(this.accidental.width)},getCategory:function(){return"accidentals"},setNote:function(t){if(!t)throw new Vex.RERR("ArgumentError","Bad note value: "+t);this.note=t,"gracenotes"===this.note.getCategory()&&(this.render_options.font_scale=25,this.setWidth(this.accidental.gracenote_width))},setAsCautionary:function(){this.cautionary=!0,this.render_options.font_scale=28,this.paren_left=Vex.Flow.accidentalCodes("{"),this.paren_right=Vex.Flow.accidentalCodes("}");var t="##"==this.type||"bb"==this.type?6:4;return this.setWidth(this.paren_left.width+this.accidental.width+this.paren_right.width-t),this},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw accidental without a context.");if(!this.note||null==this.index)throw new Vex.RERR("NoAttachedNote","Can't draw accidental without a note and index.");var t=this.note.getModifierStartXY(this.position,this.index),i=t.x+this.x_shift-this.width,n=t.y+this.y_shift;e("Rendering: ",this.type,i,n),this.cautionary?(i+=3,Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.context,i,n,this.render_options.font_scale,this.paren_left.code),i+=2,Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.context,i,n,this.render_options.font_scale,this.accidental.code),i+=this.accidental.width-2,("##"==this.type||"bb"==this.type)&&(i-=2),Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.context,i,n,this.render_options.font_scale,this.paren_right.code)):Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.context,i,n,this.render_options.font_scale,this.accidental.code)}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Dot=function(){function t(){this.init()}var i=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,i,{init:function(){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.note=null,this.index=null,this.position=i.Position.RIGHT,this.radius=2,this.setWidth(5),this.dot_shiftY=0},setNote:function(t){this.note=t,"gracenotes"===this.note.getCategory()&&(this.radius*=.5,this.setWidth(3))},getCategory:function(){return"dots"},setDotShiftY:function(t){return this.dot_shiftY=t,this},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw dot without a context.");if(!this.note||null==this.index)throw new Vex.RERR("NoAttachedNote","Can't draw dot without a note and index.");var t=this.note.stave.options.spacing_between_lines_px,i=this.note.getModifierStartXY(this.position,this.index);"tabnotes"===this.note.getCategory()&&(i.y=this.note.getStemExtents().baseY);var e=i.x+this.x_shift+this.width-this.radius,s=i.y+this.y_shift+this.dot_shiftY*t,n=this.context;n.beginPath(),n.arc(e,s,this.radius,0,2*Math.PI,!1),n.fill()}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Formatter=function(){function t(){this.minTotalWidth=0,this.hasMinTotalWidth=!1,this.pixelsPerTick=0,this.totalTicks=new Vex.Flow.Fraction(0,1),this.tContexts=null,this.mContexts=null}function e(){t.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.Formatter",arguments)}function i(t,e,i,o){var n=e;for(i++;il&&(l=h)}for(o=0;o0&&n0&&l>0&&(l>=F?F=0:F-=l),p+=F,T.setX(p),T.setPixelsUsed(V),f=m,u=v,c=g,s=p}if(this.hasMinTotalWidth=!0,t>0){var M=x-(s+u),C=M/(this.totalTicks.value()*n.resolutionMultiplier),R=0;for(c=0,d=0;d0&&this.init(t,i)}return t.prototype={init:function(t,i){this.notes=t,this.context=null,this.text=i,this.render_options={cp1:8,cp2:12,text_shift_x:0,first_x_shift:0,last_x_shift:0,y_shift:7,tie_spacing:0,font:{family:"Arial",size:10,style:""}},this.font=this.render_options.font,this.setNotes(t)},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},setFont:function(t){return this.font=t,this},setNotes:function(t){if(!t.first_note&&!t.last_note)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Tie needs to have either first_note or last_note set.");if(t.first_indices||(t.first_indices=[0]),t.last_indices||(t.last_indices=[0]),t.first_indices.length!=t.last_indices.length)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Tied notes must have similar index sizes");return this.first_note=t.first_note,this.first_indices=t.first_indices,this.last_note=t.last_note,this.last_indices=t.last_indices,this},isPartial:function(){return!this.first_note||!this.last_note},renderTie:function(t){if(0===t.first_ys.length||0===t.last_ys.length)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","No Y-values to render");var i=this.context,e=this.render_options.cp1,s=this.render_options.cp2;Math.abs(t.last_x_px-t.first_x_px)<10&&(e=2,s=8);for(var n=this.render_options.first_x_shift,r=this.render_options.last_x_shift,o=this.render_options.y_shift*t.direction,_=0;_0&&this.init(t,e)}return t.createHammeron=function(e){return new t(e,"H")},t.createPulloff=function(e){return new t(e,"P")},Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StaveTie,{init:function(e,i){t.superclass.init.call(this,e,i),this.render_options.cp1=9,this.render_options.cp2=11,this.render_options.y_shift=3,this.setNotes(e)},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","No context to render tie.");var t,e,i,n,s=this.first_note,r=this.last_note;return s?(t=s.getTieRightX()+this.render_options.tie_spacing,i=s.getYs()):(t=r.getStave().getTieStartX(),i=r.getYs(),this.first_indices=this.last_indices),r?(e=r.getTieLeftX()+this.render_options.tie_spacing,n=r.getYs()):(e=s.getStave().getTieEndX(),n=s.getYs(),this.last_indices=this.first_indices),this.renderTie({first_x_px:t,last_x_px:e,first_ys:i,last_ys:n,direction:-1}),this.renderText(t,e),!0}}),t}();Vex.Flow.TabSlide=function(){function t(t,e){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,e)}return t.SLIDE_UP=1,t.SLIDE_DOWN=-1,t.createSlideUp=function(e){return new t(e,t.SLIDE_UP)},t.createSlideDown=function(e){return new t(e,t.SLIDE_DOWN)},Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.TabTie,{init:function(e,i){if(t.superclass.init.call(this,e,"sl."),!i){var n=e.first_note.getPositions()[0].fret,s=e.last_note.getPositions()[0].fret;i=parseInt(n,10)>parseInt(s,10)?t.SLIDE_DOWN:t.SLIDE_UP}this.slide_direction=i,this.render_options.cp1=11,this.render_options.cp2=14,this.render_options.y_shift=.5,this.setFont({font:"Times",size:10,style:"bold italic"}),this.setNotes(e)},renderTie:function(e){if(0===e.first_ys.length||0===e.last_ys.length)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","No Y-values to render");var i=this.context,n=e.first_x_px,s=e.first_ys,r=e.last_x_px,o=this.slide_direction;if(o!=t.SLIDE_UP&&o!=t.SLIDE_DOWN)throw new Vex.RERR("BadSlide","Invalid slide direction");for(var l=0;l0&&this.init(t,e,i)}t.UP=0,t.DOWN=1;var e=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,e,{init:function(e,i,n){var s=Vex.Flow.Bend.superclass;s.init.call(this),this.text=e,this.x_shift=0,this.release=i||!1,this.font="10pt Arial",this.render_options={line_width:1.5,line_style:"#777777",bend_width:8,release_width:8},n?this.phrase=n:(this.phrase=[{type:t.UP,text:this.text}],this.release&&this.phrase.push({type:t.DOWN,text:""})),this.updateWidth()},setXShift:function(t){this.x_shift=t,this.updateWidth()},setFont:function(t){return this.font=t,this},getCategory:function(){return"bends"},getText:function(){return this.text},updateWidth:function(){function e(t){var e;return e=i.context?i.context.measureText(t).width:Vex.Flow.textWidth(t)}for(var i=this,n=0,s=0;sd;++d)o.lineTo(t+n,i-a/2),t+=n,o.lineTo(t+n,i+a/2),t+=n;for(d=0;s/2>d;++d)o.lineTo(t-n,i-a/2+h+1),t-=n,o.lineTo(t-n,i+a/2+h+1),t-=n;o.fill()}else{for(o.moveTo(t,i+h),d=0;s/2>d;++d)o.quadraticCurveTo(t+n/2,i-a/2,t+n,i),t+=n,o.quadraticCurveTo(t+n/2,i+a/2,t+n,i),t+=n;for(d=0;s/2>d;++d)o.quadraticCurveTo(t-n/2,i+a/2+h,t-n,i+h),t-=n,o.quadraticCurveTo(t-n/2,i-a/2+h,t-n,i+h),t-=n;o.fill()}}if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw vibrato without a context.");if(!this.note)throw new Vex.RERR("NoNoteForVibrato","Can't draw vibrato without an attached note.");var i=this.note.getModifierStartXY(Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.RIGHT,this.index),o=this.context,e=this,r=this.vibrato_width,n=i.x+this.x_shift,h=this.note.getYForTopText(this.text_line)+2;t(n,h)}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Annotation=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}function i(){t.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.Annotation",arguments)}t.Justify={LEFT:1,CENTER:2,RIGHT:3,CENTER_STEM:4},t.VerticalJustify={TOP:1,CENTER:2,BOTTOM:3,CENTER_STEM:4};var e=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,e,{init:function(i){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.note=null,this.index=null,this.text_line=0,this.text=i,this.justification=t.Justify.CENTER,this.vert_justification=t.VerticalJustify.TOP,this.font={family:"Arial",size:10,weight:""},this.setWidth(Vex.Flow.textWidth(i))},getCategory:function(){return"annotations"},setTextLine:function(t){return this.text_line=t,this},setFont:function(t,i,e){return this.font={family:t,size:i,weight:e},this},setVerticalJustification:function(t){return this.vert_justification=t,this},getJustification:function(){return this.justification},setJustification:function(t){return this.justification=t,this},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw text annotation without a context.");if(!this.note)throw new Vex.RERR("NoNoteForAnnotation","Can't draw text annotation without an attached note.");var n=this.note.getModifierStartXY(e.Position.ABOVE,this.index);this.context.save(),this.context.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight);var s,o,h=this.context.measureText(this.text).width,a=this.context.measureText("m").width;s=this.justification==t.Justify.LEFT?n.x:this.justification==t.Justify.RIGHT?n.x-h:this.justification==t.Justify.CENTER?n.x-h/2:this.note.getStemX()-h/2;var r,f,u=this.note.hasStem(),x=this.note.getStave();if(u&&(r=this.note.getStem().getExtents(),f=x.getSpacingBetweenLines()),this.vert_justification==t.VerticalJustify.BOTTOM){if(o=x.getYForBottomText(this.text_line),u){var c=1===this.note.getStemDirection()?r.baseY:r.topY;o=Math.max(o,c+f*(this.text_line+2))}}else if(this.vert_justification==t.VerticalJustify.CENTER){var l=this.note.getYForTopText(this.text_line)-1,T=x.getYForBottomText(this.text_line);o=l+(T-l)/2+a/2}else if(this.vert_justification==t.VerticalJustify.TOP)o=Math.min(x.getYForTopText(this.text_line),this.note.getYs()[0]-10),u&&(o=Math.min(o,r.topY-5-f*this.text_line));else{var g=this.note.getStemExtents();o=g.topY+(g.baseY-g.topY)/2+a/2}i("Rendering annotation: ",this.text,s,o),this.context.fillText(this.text,s,o),this.context.restore()}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Articulation=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}function i(){t.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.Articulation",arguments)}var e=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,e,{init:function(i){if(t.superclass.init.call(this),this.note=null,this.index=null,this.type=i,this.position=e.Position.BELOW,this.render_options={font_scale:38},this.articulation=Vex.Flow.articulationCodes(this.type),!this.articulation)throw new Vex.RERR("ArgumentError","Articulation not found: '"+this.type+"'");this.setWidth(this.articulation.width)},getCategory:function(){return"articulations"},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw Articulation without a context.");if(!this.note||null===this.index)throw new Vex.RERR("NoAttachedNote","Can't draw Articulation without a note and index.");var t=this.note.getStemDirection(),o=this.note.getStave(),n=this.position===e.Position.ABOVE&&t===Vex.Flow.StaveNote.STEM_DOWN||this.position===e.Position.BELOW&&t===Vex.Flow.StaveNote.STEM_UP,s=function(t,i,o){var s=t.position===e.Position.ABOVE?1:-1,a=t.getNote().getDuration();n||"w"===a||"1"===a||(i+=3.5*s);var h=i+s*o;return h>=1&&5>=h&&0===h%1?!0:!1},a=this.note.getModifierStartXY(this.position,this.index),h=a.y,r=0,l=1,u=o.getSpacingBetweenLines(),x="tabnotes"===this.note.getCategory(),c=this.note.getStem().getExtents(),w=c.topY,g=c.baseY;t===Vex.Flow.StaveNote.STEM_DOWN&&(w=c.baseY,g=c.topY),x&&(this.note.hasStem()?t===Vex.Flow.StaveNote.STEM_UP?g=o.getYForBottomText(this.text_line-2):t===Vex.Flow.StaveNote.STEM_DOWN&&(w=o.getYForTopText(this.text_line-1.5)):(w=o.getYForTopText(this.text_line-1),g=o.getYForBottomText(this.text_line-2)));var _=this.position===e.Position.ABOVE?!0:!1,d=this.note.getLineNumber(_);!n&&this.note.beam&&(l+=.5),s(this,d,l)&&(l+=.5);var p;this.position===e.Position.ABOVE?(r=this.articulation.shift_up,p=w-7-u*(this.text_line+l),h=this.articulation.between_lines?p:Math.min(o.getYForTopText(this.text_line)-3,p)):(r=this.articulation.shift_down-10,p=g+10+u*(this.text_line+l),h=this.articulation.between_lines?p:Math.max(o.getYForBottomText(this.text_line),p));var f=a.x+this.articulation.shift_right;h+=r+this.y_shift,i("Rendering articulation: ",this.articulation,f,h),Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.context,f,h,this.render_options.font_scale,this.articulation.code)}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Tuning=function(){function n(n){this.init(n)}return n.names={standard:"E/5,B/4,G/4,D/4,A/3,E/3",dagdad:"D/5,A/4,G/4,D/4,A/3,D/3",dropd:"E/5,B/4,G/4,D/4,A/3,D/3",eb:"Eb/5,Bb/4,Gb/4,Db/4,Ab/3,Db/3"},n.prototype={init:function(n){this.setTuning(n||"E/5,B/4,G/4,D/4,A/3,E/3,B/2,E/2")},noteToInteger:function(n){return Vex.Flow.keyProperties(n).int_value},setTuning:function(n){Vex.Flow.Tuning.names[n]&&(n=Vex.Flow.Tuning.names[n]),this.tuningString=n,this.tuningValues=[],this.numStrings=0;var t=n.split(/\s*,\s*/);if(0===t.length)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid tuning string: "+n);this.numStrings=t.length;for(var e=0;et||t>this.numStrings)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","String number must be between 1 and "+this.numStrings+": "+n);return this.tuningValues[t-1]},getValueForFret:function(n,t){var e=this.getValueForString(t),r=parseInt(n,10);if(0>r)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Fret number must be 0 or higher: "+n);return e+r},getNoteForFret:function(n,t){var e=this.getValueForFret(n,t),r=Math.floor(e/12),i=e%12;return Vex.Flow.integerToNote(i)+"/"+r}},n}();Vex.Flow.StaveModifier=function(){function t(){this.init()}return t.prototype={init:function(){this.padding=10},getCategory:function(){return""},makeSpacer:function(t){return{getContext:function(){return!0},setStave:function(){},renderToStave:function(){},getMetrics:function(){return{width:t}}}},placeGlyphOnLine:function(t,e,i){t.setYShift(e.getYForLine(i)-e.getYForGlyphs())},setPadding:function(t){this.padding=t},addToStave:function(t,e){return e||t.addGlyph(this.makeSpacer(this.padding)),this.addModifier(t),this},addToStaveEnd:function(t,e){return e?t.addEndGlyph(this.makeSpacer(2)):t.addEndGlyph(this.makeSpacer(this.padding)),this.addEndModifier(t),this},addModifier:function(){throw new Vex.RERR("MethodNotImplemented","addModifier() not implemented for this stave modifier.")},addEndModifier:function(){throw new Vex.RERR("MethodNotImplemented","addEndModifier() not implemented for this stave modifier.")}},t}();Vex.Flow.KeySignature=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StaveModifier,{init:function(i){t.superclass.init(),this.glyphFontScale=38,this.accList=Vex.Flow.keySignature(i)},addAccToStave:function(t,i){var e=new Vex.Flow.Glyph(i.glyphCode,this.glyphFontScale);this.placeGlyphOnLine(e,t,i.line),t.addGlyph(e)},addModifier:function(t){this.convertAccLines(t.clef,this.accList[0].glyphCode);for(var i=0;i0&&this.init(i,t)}return i.glyphs={C:{code:"v41",point:40,line:2},"C|":{code:"vb6",point:40,line:2}},Vex.Inherit(i,Vex.Flow.StaveModifier,{init:function(t,e){i.superclass.init();var n=e||15;this.setPadding(n),this.point=40,this.topLine=2,this.bottomLine=4,this.timeSig=this.parseTimeSpec(t)},parseTimeSpec:function(t){if("C"==t||"C|"==t){var e=i.glyphs[t];return{num:!1,line:e.line,glyph:new Vex.Flow.Glyph(e.code,e.point)}}var n,h,s=[];for(n=0;nl?s:l,a=e.getMetrics().x_min;e.getMetrics=function(){return{x_min:a,x_max:a+p,width:p}};var g=(p-s)/2,m=(p-l)/2,c=this;return e.renderToStave=function(i){var t,e,n=i+g;for(t=0;t0&&this.init(e)}function n(){Vex.Flow.Clef.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.Clef",arguments)}return e.types={treble:{code:"v83",point:40,line:3},bass:{code:"v79",point:40,line:1},alto:{code:"vad",point:40,line:2},tenor:{code:"vad",point:40,line:1},percussion:{code:"v59",point:40,line:2},soprano:{code:"vad",point:40,line:4},"mezzo-soprano":{code:"vad",point:40,line:3},"baritone-c":{code:"vad",point:40,line:0},"baritone-f":{code:"v79",point:40,line:2},subbass:{code:"v79",point:40,line:0},french:{code:"v83",point:40,line:4},treble_small:{code:"v83",point:32,line:3},bass_small:{code:"v79",point:32,line:1},alto_small:{code:"vad",point:32,line:2},tenor_small:{code:"vad",point:32,line:1},soprano_small:{code:"vad",point:32,line:4},"mezzo-soprano_small":{code:"vad",point:32,line:3},"baritone-c_small":{code:"vad",point:32,line:0},"baritone-f_small":{code:"v79",point:32,line:2},subbass_small:{code:"v79",point:32,line:0},french_small:{code:"v83",point:32,line:4},percussion_small:{code:"v59",point:32,line:2}},Vex.Inherit(e,Vex.Flow.StaveModifier,{init:function(e){var i=Vex.Flow.Clef.superclass;i.init.call(this),this.clef=Vex.Flow.Clef.types[e],n("Creating clef:",e)},addModifier:function(e){var n=new Vex.Flow.Glyph(this.clef.code,this.clef.point);this.placeGlyphOnLine(n,e,this.clef.line),e.addGlyph(n)},addEndModifier:function(e){var n=new Vex.Flow.Glyph(this.clef.code,this.clef.point);this.placeGlyphOnLine(n,e,this.clef.line),e.addEndGlyph(n)}}),e}();Vex.Flow.Music=function(){function n(){this.init()}return n.NUM_TONES=12,n.roots=["c","d","e","f","g","a","b"],n.root_values=[0,2,4,5,7,9,11],n.root_indices={c:0,d:1,e:2,f:3,g:4,a:5,b:6},n.canonical_notes=["c","c#","d","d#","e","f","f#","g","g#","a","a#","b"],n.diatonic_intervals=["unison","m2","M2","m3","M3","p4","dim5","p5","m6","M6","b7","M7","octave"],n.diatonic_accidentals={unison:{note:0,accidental:0},m2:{note:1,accidental:-1},M2:{note:1,accidental:0},m3:{note:2,accidental:-1},M3:{note:2,accidental:0},p4:{note:3,accidental:0},dim5:{note:4,accidental:-1},p5:{note:4,accidental:0},m6:{note:5,accidental:-1},M6:{note:5,accidental:0},b7:{note:6,accidental:-1},M7:{note:6,accidental:0},octave:{note:7,accidental:0}},n.intervals={u:0,unison:0,m2:1,b2:1,min2:1,S:1,H:1,2:2,M2:2,maj2:2,T:2,W:2,m3:3,b3:3,min3:3,M3:4,3:4,maj3:4,4:5,p4:5,"#4":6,b5:6,aug4:6,dim5:6,5:7,p5:7,"#5":8,b6:8,aug5:8,6:9,M6:9,maj6:9,b7:10,m7:10,min7:10,dom7:10,M7:11,maj7:11,8:12,octave:12},n.scales={major:[2,2,1,2,2,2,1],dorian:[2,1,2,2,2,1,2],mixolydian:[2,2,1,2,2,1,2],minor:[2,1,2,2,1,2,2]},n.accidentals=["bb","b","n","#","##"],n.noteValues={c:{root_index:0,int_val:0},cn:{root_index:0,int_val:0},"c#":{root_index:0,int_val:1},"c##":{root_index:0,int_val:2},cb:{root_index:0,int_val:11},cbb:{root_index:0,int_val:10},d:{root_index:1,int_val:2},dn:{root_index:1,int_val:2},"d#":{root_index:1,int_val:3},"d##":{root_index:1,int_val:4},db:{root_index:1,int_val:1},dbb:{root_index:1,int_val:0},e:{root_index:2,int_val:4},en:{root_index:2,int_val:4},"e#":{root_index:2,int_val:5},"e##":{root_index:2,int_val:6},eb:{root_index:2,int_val:3},ebb:{root_index:2,int_val:2},f:{root_index:3,int_val:5},fn:{root_index:3,int_val:5},"f#":{root_index:3,int_val:6},"f##":{root_index:3,int_val:7},fb:{root_index:3,int_val:4},fbb:{root_index:3,int_val:3},g:{root_index:4,int_val:7},gn:{root_index:4,int_val:7},"g#":{root_index:4,int_val:8},"g##":{root_index:4,int_val:9},gb:{root_index:4,int_val:6},gbb:{root_index:4,int_val:5},a:{root_index:5,int_val:9},an:{root_index:5,int_val:9},"a#":{root_index:5,int_val:10},"a##":{root_index:5,int_val:11},ab:{root_index:5,int_val:8},abb:{root_index:5,int_val:7},b:{root_index:6,int_val:11},bn:{root_index:6,int_val:11},"b#":{root_index:6,int_val:0},"b##":{root_index:6,int_val:1},bb:{root_index:6,int_val:10},bbb:{root_index:6,int_val:9}},n.prototype={init:function(){},isValidNoteValue:function(n){return null==n||0>n||n>=Vex.Flow.Music.NUM_TONES?!1:!0},isValidIntervalValue:function(n){return this.isValidNoteValue(n)},getNoteParts:function(n){if(!n||n.length<1)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid note name: "+n);if(n.length>3)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid note name: "+n);var t=n.toLowerCase(),e=/^([cdefgab])(b|bb|n|#|##)?$/,a=e.exec(t);if(null!=a){var i=a[1],o=a[2];return{root:i,accidental:o}}throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid note name: "+n)},getKeyParts:function(n){if(!n||n.length<1)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid key: "+n);var t=n.toLowerCase(),e=/^([cdefgab])(b|#)?(mel|harm|m|M)?$/,a=e.exec(t);if(null!=a){var i=a[1],o=a[2],r=a[3];return r||(r="M"),{root:i,accidental:o,type:r}}throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid key: "+n)},getNoteValue:function(t){var e=n.noteValues[t];if(null==e)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid note name: "+t);return e.int_val},getIntervalValue:function(t){var e=n.intervals[t];if(null==e)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid interval name: "+t);return e},getCanonicalNoteName:function(t){if(!this.isValidNoteValue(t))throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid note value: "+t);return n.canonical_notes[t]},getCanonicalIntervalName:function(t){if(!this.isValidIntervalValue(t))throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid interval value: "+t);return n.diatonic_intervals[t]},getRelativeNoteValue:function(t,e,a){if(null==a&&(a=1),1!=a&&-1!=a)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Invalid direction: "+a);var i=(t+a*e)%n.NUM_TONES;return 0>i&&(i+=n.NUM_TONES),i},getRelativeNoteName:function(t,e){var a=this.getNoteParts(t),i=this.getNoteValue(a.root),o=e-i;if(Math.abs(o)>n.NUM_TONES-3){var r=1;o>0&&(r=-1);var l=(e+1+(i+1))%n.NUM_TONES*r;if(Math.abs(l)>2)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Notes not related: "+t+", "+e);o=l}if(Math.abs(o)>2)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Notes not related: "+t+", "+e);var d,_=a.root;if(o>0)for(d=1;o>=d;++d)_+="#";else if(0>o)for(d=-1;d>=o;--d)_+="b";return _},getScaleTones:function(n,t){var e=[];e.push(n);for(var a=n,i=0;ii&&(i+=n.NUM_TONES),i}},n}();Vex.Flow.KeyManager=function(){function t(t){this.init(t)}return t.scales={M:Vex.Flow.Music.scales.major,m:Vex.Flow.Music.scales.minor},t.prototype={init:function(t){this.music=new Vex.Flow.Music,this.setKey(t)},setKey:function(t){return this.key=t,this.reset(),this},getKey:function(){return this.key},reset:function(){this.keyParts=this.music.getKeyParts(this.key),this.keyString=this.keyParts.root,this.keyParts.accidental&&(this.keyString+=this.keyParts.accidental);var e=t.scales[this.keyParts.type];if(!e)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArguments","Unsupported key type: "+this.key);this.scale=this.music.getScaleTones(this.music.getNoteValue(this.keyString),Vex.Flow.KeyManager.scales[this.keyParts.type]),this.scaleMap={},this.scaleMapByValue={},this.originalScaleMapByValue={};for(var s=Vex.Flow.Music.root_indices[this.keyParts.root],a=0;a0&&this.init(e,t)}return e.Backends={CANVAS:1,RAPHAEL:2,SVG:3,VML:4},e.LineEndType={NONE:1,UP:2,DOWN:3},e.USE_CANVAS_PROXY=!1,e.buildContext=function(t,n,a,i,o){var s=new e(t,n);a&&i&&s.resize(a,i),o||(o="#eed");var r=s.getContext();return r.setBackgroundFillStyle(o),r},e.getCanvasContext=function(t,n,a,i){return e.buildContext(t,e.Backends.CANVAS,n,a,i)},e.getRaphaelContext=function(t,n,a,i){return e.buildContext(t,e.Backends.RAPHAEL,n,a,i)},e.bolsterCanvasContext=function(t){if(e.USE_CANVAS_PROXY)return new Vex.Flow.CanvasContext(t);var n=["clear","setFont","setRawFont","setFillStyle","setBackgroundFillStyle","setStrokeStyle","setShadowColor","setShadowBlur","setLineWidth","setLineCap","setLineDash"];t.vexFlowCanvasContext=t;for(var a in n){var i=n[a];t[i]=Vex.Flow.CanvasContext.prototype[i]}return t},e.drawDashedLine=function(e,t,n,a,i,o){e.beginPath();var s=a-t,r=i-n,l=Math.atan2(r,s),h=t,c=n;e.moveTo(t,n);for(var d=0,x=!0;!(0>s?a>=h:h>=a)||!(0>r?i>=c:c>=i);){var C=o[d++%o.length],u=h+Math.cos(l)*C;h=0>s?Math.max(a,u):Math.min(a,u);var m=c+Math.sin(l)*C;c=0>r?Math.max(i,m):Math.min(i,m),x?e.lineTo(h,c):e.moveTo(h,c),x=!x}e.closePath(),e.stroke()},e.prototype={init:function(t,n){if(this.sel=t,!this.sel)throw new Vex.RERR("BadArgument","Invalid selector for renderer.");if(this.element=document.getElementById(t),this.element||(this.element=t),this.ctx=null,this.paper=null,this.backend=n,this.backend==e.Backends.CANVAS){if(!this.element.getContext)throw new Vex.RERR("BadElement","Can't get canvas context from element: "+t);this.ctx=e.bolsterCanvasContext(this.element.getContext("2d"))}else{if(this.backend!=e.Backends.RAPHAEL)throw new Vex.RERR("InvalidBackend","No support for backend: "+this.backend);this.ctx=new Vex.Flow.RaphaelContext(this.element)}},resize:function(t,n){if(this.backend==e.Backends.CANVAS){if(!this.element.getContext)throw new Vex.RERR("BadElement","Can't get canvas context from element: "+this.sel);this.element.width=t,this.element.height=n,this.ctx=e.bolsterCanvasContext(this.element.getContext("2d"))}else this.ctx.resize(t,n);return this},getContext:function(){return this.ctx}},e}();Vex.Flow.RaphaelContext=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}return t.prototype={init:function(t){this.element=t,this.paper=Raphael(t),this.path="",this.pen={x:0,y:0},this.lineWidth=1,this.state={scale:{x:1,y:1},font_family:"Arial",font_size:8,font_weight:800},this.attributes={"stroke-width":.3,fill:"black",stroke:"black",font:"10pt Arial"},this.background_attributes={"stroke-width":0,fill:"white",stroke:"white",font:"10pt Arial"},this.shadow_attributes={width:0,color:"black"},this.state_stack=[]},setFont:function(t,i,s){return this.state.font_family=t,this.state.font_size=i,this.state.font_weight=s,this.attributes.font=(this.state.font_weight||"")+" "+this.state.font_size*this.state.scale.x+"pt "+this.state.font_family,this},setRawFont:function(t){return this.attributes.font=t,this},setFillStyle:function(t){return this.attributes.fill=t,this},setBackgroundFillStyle:function(t){return this.background_attributes.fill=t,this.background_attributes.stroke=t,this},setStrokeStyle:function(t){return this.attributes.stroke=t,this},setShadowColor:function(t){return this.shadow_attributes.color=t,this},setShadowBlur:function(t){return this.shadow_attributes.width=t,this},setLineWidth:function(t){this.attributes["stroke-width"]=t,this.lineWidth=t},setLineDash:function(){return this},setLineCap:function(){return this},scale:function(t,i){return this.state.scale={x:t,y:i},this.attributes.scale=t+","+i+",0,0",this.attributes.font=this.state.font_size*this.state.scale.x+"pt "+this.state.font_family,this.background_attributes.scale=t+","+i+",0,0",this.background_attributes.font=this.state.font_size*this.state.scale.x+"pt "+this.state.font_family,this},clear:function(){this.paper.clear()},resize:function(t,i){return this.element.style.width=t,this.paper.setSize(t,i),this},rect:function(t,i,s,e){return 0>e&&(i+=e,e=-e),this.paper.rect(t,i,s-.5,e-.5).attr(this.attributes).attr("fill","none").attr("stroke-width",this.lineWidth),this},fillRect:function(t,i,s,e){return 0>e&&(i+=e,e=-e),this.paper.rect(t,i,s-.5,e-.5).attr(this.attributes),this},clearRect:function(t,i,s,e){return 0>e&&(i+=e,e=-e),this.paper.rect(t,i,s-.5,e-.5).attr(this.background_attributes),this},beginPath:function(){return this.path="",this.pen.x=0,this.pen.y=0,this},moveTo:function(t,i){return this.path+="M"+t+","+i,this.pen.x=t,this.pen.y=i,this},lineTo:function(t,i){return this.path+="L"+t+","+i,this.pen.x=t,this.pen.y=i,this},bezierCurveTo:function(t,i,s,e,h,r){return this.path+="C"+t+","+i+","+s+","+e+","+h+","+r,this.pen.x=h,this.pen.y=r,this},quadraticCurveTo:function(t,i,s,e){return this.path+="Q"+t+","+i+","+s+","+e,this.pen.x=s,this.pen.y=e,this},arc:function(t,i,s,e,h,r){function a(t){for(;0>t;)t+=2*Math.PI;for(;t>2*Math.PI;)t-=2*Math.PI;return t}if(e=a(e),h=a(h),e>h){var n=e;e=h,h=n,r=!r}var o=h-e;return o>Math.PI?(this.arcHelper(t,i,s,e,e+o/2,r),this.arcHelper(t,i,s,e+o/2,h,r)):this.arcHelper(t,i,s,e,h,r),this},arcHelper:function(t,i,s,e,h,r){var a=t+s*Math.cos(e),n=i+s*Math.sin(e),o=t+s*Math.cos(h),u=i+s*Math.sin(h),l=0,f=0;r?(f=1,h-eMath.PI&&(l=1),this.path+="M"+a+","+n+","+"A"+s+","+s+","+"0,"+l+","+f+","+o+","+u+"M"+this.pen.x+","+this.pen.y},glow:function(){var t=this.paper.set();if(this.shadow_attributes.width>0)for(var i=this.shadow_attributes,s=i.width/2,e=1;s>=e;e++)t.push(this.paper.path(this.path).attr({stroke:i.color,"stroke-linejoin":"round","stroke-linecap":"round","stroke-width":+(i.width/s*e).toFixed(3),opacity:+((i.opacity||.3)/s).toFixed(3)}));return t},fill:function(){var t=this.paper.path(this.path).attr(this.attributes).attr("stroke-width",0);return this.glow(t),this},stroke:function(){var t=this.paper.path(this.path).attr(this.attributes).attr("fill","none").attr("stroke-width",this.lineWidth);return this.glow(t),this},closePath:function(){return this.path+="Z",this},measureText:function(t){var i=this.paper.text(0,0,t).attr(this.attributes).attr("fill","none").attr("stroke","none");return{width:i.getBBox().width,height:i.getBBox().height}},fillText:function(t,i,s){return this.paper.text(i+this.measureText(t).width/2,s-this.state.font_size/(2.25*this.state.scale.y),t).attr(this.attributes),this},save:function(){return this.state_stack.push({state:{font_family:this.state.font_family},attributes:{font:this.attributes.font,fill:this.attributes.fill,stroke:this.attributes.stroke,"stroke-width":this.attributes["stroke-width"]},shadow_attributes:{width:this.shadow_attributes.width,color:this.shadow_attributes.color}}),this},restore:function(){var t=this.state_stack.pop();return this.state.font_family=t.state.font_family,this.attributes.font=t.attributes.font,this.attributes.fill=t.attributes.fill,this.attributes.stroke=t.attributes.stroke,this.attributes["stroke-width"]=t.attributes["stroke-width"],this.shadow_attributes.width=t.shadow_attributes.width,this.shadow_attributes.color=t.shadow_attributes.color,this}},t}();Vex.Flow.CanvasContext=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}return t.WIDTH=600,t.HEIGHT=400,t.prototype={init:function(n){this.vexFlowCanvasContext=n,this.canvas=n.canvas?this.context.canvas:{width:t.WIDTH,height:t.HEIGHT}},clear:function(){this.vexFlowCanvasContext.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.width,this.canvas.height)},setFont:function(t,n,e){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.font=(e||"")+" "+n+"pt "+t,this},setRawFont:function(t){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.font=t,this},setFillStyle:function(t){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.fillStyle=t,this},setBackgroundFillStyle:function(t){return this.background_fillStyle=t,this},setStrokeStyle:function(t){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.strokeStyle=t,this},setShadowColor:function(t){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.shadowColor=t,this},setShadowBlur:function(t){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.shadowBlur=t,this},setLineWidth:function(t){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.lineWidth=t,this},setLineCap:function(t){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.lineCap=t,this},setLineDash:function(t){this.vexFlowCanvasContext.lineDash=t},scale:function(t,n){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.scale(parseFloat(t),parseFloat(n))},resize:function(t,n){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.resize(parseInt(t,10),parseInt(n,10))},rect:function(t,n,e,o){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.rect(t,n,e,o)},fillRect:function(t,n,e,o){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.fillRect(t,n,e,o)},clearRect:function(t,n,e,o){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.clearRect(t,n,e,o)},beginPath:function(){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.beginPath()},moveTo:function(t,n){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.moveTo(t,n)},lineTo:function(t,n){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.lineTo(t,n)},bezierCurveTo:function(t,n,e,o,s,i){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.bezierCurveTo(t,n,e,o,s,i)},quadraticCurveTo:function(t,n,e,o){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.quadraticCurveTo(t,n,e,o)},arc:function(t,n,e,o,s,i){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.arc(t,n,e,o,s,i)},glow:function(){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.glow()},fill:function(){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.fill()},stroke:function(){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.stroke()},closePath:function(){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.closePath()},measureText:function(t){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.measureText(t)},fillText:function(t,n,e){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.fillText(t,n,e)},save:function(){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.save()},restore:function(){return this.vexFlowCanvasContext.restore()}},t}();Vex.Flow.Barline=function(){function t(t,e){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,e)}t.type={SINGLE:1,DOUBLE:2,END:3,REPEAT_BEGIN:4,REPEAT_END:5,REPEAT_BOTH:6,NONE:7};var e=Vex.Flow.STAVE_LINE_THICKNESS;return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StaveModifier,{init:function(e,n){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.barline=e,this.x=n},getCategory:function(){return"barlines"},setX:function(t){return this.x=t,this},draw:function(e,n){switch(n="number"!=typeof n?0:n,this.barline){case t.type.SINGLE:this.drawVerticalBar(e,this.x,!1);break;case t.type.DOUBLE:this.drawVerticalBar(e,this.x,!0);break;case t.type.END:this.drawVerticalEndBar(e,this.x);break;case t.type.REPEAT_BEGIN:n>0&&this.drawVerticalBar(e,this.x),this.drawRepeatBar(e,this.x+n,!0);break;case t.type.REPEAT_END:this.drawRepeatBar(e,this.x,!1);break;case t.type.REPEAT_BOTH:this.drawRepeatBar(e,this.x,!1),this.drawRepeatBar(e,this.x,!0)}},drawVerticalBar:function(t,n,a){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var i=t.getYForLine(0),r=t.getYForLine(t.options.num_lines-1)+e/2;a&&t.context.fillRect(n-3,i,1,r-i+1),t.context.fillRect(n,i,1,r-i+1)},drawVerticalEndBar:function(t,n){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var a=t.getYForLine(0),i=t.getYForLine(t.options.num_lines-1)+e/2;t.context.fillRect(n-5,a,1,i-a+1),t.context.fillRect(n-2,a,3,i-a+1)},drawRepeatBar:function(t,n,a){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var i=t.getYForLine(0),r=t.getYForLine(t.options.num_lines-1)+e/2,o=3;a||(o=-5),t.context.fillRect(n+o,i,1,r-i+1),t.context.fillRect(n-2,i,3,r-i+1);var s=2;a?o+=4:o-=4;var c=n+o+s/2,x=(t.options.num_lines-1)*t.options.spacing_between_lines_px;x=x/2-t.options.spacing_between_lines_px/2;var l=i+x+s/2;t.context.beginPath(),t.context.arc(c,l,s,0,2*Math.PI,!1),t.context.fill(),l+=t.options.spacing_between_lines_px,t.context.beginPath(),t.context.arc(c,l,s,0,2*Math.PI,!1),t.context.fill()}}),t}();Vex.Flow.StaveHairpin=function(){function t(t,i){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,i)}return t.type={CRESC:1,DECRESC:2},t.FormatByTicksAndDraw=function(i,e,s,n,o,r){var h=e.pixelsPerTick;if(null==h)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","A valid Formatter must be provide to draw offsets by ticks.");var _=h*r.left_shift_ticks,f=h*r.right_shift_ticks,a={height:r.height,y_shift:r.y_shift,left_shift_px:_,right_shift_px:f};new t({first_note:s.first_note,last_note:s.last_note},n).setContext(i).setRenderOptions(a).setPosition(o).draw()},t.prototype={init:function(t,i){this.notes=t,this.hairpin=i,this.position=Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.BELOW,this.context=null,this.render_options={height:10,y_shift:0,left_shift_px:0,right_shift_px:0},this.setNotes(t)},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},setPosition:function(t){return(t==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.ABOVE||t==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.BELOW)&&(this.position=t),this},setRenderOptions:function(t){return null!=t.height&&null!=t.y_shift&&null!=t.left_shift_px&&null!=t.right_shift_px&&(this.render_options=t),this},setNotes:function(t){if(!t.first_note&&!t.last_note)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Hairpin needs to have either first_note or last_note set.");return this.first_note=t.first_note,this.last_note=t.last_note,this},renderHairpin:function(i){var e=this.context,s=this.render_options.y_shift+20,n=i.first_y;this.position==Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.ABOVE&&(s=-s+30,n=i.first_y-i.staff_height);var o=this.render_options.left_shift_px,r=this.render_options.right_shift_px;switch(this.hairpin){case t.type.CRESC:e.moveTo(i.last_x+r,n+s),e.lineTo(i.first_x+o,n+this.render_options.height/2+s),e.lineTo(i.last_x+r,n+this.render_options.height+s);break;case t.type.DECRESC:e.moveTo(i.first_x+o,n+s),e.lineTo(i.last_x+r,n+this.render_options.height/2+s),e.lineTo(i.first_x+o,n+this.render_options.height+s)}e.stroke()},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw Hairpin without a context.");var t=this.first_note,i=this.last_note,e=t.getModifierStartXY(this.position,0),s=i.getModifierStartXY(this.position,0);return this.renderHairpin({first_x:e.x,last_x:s.x,first_y:t.getStave().y+t.getStave().height,last_y:i.getStave().y+i.getStave().height,staff_height:t.getStave().height}),!0}},t}();Vex.Flow.Volta=function(){function t(t,i,e,s){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,i,e,s)}return t.type={NONE:1,BEGIN:2,MID:3,END:4,BEGIN_END:5},Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StaveModifier,{init:function(i,e,s,n){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.volta=i,this.x=s,this.y_shift=n,this.number=e,this.font={family:"sans-serif",size:9,weight:"bold"}},getCategory:function(){return"voltas"},setShiftY:function(t){return this.y_shift=t,this},draw:function(i,e){if(!i.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var s=i.context,n=i.width,o=i.getYForTopText(i.options.num_lines)+this.y_shift,h=1.5*i.options.spacing_between_lines_px;switch(this.volta){case Vex.Flow.Volta.type.BEGIN:s.fillRect(this.x+e,o,1,h);break;case Vex.Flow.Volta.type.END:n-=5,s.fillRect(this.x+e+n,o,1,h);break;case Vex.Flow.Volta.type.BEGIN_END:n-=3,s.fillRect(this.x+e,o,1,h),s.fillRect(this.x+e+n,o,1,h)}return(this.volta==t.type.BEGIN||this.volta==t.type.BEGIN_END)&&(s.save(),s.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight),s.fillText(this.number,this.x+e+5,o+15),s.restore()),s.fillRect(this.x+e,o,n,1),this}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Repetition=function(){function t(t,e,i){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,e,i)}return t.type={NONE:1,CODA_LEFT:2,CODA_RIGHT:3,SEGNO_LEFT:4,SEGNO_RIGHT:5,DC:6,DC_AL_CODA:7,DC_AL_FINE:8,DS:9,DS_AL_CODA:10,DS_AL_FINE:11,FINE:12},Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StaveModifier,{init:function(e,i,s){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.symbol_type=e,this.x=i,this.x_shift=0,this.y_shift=s,this.font={family:"times",size:12,weight:"bold italic"}},getCategory:function(){return"repetitions"},setShiftX:function(t){return this.x_shift=t,this},setShiftY:function(t){return this.y_shift=t,this},draw:function(e,i){switch(this.symbol_type){case t.type.CODA_RIGHT:this.drawCodaFixed(e,i+e.width);break;case t.type.CODA_LEFT:this.drawSymbolText(e,i,"Coda",!0);break;case t.type.SEGNO_LEFT:this.drawSignoFixed(e,i);break;case t.type.SEGNO_RIGHT:this.drawSignoFixed(e,i+e.width);break;case t.type.DC:this.drawSymbolText(e,i,"D.C.",!1);break;case t.type.DC_AL_CODA:this.drawSymbolText(e,i,"D.C. al",!0);break;case t.type.DC_AL_FINE:this.drawSymbolText(e,i,"D.C. al Fine",!1);break;case t.type.DS:this.drawSymbolText(e,i,"D.S.",!1);break;case t.type.DS_AL_CODA:this.drawSymbolText(e,i,"D.S. al",!0);break;case t.type.DS_AL_FINE:this.drawSymbolText(e,i,"D.S. al Fine",!1);break;case t.type.FINE:this.drawSymbolText(e,i,"Fine",!1)}return this},drawCodaFixed:function(t,e){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var i=t.getYForTopText(t.options.num_lines)+this.y_shift;return Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(t.context,this.x+e+this.x_shift,i+25,40,"v4d",!0),this},drawSignoFixed:function(t,e){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var i=t.getYForTopText(t.options.num_lines)+this.y_shift;return Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(t.context,this.x+e+this.x_shift,i+25,30,"v8c",!0),this},drawSymbolText:function(t,e,i,s){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw stave without canvas context.");var n=t.context;n.save(),n.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight);var a=0+this.x_shift,o=e+this.x_shift;this.symbol_type==Vex.Flow.Repetition.type.CODA_LEFT?(a=this.x+t.options.vertical_bar_width,o=a+n.measureText(i).width+12):(o=this.x+e+t.width-5+this.x_shift,a=o-+n.measureText(i).width-12);var h=t.getYForTopText(t.options.num_lines)+this.y_shift;return s&&Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(n,o,h,40,"v4d",!0),n.fillText(i,a,h+5),n.restore(),this}}),t}();Vex.Flow.StaveSection=function(){function t(t,i,e){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,i,e)}var i=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,i,{init:function(e,s,n){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.setWidth(16),this.section=e,this.position=i.Position.ABOVE,this.x=s,this.shift_x=0,this.shift_y=n,this.font={family:"sans-serif",size:12,weight:"bold"}},getCategory:function(){return"stavesection"},setStaveSection:function(t){return this.section=t,this},setShiftX:function(t){return this.shift_x=t,this},setShiftY:function(t){return this.shift_y=t,this},draw:function(t,i){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw stave section without a context.");var e=t.context;e.save(),e.lineWidth=2,e.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight);var s=e.measureText(""+this.section).width,n=s+6;18>n&&(n=18);var h=20,o=t.getYForTopText(3)+this.shift_y,r=this.x+i;return e.beginPath(),e.lineWidth=2,e.rect(r,o,n,h),e.stroke(),r+=(n-s)/2,e.fillText(""+this.section,r,o+16),e.restore(),this}}),t}();Vex.Flow.StaveTempo=function(){function t(t,e,i){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,e,i)}return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StaveModifier,{init:function(e,i,o){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.tempo=e,this.position=Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.ABOVE,this.x=i,this.shift_x=10,this.shift_y=o,this.font={family:"times",size:14,weight:"bold"},this.render_options={glyph_font_scale:30}},getCategory:function(){return"stavetempo"},setTempo:function(t){return this.tempo=t,this},setShiftX:function(t){return this.shift_x=t,this},setShiftY:function(t){return this.shift_y=t,this},draw:function(t,e){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw stave tempo without a context.");var i=this.render_options,o=i.glyph_font_scale/38,s=this.tempo.name,n=this.tempo.duration,h=this.tempo.dots,r=this.tempo.bpm,a=this.font,f=t.context,l=this.x+this.shift_x+e,m=t.getYForTopText(1)+this.shift_y;if(f.save(),s&&(f.setFont(a.family,a.size,a.weight),f.fillText(s,l,m),l+=f.measureText(s).width),n&&r){f.setFont(a.family,a.size,"normal"),s&&(l+=f.measureText(" ").width,f.fillText("(",l,m),l+=f.measureText("(").width);var u=Vex.Flow.durationToGlyph(n);if(l+=3*o,Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(f,l,m,i.glyph_font_scale,u.code_head),l+=u.head_width*o,u.stem){var p=30;u.beam_count&&(p+=3*(u.beam_count-1)),p*=o;var x=m-p;f.fillRect(l,x,o,p),u.flag&&(Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(f,l+o,x,i.glyph_font_scale,u.code_flag_upstem),h||(l+=6*o))}for(var c=0;h>c;c++)l+=6*o,f.beginPath(),f.arc(l,m+2*o,2*o,0,2*Math.PI,!1),f.fill();f.fillText(" = "+r+(s?")":""),l+3*o,m)}return f.restore(),this}}),t}();Vex.Flow.StaveText=function(){function t(t,i,e){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,i,e)}var i=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,i,{init:function(i,e,o){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.setWidth(16),this.text=i,this.position=e,this.options={shift_x:0,shift_y:0,justification:Vex.Flow.TextNote.Justification.CENTER},Vex.Merge(this.options,o),this.font={family:"times",size:16,weight:"normal"}},getCategory:function(){return"stavetext"},setStaveText:function(t){return this.text=t,this},setShiftX:function(t){return this.shift_x=t,this},setShiftY:function(t){return this.shift_y=t,this},setFont:function(t){Vex.Merge(this.font,t)},setText:function(t){this.text=t},draw:function(t){if(!t.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw stave text without a context.");var i=t.context;i.save(),i.lineWidth=2,i.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight);var e,o,s=i.measureText(""+this.text).width,n=Vex.Flow.Modifier;switch(this.position){case n.Position.LEFT:case n.Position.RIGHT:o=(t.getYForLine(0)+t.getBottomLineY())/2+this.options.shift_y,e=this.position==n.Position.LEFT?t.getX()-s-24+this.options.shift_x:t.getX()+t.getWidth()+24+this.options.shift_x;break;case n.Position.ABOVE:case n.Position.BELOW:var h=Vex.Flow.TextNote.Justification;e=t.getX()+this.options.shift_x,this.options.justification==h.CENTER?e+=t.getWidth()/2-s/2:this.options.justification==h.RIGHT&&(e+=t.getWidth()-s),o=this.position==n.Position.ABOVE?t.getYForTopText(2)+this.options.shift_y:t.getYForBottomText(2)+this.options.shift_y;break;default:throw new Vex.RERR("InvalidPosition","Value Must be in Modifier.Position.")}return i.fillText(""+this.text,e,o+4),i.restore(),this}}),t}();Vex.Flow.BarNote=function(){function t(){this.init()}function i(){t.DEBUG&&Vex.L("Vex.Flow.BarNote",arguments)}return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.Note,{init:function(){t.superclass.init.call(this,{duration:"b"});var i=Vex.Flow.Barline.type;this.metrics={widths:{}},this.metrics.widths[i.SINGLE]=8,this.metrics.widths[i.DOUBLE]=12,this.metrics.widths[i.END]=15,this.metrics.widths[i.REPEAT_BEGIN]=14,this.metrics.widths[i.REPEAT_END]=14,this.metrics.widths[i.REPEAT_BOTH]=18,this.metrics.widths[i.NONE]=0,this.ignore_ticks=!0,this.type=i.SINGLE,this.setWidth(this.metrics.widths[this.type])},getType:function(){return this.type},setType:function(t){return this.type=t,this.setWidth(this.metrics.widths[this.type]),this},getBoundingBox:function(){return new Vex.Flow.BoundingBox(0,0,0,0)},addToModifierContext:function(){return this},preFormat:function(){return this.setPreFormatted(!0),this},draw:function(){if(!this.stave)throw new Vex.RERR("NoStave","Can't draw without a stave.");i("Rendering bar line at: ",this.getAbsoluteX());var t=new Vex.Flow.Barline(this.type,this.getAbsoluteX());t.draw(this.stave)}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Tremolo=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}var i=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,i,{init:function(n){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.num=n,this.note=null,this.index=null,this.position=i.Position.CENTER,this.code="v74",this.shift_right=-2,this.y_spacing=4,this.render_options={font_scale:35,stroke_px:3,stroke_spacing:10},this.font={family:"Arial",size:16,weight:""}},getCategory:function(){return"tremolo"},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw Tremolo without a context.");if(!this.note||null==this.index)throw new Vex.RERR("NoAttachedNote","Can't draw Tremolo without a note and index.");var t=this.note.getModifierStartXY(this.position,this.index),i=t.x,n=t.y;i+=this.shift_right;for(var o=0;o0&&this.init(t,s)}return t.LOCATION_TOP=1,t.LOCATION_BOTTOM=-1,t.prototype={init:function(s,i){if(!s||s==[])throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","No notes provided for tuplet.");if(1==s.length)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Too few notes for tuplet.");this.options=Vex.Merge({},i),this.notes=s,this.num_notes="num_notes"in this.options?this.options.num_notes:s.length,this.beats_occupied="beats_occupied"in this.options?this.options.beats_occupied:2,this.bracketed=null==s[0].beam,this.ratioed=!1,this.point=28,this.y_pos=16,this.x_pos=100,this.width=200,this.location=t.LOCATION_TOP,Vex.Flow.Formatter.AlignRestsToNotes(s,!0,!0),this.resolveGlyphs(),this.attach()},attach:function(){for(var t=0;t=1;)this.num_glyphs.push(new Vex.Flow.Glyph("v"+t%10,this.point)),t=parseInt(t/10,10);for(this.denom_glyphs=[],t=this.beats_occupied;t>=1;)this.denom_glyphs.push(new Vex.Flow.Glyph("v"+t%10,this.point)),t=parseInt(t/10,10)},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");var s=this.notes[0],i=this.notes[this.notes.length-1];this.bracketed?(this.x_pos=s.getTieLeftX()-5,this.width=i.getTieRightX()-this.x_pos+5):(this.x_pos=s.getStemX(),this.width=i.getStemX()-this.x_pos);var e;if(this.location==t.LOCATION_TOP)for(this.y_pos=s.getStave().getYForLine(0)-15,e=0;ethis.y_pos&&(this.y_pos=o)}var n,r=0;for(n in this.num_glyphs)r+=this.num_glyphs[n].getMetrics().width;if(this.ratioed){for(n in this.denom_glyphs)r+=this.denom_glyphs[n].getMetrics().width;r+=.32*this.point}var p=this.x_pos+this.width/2,c=p-r/2;if(this.bracketed){var a=this.width/2-r/2-5;a>0&&(this.context.fillRect(this.x_pos,this.y_pos,a,1),this.context.fillRect(this.x_pos+this.width/2+r/2+5,this.y_pos,a,1),this.context.fillRect(this.x_pos,this.y_pos+(this.location==t.LOCATION_BOTTOM),1,10*this.location),this.context.fillRect(this.x_pos+this.width,this.y_pos+(this.location==t.LOCATION_BOTTOM),1,10*this.location))}var l=0,u=this.num_glyphs.length;for(n in this.num_glyphs)this.num_glyphs[u-n-1].render(this.context,c+l,this.y_pos+this.point/3-2),l+=this.num_glyphs[u-n-1].getMetrics().width;if(this.ratioed){var _=c+l+.16*this.point,g=.06*this.point;this.context.beginPath(),this.context.arc(_,this.y_pos-.08*this.point,g,0,2*Math.PI,!0),this.context.closePath(),this.context.fill(),this.context.beginPath(),this.context.arc(_,this.y_pos+.12*this.point,g,0,2*Math.PI,!0),this.context.closePath(),this.context.fill(),l+=.32*this.point,u=this.denom_glyphs.length;for(n in this.denom_glyphs)this.denom_glyphs[u-n-1].render(this.context,c+l,this.y_pos+this.point/3-2),l+=this.denom_glyphs[u-n-1].getMetrics().width}}},t}();Vex.Flow.BoundingBox=function(){function t(t,i,h,n){this.init(t,i,h,n)}return t.copy=function(i){return new t(i.x,i.y,i.w,i.h)},t.prototype={init:function(t,i,h,n){this.x=t,this.y=i,this.w=h,this.h=n},getX:function(){return this.x},getY:function(){return this.y},getW:function(){return this.w},getH:function(){return this.h},setX:function(t){return this.x=t,this},setY:function(t){return this.y=t,this},setW:function(t){return this.w=t,this},setH:function(t){return this.h=t,this},move:function(t,i){this.x+=t,this.y+=i},clone:function(){return t.copy(this)},mergeWith:function(t,i){var h=t,n=this.x0&&this.init(t)}return t.Justification={LEFT:1,CENTER:2,RIGHT:3},t.GLYPHS={segno:{code:"v8c",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:-10},tr:{code:"v1f",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},mordent_upper:{code:"v1e",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},mordent_lower:{code:"v45",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},f:{code:"vba",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},p:{code:"vbf",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},m:{code:"v62",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},s:{code:"v4a",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},z:{code:"v80",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},coda:{code:"v4d",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:-8},pedal_open:{code:"v36",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},pedal_close:{code:"v5d",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:3},caesura_straight:{code:"v34",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:2},caesura_curved:{code:"v4b",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:2},breath:{code:"v6c",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},tick:{code:"v6f",point:50,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},turn:{code:"v72",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},turn_inverted:{code:"v33",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0},mordent:{code:"v1e",point:40,x_shift:0,y_shift:0}},Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.Note,{init:function(i){if(t.superclass.init.call(this,i),this.text=i.text,this.superscript=i.superscript,this.subscript=i.subscript,this.glyph_type=i.glyph,this.glyph=null,this.font={family:"Arial",size:12,weight:""},i.font&&(this.font=i.font),this.glyph_type){var s=t.GLYPHS[this.glyph_type];if(!s)throw new Vex.RERR("Invalid glyph type: "+this.glyph_type);this.glyph=new Vex.Flow.Glyph(s.code,s.point,{cache:!1}),s.width?this.setWidth(s.width):this.setWidth(this.glyph.getMetrics().width),this.glyph_struct=s}else this.setWidth(Vex.Flow.textWidth(this.text));this.line=i.line||0,this.smooth=i.smooth||!1,this.ignore_ticks=i.ignore_ticks||!1,this.justification=t.Justification.LEFT},setJustification:function(t){return this.justification=t,this},setLine:function(t){return this.line=t,this},preFormat:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoRenderContext","Can't measure text without rendering context.");this.preFormatted||(this.smooth?this.setWidth(0):this.glyph||this.setWidth(this.context.measureText(this.text).width),this.justification==t.Justification.CENTER?this.extraLeftPx=this.width/2:this.justification==t.Justification.RIGHT&&(this.extraLeftPx=this.width),this.setPreFormatted(!0))},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoCanvasContext","Can't draw without a canvas context.");if(!this.stave)throw new Vex.RERR("NoStave","Can't draw without a stave.");var i=this.context,s=this.getAbsoluteX();this.justification==t.Justification.CENTER?s-=this.getWidth()/2:this.justification==t.Justification.RIGHT&&(s-=this.getWidth());var e;if(this.glyph)e=this.stave.getYForLine(this.line+-3),this.glyph.render(this.context,s+this.glyph_struct.x_shift,e+this.glyph_struct.y_shift);else{e=this.stave.getYForLine(this.line+-3),i.save(),i.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight),i.fillText(this.text,s,e);var h=i.measureText("M").width,o=i.measureText(this.text).width;this.superscript&&(i.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size/1.3,this.font.weight),i.fillText(this.superscript,s+o+2,e-h/2.2)),this.subscript&&(i.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size/1.3,this.font.weight),i.fillText(this.subscript,s+o+2,e+h/2.2-1)),i.restore()}}}),t}();Vex.Flow.FretHandFinger=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}var i=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,i,{init:function(t){var n=Vex.Flow.FretHandFinger.superclass;n.init.call(this),this.note=null,this.index=null,this.finger=t,this.width=7,this.position=i.Position.LEFT,this.x_shift=0,this.y_shift=0,this.x_offset=0,this.y_offset=0,this.font={family:"sans-serif",size:9,weight:"bold"}},getCategory:function(){return"frethandfinger"},getNote:function(){return this.note},setNote:function(t){return this.note=t,this},getIndex:function(){return this.index},setIndex:function(t){return this.index=t,this},getPosition:function(){return this.position},setPosition:function(t){return t>=i.Position.LEFT&&t<=i.Position.BELOW&&(this.position=t),this},setFretHandFinger:function(t){return this.finger=t,this},setOffsetX:function(t){return this.x_offset=t,this},setOffsetY:function(t){return this.y_offset=t,this},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw string number without a context.");if(!this.note||null==this.index)throw new Vex.RERR("NoAttachedNote","Can't draw string number without a note and index.");var t=this.context,n=this.note.getModifierStartXY(this.position,this.index),e=n.x+this.x_shift+this.x_offset,s=n.y+this.y_shift+this.y_offset+5;switch(this.position){case i.Position.ABOVE:e-=4,s-=12;break;case i.Position.BELOW:e-=2,s+=10;break;case i.Position.LEFT:e-=this.width;break;case i.Position.RIGHT:e+=1}t.save(),t.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight),t.fillText(""+this.finger,e,s),t.restore()}}),t}();Vex.Flow.StringNumber=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}var e=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,e,{init:function(i){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.note=null,this.last_note=null,this.index=null,this.string_number=i,this.setWidth(20),this.position=e.Position.ABOVE,this.x_shift=0,this.y_shift=0,this.x_offset=0,this.y_offset=0,this.dashed=!0,this.leg=Vex.Flow.Renderer.LineEndType.NONE,this.radius=8,this.font={family:"sans-serif",size:10,weight:"bold"}},getCategory:function(){return"stringnumber"},getNote:function(){return this.note},setNote:function(t){return this.note=t,this},getIndex:function(){return this.index},setIndex:function(t){return this.index=t,this},setLineEndType:function(t){return t>=Vex.Flow.Renderer.LineEndType.NONE&&t<=Vex.Flow.Renderer.LineEndType.DOWN&&(this.leg=t),this},getPosition:function(){return this.position},setPosition:function(t){return t>=e.Position.LEFT&&t<=e.Position.BELOW&&(this.position=t),this},setStringNumber:function(t){return this.string_number=t,this},setOffsetX:function(t){return this.x_offset=t,this},setOffsetY:function(t){return this.y_offset=t,this},setLastNote:function(t){return this.last_note=t,this},setDashed:function(t){return this.dashed=t,this},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw string number without a context.");if(!this.note||null==this.index)throw new Vex.RERR("NoAttachedNote","Can't draw string number without a note and index.");var t=this.context,i=this.note.stave.options.spacing_between_lines_px,s=this.note.getModifierStartXY(this.position,this.index),n=s.x+this.x_shift+this.x_offset,o=s.y+this.y_shift+this.y_offset;switch(this.position){case e.Position.ABOVE:case e.Position.BELOW:var h=this.note.getStemExtents(),r=h.topY,a=h.baseY+2;this.note.stem_direction==Vex.Flow.StaveNote.STEM_DOWN&&(r=h.baseY,a=h.topY-2),o=this.position==e.Position.ABOVE?this.note.hasStem()?r-1.75*i:s.y-1.75*i:this.note.hasStem()?a+1.5*i:s.y+1.75*i,o+=this.y_shift+this.y_offset;break;case e.Position.LEFT:n-=this.radius/2+5;break;case e.Position.RIGHT:n+=this.radius/2+6}t.save(),t.beginPath(),t.arc(n,o,this.radius,0,2*Math.PI,!1),t.lineWidth=1.5,t.stroke(),t.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight);var d=n-t.measureText(this.string_number).width/2;if(t.fillText(""+this.string_number,d,o+4.5),null!=this.last_note){var u=this.last_note.getStemX()-this.note.getX()+5;t.strokeStyle="#000000",t.lineCap="round",t.lineWidth=.6,this.dashed?Vex.Flow.Renderer.drawDashedLine(t,n+10,o,n+u,o,[3,3]):Vex.Flow.Renderer.drawDashedLine(t,n+10,o,n+u,o,[3,0]);var f,l;switch(this.leg){case Vex.Flow.Renderer.LineEndType.UP:f=-10,l=this.dashed?[3,3]:[3,0],Vex.Flow.Renderer.drawDashedLine(t,n+u,o,n+u,o+f,l);break;case Vex.Flow.Renderer.LineEndType.DOWN:f=10,l=this.dashed?[3,3]:[3,0],Vex.Flow.Renderer.drawDashedLine(t,n+u,o,n+u,o+f,l)}}t.restore()}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Stroke=function(){function t(t,e){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,e)}t.Type={BRUSH_DOWN:1,BRUSH_UP:2,ROLL_DOWN:3,ROLL_UP:4,RASQUEDO_DOWN:5,RASQUEDO_UP:6};var e=Vex.Flow.Modifier;return Vex.Inherit(t,e,{init:function(i,s){t.superclass.init.call(this),this.note=null,this.options=Vex.Merge({},s),this.all_voices="all_voices"in this.options?this.options.all_voices:!0,this.note_end=null,this.index=null,this.type=i,this.position=e.Position.LEFT,this.render_options={font_scale:38,stroke_px:3,stroke_spacing:10},this.font={family:"serif",size:10,weight:"bold italic"},this.setXShift(0),this.setWidth(10)},getCategory:function(){return"strokes"},getPosition:function(){return this.position},addEndNote:function(t){return this.note_end=t,this},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","Can't draw stroke without a context.");if(!this.note||null==this.index)throw new Vex.RERR("NoAttachedNote","Can't draw stroke without a note and index.");var e,i=this.note.getModifierStartXY(this.position,this.index),s=this.note.getYs(),o=i.y,n=i.y,h=i.x-5,r=this.note.stave.options.spacing_between_lines_px,a=this.getModifierContext().getModifiers(this.note.getCategory());for(e=0;e=e;e+=r)Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.context,h+this.x_shift-4,e,this.render_options.font_scale,"va3");else{for(e=o;n>=e;e+=10)Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.context,h+this.x_shift-4,e,this.render_options.font_scale,"va3");this.type==Vex.Flow.Stroke.Type.RASQUEDO_DOWN&&(p=e+.25*r)}Vex.Flow.renderGlyph(this.context,h+this.x_shift+f,x,this.render_options.font_scale,c),(this.type==t.Type.RASQUEDO_DOWN||this.type==t.Type.RASQUEDO_UP)&&(this.context.save(),this.context.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight),this.context.fillText("R",h+_,p),this.context.restore())}}),t}();Vex.Flow.Curve=function(){function t(t,e,i){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,e,i)}return t.Position={NEAR_HEAD:1,NEAR_TOP:2},t.DEBUG=!0,t.prototype={init:function(e,i,n){this.render_options={spacing:2,thickness:2,x_shift:0,y_shift:10,position:t.Position.NEAR_HEAD,invert:!1,cps:[{x:0,y:10},{x:0,y:10}]},Vex.Merge(this.render_options,n),this.setNotes(e,i)},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},setNotes:function(t,e){if(!t&&!e)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Curve needs to have either first_note or last_note set.");return this.from=t,this.to=e,this},isPartial:function(){return!this.from||!this.to},renderCurve:function(t){var e=this.context,i=this.render_options.cps,n=this.render_options.x_shift,o=this.render_options.y_shift*t.direction,s=t.first_x+n,r=t.first_y+o,h=t.last_x-n,_=t.last_y+o,c=this.render_options.thickness,x=(h-s)/(i.length+2);e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(s,r),e.bezierCurveTo(s+x+i[0].x,r+i[0].y*t.direction,h-x+i[1].x,_+i[1].y*t.direction,h,_),e.bezierCurveTo(h-x+i[1].x,_+(i[1].y+c)*t.direction,s+x+i[0].x,r+(i[0].y+c)*t.direction,s,r),e.stroke(),e.closePath(),e.fill()},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","No context to render tie.");var e,i,n,o,s,r=this.from,h=this.to,_="baseY",c="baseY",x=this.render_options.position,f=this.render_options.position_end;return x===t.Position.NEAR_TOP&&(_="topY",c="topY"),f==t.Position.NEAR_HEAD?c="baseY":f==t.Position.NEAR_TOP&&(c="topY"),r?(e=r.getTieRightX(),s=r.getStemDirection(),n=r.getStemExtents()[_]):(e=h.getStave().getTieStartX(),n=h.getStemExtents()[_]),h?(i=h.getTieLeftX(),s=h.getStemDirection(),o=h.getStemExtents()[c]):(i=r.getStave().getTieEndX(),o=r.getStemExtents()[c]),this.renderCurve({first_x:e,last_x:i,first_y:n,last_y:o,direction:s*(this.render_options.invert===!0?-1:1)}),!0}},t}();Vex.Flow.StaveLine=function(){function t(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)}function e(t,e,i,n,o,s,r){t.beginPath(),t.moveTo(e,i),t.lineTo(n,o),t.lineTo(s,r),t.lineTo(e,i),t.closePath(),t.fill()}function i(t,i,n,o){var s,r,a,h,l=o.draw_start_arrow&&o.draw_end_arrow,d=i.x,_=i.y,c=n.x,x=n.y,f=Math.sqrt((c-d)*(c-d)+(x-_)*(x-_)),g=(f-o.arrowhead_length/3)/f;o.draw_end_arrow||l?(s=Math.round(d+(c-d)*g),r=Math.round(_+(x-_)*g)):(s=c,r=x),o.draw_start_arrow||l?(a=d+(c-d)*(1-g),h=_+(x-_)*(1-g)):(a=d,h=_),o.color&&(t.setStrokeStyle(o.color),t.setFillStyle(o.color)),t.beginPath(),t.moveTo(a,h),t.lineTo(s,r),t.stroke(),t.closePath();var w,u,p,T,y,v,M=Math.atan2(x-_,c-d),P=Math.abs(o.arrowhead_length/Math.cos(o.arrowhead_angle));(o.draw_end_arrow||l)&&(w=M+Math.PI+o.arrowhead_angle,p=c+Math.cos(w)*P,T=x+Math.sin(w)*P,u=M+Math.PI-o.arrowhead_angle,y=c+Math.cos(u)*P,v=x+Math.sin(u)*P,e(t,p,T,c,x,y,v)),(o.draw_start_arrow||l)&&(w=M+o.arrowhead_angle,p=d+Math.cos(w)*P,T=_+Math.sin(w)*P,u=M-o.arrowhead_angle,y=d+Math.cos(u)*P,v=_+Math.sin(u)*P,e(t,p,T,d,_,y,v))}return t.TextVerticalPosition={TOP:1,BOTTOM:2},t.TextJustification={LEFT:1,CENTER:2,RIGHT:3},t.prototype={init:function(e){this.notes=e,this.context=null,this.text="",this.font={family:"Arial",size:10,weight:""},this.render_options={padding_left:4,padding_right:3,line_width:1,line_dash:null,rounded_end:!0,color:null,draw_start_arrow:!1,draw_end_arrow:!1,arrowhead_length:10,arrowhead_angle:Math.PI/8,text_position_vertical:t.TextVerticalPosition.TOP,text_justification:t.TextJustification.CENTER},this.setNotes(e)},setContext:function(t){return this.context=t,this},setFont:function(t){return this.font=t,this},setText:function(t){return this.text=t,this},setNotes:function(t){if(!t.first_note&&!t.last_note)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Notes needs to have either first_note or last_note set.");if(t.first_indices||(t.first_indices=[0]),t.last_indices||(t.last_indices=[0]),t.first_indices.length!=t.last_indices.length)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("BadArguments","Connected notes must have similar index sizes");return this.first_note=t.first_note,this.first_indices=t.first_indices,this.last_note=t.last_note,this.last_indices=t.last_indices,this},applyLineStyle:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","No context to apply the styling to");var t=this.render_options,e=this.context;t.line_dash&&e.setLineDash(t.line_dash),t.line_width&&e.setLineWidth(t.line_width),t.rounded_end?e.setLineCap("round"):e.setLineCap("square")},applyFontStyle:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","No context to apply the styling to");var t=this.context;this.font&&t.setFont(this.font.family,this.font.size,this.font.weight),this.render_options.color&&(t.setStrokeStyle(this.render_options.color),t.setFillStyle(this.render_options.color))},draw:function(){if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RERR("NoContext","No context to render StaveLine.");var e=this.context,n=this.first_note,o=this.last_note,s=this.render_options;e.save(),this.applyLineStyle();var r,a;this.first_indices.forEach(function(t,h){var l=this.last_indices[h];r=n.getModifierStartXY(2,t),a=o.getModifierStartXY(1,l);var d=r.y>a.y;r.x+=n.getMetrics().modRightPx+s.padding_left,a.x-=o.getMetrics().modLeftPx+s.padding_right;var _=n.getGlyph().head_width,c=n.getKeyProps()[t].displaced;c&&1===n.getStemDirection()&&(r.x+=_+s.padding_left);var x=o.getKeyProps()[l].displaced;x&&-1===o.getStemDirection()&&(a.x-=_+s.padding_right),r.y+=d?-3:1,a.y+=d?2:0,i(e,r,a,this.render_options)},this),e.restore();var h=e.measureText(this.text).width,l=s.text_justification,d=0;if(l===t.TextJustification.LEFT)d=r.x;else if(l===t.TextJustification.CENTER){var _=a.x-r.x,c=_/2+r.x;d=c-h/2}else l===t.TextJustification.RIGHT&&(d=a.x-h);var x,f=s.text_position_vertical;return f===t.TextVerticalPosition.TOP?x=n.getStave().getYForTopText():f===t.TextVerticalPosition.BOTTOM&&(x=n.getStave().getYForBottomText()),e.save(),this.applyFontStyle(),e.fillText(this.text,d,x),e.restore(),this}},t}();Vex.Flow.GraceNote=function(){var t=function(t){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t)};return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.StaveNote,{init:function(e){t.superclass.init.call(this,e),this.render_options.glyph_font_scale=22,this.render_options.stem_height=20,this.render_options.stroke_px=2,this.glyph.head_width=6,this.slash=e.slash,this.slur=!0,this.buildNoteHeads(),this.width=3},getStemExtension:function(){var t=this.getGlyph();return null!=this.stem_extension_override?this.stem_extension_override:t?1===this.getStemDirection()?t.gracenote_stem_up_extension:t.gracenote_stem_down_extension:0},getCategory:function(){return"gracenotes"},draw:function(){t.superclass.draw.call(this);var e=this.context,i=this.getStemDirection();if(this.slash){e.beginPath();var s=this.getAbsoluteX(),n=this.getYs()[0]-this.stem.getHeight()/2.8;1===i?(s+=1,e.lineTo(s,n),e.lineTo(s+13,n-9)):-1===i&&(s-=4,n+=1,e.lineTo(s,n),e.lineTo(s+13,n+9)),e.closePath(),e.stroke()}}}),t}();Vex.Flow.GraceNoteGroup=function(){var t=function(t,e){arguments.length>0&&this.init(t,e)};return Vex.Inherit(t,Vex.Flow.Modifier,{init:function(e,i){var n=t.superclass;return n.init.call(this),this.note=null,this.index=null,this.position=Vex.Flow.Modifier.Position.LEFT,this.grace_notes=e,this.width=0,this.preFormatted=!1,this.show_slur=i,this.slur=null,this.formatter=new Vex.Flow.Formatter,this.voice=new Vex.Flow.Voice({num_beats:4,beat_value:4,resolution:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION}).setStrict(!1),this.voice.addTickables(this.grace_notes),this},preFormat:function(){this.preFormatted||(this.formatter.joinVoices([this.voice]).format([this.voice],0),this.setWidth(this.formatter.getMinTotalWidth()),this.preFormatted=!0)},beamNotes:function(){if(this.grace_notes.length>1){var t=new Vex.Flow.Beam(this.grace_notes);t.render_options.beam_width=3,t.render_options.partial_beam_length=4,this.beam=t}return this},setNote:function(t){this.note=t},getCategory:function(){return"gracenotegroups"},setWidth:function(t){this.width=t},getWidth:function(){return this.width},setXShift:function(t){this.x_shift=t},draw:function(){function t(t,e){var i=e.getTickContext(),n=i.getExtraPx(),o=i.getX()-n.left-n.extraLeft;t.forEach(function(t){var i=t.getTickContext(),n=i.getX();t.setStave(e.stave),i.setX(o+n)})}if(!this.context)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("NoContext","Can't draw Grace note without a context.");var e=this.getNote();if(!e||null===this.index)throw new Vex.RuntimeError("NoAttachedNote","Can't draw grace note without a parent note and parent note index.");t(this.grace_notes,e),this.grace_notes.forEach(function(t){t.setContext(this.context).draw()},this),this.beam&&this.beam.setContext(this.context).draw(),this.show_slur&&(this.slur=new Vex.Flow.StaveTie({last_note:this.grace_notes[0],first_note:e,first_indices:[0],last_indices:[0]}),this.slur.render_options.cp2=12,this.slur.setContext(this.context).draw())}}),t}(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index ca68ed1..4738eda 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ "start": "node server.js", "build": "BABEL_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/webpack --config webpack.config.production.js", "lint": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint .", - "test": "node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --single-run --browsers PhantomJS" + "test": "node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --single-run --browsers PhantomJS", + "pretty": "node_modules/.bin/prettier --write --config .prettierrc \"app/scripts/**/*.js\"" } }