Releases: pharo-ide/Seamless
Fix remote doIts with globals which are missing in local image
In case of remote doIt in playground the RemoteDoItReceiver is set as an environment of remote compilation context. It fixes variable lookup in compatible way for 6, 7 and 8 Pharo versions
Pharo 7 support
It is adopted to Pharo 7 compiler changes
Pharo5 support for remote GTInspector
More overrides is added to Pharo5Support to fix proxy inspector in Pharo 5.
Following script will load Seamless with GT support in Pharo5:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Seamless';
repository: 'github://dionisiydk/Seamless';
load: #(Core 'Seamless-GTSupport' 'Seamless-Logging').
It have single problem with dependency from tests. Just ignore it (press Proceed). Or wrap script with error handler:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Seamless';
repository: 'github://dionisiydk/Seamless';
load: #(Core 'Seamless-GTSupport' 'Seamless-Logging').
] on: Warning do: [ :err | err resume].
Missing support for Pharo5
Missing package to support Pharo5 is moved from smalltalkhub.
But gt-support and tests parts of project will not work in the old Pharo (and problems during loading).
So to load code into Pharo5 use following script:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Seamless';
repository: 'github://dionisiydk/Seamless';
load: #(Core 'Seamless-Logging').
Problems are not related to core functionality. So you can use it without tests.
Also remote inspector can be easily fixed. Issue is related to deprecated pragma message #selector
Seamless transfer by reference strategy is improved
Seamless transfer by reference strategy is improved.
It ignore cached properties when reference points to remote peer
LocalVariableState timeout for remote value update
Merge pull request #7 from dionisiydk/dev default strategies are managed by class side inst var #default
RemoteWorkspaceVariable is improved and Pragma #selection deprecation
SeamlessRemoteWorkspaceVariable is improved with cached variable state on remote side. It is represented by SeamlessLocalVariableState. It updates local state during write/read operations. And if there is connection with remote side of remote variable then it produce remote request to update remote state. This remote request is protected from failures and it is asynchronous in case of write. So if remote update failed then only local state will be used during remote method execution.
It makes remote doIt scripts independant from state of connection with remote side.
Pragma #selection deprecation is done. It is now #methodSelector.
Selector deprecation is not compatible with Pharo 5. But github version only targets Pharos >= 6.
Post load action is added to baseline to initialise test serialization format. It is required when new core Seamless classes area added. Some of them decoded with compact format and registry of compact classes is needs to be updated together with new code
bad group in dependency of objectStatistics
It just fixes one missing dependency for default loading group. It is not critical but it not included tool to analyse statistics of network communication
Moved from smalltalkhub
peer destroy operation ignore possible identification problems