#Globus Auth Client Example
Simple Flask application to demonstrate authenticating with Globus Auth.
Currently the production demo app is running on an instance of the Dokku platform. This is a Heroku like infraustructure that you can git push to deploy on.
Full documentation can be found on the Dokku website.
###Summary of Dokku commands
The general form of commands is:
ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP <command>
Help for a list of all commands and options
ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP help
Rebuild production to restart the app, as is.
This will retrieve a fresh
grant request / token.ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP ps:rebuild auth_demo_prod
Config Variable Management
To add or update a config variable (making sure to quote if necessary)
ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod ENV_VAR_NAME="ENV_VAR_VALUE"
To completely remove a config variable
ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:unset auth_demo_prod ENV_VAR_NAME
##Setup Service
Start with a fresh, organic, free range Ubuntu 14.04 x64 machine.
Setup the Dokku platform
SSH (as "ubuntu" for example on AWS) and run the following:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/progrium/dokku/v0.4.3/bootstrap.sh sudo DOKKU_TAG=v0.4.3 bash bootstrap.sh
Add your SSH key as a Dokku deploy key
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh <root_user>@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP "sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku globus"
Create app on the platform and set configuration variables
ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP apps:create auth_demo_prod ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod CREDENTIAL_SCOP_ID="auth:login" ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod DEBUG="False" ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod FLASK_ENV="production" ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="<OAUTH_CLIENT_ID>" ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="<OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET>" ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod SCOPE_ID="auth:view_identities" ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP config:set auth_demo_prod SECRET_APPLICATION_KEY="<secure_random_key>"
Deploy this app to the Dokku platform
From within a cloned copy of this git repo, run the following:
git remote add dokku dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP:auth_demo_prod git push dokku master
There will be
output, towards the end of this output, the active url will show. It will be along the lines of:http://auth_demo_prod.AUTH_DEMO_BOX_DNS
Adjust your DNS accordingly to point to the Dokku box and update the app url:
ssh -t dokku@AUTH_DEMO_BOX_IP domains:add auth_demo_prod http://production.url
Setup the SSL layer
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.