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83 lines (63 loc) · 3.7 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (63 loc) · 3.7 KB

Minimal Install of Istio

minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve --memory 5140
#IMPORTANT version 2.12.0 of helm doesn't work
alias helm="docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/apps:rw -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube -v ~/.minikube:$(echo ~)/.minikube alpine/helm:2.11.0"
#is the service account needed etc. when the default minikube install doesn't have RBAC enabled?
kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/helm-service-account.yaml
helm init --service-account tiller
helm install install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio-minimal --namespace istio-system \
  --set security.enabled=false \
  --set ingress.enabled=false \
  --set gateways.istio-ingressgateway.enabled=false \
  --set gateways.istio-egressgateway.enabled=false \
  --set galley.enabled=false \
  --set sidecarInjectorWebhook.enabled=false \
  --set mixer.enabled=false \
  --set prometheus.enabled=false \
  --set global.proxy.envoyStatsd.enabled=false \
  --set pilot.sidecar=false
kubectl get pods -n istio-system -w

Creating different docker images for the different versions

The CI/CD pipelines will have managed the following in a real life situation, note that these steps have already taken place:

Create a release branch

git checkout -b 1.0.x

Edit the source code to return something clearly identifying the version (1.0.152) of code, build, commit, push, docker build, docker push and git tag

vi books/src/main/groovy/example/micronaut/BooksRepositoryImpl.groovy 
cd books
./gradlew clean build
cd ..
git add books/src/main/groovy/example/micronaut/BooksRepositoryImpl.groovy   
git commit -m 'changes for v1.0.152'
git push --set-upstream origin 1.0.x
docker build books -t petenorth/micronaut-books:1.0.152
docker push petenorth/micronaut-books:1.0.152
git tag -a 1.0.152 -m "a release that will be used for the existing version of code in a canary release"
git push origin 1.0.152

Edit the source code to return something clearly identifying the version (1.0.156) of code, build, commit, push, docker build, docker push and git tag

vi books/src/main/groovy/example/micronaut/BooksRepositoryImpl.groovy 
cd books
./gradlew clean build
cd ..
git add books/src/main/groovy/example/micronaut/BooksRepositoryImpl.groovy 
git commit -m 'changes for v1.0.156'
git push
docker build books -t petenorth/micronaut-books:1.0.156
docker push petenorth/micronaut-books:1.0.156
git tag -a 1.0.156 -m "a release that will be used for the new version of code in a canary release"
git push origin 1.0.156

Deploy as current and canary as two separate helm releases

Make sure you are in the root directory of where ever you have clone this project to.

alias helm="docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/apps:rw -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube -v ~/.minikube:$(echo ~)/.minikube alpine/helm:2.11.0"

Install a 'current' version

helm install helm/books --name books-current --set image.tag=1.0.152 --set fullnameOverride=books-current
kubectl get deployment books-current --export=true -o yaml > books-current.yaml
~/istio-1.0.5/bin/istioctl kube-inject -f books-current.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Install a 'canary' version

helm install helm/books --name books-canary --set image.tag=1.0.156 --set fullnameOverride=books-canary
kubectl get deployment books-canary --export=true -o yaml > books-canary.yaml
~/istio-1.0.5/bin/istioctl kube-inject -f books-canary.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Wait for everything to deploy

kubectl get pod -w

Should get to point where you have pods running

books-current-7545c86bf6-7bdrz  2/2       Running   0          14h
books-canary-589b867d7d-6t8sk   2/2       Running   0          14h