- Fix the problem with isHigherThan2_2 #88 - Thanks @edu-lance for reporting
- .kt file support #80
- v3.x support #79
- "Generate Runtime Permissions" not work in Kotlin file #75 - Thanks @sckm
- "Add a delegation method call" inside NeedsPermission method #67
- "Add a delegation method call" outside of method #66
- Action for adding
XXXDispacher.functionWith (this)
- Fix exclude syntax #58
- Make kotlin optional #60
- Make shorter popup title #62
- Update for v2.4.0 #55
- Add dependencies is old version #45
- "Add PermissionsDispatcher dependencies" seems not working if Java file is open #49
- Fix the problem with dependencies format #43
- Add PermissionsDispatcher to dependencies #22
- Show warning if no PM dependencies found #38
- Add NonNull annotation #28
- Show/Hide maxSdkVersion panel based on PD version #30
- Add final to PermissionRequest parameter #31
- [#26] Support maxSdkVersion
- [#24] Add rebuild settings
- [#16] Support inserting onRequestPermissionsResult/onActivityResult call for Kotlin
- [#18][#20] Fix NullPointerException when PermissionsDispatcher is not set as dependancy
- [#5] Support Kotlin
- [#12] Support inserting onRequestPermissionsResult/onActivityResult call
- Initial release