> python main.py --help
The arguments are as follows-
usage: main.py [-h] [--directory DIRECTORY] [--epochs EPOCHS]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--gen_lr GEN_LR] [--dis_lr DIS_LR]
[--download DOWNLOAD]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--directory DIRECTORY
directory of dataset
--epochs EPOCHS total number of epochs you want to run. Default: 100
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for dataset
--gen_lr GEN_LR generator learning rate
--dis_lr DIS_LR discriminator learning rate
--download DOWNLOAD Argument to download dataset. Set to True.
Adversarial Autoencoders Alireza Makhzani, Jonathon Shlens, Navdeep Jaitly, Ian Goodfellow, Brendan Frey
ICLR 2016 / ArXiv
This blog helped me with a lot with the learning rates for the Adam optimizer, AAE with PyTorch, great stuff!!
Adversarial Autoencoders help us in mapping the hidden latent space vector to a given prior distribution defined by the user.
There can be several choices for the encoder we take, like-
- Deterministic - This is the normal encoder used in a standard autoencoder setup. The only stocasticity lies in the given dataset distribution.
- Gaussian Posterior - This is the one taken from the VAE setup, where the encoder network predicts the mean and variance. A sample is then sampled from
. Thus the stochasticity lies in the randomness of the gaussian distribution and the data distribution here.
I have simply used the standard Deterministic network, as suggested by the experiments they carried on the MNIST dataset.
I have taken the losses as defined as in the paper, with help from the forementioned blog.
There are 3 objectives that should come into picture in the Adversarial Autoencoder setup.
- Reconstruction loss, follows the same from the standard autoencoder setup, I have used Binary Crossentropy Loss here.
- Discriminator loss, which discriminates the real samples(defined by the prior distribution) from the fake samples(generated by the encoder).
- Generator loss, we use this to update the generator network (encoder network here), by making sure generated output lies in the given prior distribution.
I trained for a 100 epochs. I set the prior distribution to .
I then randomly generated characters from the given posterior, and then linearly interpolated them to find the results.
Here are the results of the interpolation-
(Sorry for the axes, I did not know how to disable them, this was the first image I took)
7-7 stroke change
If you want the weights, they are stored in the same directory. Just load them and utilize the functions in utils.
Peace ✌️