* All methods overriding some other method must sport
the @Override annotation.
* All implementation of deprecated methods must
propagate the deprecation annotation and documentation.
* Annotation must be in the order @Deprecated, @Override,
For each new type-specific method, the following must happen:
* The method documentation must contain only a short
title (more or less copied from the non-specific JDK
documentation) and a `@see` pointing at the corresponding
non-type-specific method.
* The corresponding non-type-specific method must be
redeclared as @Deprecated with the following documentation
and annotation.
/** {@inheritDoc}
* @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */
* Ideally, one should provide an abstract class which implements
the non-type-specific methods by delegating the argument
to the type-specific method, possibly treating separately
the `null` case. Documentation and annotation should be
/** {@inheritDoc}
* <p>Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method.
* @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */
* Ideally, the abstract class should implement the type-specific
methods following the example of the Java Collections Framework.
For example,
/** {@inheritDoc}
* <p>This implementation just throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. */
Obsolete methods such as intIterator()
should be marked in interfaces
as deprecated and documented with a pointer
/** Returns a type-specific iterator on this elements of this collection.
* @see #iterator()
* @deprecated As of <code>fastutil</code> 5, replaced by {@link #iterator()}.
Whenever these methods are implemented, the deprecation must be propagated.
/** @{inheritDoc}
* @deprecated As of <code>fastutil</code> 5, replaced by {@link #iterator()}. */
Over the years, a number of duplicate methods have been implemented (e.g., standard versions of type-specific methods). For clarity and simplicity, no unnecessary method should be implemented. In doubt, follow the example of the JDK.