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Prentice definition (originally from Stacy 1962) of PDF for generalised gamma:

$\left { \frac{b}{\Gamma k} \right }a^{-bk}x^{bk-1}exp{(-(\frac{x}{a})^b)}$

for $x > 0$

Wikipedia PDF definition = $\frac{p / a^{d}}{\Gamma (d / p)}x^{d - 1}e^{(-\frac{x}{a})^b}$

Stacy & Mihram Prentice Wikipedia
PDF $\frac{|p|x^{p\nu-1}exp{(-(\frac{x}{a})^\nu)}}{a^{p\nu}\Gamma(\nu)}$ eqn(1) $\left { \frac{b}{\Gamma k} \right }a^{-bk}x^{bk-1}exp{(-(\frac{x}{a})^b)}$ $\frac{p / a^{d}}{\Gamma (d / p)}x^{d - 1}e^{(-\frac{x}{a})^b}$
rth moment $E(X^r) = \begin{cases} a^r\frac{\Gamma((p\nu + r)/p)}{\Gamma(\nu)}, & r/p > -\nu\ \infty, & \textup{otherwise} \end{cases}$ eqn (3)
Mean $E(X) = \begin{cases} a\frac{\Gamma((p\nu + 1)/p)}{\Gamma(\nu)}, & r/p > -\nu\ \infty, & \textup{otherwise} \end{cases}$ $a\frac{\Gamma((d + 1)/p)}{\Gamma(d/p)}$
Mode $a(\frac{d-1}{p})^{\frac{1}{p}}$ for $d > 1$, otherwise $0$
Model $\begin{array}{c} y = log(x) \ log(a) + b^{-1}w \end{array}$
Stacy to Prentice Prentice to Wiki Stacy to Wiki Lawless to Wiki
$p = b$ $b = p $ $p = p$ $b = \frac{1}{p}$
$\nu = k$ $k = \frac{d}{p}$ $\nu = \frac{d}{p}$ $k = \frac{d}{p}$
- $bk = d$ - $\alpha = a$

Lawless 1980:

Starting with Prentice PDF defined as:

$\left { \frac{\beta}{\Gamma k} \right }\alpha^{-\beta k}t^{\beta k-1}exp{(-(\frac{t}{\alpha})^\beta)}, ~~~t > 0$

In log link space:

Substitutions Lawless to Prentice
$Y = log(T); ~~~~ e^{y} = t$ $t = x$
$u = log(\alpha); ~~~~~ e^u = \alpha$ $\beta = b$
$b = \frac{1}{\beta}; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \frac{1}{b} = \beta$ $\alpha = a$

$\frac{\frac{1}{b}}{\Gamma k}{(e^u)}^{-\frac{1}{b} k}{(e^y)}^{\frac{1}{b} k-1}exp{(-(\frac{e^{y}}{e^u})^\frac{1}{b})}$

$\frac1{b\Gamma k}{(e^u)}^{-\frac{k}{b}}{(e^y)}^{\frac{k}{b}-1}exp{(-(e^{y-u})^\frac{1}{b})}$

$\frac1{b\Gamma k}(e^{-\frac{uk}{b}}e^{\frac{yk}{b}-y}exp{\left(-e^{\frac{y-u}{b}} \right)})$

$\frac1{b\Gamma k}exp[\frac{yk}{b} -\frac{uk}{b} -y + \left(-e^{\frac{y-u}{b}} \right)]$

$\frac1{b\Gamma k}exp[k(\frac{y - u}{b}) -y + \left(-e^{\frac{y-u}{b}} \right)]$ I have an extra -y and I don't know why...

Lawless 1980
PDF $\frac{1}{b\Gamma(k)}exp\left [ k\left(\frac{y - u}{b}\right) -e^{(y-u)/b}\right ], -\infty < y < \infty$

Original special cases from Prentice, where $b = \beta$ if referring to OG Prentice paper, but I am using Lawless 1980 terms:

Special cases Conditions
Exponential $\beta = k = 1$
Weibull $k = 1$
Gamma $\beta = 1 = \sigma \sqrt(k) = \frac{\sigma}{Q}$
~ Lognormal $k -> \infty$

$k = \frac{1}{Q^2} = Q^{-2}$

$Q = \frac{1}{\sqrt(k)} = k^{-1/2}$

Not sure what to do with this note or why I wrote this down:

  • With Prentice using Q parameterisation: $\left { \frac{b}{\Gamma \frac{1}{Q^{2}}} \right }a^{\frac{-b}{Q^2}}x^{\frac{b}{Q^2}-1}exp{(-(\frac{x}{a})^b)}$

Mean <-> Mu

I think that this is only an issue for the PDF? Not for flexsurv::rgengamma. I do not know about for anything else.

From flexsurv documentation:

# Where mu is the mean
dgengamma(x, mu, sigma, Q=0)  =  dlnorm(x, mu, sigma)
dgengamma(x, mu, sigma, Q=1)  =  dweibull(x, shape=1/sigma, scale=exp(mu))
dgengamma(x, mu, sigma, Q=sigma)  =  dgamma(x, shape=1/sigma^2, rate=exp(-mu) / sigma^2)

Stacy & Mihram 1965 definition of the rth moment:

$E(X^r) = \begin{cases} a^r\Gamma((p\nu + r)/p), & r/p > -\nu\ \infty, & \textup{otherwise} \end{cases}$

Note to self, for the mean, $r = 1$ ('moment ordinal in wikipedia table').

If we rewrite the equation from Stacy & Mihram 1965 using the notation of Lawless 1980 (and match what is the gengamma MS draft: (i.e., $p = \beta$, $\nu = k$)):

$mean = a \frac{\Gamma (\frac{k\beta + 1}{\beta})}{\Gamma k}$

And then use the parameterisations:

  • Lawless eqn (2): $u = log(a)$ such that $a = e^u$
  • And the Lawless parameterisation in eqn(3) and also using the Q parameterisation: $Q = k^{-1/2}$ also $k = Q^{-2}$ we can get:
sigma mu
$\sigma = \frac{b}{\sqrt{k}}$ $\mu = u + b\log(k)$
$\sigma = bQ$ $u = \mu - b\log(Q^{-2})$

-----> OOOOH $\theta = u$ <------

A reminder that $\beta = \frac{1}{b} = \frac{Q}{\sigma}$,

We get:

$\begin{align} mean = \frac{\Gamma (\frac{k\beta + 1}{\beta})}{\Gamma k}\cdot e^{\mu - \frac{\sigma\log(Q^{-2})}{Q}} \nonumber \end{align}$ alternatively, to solve for $\mu$, $\begin{align} \log(mean) = \log(\frac{\Gamma (\frac{k\beta + 1}{\beta})}{\Gamma k}) + \log(e^{\mu - \frac{\sigma\log(Q^{-2})}{Q}}) \nonumber \ \log(mean) = \log\Gamma \left(\frac{k\beta + 1}{\beta}\right) - \log(\Gamma k) + \mu - \frac{\sigma\log(Q^{-2})}{Q} \nonumber \ \log(mean) - \log\Gamma \left(\frac{k\beta + 1}{\beta}\right) + \log(\Gamma k) + \frac{\sigma\log(Q^{-2})}{Q} = \mu \nonumber \ \end{align}$

k <- q^(-2)
beta <- Q / sigma
# This works
mu <- log(mean) - lgamma((k * beta + 1) / beta) + lgamma(k) + (sigma * log(q^(-2)) /q)
mean <- (gamma((k * beta + 1) / beta) / gamma(k)) * exp(mu - (sigma * log(Q^(-2)) / Q))

Calculate PDF in R/cpp

# In R
Q <- 0.2
sigma <- 0.9
mean <- 0.34
mu <- mu_from_mean(mean = mean, Q = Q, sigma = sigma)
x <- 2

# From flexsurv
y = log(x)
w = (y - mu) / sigma
abs_Q = abs(Q)
qi = 1 / (Q^2)
qw = Q * w

-log(sigma * x) + log(abs_Q) * (1 - 2 * qi) + qi * (qw - exp(qw)) - lgamma(qi)

# Rewrite in terms of Q
-log(sigma * x) + log(abs(Q)) * (1 - 2 * Q^-2) + (Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)) - lgamma(Q^-2)

# Simplify
- log(sigma * x) + log(abs(Q)^(1 - 2 * Q^-2)) + (Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)) - lgamma(Q^-2)
log(abs(Q)^(1 - 2 * Q^-2) / (sigma * x)) + (Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)) - lgamma(Q^-2)
log(abs(Q)^(1 - 2 * Q^-2) / (sigma * x * gamma(Q^-2))) + (Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w))
log(abs(Q)^(1 - 2 * Q^-2) / (sigma * x * gamma(Q^-2)) * exp((Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w))))

exp(log(abs(Q)^(1 - 2 * Q^-2) / (sigma * x * gamma(Q^-2)) * exp((Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)))))
(abs(Q)^(1 - 2 * Q^-2) / (sigma * x * gamma(Q^-2))) * exp((Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)))

((abs(Q)^(1) / (abs(Q)^ (2 * Q^-2))) / (sigma * x * gamma(Q^-2))) * exp((Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)))
# Use abs(Q) = (Q^2) ^ (1/2)
((abs(Q)^(1) / (((Q^2)^(1/2))^(2 * Q^-2))) / (sigma * x * gamma(Q^-2))) * exp((Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)))
# Simplify exponents
((abs(Q) / (Q^ (2 * (Q^-2)))) / (sigma * x * gamma(Q^-2))) * exp((Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)))
# Match gen gamma MS draft Table 5 PDF equation: 
((abs(Q) * (Q^ -(2 * (Q^-2)))) / (sigma * x * gamma(Q^-2))) * exp((Q^-2) * (Q * w - exp(Q * w)))

# Question for Jim, I don't clearly see where this equation comes from based on Stacy & Mihram, Prentice, and Lawless

$\log(\sigma * x) + (1 - 2Q)\log(\left |Q\right |) + Q(Qw - e^{Qw}) - \log\Gamma(Q)$

simplify before exponentiating:

$\frac{\log(\sigma x\left (|Q\right |^{(1 - 2Q)}))}{\log\Gamma(Q)} + Q(Qw - e^{Qw})$


$\frac{\sigma x\left (|Q\right |^{(1 - 2Q)})}{\Gamma(Q)} + e^{Q(Qw - e^{Qw})}$

From Prentice: transformation of k can give us $Q = \frac{1}{k^2}$, such that $k = \frac{1}{Q^2} = Q^{-2}$


$y = \log(x)$

Can also be written as:

$y = \log(a) + \frac{w}{b}$

where density function for $w$ is: $\left { \Gamma (k) \right }^{-1}exp(kw)exp(-e^w)$

$\frac{1}{\left { \Gamma (k) \right }}exp(kw)exp(-e^w)$

$\frac{1}{\left { \Gamma (k) \right }}e^{kw}e^{-e^w}$

Variance function:

Scale simulated values to CV

$cv = \frac{sd}{mean}$

Gamma distribution:
$shape = k$
$mean = k\theta$
$variance = \sigma^2 = k\theta^2$
$sd = \sqrt{k\theta^2} = \theta\sqrt{k}$
$cv = \frac{\theta\sqrt{k}}{k\theta} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{k}}$

sdmTMB gamma parameterisation:
s1 = exp(ln_phi(m)); // shape
$k = phi$ $cv = \frac{1}{\sqrt{phi}}$
$phi = \frac{1}{cv^2}$

Lognormal distribution:

$mean = \exp\left(\ \mu +{\frac {\sigma ^{2}}{2}}\ \right)$

$variance = {\left[\ \exp(\sigma ^{2})-1\ \right]\exp \left(2\mu +\sigma ^{2}\right)\ }$

$cv = \frac{\sqrt{\left[\ \exp(\sigma ^{2})-1\ \right]\exp \left(2\mu +\sigma ^{2}\right)\ }}{\exp\left(\ \mu +{\frac {\sigma ^{2}}{2}}\ \right)}$

mu = 1
sigma2 = 0.5

.mean = exp(mu + sigma2 / 2)
.var = (exp(sigma2) - 1) * exp(2 * mu + sigma2)
.sd = sqrt((exp(sigma2) - 1) * exp(2 * mu + sigma2))

sd / mean