Creating an inline timer that is called once after five seconds. Note that the y_inline_timers API takes time and number of calls (0 for unlimited), not time and forever/once boolean.
#include <a_samp>
// Include for `inline`.
#include <YSI_Coding\y_inline>
// Include for `Timer_CreateCallback`.
#include <YSI_Extra\y_inline_timers>
// Store the timer handles.
static gTimers[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
// This is in the "closure", so it can be used and updated in the inline.
// Every `using inline` creates a new closure, so `minutes` is per-player.
new minutes = 0;
// `inline` is like `stock`, but declares a function inside another
// function.
inline OneMinute()
// Modify `minutes` from the outer function.
// Send a message to the `playerid` from the outer function.
va_SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_MSG, "You have been connected for %d minutes", minutes);
// When the inline function ends the value of `minutes` is saved for the
// next call. If you DON'T want this saving, use `inline const`.
// Create a timer that calls an inline function with `Timer_CreateCallback`:
// `using inline OneMinute` - specify the function and store the closure.
// 60000 - One minute in milliseconds.
// 0 - No call count, repeat forever.
gTimers[playerid] = Timer_CreateCallback(using inline OneMinute, 60000, 0);
return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
// Stop the timer (also frees the memory used for the closure).